Hello and welcome to A Monstrous Biosphere, a quest that follows the evolution of life on Proteus M1, a fictional planet that I have created for this quest. Inspired by Biblaridion's Alien Biospheres and @Tam Lin's Tam Lin's Monsterworld Original - Art Quest.
You will start out with access to the first three species that have come to exist within the Polygonus Superocean. You will choose how these species evolve in response to the pressures that they face from their own species, other species, or even the environment itself. You will receive a warning when the pressure on a species becomes enough to threaten them with extinction and, if you are unable to deal with that pressure before a set period of turns runs out, that species will face extinction.
You will start out with access to the first three species that have come to exist within the Polygonus Superocean. You will choose how these species evolve in response to the pressures that they face from their own species, other species, or even the environment itself. You will receive a warning when the pressure on a species becomes enough to threaten them with extinction and, if you are unable to deal with that pressure before a set period of turns runs out, that species will face extinction.