[X] Move slowly to the nearest and deepest shadow, regardless of the unblinking Eye, and once you are in there:
-[X] Activate camo and STAY STILL without making any noise until the Eye belives you are gone and drops its Guard.
Are we that confident that we can disillusion better than the EYE can see? Ok, let's try that.

[X] Move slowly to the nearest and deepest shadow, regardless of the unblinking Eye, and once you are in there:
-[X] Activate camo and STAY STILL without making any noise until the Eye belives you are gone and drops its Guard.
Adhoc vote count started by Farseer Sen'Zabl on May 19, 2021 at 6:10 PM, finished with 15 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Move slowly to the nearest and deepest shadow, regardless of the unblinking Eye, and once you are in there:
    -[X] Activate camo and STAY STILL without making any noise until the Eye belives you are gone and drops its Guard.
    [X] Activate camo and STAY STILL until the Eye belives you are gone and drops its Guard.
    [X] time to Houdini, camo yourself and climb a different building
    [x] Fission mailed. Abort! Abort! Jump through the nearest transparent rectangle, into some sort of cold-filled pillar/box with a door, and go full camo until disturbed.

Okay, so plan climb-up-a-building-and-jump clearly had a few fundamental flaws, such as your target deciding not to be cooperative and wait on the ground while you scaled the building, and being able to fly faster than you can climb.

Minor flaws, clearly. And now that you're aware of them you can surely plan around such issues for next time. Anyhow, time for plan B.

You began to climb back down the building. slowly, for whatever reason. While certainly not the most aggressive plan, hiding in the shadows until the… uh, eye-tube? Yeah, that'll do. Until the eye-tube decides you've left should hopefully let you re-open the fight in a slightly more effective fashion…

A few seconds of watching you slowly climb down the building later, the eye-tube seems to come to the conclusion that it's time for action. Or maybe it got bored of watching you climb things? Who knows? Giant eyeball psychology isn't exactly your area of expertise. Whatever its reasons, the eye-tube suddenly leaned back, the tube seemingly pivoting around the eye, and sprayed a gout of fire across the building you were climbing, launching itself away in the process.

You are quick to react, hoping backwards away from the small streak of fire that had narrowly missed you. Normally, that's a wise response to fire suddenly appearing all around your face, but perhaps a bit less so when you're about halfway up a building and rather pointedly unable to fly.

~Weeeeeeeeee- Oof!


Fortunately, you're tough enough to absorb a landing like that and, aside from some slightly smouldering hair, seem to have emerged from the flames more or less unscathed. The fire clearly wasn't quite hot enough to do much to you with a single spray, though your mouth is now uncomfortably dry.

You quickly pick yourself up and shuffle towards the shadows, hopefully while the eye-tube is too busy righting itself to spot you, and… uh, why are you leaving a trail of burning footprints?

Oh, the tips of your forelegs, particularly around the splotches of rumbler-goo staining them, are a little bit on fire.

That… is probably not going to be conductive to hiding.

[] Write in.

So, I bet you forgot that your legs were still coated in a mixture of motor oil, fuel, and other misc. liquids you'd find in a car's engine block?

Bright side though: your kicks now do fire damage! It's a shame flying-types aren't weak to it though.
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Welp the only idea I have left
[X] stop, drop, roll
Deal with the hazard now rather than later
Ps there is a way to actually take advantage of running water admittedly though it may leave a concussion for the poor bug, crashing through walls till we hit pipes, I can only imagine everyone's reaction to a bug creature that's on fire crashing through walls till it hits the bathroom whilst being chased by an eye attach to a tube
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[X] Reorient yourself in order to look where the Eye will come from if necesary. (making little jumps in order to leave less marks) You need to see the enemy.
- [X] Fake death but leaving you in a ready to jump position.
- - [X] If the Eye gets to close, strike it with bite or arms while jumping, whatever does more damage to an eye.
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It seems we can handle the fire to a degree. Let it come in for an attack and pounce it when it gets close enough trying to strafe us? I don't think it expects an attack through the fire.
Adhoc vote count started by eduard on May 22, 2021 at 8:18 AM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Go for the throat!
    [X] stop, drop, roll
    [X] Reorient yourself in order to look where the Eye will come from if necesary. (making little jumps in order to leave less marks) You need to see the enemy.
    - [X] Fake death but leaving you in a ready to jump position.
    - - [X] If the Eye gets to close, strike it with bite or arms while jumping, whatever does more damage to an eye.
    [X] Go for a charge. You're on fire make it also on fire

Okay, not much of a consensus here. I'm going to hold off for a bit longer, maybe a day or two, and wait for a few more votes.
[x] Plan trap
- [x] Escape eye-tube on the ground
- [x] Assuming it follows our burning footprints try to spring a trap
- [x] If not, try to become less on fire

Let's see at least if the eye-tube is interested in us or what.
[x] Plan trap
- [x] Escape eye-tube on the ground
- [x] Assuming it follows our burning footprints try to spring a trap
- [x] If not, try to become less on fire
[x] Plan trap
- [x] Escape eye-tube on the ground
- [x] Assuming it follows our burning footprints try to spring a trap
- [x] If not, try to become less on fire
[x] Plan trap
- [x] Escape eye-tube on the ground
- [x] Assuming it follows our burning footprints try to spring a trap
- [x] If not, try to become less on fire
Adhoc vote count started by eduard on May 24, 2021 at 5:59 AM, finished with 17 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan trap
    - [x] Escape eye-tube on the ground
    - [x] Assuming it follows our burning footprints try to spring a trap
    - [x] If not, try to become less on fire
    [X] Go for the throat!
    [X] stop, drop, roll
    [X] Reorient yourself in order to look where the Eye will come from if necesary. (making little jumps in order to leave less marks) You need to see the enemy.
    - [X] Fake death but leaving you in a ready to jump position.
    - - [X] If the Eye gets to close, strike it with bite or arms while jumping, whatever does more damage to an eye.
    [X] Go for a charge. You're on fire make it also on fire

Alright, so Plan B also had some unforeseen flaws, but hey: how were you supposed to know your legs would catch fire? They've never done that before… Stupid Rumblers and their stupid-but-evidently-flammable-and-non-evaporating blood.

Well, whatever. Time for Plan C!

Step one: evade the Eye-tube.

That one looks like it'll be pretty easy. The thing has only just righted itself from its sudden journey backwards and seems pretty focused on where you were a moment ago, or that's the direction it's both looking and flying at least. That'll probably buy you a minute or two to disappear back into the alleyway.

You're still leaving a trail of burning footprints behind you, but there isn't really much you can do about that. Not without magically learning to fly in the next few seconds anyways, and the odds of that happening seem rather slim.

You shoot a brief backwards glance just as you round the corner: The eye-tube seems to have accepted you're not on the wall anymore and looks to be sinking back down towards the floor, slowly sweeping its gaze around. Not that it'll be able to spot you now you're both camouflaged and not there to be seen.

The small flaming pools you've left behind with each step on the other hand might well be another story. Probably best to try and take care of that before it can become any more of an issue.

The flames on your forelimbs aren't all that tall, about a finger's height at most. They'd probably still hurt quite a bit anyway if they were anywhere else, and indeed proved more than capable of burning a finger while you were measuring them. Ouch.

Of course, the only part of you on fire was basically just a solid slab of armour, so you had that going for you at least.

So… How to put your legs out?

Stop drop and roll probably isn't going to cut it here, what with the awkward spot that you're trying to extinguish, and there's no way you're trying to wipe that stuff off with your hands: You prefer those a bit less toasty-warm and on fire than they'd end up if you tried it. Your joints didn't quite bend the right way for you to scrape the burning-gunk off with the ground either, too much twisting required.

As flexible as your forelimbs are, rotating them a full one-eighty isn't an ability you're naturally gifted with.

Hang on, no. You're going about this the wrong way: They might not twist that well, but the joints can bend quite far, enough to raise the massive limbs over your head. So all you need to do is the opposite, right?

The weird whining-sound gives you pause before you can put that idea to the test, mostly because the sound is getting louder. Again.

That probably means the eye-tube is following your tracks. And since those tracks lead around a convenient, for you, blind corner…

[] Write in.
[X] turnabout time, climb above just enough to leap on top of our enemy and ravage it in an ambush
-[X] if it tries to breathe fire, shut its flame producing aperture or clog it to make it backFire on this evil eye