A Guard in The Prison of Eternity

When you come to you realise you are on a plane. You can feel the turbulence shaking the small craft, hear the roar of the engines. You are seated in what can best be described as a pool of leather and comfort twisted into the shape of a seat. The chains that still bind you somewhat ruin the image.

Looking around you can see others in a similar situation to you're own. Some are still sleeping but others seem alert and are looking around. Most of their eyes are drawn to the front of the plane. You follow their gaze.

A man sits on a chair, not unlike your own. Although it has been crammed with more gadgets and gizmo's than you would of though possible. In it sits a man. From what you can see he is not particularly tall, his form is thin and wiry. Black hair is streaked with grey and has a receding hairline. Deep lines and wrinkles frame the face. He would look like your average middle age office worker if it wasn't for the eyes. Deep and intense, with slitted pupils adorning the muddy brown iris. The eyes of a predator.

Those eyes make the fact that he is swearing at the monitor in front of him with a game controller in his hands with the tone of an annoyed child rather disconcerting.

"I know I died! Stop telling me! I want my souls back dammit!"

You recognise the voice, it was the man called Cerberus. He seems to notice the gazes of yourself and the others, pushing away the monitor and throwing the controller behind him he smiles at you.

"So some of your are awake. Good. I must apologise for your current state, but I cannot take any chances. The power you now wield is dangerous."

He frowns, "Well I suppose it could actually be wielding you. It is the oldest thing, older than existence. I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility. That makes me feel more justified with my decision to insert explosives in the base of your skulls."

He shakes his head, frown replaced by a smile. "But you must have a lot of questions, and we have just under an hour until we land. I suppose if you wish to ask me some things now would be the time."

//OCC Thread\\
When you come to you realise you are on a plane. You can feel the turbulence shaking the small craft, hear the roar of the engines. You are seated in what can best be described as a pool of leather and comfort twisted into the shape of a seat. The chains that still bind you somewhat ruin the image.
Quinn opened his Bleary eyes, shaking his head as he attempted to bring one hand to forehead.

His hand was then stopped with a clank by a chain, which the large, still dazed Irishman examined.

"Oh bloodeh hell Quinn, wut thuh fook didyah git yurself inta new?"

The large man sat back, annoyed, his shock of red hair settling down over his forehead, working with a pair of similarly colored sideburns to frame a stern face and two sharp eyes, currently shooting daggers at the man at the front of the plane.

"Alroight mate. I don' know wut yew'r trying tah pull..."
"So some of your are awake. Good. I must apologise for your current state, but I cannot take any chances. The power you now wield is dangerous."
"The only power I'm weeldin' is muy fists mate. And these chains ain't go
That makes me feel more justified with my decision to insert explosives in the base of your skulls."
The big mans mouth drops open.
"Yew fookin wuh...
suppose if you wish to ask me some things now would be the time."
One could almost see the wheels in the man's head turning as he struggled to think up a response, then looks to the other people on the plane, almost begging them to say something in his stead.
When you come to you realise you are on a plane. You can feel the turbulence shaking the small craft, hear the roar of the engines. You are seated in what can best be described as a pool of leather and comfort twisted into the shape of a seat. The chains that still bind you somewhat ruin the image.

Looking around you can see others in a similar situation to you're own. Some are still sleeping but others seem alert and are looking around. Most of their eyes are drawn to the front of the plane. You follow their gaze.

A man sits on a chair, not unlike your own. Although it has been crammed with more gadgets and gizmo's than you would of though possible. In it sits a man. From what you can see he is not particularly tall, his form is thin and wiry. Black hair is streaked with grey and has a receding hairline. Deep lines and wrinkles frame the face. He would look like your average middle age office worker if it wasn't for the eyes. Deep and intense, with slitted pupils adorning the muddy brown iris. The eyes of a predator.

Those eyes make the fact that he is swearing at the monitor in front of him with a game controller in his hands with the tone of an annoyed child rather disconcerting.

"I know I died! Stop telling me! I want my souls back dammit!"

You recognise the voice, it was the man called Cerberus. He seems to notice the gazes of yourself and the others, pushing away the monitor and throwing the controller behind him he smiles at you.

"So some of your are awake. Good. I must apologise for your current state, but I cannot take any chances. The power you now wield is dangerous."

He frowns, "Well I suppose it could actually be wielding you. It is the oldest thing, older than existence. I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility. That makes me feel more justified with my decision to insert explosives in the base of your skulls."

He shakes his head, frown replaced by a smile. "But you must have a lot of questions, and we have just under an hour until we land. I suppose if you wish to ask me some things now would be the time."

//OCC Thread\\
Jim screwed his eyes shut, fighting down the panic and doing his best to bring his breathing under contol. Calm... calm...

"What, exactly," he asked a minute later, "did we do to deserve this?" He rattled the chain connected to his wrist.

"What authority?"
A man sits on a chair, not unlike your own. Although it has been crammed with more gadgets and gizmo's than you would of though possible. In it sits a man. From what you can see he is not particularly tall, his form is thin and wiry. Black hair is streaked with grey and has a receding hairline. Deep lines and wrinkles frame the face. He would look like your average middle age office worker if it wasn't for the eyes. Deep and intense, with slitted pupils adorning the muddy brown iris. The eyes of a predator.

Those eyes make the fact that he is swearing at the monitor in front of him with a game controller in his hands with the tone of an annoyed child rather disconcerting.

"I know I died! Stop telling me! I want my souls back dammit!"

Alicia narrowed her eyes. What was this Cerberus trying to do? Show that he was a "normal person" who enjoyed video games? Signal that everyone here was such a non-entity that he felt completely safe playing video games instead of watching them? Though, she thought ruefully, considering how tight her bindings were, he wouldn't be wrong.

He seems to notice the gazes of yourself and the others, pushing away the monitor and throwing the controller behind him he smiles at you.

"So some of your are awake. Good. I must apologise for your current state, but I cannot take any chances. The power you now wield is dangerous."

He frowns, "Well I suppose it could actually be wielding you. It is the oldest thing, older than existence. I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility. That makes me feel more justified with my decision to insert explosives in the base of your skulls."

"Explosives?" Wait, more justified?

Would he have done it no matter what? Just to keep them completely under his control?

She'd have to be very careful.

He shakes his head, frown replaced by a smile. "But you must have a lot of questions, and we have just under an hour until we land. I suppose if you wish to ask me some things now would be the time."

"What, exactly," he asked a minute later, "did we do to deserve this?" He rattled the chain connected to his wrist.

"What authority?"

She snorted. Maybe he didn't think anyone here had done anything to deserve it. She knew better. And authority... being able to detonate the explosives you'd put in other people's heads was a pretty good start.

One could almost see the wheels in the man's head turning as he struggled to think up a response, then looks to the other people on the plane, almost begging them to say something in his stead.

She shrugged at the man, then turned back to Cerberus.

"You said this was 'service' earlier. How will we be serving, and why?" She remembered his accent. "Does your government know about what you are doing?"
Jim screwed his eyes shut, fighting down the panic and doing his best to bring his breathing under contol. Calm... calm...

"What, exactly," he asked a minute later, "did we do to deserve this?" He rattled the chain connected to his wrist.

"What authority?"

"You said this was 'service' earlier. How will we be serving, and why?" She remembered his accent. "Does your government know about what you are doing?"

"What did you personally do? Nothing, you are all innocent. Unfortunately events have transpired and you have been burdened with the actions of another entity."

He smiled sadly for a moment. "And no. Your countries, or any countries governments are not aware of what is happening here. Although if you wish me to I can inform them, I have the numbers of most world leaders on my mobile."

He waved an expensive looking phone covered in stickers.

He smiled at Alicia. "That is a very good question, with a complicated answer. But to put it simply you have been conscripted. You will now serve under my as a guard in my prison. I feel I should warn you that the life expectancy for guards there is a little under eight months."
He smiled at Alicia. "That is a very good question, with a complicated answer. But to put it simply you have been conscripted. You will now serve under my as a guard in my prison. I feel I should warn you that the life expectancy for guards there is a little under eight months."
"Is that becuz you blow their 'eads off before 8 months 's up?"
"Is that becuz you blow their 'eads off before 8 months 's up?"
"No, their deaths are usually the result of being eaten by a giant monster, or having their souls sucked out by a vampire. Or going insane upon looking upon something beyond human comprehension and killing themselves to escape the pain."

Cerberus leaned forwards, gaze deadly serious. "The world you are being forced to enter is neither merciful nor enjoyable."
"No, their deaths are usually the result of being eaten by a giant monster, or having their souls sucked out by a vampire. Or going insane upon looking upon something beyond human comprehension and killing themselves to escape the pain."

Cerberus leaned forwards, gaze deadly serious. "The world you are being forced to enter is neither merciful nor enjoyable."
The Irishman rolls his eyes.
"Oh great. Nothing too dangerous then."
He sighs, giving another fruitless tug at his chains.
"At least it won't get too bloody boring. Needed to get out of that damn pub anyway."
"No, their deaths are usually the result of being eaten by a giant monster, or having their souls sucked out by a vampire. Or going insane upon looking upon something beyond human comprehension and killing themselves to escape the pain."

Cerberus leaned forwards, gaze deadly serious. "The world you are being forced to enter is neither merciful nor enjoyable."

I sigh looking and listening carefully, that chip is an intresting threat, very hard to verify but possible, and risk reward wise no way of having a chance. I could try to pick a lock, but they didn't use one. It looks like I am truly boned from an espionage angle, lets try diplomacy as information gathering at first then."

"I apologize if I sound foolish, but would it not be wiser to train us, give us tools and knowledge for the task at hand so that you will need far less need for extreme recruitment. Perhaps you could start by telling us of this supposed power we now wield and the task at hand in greater detail."
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"No, their deaths are usually the result of being eaten by a giant monster, or having their souls sucked out by a vampire. Or going insane upon looking upon something beyond human comprehension and killing themselves to escape the pain."

Cerberus leaned forwards, gaze deadly serious. "The world you are being forced to enter is neither merciful nor enjoyable."
"Sounds exciting!" A voice pipes in from the back row. It was that black haired fellow you picked up, oddly enough, smiling back at you and the rest of the bound members in the plane. "So you're our new boss, right? Neat! You can spoil where it is we are going to, right? I mean, if it's a prison, it has to be somewhere. Or do we get to wait for the surprise?" He inquires, not really struggling at all and just...enjoying the ride apparently. "Oh! And how did we end up with powers?"

"And hello there fellow co-workers!" He suddenly says to those also caught up in such shenanigans as himself. "Nice to meet you all! Hope to get to know you all before we are ultimately thrust into a veritable madhouse!" He looked like he was in his early twenties, and even at the prospect of an early death, he was remarkably giddy. "You know, I always wanted to travel, but never did I expect to find myself being placed in such exotic sorts as a job. Are you excited? I'm excited! I mean, we might die...but...I mean until then, it sounds like fun! Unless it actually isn't...guess we'll find out!" He says with a far from forced smile on his face. You can almost see the glimmer in those emerald green eyes for what might be coming.
Is he...insane? Or just completely ignoring the fact you are all trapped in a job you didn't sign up for?
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"Well then," Jim's voice held a strong undercurrent of venom, "Can I at least hope that you went to the trouble of fabricating a reason for our sudden disappearance? I don't know about the others, but I have family that I'd rather not trouble with my vanishing into thin air."
"Sounds exciting!" A voice pipes in from the back row. It was that black haired fellow you picked up, oddly enough, smiling back at you and the rest of the bound members in the plane. "So you're our new boss, right? Neat! You can spoil where it is we are going to, right? I mean, if it's a prison, it has to be somewhere. Or do we get to wait for the surprise?" He inquires, not really struggling at all and just...enjoying the ride apparently. "Oh! And how did we end up with powers?"

"And hello there fellow co-workers!" He suddenly says to those also caught up in such shenanigans as himself. "Nice to meet you all! Hope to get to know you all before we are ultimately thrust into a veritable madhouse!" He looked like he was in his early twenties, and even at the prospect of an early death, he was remarkably giddy. "You know, I always wanted to travel, but never did I expect to find myself being placed in such exotic sorts as a job. Are you excited? I'm excited! I mean, we might die...but...I mean until then, it sounds like fun! Unless it actually isn't...guess we'll find out!" He says with a far from forced smile on his face. You can almost see the glimmer in those emerald green eyes for what might be coming.
Is he...insane? Or just completely ignoring the fact you are all trapped in a job you didn't sign up for?
Quinn struggled against his seat to turn around and stare at the source of the ridiculously optimistic voice in the back.

Great. So there were now two crazy people on the plane with him, counting that bastard with the creepy eyes in the front.
And that optimistic guys voice....

That was going to get real damn annoying real fast.
"Well then," Jim's voice held a strong undercurrent of venom, "Can I at least hope that you went to the trouble of fabricating a reason for our sudden disappearance? I don't know about the others, but I have family that I'd rather not trouble with my vanishing into thin air."
"And I have a fucking pub I need to run mate! Who's looking after her if I'm gone?!"
Still only half awake, the man in the bespoke suit briefly attempts to stand, but is pulled back down by the chains.
It would probably be wiser to stay quiet, Laurence considered, but as the man at the front of the plane kept talking, the buildup of questions became more and more unbearable until he was forced to open his mouth.
"No, their deaths are usually the result of being eaten by a giant monster, or having their souls sucked out by a vampire. Or going insane upon looking upon something beyond human comprehension and killing themselves to escape the pain."

Cerberus leaned forwards, gaze deadly serious. "The world you are being forced to enter is neither merciful nor enjoyable."
"I'd not got the impression it was!" He exclaimed, "You haven't even told us what we've been charged with yet! Even if that isn't required by whatever backwards-arse body you represent, I'd think it was common courtesy! Now stop taking the piss with this genre fiction bullshit and tell us why we're here and what you're having us do!"
"Well then," Jim's voice held a strong undercurrent of venom, "Can I at least hope that you went to the trouble of fabricating a reason for our sudden disappearance? I don't know about the others, but I have family that I'd rather not trouble with my vanishing into thin air."
"And I have a fucking pub I need to run mate! Who's looking after her if I'm gone?!"

"I don't have any of that," Alicia said. "You can just tell my parents I'm dead if you want. It doesn't matter."

"You haven't even told us what we've been charged with yet! Even if that isn't required by whatever backwards-arse body you represent, I'd think it was common courtesy!"

She couldn't help but giggle. "We're innocent, remember? There's nothing to charge us with."

"Sounds exciting!" A voice pipes in from the back row. It was that black haired fellow you picked up, oddly enough, smiling back at you and the rest of the bound members in the plane. "So you're our new boss, right? Neat! You can spoil where it is we are going to, right? I mean, if it's a prison, it has to be somewhere. Or do we get to wait for the surprise?" He inquires, not really struggling at all and just...enjoying the ride apparently. "Oh! And how did we end up with powers?"

"And hello there fellow co-workers!" He suddenly says to those also caught up in such shenanigans as himself. "Nice to meet you all! Hope to get to know you all before we are ultimately thrust into a veritable madhouse!" He looked like he was in his early twenties, and even at the prospect of an early death, he was remarkably giddy. "You know, I always wanted to travel, but never did I expect to find myself being placed in such exotic sorts as a job. Are you excited? I'm excited! I mean, we might die...but...I mean until then, it sounds like fun! Unless it actually isn't...guess we'll find out!" He says with a far from forced smile on his face. You can almost see the glimmer in those emerald green eyes for what might be coming.
Is he...insane? Or just completely ignoring the fact you are all trapped in a job you didn't sign up for?

She'd had classmates like that in Yale. They'd been as insufferable as they sounded, talking a lot and saying nothing at all. It was like that proverb- how did it go in English?- Empty vessels make the most noise.

"You could start by telling us your name," she said to him.

Still, he'd asked some good questions. So had everyone else so far. She'd wait and see what this dog had to say. Cerberus guarded the Underworld in Greek mythology, right?
"I don't have any of that," Alicia said. "You can just tell my parents I'm dead if you want. It doesn't matter."

She couldn't help but giggle. "We're innocent, remember? There's nothing to charge us with."

She'd had classmates like that in Yale. They'd been as insufferable as they sounded, talking a lot and saying nothing at all. It was like that proverb- how did it go in English?- Empty vessels make the most noise.

"You could start by telling us your name," she said to him.

Still, he'd asked some good questions. So had everyone else so far. She'd wait and see what this dog had to say. Cerberus guarded the Underworld in Greek mythology, right?
"Well sure! Since we have a little while before we land apparently, why not!" Sitting up as best he can, and getting himself comfortable, the young man speaks again. "Call me Silus! And you yourself are?" Silus asks of the no doubt lovely lady judging him inside her head. "Oh, unless we aren't supposed to be sharing...in which case...oops." He chuckles again. "Guess everybody knows my name now!"
"I don't have any of that," Alicia said. "You can just tell my parents I'm dead if you want. It doesn't matter."

She couldn't help but giggle. "We're innocent, remember? There's nothing to charge us with."

She'd had classmates like that in Yale. They'd been as insufferable as they sounded, talking a lot and saying nothing at all. It was like that proverb- how did it go in English?- Empty vessels make the most noise.

"You could start by telling us your name," she said to him.

Still, he'd asked some good questions. So had everyone else so far. She'd wait and see what this dog had to say. Cerberus guarded the Underworld in Greek mythology, right?
So now there was a depressed person along with the insane one. Perfect. Quinn was going to have to start keeping track.

However, he supposed they might just cancel one another out...

"Well sure! Since we have a little while before we land apparently, why not!" Sitting up as best he can, and getting himself comfortable, the young man speaks again. "Call me Silus! And you yourself are?" Silus asks of the no doubt lovely lady judging him inside her head. "Oh, unless we aren't supposed to be sharing...in which case...oops." He chuckles again. "Guess everybody knows my name now!"
Quinn almost opened his mouth to say his name, then decided against it.

New rule of thumb, if the insane guy does it, probably not a good idea.
"We're sharing names now?" Laurence goggled "Is right now really the best for this?"
"We're sharing names now?" Laurence goggled "Is right now really the best for this?"
"No." Growled Quinn. "No it really isn't."

The large man sits up straighter, lowering his voice and squaring his shoulders in the way that would make even the drunkest barfly re-assess how long he'd stayed.

"I don't know..." Quinn rumbled at the man at the front of the plane. "...who the fuck you think you are, that you think it's ok to grab a random collection of people off the street, chain them down and stick bombs in their heads..." The large mans slab-like hands curled into fists. "But you've got a ton of fucking explaining to do at least. And that's assuming your explanation is real convincing...."
@Clock of Kronos
"...and then try to make them believe that they shouldn`t fear the bombs and by that you....but Vampires or ghosts? This is hardly believable, so what`s this? Some kind of mafia thing or are we in a TV show with a hidden camera?"

Looking upwards annoyed and blowing some of her dark brown hair out of her face, the woman tilted her head to the side and then looked at the others in a neat and businesslike demeanor: sitting straight even in this leathery abomination of a chair with its chains. She was wearing a rather fitting and professional looking suit, with a white blouse that did emphasize her lithe build and her eyes wandered over the other occupants of the room, before she inclined her head lightly:

"Maria Lütz, Contractor of the B.D.B Gmbh....at least till we were shanghaied into this...whatever it is."
"Now, now everyone. Please calm down. Now to answer your questions in order. Your families and everyone else believes you are dead. I and the rest of the Governors have arranged this so it is as convincing as possible."

He turned his attention to Quinn, looking odly sheepish. "I must apologise Mr Oddlove but the method we used to fake your death involved the destruction of your pub."

He turned his attention away from him and frowned. "In order to continue I must establish some things. Specifically, how your current world view is wrong."

He seemed to consider something for a moment. "The again, this would also be a good opportunity to establish what Blackfire can do."

Cerberus gestured with a hand, and the sound of the planes engines stopped. Twisting in your seats you just manage to catch glimpses of grey trails of a smoky substance entering the engines. You think you can see faces surface within the trails. The plane begins to fall, tumbling from the sky.

"Learn to reject what you perceive as reality and learn the truth you, as wielders of Blackfire must understand. Before creation there was Nothingness. Do what you must to survive."

//@Zedalb PM has been opened.\\
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e turned his attention to Quinn, looking odly sheepish. "I must apologise Mr Oddlove but the method we used to fake your death involved the destruction of your pub."
"You.....you..." Quinn's mouth once more drops open in shock, and those who look closely may see a tear form in one of his eyes. "You Bastard!!! I'll fu-!!!"

This instantly devolves into incomprehensible screaming as the plane suddenly drops from the sky.
I go still as the plane starts to fall and screams fill the cabin.

My eyes grow wide and I gasp, then calm stillness as my body locks itself sitting straight up and eyes closed.

I breath slowly and deeply as all of my focus seems to be solely inside my own head.
"Now, now everyone. Please calm down. Now to answer your questions in order. Your families and everyone else believes you are dead. I and the rest of the Governors have arranged this so it is as convincing as possible."

He turned his attention to Quinn, looking odly sheepish. "I must apologise Mr Oddlove but the method we used to fake your death involved the destruction of your pub."

He turned his attention away from him and frowned. "In order to continue I must establish some things. Specifically, how your current world view is wrong."

He seemed to consider something for a moment. "The again, this would also be a good opportunity to establish what Blackfire can do."

Cerberus gestured with a hand, and the sound of the planes engines stopped. Twisting in your seats you just manage to catch glimpses of grey trails of a smoky substance entering the engines. You think you can see faces surface within the trails. The plane begins to fall, tumbling from the sky.

"Learn to reject what you perceive as reality and learn the truth you, as wielders of Blackfire must understand. Before creation there was Nothingness. Do what you must to survive."

//@Zedalb PM has been opened.\\
Everyone is screaming and shouting and cursing wildly at the winds as the world around them crashes downwards towards the uncertain terrain beneath them, or the cold abyss of a dark ocean. Here where everyone is shouting aloud with horror, Silus is crisscrossing back between terror and elation, half cackling as the plane plummets. "Hahahaha! This is one hell of ride! Hahahahaha!" He blurts with mad glee as the plane dips.
Calm and then, Action. I stand my bonds falling to pieces as a pair of wire cutters drops from my hands, intentionally falling within in reach of the others.

I reach behind my back and draw, seemingly from nowhere a loaded crossbow. I ignore our captor as much as I am tempted to put the bolt into his chest, I get the feeling that is not how we survive this day. Instead I calmly walk to the window aiming it at our engine and pulling the trigger.

Not my weapon of choice but it will do the trick.

"So, thats how we are to survive huh, we all have to learn our bag of tricks?"
I ask facing our captor standing tall, a shame I had only the one bolt.
Calm and then, Action. I stand my bonds falling to pieces as a pair of wire cutters drops from my hands, intentionally falling within in reach of the others.

I reach behind my back and draw, seemingly from nowhere a loaded crossbow. I ignore our captor as much as I am tempted to put the bolt into his chest, I get the feeling that is not how we survive this day. Instead I calmly walk to the window aiming it at our engine and pulling the trigger.

Not my weapon of choice but it will do the trick.

The bolt of black flame, although it seems more like a hole in the world that has taken on the shape of a flame, passes through the window, seemingly fazing through it as if it is not even there. It streaks across the wing, not falling behind even as the plane continues to fall. And when it hits the smoky trails that are filling up the engine they are burned away. Removed from existence.

The engine immediately roars to life, righting the plane and pushing it upwards.

"So, thats how we are to survive huh, we all have to learn our bag of tricks?"
I ask facing our captor standing tall, a shame I had only the one bolt.

"Impressive. I have been alive for a long time, and I have never seen a wielder of Blackfire before. And now several of you are born within the same day. Normally it is rare to see one every couple of millennia, yet here you stand."

He stands, grey smoke whirling around him. "Now sit back down Mr Rengar, and get rid of those cutters. It would harm them more than aid them if they are the ones to touch them."

Cerberus's smile returns. "Now, are you more willing to believe my words. With what you have seen you must be feeling at least some doubts about the common 'truths' you have held for so long."