So we have confirmation this is Old One Shit. Good to know.Culhwch took a sip of the tea, and found it refreshing and of a certain mellow flavor. "Do you know what it did?" he asked.
"All I know of the Cauldron is that it was discovered in this world in the earliest days of my people's settlement. We used it only in the most extreme circumstances, and now it is corrupted by overuse and prone to strangeness."
Translation: He's not an actual Exarch, the latest host of a set of armor. This is a living Eldar. Given his mention of a 'grand mother', probably not Eldrad old, but I'd guess over five thousand years."I see you may indeed have a wealth of information," Culhwch said. He set down the cup. "Truly, you are that ancient?"
"By the standards of men and the eldar both, yes, though perhaps not so old as you are thinking. Not so much that I have lost physical feeling. I remain the Knight of Green Fields and Growing Things."
The Dark Eldar drink in the pain and misery of others to replace the soul that's slowly consumed by Slaanesh. Even if someone somehow wanted to not be a part of the pleasure cult, they'd either have to join a Craftworld and shed all freedom or a Corsair crew that's the worst of both. The greatness of the Eldar Empire, broken down until all that's left is its final state, prolonging its existence by parasitism.Culhwch scowled in response. "If you mean Lady Olwen, I assure you my intentions are pure."
"Liar. You humans are so strange, hiding your desires and wants so utterly. I can scent her on you, and your lust is very clear."
"Mabon ap Modron said much the same," Culhwch said dryly, "perhaps you two aren't so different."
"We are both broken, in a way, but that is all we have in common." The expressionless mask concealed the alien's face, but Culhwch could sense the scowl. "Mabon has adapted to the universe in a way that I refuse to. Even his very name on this world is a false one."
E M E R G E N C Y I D U C T I O N P O R TThe alien reached into his armor, and produced a rod which he placed into his own cup, taking a sip through it. He only placed it against his mask, but the tea started to disappear just the same.
When it comes to Warhammer and debauched nobility, you have two options: Vampire Counts, and Slaanesh. The former is turning class warfare commentary into literal blood-sucking. The latter is a bit more open to different social classes, but the gist has always been the new and exotic."Perhaps you have noticed, that for a mutant, born to a follower of the Ruinous Powers, one on this world who aspires to become a Prince, a true and proper apostle of Chaos, she seems quite innocent and gentle?"
"Yes," Culhwch replied, "is it an act then?"
"No." The Green Knight set down his cup. "It is not. Lady Olwen, I suspect, has been raised rather sheltered. Her father is known to you, yes? Ysbaddaden. A Chaos Lord who serves He Who Thirsts. Therein lies the key. I know that particular enemy well, Sir Culhwch. I have to know him well. There is nothing that he relishes more than the chance to ravage and corrupt something innocent and beautiful."
Eeeeeeeeeh, I don't fully agree with that sentiment, too easily abused into smacking the Exterminatus button for shits and giggles."Why are you telling me this?" Culhwch asked, stiffly.
"Because anything that interferes in the machinations of Chaos, even the smallest pebble in front of their endless wheel, is of the deepest good."
First, no shit Giant Dad can't attain Daemon Princedom, have you seen this man's eyebrows? Yeah Slaanesh plays with unconventional beauty standards, but there are standards."But why do you care enough to warn me of Olwen? Why not simply kill her?"
"I have no wish to kill her."
"Your kind were always said to be feral and cruel, pitiless and frenzied in battle," Culhwch responded, clenching his fists, "what do you expect me to do with this information? Better you be hard-hearted and cruel."
"The sacrifice won't matter so much, it won't bring him to Princehood. He will never reach Princehood, in fact, he's been tricked and lied to. Perhaps it is a cruelty, or perhaps he doesn't care what he is made to do anymore. Regardless, help me in the arena, and I will help you and Lady Olwen escape."
Considering Mabon in the stories wound up as one of Arthur's buddies? I really want to see just what Greenie's plan is for him. The Dark Eldar do have greater access to the technology of the Eldar Empire, but over the thousands of years their psychic abilities have been drained or deliberately neutered. And with it, much of the Empire's greatest tools.Culhwch nodded. "Sir Bran as well." He scowled darkly. "Maybe even Jason Blood and Mabon." He stared at the alien. "It is Mabon you are trying to free, right?"
Aaaaaaand here we go.Culhwch mostly found himself staring at her, as she asked question after question about the ancient rulers of the planet Avalon. Was it true that she existed solely as a pawn in her cruel father's quest for Godhood? Despite himself, the very idea sickened him, and he felt a rage building in the pit of his stomach. He forced it down. The last thing he needed was to become a berserker on top of everything. So he sat quietly, as the Lady asked the Green Knight as much as she could.
Considering the Horned King's machinations, this whole business is... at best a sideshow for them. Giant Dad is just meat for the grinder, a stepstool for the true champions of Chaos. Which does beg the question of why he wants Olwen for."That you were born to be a sacrifice," Culhwch said. He didn't feel right lying to her, and found he was a very poor one anyway. "That your father will have you killed on the altar of He Who Thirsts, as part of his strive for Godhood."
"It won't work," Olwen answered with a grimace.
"You don't doubt it?" Culwch turned to her in surprise.
She smiled sadly up at him. "My father is cold and cruel. I was raised away from him, in a hanging garden. He only visited occasionally, to check on me I suspect. Really, aside from missing the flowers of the garden, it was something of a relief when The Horned King Diwranch got me away from there. He even gave me free reign, to some extent." She laughed. "He told my father he'd make sure I didn't lose my virginity, but I suspect he barely cares to keep that promise, if you being allowed near me is any indication."
So, fun facts. Powries, AKA Redcaps, are short, live in ruined castles, and like mentioned in an earlier chapter are prone to looting. Their physical appearance is "short, thickset old elf with long prominent teeth, skinny fingers armed with talons like eagles, large eyes of a fiery red colour, grisly hair streaming down his shoulders, iron boots, a pikestaff in his left hand, and a red cap on his head".Before he could oblige, Culhwch suddenly noticed something approaching on the horizon, approaching at a rapid march. Even from such a distance, he could make out clear details. The marchers all wore bright red headwear, and in the center of them was a knight-sized figure, being dragged along. It seemed to be nothing but a red blob, but it seemed to shift and sway and writhe as it was pulled around.
Olwen looked where he was looking, and paled. "Powries," she hissed, "I guess they are coming early."
Whelp. Someone's about to get their soul sucked out and their body snapped like a slim-jim. Shame they don't have a soup gun.Culhwch swallowed. "Jason Blood isn't here, right?"
"Blood has fled deep within again." The voice that answered, from the other bed, was ancient, rasping, and full of something volcanic and primordial.
Culhwch turned slowly, suddenly more terrified than he had ever been in his entire life.
The thing seated on Jason Blood's bed was a yellow-scaled creature, wearing a bright red tunic and blue cape. The scales were slashed all over with old and deep scars, and the hideous reptilian face was wrinkled like an ancient oak, with a massive gouge taken out of its ear and eye. The one remaining eye, a bright glowing red, stared straight into Culhwch's soul with sheer unending malevolence. The daemonhost grinned. "And so you meet the daemon Etrigan."
Be'lakor's schtick is that he wants to be the top dog since his power is ephemeral and reliant on the Four. Be'lakor doesn't get minions of his own, he has slaves he manipulates and uses. Etrigan is almost certainly an independent Warp Entity, a genuine rarity by the later stages of the post-heresy timeline.I do wonder at Etrigan's origins here, since they'd be wrapped up with Myrddin's too. Has Etrigan been punished for his mortal half-brother's transgressions as a rogue sorcerer daring to imagine he can renege on the Gods like the second coming of the Anathema, and if so, has the daemon ever had the chance to rebel and rebuke the Four for himself, or is he still debatably loyal and seeking to regain his place of infernal standing? Was Etrigan of a specific god's court to begin with, or was he unaligned in the name of Be'lakor or Malal or something like that? The strict nature of the pact actually somewhat protecting Jason Blood as a daemonhost and the rhyming curse do sound like something Be'lakor the Dark Master of the shadows would scheme up as eternal punishment for Etrigan as a warrior-daemon...
Interesting that he is interested.Culhwch took the offered cup, but didn't drink. It was often said, after all, to never drink anything given by a being of the Otherworld. "I doubt I am that interesting," he said stiffly.
"You went into the Cauldron, and came out something very interesting, I assure you," the Green Knight replied. "That is just tea, and I would be unable to poison you with any scant lore I possess, I promise you. Not as you are now."
No shit that's weird, Sherlock."Perhaps you have noticed, that for a mutant, born to a follower of the Ruinous Powers, one on this world who aspires to become a Prince, a true and proper apostle of Chaos, she seems quite innocent and gentle?"
What else is new with Chaos?"The sacrifice won't matter so much, it won't bring him to Princehood. He will never reach Princehood, in fact, he's been tricked and lied to. Perhaps it is a cruelty, or perhaps he doesn't care what he is made to do anymore.
She is not completely innocent."Only in sacrifices," she replied, with an amused twinkle in her eyes. "Though I don't think it will matter too much, at the end of the day," she added darkly.
Well, this could go in multiple ways."Blood has fled deep within again." The voice that answered, from the other bed, was ancient, rasping, and full of something volcanic and primordial.
Culhwch turned slowly, suddenly more terrified than he had ever been in his entire life.
The thing seated on Jason Blood's bed was a yellow-scaled creature, wearing a bright red tunic and blue cape. The scales were slashed all over with old and deep scars, and the hideous reptilian face was wrinkled like an ancient oak, with a massive gouge taken out of its ear and eye. The one remaining eye, a bright glowing red, stared straight into Culhwch's soul with sheer unending malevolence. The daemonhost grinned. "And so you meet the daemon Etrigan."
Now that's going to be an interesting meeting."You wish to join me in my escape?" Culhwch asked. "Who is it that you wish to meet, to make that necessary?"
"A mage of much renown," Etrigan growled, "Merlin of…" The daemon stopped suddenly, scowling and growling like an old kettle. The ancient face scrunched up in thought, and smoke built between its clenched jaw.
Culhwch lied as easily as he breathed. With difficulty."Took your Lady out there then?" Bran asked, stiffly.
"She isn't my Lady," Culhwch said. It sounded like a lie, even to his ears.
That sounds bad.Culhwch had been hoping for Olwen, but was annoyed to see Lady Tuesday. The strange woman was leaning against the far wall, smirking. "I hear you want to get out of here," she said with a grin.
Culhwch walked past her. "I'm sure I'll be allowed to leave the hall eventually," he said neutrally.
She followed after him. "I can help, if your willing to make a deal."
Completely understandable.[Final Fantasy 16 came out and I'm absolutely besotted so apologies if updating goes slow.]
"You wish to join me in my escape?" Culhwch asked. "Who is it that you wish to meet, to make that necessary?"
"A mage of much renown," Etrigan growled, "Merlin of…" The daemon stopped suddenly, scowling and growling like an old kettle. The ancient face scrunched up in thought, and smoke built between its clenched jaw.
Bedwyr, you stubborn fool, get back down or your healing will take even longer!"How long will you be out? Not sure, probably a month, if you want to actually give yourself time to heal."
"I can't be out of action for a month!" Bedwyr snarled. He started to sit up on the bed. "There is a war, and I have to be there for it."
That's great news!"King Pellinore is there," Ulfius added, "I visited him recently. He was your master, yes? Quite famously, I believe."
"How is he?" Bedwyr asked.
"Well enough, can't walk yet, but they say he might within the year, even if he won't fight again."
Probably pondering how much you might be like him."I will endeavor to return to camp, once Sir Bedwyr and his lady are settled. I of course will be more than happy to tell you anything of my time serving the former High King." He was looking at Arthur strangely, frowning a little, but after a moment shook his head, clearly dismissing the thought.
If you weren't familiar with the symptoms of shock Bedwyr, you'll be soon. Just keep talking, don't fall asleep, keep breathing, and stay calm.It still didn't hurt. Somehow, for all the blood he was clearly losing, Bedwyr still felt no pain. Instead, he felt a numbness, growing from his foot up. Was it the numbness of death?
The problem with amputations people with a lick of medical knowledge back in the days that inspired Warhammer knew is that while removing infected tissue, muscle, and bone was an efficient way of preventing a large number of soldiers from getting lethal infections, it needed a high level of skill to prevent lethal damage to all the many muscles, nerves, veins, and bones inside a human body or the infection occurring on the new wound site.Gowther, holding him under the arms, said amicably, "I'll cut it! It'll be cleaner!"
"Sir Half-Daemon," said the other man, at Bedwyr's legs. In happier days, Bedwyr thought stupidly, it would be Sir Sagramore. Instead, it was a grim man with a gray beard and a lined, scared face. "I think what the Lady Damsel is suggesting is that any cut may cause more harm than good. We don't know where the fullness of the wound lies. We could leave it in part, which may allow it to fester and take poison. Sir Bedwyr needs a doctor."
I would very much not speak about a 'botched surgery' considering the "Druid" who make that very sophisticated prosthetic leg. Going to an Admech prosthetic guy or a Magos Biologis and talking about them doing a shit job sounds like a quick path to experiencing something close to Abomination."First injury of the civil war," the doctor said gruffly, "looks like internal injuries, then a botched surgery, is that right?"
"Yes," Bedwyr said stiffly, "my fault entirely."
"Should have come to us from the start. You might need specialist medicine that we don't have here." The man prodded at the broken metal foot. "Make that definitely," he said at last.
Oh no. Oh no-no-no-no-no-no. Take Bedwyr back to the Tech-Priests. Find that one big Druid who made his leg. Do not take him to the people that work under the protection of Nuns With Guns. Because if whatever Sisters trained them, the Orders Militant tend to keep the Non Militant Orders close, if not intertwined. Bedwyr is going to be in danger there if anybody gets half an idea of what he's been up to."There is an enclave of medics nearby, Sororitas trained."
"King Pellinore is there," Ulfius added, "I visited him recently. He was your master, yes? Quite famously, I believe."
"How is he?" Bedwyr asked.
"Well enough, can't walk yet, but they say he might within the year, even if he won't fight again." Ulfius grinned. "I'm sure he'll be happy to meet with you, let you know what's been happening for the past three years, there are things I don't have the right to tell you."
I really hope Vivian is up to facing down Inquisitorial Goons. I wouldn't want that as my first choice.Vivian was in front, arms crossed over her belly, frowning and looking decidedly upset. An older knight was speaking to her. "Lady, I think you should go to bed. No use worrying over him."
The green haired damsel glared up at the older man. "Sir Ulfius. I will sleep when I deem it proper, you have nothing to worry about there. I expect to be sleeping alongside my lord when he is ready to be moved, very soon."
Ulfius chuckled. "My youngsters are quite passionate these days." His face fell. "Throne, but I miss my wife. She wasn't as beautiful as you, lady, but she was as warm and loving. So cling to that, I say."
"I intend to, sir, until the very end," Vivian said coldly.
Yeah, no, Ulfius is already seeing the family resemblance. He's just saying "nah, can't be Uther's kid, the man died childless and that whole mess would exclude any heir"."It is a place of charity, they will accept a donation, nothing more. With your permission, I'd like to be the one to lead Bedwyr there. King Pellinore is an old friend, and though I visited recently, I certainly wouldn't mind doing so again."
"You are Sir Ulfius, King Uther's former chamberlain? I would like you near me, sir, we have much to speak of."
"I will endeavor to return to camp, once Sir Bedwyr and his lady are settled. I of course will be more than happy to tell you anything of my time serving the former High King." He was looking at Arthur strangely, frowning a little, but after a moment shook his head, clearly dismissing the thought.
Ah. And here it begins. That distance. That abandonment of human ties. Now, Arthur, now you begin to walk the path paved by the first Saints and Templars. I wonder, will you or Guilliman find the other more inhuman by that point?"I trust him," Arthur said simply, "I think beneath that armor and that gruff exterior is a good man. One who, like you and Bedwyr, and hopefully our old friends who are so unfortunate as to be against us now, will help form the basis for the new age to come." That was it. For the dream, he had to keep moving. Though it pained him to possibly leave a dear friend behind, for what they longed for, it had to be done. There could be no hesitation.
No, no you're not.Myrddin looked up at Arthur. "Are you quite alright, King? It seems to me this has affected you more deeply than you let on."
"I'm fine. I know what needs to be done, and intend to do it. For now I must sleep." He pushed past Myrddin, before the wizard could say anything more. But his old master only watched him go, with understanding eyes.
The first lover's spat.She crossed her arms, and looked away from him, scowling. "Oh, I don't know. You seem all business. If all Bedwyr is to you is a soldier, then I think all I should be to you is a womb."
"He isn't just a soldier, and you aren't just a womb!" Arthur roared, rising to his feet.
Ah, guilt."Because I'm the one who put Bedwyr on that cot," Arthur replied, "because I ordered him to fight, and because of that, he may well be dying. I know we are at war, I know people are going to die, but it has never felt so real that a friend could be killed until now." He squeezed Gwen's hand. "How else am I supposed to take this? How else can I process it?"
With great difficulty.Sleep, Arthur decided, would elude him for a good time to come. As he left the room, he wondered how a King ever managed to sleep anyway.
In other words, it is old and near its lifespan.The nervous acolyte, crammed into the shack with him, squeaked, "Do be careful, sir. It is fragile, and hasn't been responding well to prayers as of late."
Something about Anti-Myrddin Alliance just sounds really funny."He is meeting with the other Kings in the Anti-Myrddin Alliance,"
Well said, Gawain."Tell him I grow impatient with his schemes. His last one, to make me out as some kind of saint, and him as some kind of healed miracle was a pathetic failure." Gawain gripped the vox phone tighter, his knuckles whitened, and the subtle machines in his joints clicked. "Tell him sometimes a man needs to know when to quit while he is ahead. I'm sick of it, and Galatine is sick of it as well." He didn't care that that was more information than he should be giving.
"Not at all. I simply state what is." Tristan began to walk toward his car. "If you excuse me, I have a song for dear Lady Isolde to compose. I suspect we will be back home soon enough, and I intend to begin courting her as quickly as I can."
"How can you think of a woman at a time like this?" Lionel barked.
"I am young and handsome and desire a wife to love me and for me to love back," Tristan replied. His new smile was far more honest. "It is very easy to think of that, instead of unpleasant things."
The problem of a loyal soldier, when facing with orders they don't like.Ultimately, she was a loyal woman, not just to Avalon, not just to the Imperium, but to people and ideals. Arthur was her lover, and she'd hoped at some point in the future her war-leader. It was supposed to be that simple.
She was a knight and soldier, and that was supposed to be simple as well. They followed orders. Yet her father's orders defied her very essence, her intense loyalty. Arthur was not a traitor, or a pawn of the wizard, she knew this entirely well. But she could say nothing that would convince her father. Anyone who tried risked getting hurt.
It is pretty heavy."Frankly, yes." Gawain sat down with a sigh. "I for one never did like walking about in full armor all day."
The other knight snarled like a wild animal. "Enough talk, savage! Get on your armor and fight me like a man!"
Balin slid into a combat stance, and got his twin blades ready, half-drawn. "No, I think this should be a fair fight."
I'm sure Arthur was prepared for that.The armored man hung his head. "I will not go against King Arthur," he said stiffly, "but I will speak to him of this insult. Bringing this man into the fold will only lead to ill." He set the sword down to the ground, then picked up his warhammer. He stormed away, and several others followed him.
She is not really happy with this."You should be careful," Ulfius said slowly, "some unsavory types might take advantage of that."
"Indeed?" Guinevere asked, suddenly. "I'm sure King Arthur will be very careful in such dealings."
Good goal. Lets hope it goes better than in the original legend."King Uther died on the battlefield," Arthur said with a sigh, "he paid his price for his crimes. What I can do is make this realm a beacon of justice and nobility, once the war is over and we are united at last." His hand, going for her hand, instead pressed on her naked thigh under her robe, he blushed, but she smiled lazily at him. "Can I expect your help?"
I thought it was known who his father was?
It is not. A couple people have guessed, but it is not widely known