A new colony has been founded

Recent readers

September 1st, 2025

Greetings Magistrate.

If you are reading this, then you and your charges...
Greetings Commander

Useless Writer

He who should not access the interwebs...
Somewhere between Wolf 359 and Courscant
September 1st, 2025

Greetings Magistrate.

If you are reading this, then you and your charges have survived the journey to Mars and made planetfall. As the first official colonial team to land on Mars, I would like to offer congratulations, you and yours will enter history alongside Sir Francis Drake, Christopher Columbus, and Neil Armstrong as some of the greatest explorers in history.

Make sure to record everything for posterity. Even the untimely death of your colony could give us further insight into future colonization prospects and procedures.


"Well, for some reason that doesn't fill me with hope." You say as you lean back in your chair.

Where do you sit?

[ ] (Corporate Colony) You currently sit in your luxury quarters aboard Space-X's piece de resistance. The Venture, the first proper interstellar Vehicle. This Ship is currently filled to the brim with colonists in medically induced comas while the crew commands robotic construction bots to finish the landing strip and the colony proper. Everything is being paid for by the private sector of the Space industry

[ ] (Scientific Colony) You currently sit on Mars's surface. The prefabbed structures of your base having sat empty for years before you could requisition the proper vehicles. There aren't many colonists, but you've already achieved self sufficiency for your colony. Here to stay as the saying goes. The government really thought of everything, didn't they?

[ ] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.

What is your relationship with your sponsor?

[ ] Actively communicating: You regularly receive communications, updates, research papers and cat videos from your sponsor.

[ ] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.

[ ] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.

What was your colony designed for? What is it's purpose?

[ ] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.

[ ] Research and testing: Plenty of Scientific equipment and a full info-dump of all of earth's information.

[ ] Resource exploitation: You have the capability to start tapping Mars's resources with almost frightening ease.

[ ] Jack of all trades: Nothing special, you have a little bit of everything, but lack any high end facilities.

How do you think the future looks like for your colony?

[ ] Couldn't be better! (oppression and conquest)

[ ] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)

[ ] Things are fine, I guess (Alien ruins lead to monsters)

[ ] What could go wrong? (There are no words for what's about to happen)
[X] (Scientific Colony) You currently sit on Mars's surface. The prefabbed structures of your base having sat empty for years before you could requisition the proper vehicles. There aren't many colonists, but you've already achieved self sufficiency for your colony. Here to stay as the saying goes. The government really thought of everything, didn't they?

[X] Actively communicating: You regularly receive communications, updates, research papers and cat videos from your sponsor.

[X] Research and testing: Plenty of Scientific equipment and a full info-dump of all of earth's information.

[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)
[X] (Scientific Colony) You currently sit on Mars's surface. The prefabbed structures of your base having sat empty for years before you could requisition the proper vehicles. There aren't many colonists, but you've already achieved self sufficiency for your colony. Here to stay as the saying goes. The government really thought of everything, didn't they?
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] Things are fine, I guess (Alien ruins lead to monsters)
[X] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.
[X] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)

I do like the idea of being on our own.
[X] (Scientific Colony)
[X] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)

Lonely Science in the dark...
[X] (Scientific Colony)
[X] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)
And now for fun mish-mashing!

[ ] (Corporate Colony)
[ ] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[ ] Research and testing: Plenty of Scientific equipment and a full info-dump of all of earth's information.
[ ] What could go wrong? (There are no words for what's about to happen)
[ ] (Scientific Colony)
[ ] Actively communicating: You regularly receive communications, updates, research papers and cat videos from your sponsor.
[ ] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[ ] Things are fine, I guess (Alien ruins lead to monsters)
[ ] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.
[ ] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[ ] Jack of all trades: Nothing special, you have a little bit of everything, but lack any high end facilities.
[ ] Couldn't be better! (oppression and conquest)
[ ] Any Colony
[ ] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.
[ ] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[ ] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)
[X] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Jack of all trades: Nothing special, you have a little bit of everything, but lack any high end facilities.
[X] Couldn't be better! (oppression and conquest)
[X] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Jack of all trades: Nothing special, you have a little bit of everything, but lack any high end facilities.
[X] Couldn't be better! (oppression and conquest)
[X] (Corporate Colony) You currently sit in your luxury quarters aboard Space-X's piece de resistance. The Venture, the first proper interstellar Vehicle. This Ship is currently filled to the brim with colonists in medically induced comas while the crew commands robotic construction bots to finish the landing strip and the colony proper. Everything is being paid for by the private sector of the Space industry
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] Things are fine, I guess (Alien ruins lead to monsters)
[X] (Scientific Colony) You currently sit on Mars's surface. The prefabbed structures of your base having sat empty for years before you could requisition the proper vehicles. There aren't many colonists, but you've already achieved self sufficiency for your colony. Here to stay as the saying goes. The government really thought of everything, didn't they?
[X] Nonexistent: You're on your own bub.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)
[X] (Corporate Colony) You currently sit in your luxury quarters aboard Space-X's piece de resistance. The Venture, the first proper interstellar Vehicle. This Ship is currently filled to the brim with colonists in medically induced comas while the crew commands robotic construction bots to finish the landing strip and the colony proper. Everything is being paid for by the private sector of the Space industry
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Long term Habitation: Your sponsors made sure that your colony would easily pass into the hands of your great, great grandchildren.
[X] Things are fine, I guess (Alien ruins lead to monsters)
Just a little QM's note, the future is always in flux, and the actions your colony takes have more of an effect then you may think on future events. Nothing is set In stone, nor is it impossible that another future come to pass.

Edit: Current majorities stand at

[5]Scientific Colony

[6]Distant communication with sponsor

[7]Long term Habitation

[5]No problems I can see
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[X] (Civilian Colony) You currently sit in the seat of a construction vehicle chewing into the Martian Soil. Full of idealism and hope, your swarthy band of colonists sets forth to strike the earth! You think fondly of the billionaire who privately funded this expedition, he had such an odd sense of humour.
[X] Distant: Due to equipment limitations, budget constraints, or lack of actual interest. You rarely communicate with your sponsors.
[X] Jack of all trades: Nothing special, you have a little bit of everything, but lack any high end facilities.
[X] Couldn't be better! (oppression and conquest)
Huh, I pull out some Asimov/Ray Bradbury retro sci-fi thing and it gets popular pretty darn quick! I suppose we have seen plenty of the other varieties lately, people must miss the classics...
Who knows, it might pull through. AS it stands I'm gonna take a final count in three hours and ten minutes. so 7pm by my clock
[X] (Scientific Colony) You currently sit on Mars's surface. The prefabbed structures of your base having sat empty for years before you could requisition the proper vehicles. There aren't many colonists, but you've already achieved self sufficiency for your colony. Here to stay as the saying goes. The government really thought of everything, didn't they?

[X] Actively communicating: You regularly receive communications, updates, research papers and cat videos from your sponsor.

[X] Research and testing: Plenty of Scientific equipment and a full info-dump of all of earth's information.

[X] No problems I can see (Earth nuked)
Farm, Well, or Air?
Well Magistrate, welcome to your first day at work on the red world. Sadly, it's not going to be a pleasant one, as you and the colonists need to move in and assess how the base held up during the six-year interlude between completion of construction and habitation.

The Colony had been constructed...

[ ] Aboveground
[ ] Partially aboveground
[ ] Belowground

When the committee at NASA designed and dispatched the construction robots, what exactly were they ordered to build to ensure long term habitation would be viable?

[ ] Bio dome : A miniature biosphere, while there are no animals bigger then insects at the moment, it could be the beginning of something great.
+Plenty of edible fruits, vegetables, fungi, and medicinal plants available in addition to high protein insects, psychological stability enhance by allowing everyone to go take a walk through the fields.
-In dire need of repairs to sensitive systems. Labor intensive to keep running. Vulnerable to surface disasters

[ ] Water collection and Distillation plant: Really more of an Ice mine with little automated mining drones.
+No need to worry about water running out. NASA sent you fish eggs, seaweed cuttings, everything necessary to start an aquatic agrarian diet.
-Relying on rations until you can establish an Ecosystem, May have oxygen concerns in a few months.

[ ] Oxygen Farm : A simulated forest of tough, genetically modified deciduous trees and ferns. Lichen and fungi are common in the cold, moist undergrowth.
+ No need to worry about Oxygen running out, psychological stability enhanced by allowing everyone to go take a walk through the woods
- few fruit bearing trees and edible plants, self sufficiency still awhile off. Vulnerable to surface disasters.

Your people (all forty of them) are situated in housing of some type, which is it?

[ ] Group Dorms: Small modules capable of holding four people each.
+ More privacy, domiciles are spread out in case of disaster.
-Greater chance of sedition or crime occurring, as secret meetings or crimes are easier to carry out.

[ ] Community center: A single large building capable of holding about fifty people.
+Easier formation of relationships, harder for crime or revolution to take place.
-Everyone's in one place in the event of a disaster. Less privacy.

You have a Decent machine shop and foundry. Allowing you to build most of the tools and implements you will need for the long haul. Vehicles and new buildings can be constructed if you are willing to have the shop out of commission for three to six months (three to six turns). WEAR AND TEAR will accumulate every month that the machine shop is out of commission. The amount of WEAR AND TEAR could cause crisis situations to unfold as important machinery breaks or wears out.

You have a Primitive airport. Little more then a smooth patch of rock where aircraft and some spacecraft can land. WEAR AND TEAR will accumulate for any Spacecraft or Aircraft docked at this facility due to the lack of proper maintenance facilities and Equipment. Two space-to-ground shuttles currently rest at this site. Their condition is Fair (10)

I'll put up a post about WEAR AND TEAR to explain more about that mechanic.
[X] Partially aboveground

[X] Oxygen Farm : A simulated forest of tough, genetically modified deciduous trees and ferns. Lichen and fungi are common in the cold, moist undergrowth.

[X] Community center: A single large building capable of holding about fifty people.
[X] Partially aboveground
[X] Water collection and Distillation plant: Really more of an Ice mine with little automated mining drones.
[X] Community center: A single large building capable of holding about fifty people.
Changing vote arguments for Water Collection have convinced me that is the better option to start off with.
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[X] Partially aboveground
[X] Bio dome : A miniature biosphere, while there are no animals bigger then insects at the moment, it could be the beginning of something great.
+Plenty of edible fruits, vegetables, fungi, and medicinal plants available in addition to high protein insects, psychological stability enhance by allowing everyone to go take a walk through the fields.
-In dire need of repairs to sensitive systems. Labor intensive to keep running. Vulnerable to surface disasters
[X] Community center: A single large building capable of holding about fifty people.
+Easier formation of relationships, harder for crime or revolution to take place.
-Everyone's in one place in the event of a disaster. Less privacy.
We can switch to Group Dorms after we get everything situated
I have to ask first, 'Surface Disasters' include things like earthquakes and the like or things like meteor showers and heat waves?

[X] Partially aboveground
[X] Water collection and Distillation plant: Really more of an Ice mine with little automated mining drones.
[X] Group Dorms: Small modules capable of holding four people each.

Surface: More resources to expand, but less time, only weak to 'surface' events, like meteor showers or storms.
Middle: Middle ground, we can either expand above or below based on whether we have more time or parts on hand, but we're going to be hit with both above and below events.
Below: More time to expand, less resources to expand, only weak to 'underground' events, like collapses and quakes.

Food: Third most necessary biological imperative (~7 days), and can feasibly supply O2 for a while though it may dreadfully reduce water supplies, and damaged. Can scrub O2 for H2O without much issue, but you can't really turn carbon into either of those...
Water: Second most necessary biological imperative (~2 days), and can fairly quickly supply food, but generates virtually no O2. We could always cannibalize some water for more air, but there's only so much water...
Air: Most necessary biological imperative (~5 minutes), least damaged but least supply of lesser imperatives. People are still meat, and H2O is just a couple hydrogen atoms or a quick whiz away.

Huts: Disasters hurt population less and people are less prone to negative social events, but when morale is low, population quickly becomes rebellion. Regardless, crime will be a bigger issue.
Tribe: Disasters hurt basically everyone currently off-duty in other structures or areas and people are more prone to social events, but morale can be harder to break and people are less likely to become seditious when the chips are down.

-Costs more of whichever resource we have the most spare of to expand
-All negative events can occur, but only damage the colony by parts and not wholes
-Food (delayed) and water supply is protected, air can be electrolyzed from surplus and scrubbed from exhalation
-Population is protected from being eliminated all at once, population at risk for factionalism and individualism

I suggest that in any case where the population is in the community dome that partially above-ground not be the favored colony style, since more negative events will occur in general which could risk the population.
Game mechanic

This mechanic showcases the slow degradation of tools and equipment as time goes on. As WEAR AND TEAR (or WAT for short) Accumulates, your colony is put into further danger as machines malfunction, tools snap, and pipes break.

Think of WAT as a particular system's health bar. When disasters occur or the Machine shop is put out of commission, the system takes damage. The more damage it takes, the more likely it will fail.

Here is the order of System Conditions and their HP value

Peak capacity (100%-76%)
Repairs Suggested(75%-51%)
Serviceable, but Repairs are needed (50%-26%)
Failing (25%-1%)
Broken (0)

If any of the vital systems fail or too many ancilliary systems fail (say three) a bad end will be triggered and the quest will end.

Vital Systems
-Oxygen Recycling

Ancillary Systems
-Water Production
-Temperature control
-Food Production
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Surface Disasters: Sandstorms, Dust storms, windstorms, metor strikes and hostile invasions

Underground disasters: Collapse, earthquake, high-end meteor strikes. gas pockets.
[X] Belowground
[X] Oxygen Farm : A simulated forest of tough, genetically modified deciduous trees and ferns. Lichen and fungi are common in the cold, moist undergrowth.
[X] Community center: A single large building capable of holding about fifty people.

1. It's too bad that a military-funded colony wasn't an option.
2. @Useless Writer Are these by individual vote or plan?