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A God In The Bay.
Worm/Levithan, The Tempest
It started, rather appropriately, on a rainy day...


The Patron Saint Of Thowing Stuff In The Sun
A God In The Bay.
Worm/Levithan, The Tempest
It started, rather appropriately, on a rainy day. It was a regular ritual for The Brotherhood, just something to give glory to their god. Yet...trickery was used, clever in design. A spell, made to cast away such a cult, banish it and it's God to somewhere..else. Anywhere else would work, so long as it was no longer a thorn in the magic worker's side. It worked..imperfectly, though well enough one would suppose. The God, cast away, but most of his cult remaining. A few were banished with him, numbering in the slight dozens. And so it began, rain pounded outside the empty warehouse.

The God..Adam, exhaled. His men, his..cultists, had already set up a little perimeter in the empty, run-down building they had found themselves in. They still had their guns, their body armor if little else. Adam himself was stuck in thought. He had been..taken somewhere unknown, left in some new battleground. Still, he had been through worse changes and could see this one through. His younger self might have gone charging through the city, demanding answers, but Adam could find those without such..brashness. He began his inspection of the building. It was run down, yes, but didn't have layers of dust over everything. Yet, yet, there were no signs of habitation. But there were telltale signs here, needles, discarded, bloody. A drug house, or a dealers corner. A sneer crept on Adam's face. They would face Judgement soon enough.

Adam had always hated drugs, drug dealers. They pushed a product they drove a thousand strings into his consumers. It could turn even a virtuous man into little more than an addict, doing anything for the next high. He had purged such filth from his city, but he wasn't dealing with his city anymore. Now, he had to purge some new place of its sin, and he a fraction of his resources to do it. Still, challenge, conflict, it strengthed Adam, strengthed his followers. It gave them the edge because they could master it.

These thoughts swirled as Adam kept up his search, finding more of the same. Definitely a drug house, which meant soon enough, druggies, dealers would show. Then...Adam could find answers. Which meant, of course, a waiting game. Seconds bled into minutes, ticking by. Adam organized his soldiers into a better formation, hidden. That killed a little more time. Finally, more people poured in. A group, scratching, itching. Then, shortly after, a man, grinning. Adam's face twisted in rage, and the smiling man frowned. There was pressure on his head, but he could shake it off, he didn't have..he had a deal to make.

And deal he did, the group lapping up what he had to offer, gushing out what scraps of cash they could manage, all for such..filth. A switching of safeties and Adam's Brotherhood burst onto the scene. It was over quickly, the dealer's reflexive motion to grab a sidearm quickly stopped by one of Adam's good little soldiers breaking the offending arm. The other arm was twisted, shattered, just for good measure.

The group had assault rifles positioned at their heads. Sobbing started quickly, pleas for mercy. It seemly went left unheard, all of the attackers hearts numb to such things by now. Adam Himself walked to the man, the full force of His attention, of His..wake, focused on one man. He started babbling.

"I..I..forgive me, I didn', spare me! I didn'"
Adam stopped such noises with a hard slap. Blood gushed from his mouth, and now Adam spoke.

"You lived a life of Sin. You dealt drugs, poisoned people. You are filth, nothing. Yet, even trash can be recycled, brought to a greater purpose. I can kill you, with ease. I should kill you, for your sins. Yet, I grant you My mercy. You belong to Me now, and you will serve Me until breath leaves your body. Be reborn, sinner, and welcome to The Brotherhood."
The man had seen light, rapture captured on his face. He had found God anew, and he would do whatever it took to please Him.

"Now, I need information from you, fledgling. Tell me, where are we, and what is the history you know? Leave nothing out, or you shall taste my wrath."
The man spoke, eagerly. He spoke of humans with powers, of the golden man that heralded the start of them. He told of capes and cowls, of heroes and villains, and the wars between them. He told of the decay of this city, of how he descended into his lowly status as a dealer. He told Adam exactly what he feared to hear, that this was not his world. Rage flooded Adam's veins, but he couldn't indulge it.

He had Judgment to pass in a world in sore need of it.

Unfortunately, Adam no longer had thousands of arms to deal such a thing. He was back to building his power base, to clawing out a reputation. A worthy challenge, but not something solved by brute least, not at first. He had his first new member, but he needed...more. Especially these..capes. People with power, parading around was good. Adam wouldn't have to hold back on showing his might. Nor would he have to keep a leash on the powered people that he ended up with in his Brotherhood. Strength like this displayed openly, it was how legends, fear grew. Adam breathed such strength, such fear among the wicked.

Adam had let the addicts go. The price of their sins had already torn their lives apart. It would be pointless to pass Judgement on them now, as pitiful as they were. Adam had...learned, from the man of the local gangs. They all needed to be crushed, of course. Neo-Nazis were hateful in all the wrong ways, finding sin in all the worst places. A dragon was not to be trifled with lightly, not with the fear he had spread. He was to be dealt with last, most likely. But these so-called..merchants? They dealt nothing but poison. They had nothing of value to give to the world. They were to be crushed, beaten, destroyed...eaten. From their ashes, Adam's Brotherhood would be reborn. And with his newest members oh so eager help, he knew just how to break them down.

A meeting, soon, this night. It was big, a relying cry of sorts. Adam was going to deal with it, alone. His men, they were going to secure this warehouse. A few would be on intel gathering duties, see if there was anything else they could find that the dealer didn't know. Adam knew the impact massed numbers had, but he needed to show he was a.." cape" to be wary of, feared. So, he would show the power of him acting alone, and break the merchants over his knee. Adam was grinning now. He might have grown, learned subtly, patience, but he still was a warrior, someone who loved violence at heart.

Adam stepped outside now, the sun setting. He walked with a purpose. Step step, heavy footfalls. He changed, just a bit, slowly. It was more effort to change suddenly, and Adam had no need to spend such energy. His neck had the oh so faint lines that would help underwater, his skin now harder to the touch, rougher. His hands, concealed in his pockets, grew..sharper, lethal weapons hiding under the facade of nails. It was subtle, very subtle. He smelled decay on the air now, but a familiar, comforting scent eased that. Sea salt, water. This city being so close to the water was a boon to his efforts.

Soon enough, Adam lay it wait at the soon to be battleground He had quickly climbed up a building, the vantage point providing easy sight to his rather sharp eyes. Adam was practically shivering in anticipation, it had been far too long since had done things personally. As if summoned by his eagerness, people flooded in. They were ramshackle, looking more like homeless bums then proper soldiers. However, two people took center stage, both having that ineffable air of authority. The male of pair took a place, clearing his throat for a speech. Adam changed, even more, eyes filling in black suddenly, skin clearly scaled. He was bigger, too, broader. His muscles swelled as he dropped. He didn't even let voices start before his hands lashed out, not going for the kill, but maiming, tearing into one man's arm, missing anything vital. He wasn't going to slaughter these men, he was going to beat them into the ground. He was divine their proper ruler, and they would see that enough.

The man fell to his knees, screaming. His will to fight was stolen by Adam's overpowering presence, his might. The others hadn't been so affected yet, and Adam began his dance. He twitched out of the way of bullets, ducked under lead pipes. There was one exception to Adam's mercy, Skidmark. Such a vulgar name, but he was the leader. If Adam tore the heart from his body, then the others would fall into line. Speaking of Skidmark, Adam felt his power, heard curses. His body was pushed against, windlike. Adam's rather sharp teeth clenched, and he ran against the force, moving with inhuman speed. Not anything like a car, but quick enough to get his hands on the poor man. He ignored the bullets pinging off his skin, even if they might have hurt.

Adam's claws dug into the man's chest, blood pouring out. Past snapping ribs, past weak flesh. He ripped out a rather vital organ. It was fleshly, beating in Adam's hands. With a clenched fist, it was crushed. Skidmark fell to the ground, and the violence, stopped, if only for a moment as Adam's wake, the brutality of his actions, snapped into place. Adam snarled, grabbing attention even as the woman beside Skidmark began to cry.

"I could have killed you all, just now. You are sinners, wicked men who deserve death. Look to your leader, and know it was to be your fate. Yet, yet, you could be a part of something greater! An engine to punish sin, not deal it! I have granted you mercy. Do you think you should turn back to your old ways, now? No! You belong to me, now. Your bodies are now a part of something greater. You are my instruments for cleansing this broken city. You are my Brotherhood, and you shall be glorious. Now..kneel before your new God."

Adam's nature infused his every word, minds buckling under the pressure. Slowly, one by one, they did. The women were the last to fall, but as her tears dried, she fell into line. Adam allowed himself a smile. That plan, that battle was good. It was refreshing for things to just go..right for a moment. Adam clenched his teeth. No, he couldn't think like that. Sloth in a time like this was an unforgivable sin. For now, Adam gathered his new troops, finding yet another decrying, abanded building to crash in. Adam himself was tired now, and he greeted sleep warily, his first night in this new world rather..eventful.
A God In The Bay.
Worm/Levithan, The Tempest

Adam dreamt of oceans, of monsters. He dreamt of his cult, so reduced, filled with those of a wicked nature, those who needed to be beaten into shape. But most of all, Adam dreamt of home, of the city he owned, of those he had left behind. It was rather sobering, but by the time Adam finally woke, he was even more resolute. He would fix this city, or he would die trying. He couldn't just mourn, feel sorry. He had to take action, he had to do something with himself. With a sigh and the crack of joins, Adam stood, most of the huddled masses still sleeping. A few watched his rise with awe..and fear clouding their eyes. Adam's voice was clear and concise when he spoke next, the voice of a leader, still rather harsh, almost inhuman given his vocal cord's status at the moment. He was loud, the guttural sound rasing to a shout as he stirred the room to life.

"Rise and shine, sinners! It is time to arise from your slumber. This is the first day of your new life, and today, you will be reforged! Your minds have learned of their place, and your bodies are soon to follow. You will be a legion, something that strikes fear in the hearts of men! You will be glorious."

Adam smiled, his serrated, long, and sharp teeth on display. He paced up and down the length of the building, making sure everyone was awake. They had barely hours before it was bright out, and moving this many ramshackle, filthy people might attract attention if done in broad daylight. They woke up quickly enough, one straggler being dealt with quickly, a swift kick to the side getting him in motion promptly. Adam held back, broken bones, or really, a large bruise would just slow the man down. After that, Adam closed his eyes, focusing as he let his flesh crawl back into a more human form. His skin was more supple now, more give, and his nails blunted. Wordlessly, he moved out of the building, pleased at how quickly the mass of human beings followed him.

Adam led the crowd quickly, back to the place he had arrived in. It was spacious enough to serve as a makeshift base, at least, until he started to get more followers. He could start reinforcing it, move some of the rubble around, have his men clean it up a bit. Adam's main concern, at the moment, was money. His clothes hadn't been shredded by his transformation, he had shelled out a decent amount of cash for extra stretchy clothes, but while considerable, Adam's walled only carried so many hundred dollar bills. Why he carried around so many were simple enough, it was a kind of dare to the world. Sure, someone could try stealing from him, but Adam would be sure to make them pay. It came in handy, now. Still, that amount of cash was rather finite, and he knew neither his old nor new cultists would be carrying much cash. He couldn't collect protection money yet, he wouldn't be able to deliver on the protection. The best option was looking to be stealing from other gangs. That would have to do for now.

Adam sighed. Power building was...annoying. He was jolted from his thoughts by seeing the area that housed his men, two guards wearing those familiar uniforms posted just out of sight. Adam knew to look for them, however, and spotted them rather quickly. They were not surprised by the new mass of people. Their God showed mercy sometimes, adopted sinners to a greater purpose. Still, they looked filthy, and in poor shape. They would have to be..dealt with, so they were not a blight on their glorious Jude's efforts. Adam led the group indoors, wordlessly beckoning the two guards to join him. The soldiers inside were at ease, talking amongst themselves, a pair or two sparring. Despite this, they had done..something, prepared a space, blood on the floor, painted with an eye to detail, a shark swimming in a drawn sea, mouth posed to eat a pile of garbage on the floor. The easy chatter and sparring ceased as soon as Adam entered the wide open building, all of them standing stiffly.

Adam cleared his throat, preparing for yet another speech. He already longed for something like last night, ducking under knives and dodging bullets, sinking his claws into the wicked's flesh. Yet this was important, and he couldn't let it slip by. He had to do things like that, or he would have wasted his power, wasted his efforts in gathering these men and women. And so he would speak, and he speak he did.

"Brotherhood, I have brought new pledges, fresh meat! These men and women dwelled in filth, sin, and helped spread it! But now, now they will help us strangle such activity. They must be cleaned, of course. I see you have prepared the rite, good, good! Let me give my blessing to this most holy effort."

Adam shifted again, taller, bigger, just barely human. His clothes swelled, but they held fast. He moved over to the painting, slicing open his palm over the garbage. His blood, thick, dark, and smelling of seawater pooled over the garbage. One of the old cultists brought a large bowl, new, to clash with the worn down look of everything else in this place. Adam bled into the bowl, his blood off colored, blackish, with reddish gold streaks throughout. Adam filled the bowl, and a cultist, female, short brown hair, well built, carried it to the new ones.

She enjoyed but a sip and then passed it to them. Some of them were eager to please, some of them hesitant. A few even put up some meager resistance, crumpled as soon as Adam drew ire-filled gaze towards them. Adam's blood coursing through their veins, hatefully burning out wounds and addictions alike. It burned, yes, but they could feel the ache of need dull, lesions heal over. Soon, they were almost tripping over themselves to sample the brew, kept in line only by Adam's threating looks when one of them looked to be violent toward one and other.

The bowl lay, empty, and forgotten, and the merchants were changed. No longer were they pocketed by scars, no longer did they look like plague bearers. They looked healthy, almost fit. Yet they were still wanting in Adam's eyes. They would have to be beaten into shape. But he didn't have to attend to that personally. He nodded, approvingly at the female. She smiled softly, an odd look on her hard-featured face. She could take the lead. Adam changed back, his teeth rounding out, and his form shrinking. It was time for him to do something he rarely did personally.

It was time to go shopping.
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Adam was already regretting his choice of shopping personally. He was not a native to this city, and so it's streets and shops were like puzzles to him. He..wasn't used to such activity in the first place. Even before he had people to do these mundane tasks for him, he had rarely been out to purchase items. He hadn't had money to do so. He didn't have..thoughts of the before-time were useless. He had grown past it, and it shouldn't trouble him now, not with all he had to do.
Like shopping. Things were getting crowded, now. Masses of humanity congested all focused in one place. The sea of people no longer parted for him, and that was a good thing. The innocent, the common people, they shouldn't have to fear his wake. Still, Adam was a large man, so even without his wake pressing down on their mind he did have a little space.
Space to squeeze into this supermart. The light was bright inside of it, all glossy floors and colorful shelves of products. It was almost..alien to Adam. So he paced around the store. He gazed at all the food options, but most of them wouldn't work. They had no ovens, no ways to actually cook. Canned goods it was. Adam took note of how many cans he was likely to need and sighed. He was going to need bags, and it was stupid of him to think otherwise. He went to grab such things, letting his regret fester. Adam contented himself with thoughts of how his cult was dealing with it's newest members, trying to still his scornful heart.


A woman's eyes appraised the new meat. She was experienced at this sort of thing. She was an older member of the Brotherhood, one of it's first in fact. She was her Holy Judge's right hand, and that made her proud. Yet it was something weighty to deal with. Her God confided in her, trusted her to carry His will. So in a time like this, where everything was in turmoil, the pressure was enormous. She bore it with a smile. She would be nothing if she could not handle such stress, and such trials made her worthy of her God's favor.
She stepped with care, every moment crafted. She had to show absolute power, absolute control. The newcomers might have been shown how to submit to The Judge, but they did not how to please him, how to live their new lives. It fell to her to show them that. It was a grueling process.
It started, as it always did with newcomers that were..untested, with fights. Veterans of the Brotherhood against the fresh meat. It was embarrassing. These..idiots were mostly weak. There was the edge of natural intent among them, but little else when it came to skill. A few put up a decent enough fight, something to test the growing feeling of restlessness among her men, but they fell on the ground just the same, lasting only a bit more than their comrades.
Still, weakness of this kind could be overcome. Their bodies would be forged into weapons soon enough, weapons with the skills to enact The Judge's will. First came their minds, however. There was more to service then just knowing your God's face. You had to know their rules, what was righteous in their eyes, and what was wicked. You had to know your God's heart to serve Them. So after their mouths had tasted the dirt a few more times, she gathered with them with her practiced commander voice from the old days. Then she began to explain, to lay down the law.

"Our God has given you new purpose, but with that purpose comes rules! It comes with responsibilities! You will be as lions among lambs, but if you feast upon the flock, you will be put down. The weak, the defenseless, they are your new charges! You will protect them, you will lay down your life for them, and for the glory of your God. Your God is a just God, but He is a wrathful one. He has scared rules, to break them is to spit in His face. Be honest, for broken promises lead to broken bones. Never be afraid to kill, for the split blood of sinners is the soil upon which righteousness can grow. Always know why you kill, for to aimless bloodshed is the way of sinners. Always follow your God, for he is The Judge of men. Know who speak for your God, so even in His absence, you know His Will. Always remember, you are part of The Brotherhood of Judgment now, the scourge of the wicked, the protectors of the innocent."

There were nods, and mummers among the crowd, but she could read it well. Her words had reached them, bidding them over till her God got back, to more fully induct them. She relaxed a bit internally but kept that same vigilant look on the outside. She couldn't afford to look weak, effective speech or not.


Adam had grocery bags strung all across his arms by the time he had gotten back. They held cans of various shapes, a few bowls, some spoons, and forks. Wordlessly he passed into the building he was using, dropping off the bags with a nod to Megan. His second in command nodded back and began to dispense the food among the masses. Adam was tense, he needed some kind of release. There was so much change happening, and the urge to destroy and rend was getting strong within him. However, this urge could be satisfied with greater..ease in this world, at least. From what he learned, there were many targets, many sinners that needed to be crushed.
Once his followers were finished eating, Adam beckoned along Megan and that other woman he brought mercy to. She was the last to submit to his will, and Adam was curious about her. The trio wondered to a more secluded area of the building, Adam's followers given them plenty of space. Adam spoke in his deep voice, clearly addressing the new woman.
"You. Tell me about yourself."
His words caused a quiver of fear in the woman. She was new to this, and she wanted, knew she had to please this man..this God. Yet all she had to go
by was some speech, and that felt wholly inadequate at this moment.

"Yeah, I'm..fuck man, I'm fucking Squealer, I mean, I'm Sherrel, Sherrel Bailey. I build shit, I build vehicles, I'm a vehicle tinkerer, fuck. I just..well, Skidmark was my...he was, we were fucking okay? And you just up and killed him. But he was a piece of shit, I can see that clearly now. I'm sorry for not bowing sooner!"

Adam nodded, his face rather blank.
"You are forgiven. I need more from you, however. I need cash, and I refuse to deal in the filth that is drugs. Tell me where I might able to take it one of the local gangs..if you can.

Squealer nodded eagerly.
"Yeah, yeah I got you! There is this casino, pretty pubic fucking knowledge it's run by the ABB themselves. Break into their shit, and I bet you could make off like a fucking bandit!"
Adam nodded back. It was decided then. The Brotherhood would make their first public move, and show why they should be feared.
Adam's eyes cast over the assembled members of his cult, outfitted for war once more. The old guard had on their equipment they came here in, military-grade bulletproof armor, assault rifles, the like. The new members had their ramshackle clothes and weapons, a rusty knife here, a worn down pistol there. They looked comically out of place next to each other. Yet Adam had to get used to it, for they were now his men, his responsibility. He exhaled. He had given his speech and readied his plan.

Adam himself would be the first one into the casino. He would draw fire, create chaos, kill a few of the guards on the inside. Adam flexed his fists, breaking him out of his thoughts for a moment. He couldn't afford to get too excited. Inhale, exhale, focus. He was just a distraction, however. The new guard would take out the guards on the outside, the ones that didn't arrive to reenforce their comrades. After that, the new guard would breach into the building, kill anyone who resisted and take the cash. Keeps most of the heat off of his men, lets him test the newcomers, and lets his old guard actually do something.

All that remained was executing the plan. That would still take some doing, but Adam hoped the chaos of his entrance would mask his cult. Frustration at the need for cash..and over that fact that they were using grocery bags to carry it, was dulled by the impact this would have. It would start the process of building a reputation, a useful tool, and it would start providing funds, funds to better equip his cult. Adam allowed himself a small, quick smile. Yes, this would be both enjoyable and useful for him, and Adam knew both his old and new men would be wanting to cut loose. That might cause some trouble, but his old guard was well trained and could keep a handle on the new members. Worse came to worse, Adam himself would step in after the mission was over, and show the fresh meat the errors of their ways. Adam hoped it didn't come to that. A completed mission should be a time of celebration for his cult, not a time of punishment.

Adam left the warehouse, heading towards the casino. His cult would follow, but not closely. Too much attention, not a part of the plan. Adam thought for a moment, on how he had changed. He was getting better at plans, and sticking to them. Then again, there was no rage clouding his mind, nothing to force action upon him. He was in uncharted waters still, and he had to stay Tranquil. He didn't have..Adam shook his head. Plan, things to do, focus was needed. The entrance to the casino was not advertised, an unlit building with an entrance in a shady alleyway, but Adam knew a vice den when he saw one.

He walked towards the door, a guard posted just outside. Adam walked past the paling man, who gripped the concealed firearm through his clothes a bit tighter in his wake. Adam didn't have time to revel in his power, and he walked straight through the door, letting his nose be assaulted by the smells of so many people pressed together. He weaved through the sea of humanity, heading towards where he assumed the restrooms to be. Hopefully, this shithole has restrooms, he thought. He didn't want to tear his clothing apart. Luckily for him, they did, and even more, luckily, it was empty.

Adam shoved the door closed, locking it behind him. Then he peeled the rest of the clothes of his body. Then the changes came, his shape slowly descending away from humanity. Teeth growing larger and sharper, skin mutating into thick scales, hands molding into webbed claws. Adam's head scraped the ceiling, and he had to crouch a bit in the dingy bath room. With a savage smile, he reduced the door to splinters, listening to the patron's screams, the reaction to his new form. With it came gunfire, bullets pounding against Adam's scales. Moving quickly, far faster than anything his size had the right to move, Adam slashed one guard's throat, hearing him die with a gurgle. Onto the next, a burly man who had a pistol. Adam grasped the man's head with one hand, lifting him up till his skull popped, gore Adam's arm. He tossed the corpse with great force at another man, roaring even as his foe was taken to the ground. The few bruises that some lucky shots left underneath Adam's scales healed quickly, the carnage fueling such regeneration in Adam's body. It was a slaughter, even with just Adam in the building. When the backup actually arrived, only a few remained standing. Even those few were gunned down, and the cash collected grocery bags, but still collected. The mission was a success. Adam could revel in his victory now, he did as much as he left the building after collecting his clothing, then there was a boom and an impact.

A girl stood in the street. She had blonde hair, and she was barreling towards Adam as she flew over the ground. Adam had only time to steady himself, taking the punch that knocked the wind out of his lungs, and made him drop his clothes. He had..felt that one. His men trained guns onto the girl, and she looked ready to move onto them. Adam did his practiced hand motion, a symbol to move on while grabbing the girl with the other hand. This proved to be a mistake, she broke his one hand grip after a bit of struggling, slamming another fist, this time into his face. A tooth was knocked lose from the force of the blow, and Adam spat it out as he assessed the situation. This girl was strong and could fly. With a quick punch, not nearly as hard as Adam could have made it, he tested her durability. The girl took it without flinching. Strong, tough, could fly. Well, she was likely a hero, given he had just robbed a place, and she didn't look like she was part of the gang he had just robbed. Adam couldn't, wouldn't hurt badly then. She was just trying to make the world a better place.

"Which sea did they pull you out of, freak?"

Adam didn't enjoy combat banter, though. He grabbed her again, strength flowing his limbs. She kneed him, he didn't care. Both of his massive hands closed around her throat, something stopping him from squeezing. Adam gritted his teeth and put down more pressure. It took all his strength, he had to expand quite a bit of energy, and he weathered quite a bit of blows from the struggling blonde, but he could feel the force collapse. He softened his grip, not crushing her windpipe, but she couldn't breathe. Oxygen deprivation was something Adam was familiar with causing. It would only take a miniature..and her struggles ceased. Adam instantly let go, he didn't want to cause permanent brain he usually did. He caught her as she fell. Slowly he changed back and put on his clothes. He couldn't just leave her here..and she didn't know what he looked like so..he would guard her body, make sure nobody tried anything. Adam sighed. He hadn't taken into account supernatural- parahuman response, and so he had to wait for this girl to wake up. Hopefully, that wouldn't take too long. Adam however, deep down, even if he would never admit it, was excited to have met an actual superhero.

Even if he did choke her out.

AN-No Undersiders, sadly, but we do get to see our totally heroic protagonist try not to brutally murder someone.
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Adam was doing surprisingly well with waiting. He had a purpose to be standing around, and that helped. He was protecting something, and that simple fact helped soothe his mind. The girl stirred, and Adam stepped a little closer. She moved upwards with swiftness, hovering in place for a few moments. She had a bird's eye view, but the freak was gone from her sight. The girl fell to the street, turning to Adam. However, it was him that spoke first, a deep tone that was rather flat.

"I saw you on the street. I didn't want you hurt so I watched over you till you woke up. Are you alright?" There, all of that was true. It might have been a half-truth, which left Adam with a sour taste in his mouth, but he didn't lie. Good enough for Adam, but was it good enough for the girl? She had a long pause before she spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'd ask if you saw if you saw the freak that did this, but trust me, you'd know if you did. Thank you for making sure no creeps got to me while I was out, I owe you one." There was a strong note of irritation in her voice, but a fair dash of gratitude made it's my way into her voice by the end of her words. Adam gave a slight nod, speaking that same flat tone.

"It's fine. I'll be going now." The girl looked a little surprised at Adam's abruptness but chose not to push the issue as he walked away. As soon as Adam couldn't see the girl, he let out a heavy sigh. He hated deception, and it was rather poor at it in the first place. Still, the girl had let him go, so it wasn't a major issue. Adam walked, taking a route that was becoming easier for him. When he had made it to the warehouse, he saw his men smiling, laughing. Their gear was as neatly put away as possible. Adam himself had a grin now, at a job well done, and also because of his cult's good mood. He walked inside, eyes pivoting to watch him. He cleared his throat, and he spoke, a joyful note entwined with his voice.

"You have performed well, my Brotherhood! I am proud of all of you and know that I do not say that lightly. Now, more must be done. We must leave our mark, so the sinners know who brought them low! But first, let us rest. We shall do more work tomorrow, but for today, we celebrate!" There was a chorus of cheers, and it warmed Adam's heart. He went to work, splitting his men into groups. There were going to go out to eat, and it would be..suspicious if they all went together. Each group had a mix of old and new soldiers and some of Adam's personal money. Adam himself went with just Megan, he did still need to talk business, and he trusted Megan to make due without a break. He would make it up to her later.

Adam walked outside, letting silence reign for several long seconds. Then he spoke, voice as blunt as ever, if still a little lighter. "We should spread our message on the internet. This world is so..public. We can spread fear more effectively. Do you know who in our Brotherhood would be good at using the internet like that?" Such a topic hadn't come up before, and Megan was the person who assessed all of the Brotherhood's strengths. She spoke with her rather professional tone, with that faint, buried, note of ever-present awe.

"Yes, I know someone who can work on that at once, Judge. We will ensure that all of the sinners will quake in fear from our name." Megan walked stiffly, like a marching soldier. She still hadn't adjusted to this new world, she was still stressed. Adam noted this, feeling a twinge of guilt at not giving her a real break. He spoke a little softer this time.

"I know you will, Megan. I have the utmost trust in your abilities, know that. Now, I had sent some of my men on a trip to gather info. What did they learn?"

The rest of the talk passed by in information. Adam learned of heroes, and of villains. He learned more of the dire status of the city he was calling home. Then, more specifics, things to note about the city, possible strategies to use against his new foes. Such information was quite useful, of course. Adam devoured it, mind whirling with the new info. The female he had fought was most likely Glory Girl, a member of a more public team of superheroes. Adam briefly thought of giving himself a code name like the other..parahumans had, but he dismissed the thought. It didn't feel right to his mind.

Soon enough, the pair had arrived at a late night fast food place. Adam would have preferred something that sold spicier food, but he knew Megan adored burgers, and she deserved something she adored. The boy manning the counter took Adam's associated change with a blank, vaguely dead expression. Adam had a "spicy" chicken sandwich, Megan had her burger meal combo. The sandwich barely tingled in Adam's mouth, but he could deal with shitty food. The pair ate in silence in an isolated corner of the restaurant. Only once the food was finished was the silence broken, and once more, the words were about business. Megan was the one who spoke first.

"We need to figure out how we are spending the money we have acquired. We do need more bullets, but we also need food and shelter. That woman, Squealer, can build advanced tech, but she focuses on vehicles, so I don't know much help she would be in fixing up that warehouse. We also need computers, and other tools like that if we want to spread our message over the internet."

Adam nodded, speaking calmly. "We should focus on reinforcing our warehouse, first. I can handle any more missions for a bit, while we make sure we have livable conditions for our Brotherhood. Our second priority should be spreading our message. We don't need to strike again anytime soon, we have already done a good deal. For now, we establish ourselves."

Adam got a nod in response. He let out a soft smile at Megan. He also made sure to make a mental note to keep her relaxed for the next couple days. The pair stood up in sync, walking out of the restaurant..walking back to their new home.
Home grew to a better term. Weeks had bleed by, sweltering summer days making for hard labor. Lines had to be drawn, and territory established. It was...fairly easy to establish control over the former merchant's territory, familiar faces showing up with new purpose across the streets. Money was still an issue, a pressing one, but they had enough cash to hold onto what was now theirs, more starting to trickle in from people seeking security. Guards had replaced dealers, and things were almost...peaceful, seeming as such from the rooftop Adam was peering from.

Almost, but it was a facade. The Bay was reeling, and Adam knew this. The other gangs were scrabbling, testing his control over his turf, probing to see if his aims were as...hostile as they seem. Adam's face broke into a sharp smile as he thought of the fear he was spreading among the sinners of this city. Yet, yet. He knew that an actual, sustained alliance against him would prove more costly than he considered acceptable. The blood of his men would always be shed, but he was damn well sure he would make sure it was spent well.

So, for now, his Brotherhood's activities were Raiding a storehouse here, blocking a few actives there. He had not brought war yet, just drawn the spotlight upon a new player. There was more than just the foes to consider, however. The heroes might have been opposed to his aims, but they were not enemies to be crushed. There was little chance of an actual alliance, but they still needed to be handled with care, lives worthy of protecting.

Well, there was little chance of an alliance with most of the heroes, at least. Adam had heard..mummers of a hero that sounded like a promising lead. They were independent, owing allegiance to no power, and they were violently opposed to the villainous side of the city. He had gathered a name, Shadow Stalker, as well. There was a chance, always a chance, that they were simply incompatible with his Brotherhood, but he needed more parahumans on his side. This one seemed like the most promising lead he could chase at the time. Sculpting some of his more redeemable foes with his Wake was still a somewhat longer-term goal, and this hero could be gathered now.

All that remained was finding them, and showing them the benefits of service. Thankfully, Adam had started to gather the pulse of this city, various gang meeting spots, targets that they might prefer. If they saw Adam on the field of battle, helping bring down a mutual foe, Adam knew that his speech would have more impact. Finding them on such a battlefield had been Adam's task of late, a task Adam found irritatingly luck based. That was what Adam was doing on this rooftop, waiting for a meeting, wanting to see if this was the chance he had been seeking.

His eyes drank in the sight of the Empire thugs filling in. A sneer, showing far too many sharp teeth, formed on his face. Nazis Judged in the worst ways. They used hate as a crutch, finding in the places it didn't belong. Adam's heart pounded, but he knew how to still the rage in his veins by now, direct to where it could be best used. So he let himself be little more than an observer, his keen eyes taking in the scene far better than any normal person could.

That is how he saw what he was looking for, a shadow out of place, flicking forth before the violence started. The scream of one of the Empire's man heralded the chaos, a bolt piercing his body before he could even realize he was in danger. The shape flickered away again, a gunshot ringing out to do not but chip a brick wall. Adam's sneer turned into a savage smile, and he jumped into the fray, straight on top of a man about to swing a grabbed pipe at the now solid hero.

Adam's mass shattered bone, and he shot up, a clawed hand closing around a brandished gun. He slamming his fist closed, turning the lethal weapon into a hunk of useless metal. Adam pushed forward, trapping the man against a wall. In a fluid motion, Adam reared his head back and slammed it into the man's own. The man crumpled to the ground, barely making any noise as he fell.

Quickly, Adam was back into the fray, moving with inhuman swiftness, and practiced ease. Shadow Stalker had dispatched another man, a well-placed bolt impaling his arm, followed by a near frenzied flurry of punches to his head Two left, and Adam took the one who was getting his bearings together. A shot rang out, intended for Shadow Stalker, but lancing into Adam's hide instead. It brought with it a trickle of blood, but then Adam was upon the man, his claws ripping open his chest, bring forth a fountain, practically an offering to him from which his wounds could seal up effortlessly. Adam heard a scream, and he knew the fight was over.

He turned to see Shadow Stalker staring at him, crossbow ready, but not pointed at him. He was the one who spoke up first, his reserved transformation rending his voice rather humane, if still guttural.

"I am..impressed. I have been impressed with you, Shadow Stalker. I do not levy this judgment lightly. You strike fear into these sinners, and you are adept at striking them down. You have great promise." Adam paused, letting his words sink in. He considered delving into the hero's soul for a moment, but at this stage of his power, the things he could gleam wouldn't be useful enough. Adam saw the hero parse over his words, and finally, they spoke up, with a distinctly feminine voice.

"So what, you here to just congratulate me, or do you want something?" Adam's face split into a closed mouth grin at that, almost soft...for him, anyway.

"Yes. I want you in my Brotherhood. We can channel your skill, and add to it. We can offer protection, comrades in arms. We give you a chance to be a part of something greater, something great enough to amplify your crusade against this city's scum into something that can truly cleanse it. I see you, a warrior, a predator against those who need to be prayed upon, and I see someone who can truly find a place in The Brotherhood." There was a long, long pause. Shadow Stalker was nearly completely still. Finally, Shadow Stalker spoke.

" get the world, don't you? Finally, someone else, someone with some real power gets it. If your Brotherhood, or whatever, is like you? Then damn right I want to join it." Adam's smile grew, shark-like teeth poking through. His task had borne fruit, and now, all that was left was cultivating it.

"I am pleased to hear that. We will meet here, three days from now, at Midnight. I will bring you to meet with your new fellows, and you will be formally inducted. I expect great things from you, now, things I know someone like you is capable of." Shadow Stalker nodded along to Adam's words, rather pleased at finding someone who got the world, someone with power and people behind him, no less. She was looking forward to meeting this Brotherhood, an organization she was already hearing about. Meeting the leader of it had only cemented her feelings that they truly understood what to do.

"Understood. I'll be there, you can be damn sure of that. I gotta head out, more scum to catch, but..keep doing what you do. It's refreshing to see someone like you." Adam nodded, leaving with a simple parting comment.


AN-By my black hand this thread shall rise! I'm sorry guys, really. Stories have a tendency to just..slip away from me. I'm gonna really try not to let that happen with this one again, try to finally, for once, just somewhat regularly update a story.
Interlude 1-Ripples
I'm curious to see what the outside perspective on this is. What do the other gangs and the PRT make of this new development?
Eh, what the hell, I had some spare time. Here you go!

Kaiser was not having a good week, even as he nursed himself on a fine bottle of scotch in his office. He prided himself on, well if he was being honest, there was a lot he prided himself on, but first and foremost was control. Mister Anders was always in control of himself, and that control festered among his organization. Nothing got people behind you more than hate, after all. But now things, complications were arising totally out of his control.

Someone had taken over the merchants. More then that, someone had completely taken them over and reforged them. Already this...Brotherhood was pushing at the borders of his turf. Worse still was the ethos, the manifesto they put out. They weren't like the merchants, oh no, they had a purpose. Kaiser knew fanaticism when he saw it, and seeing it used against him, against his Empire was deeply worrying.

He was in the dark, flying blind from an unforeseen threat. But he wouldn't take this lying down, oh no! If some religious freak tried to lay down law on him, on his Empire, they would soon learn the folly of their ways. He just needed information..yes, that should be the first thing. Information...then a plan to remove this complication.

Meanwhile, across town, in a dingy warehouse, a dragon was unbothered. Lung was assured of his power, countless fights, countless broken bodies telling him a simple truth. No newcomer would rip him from his throne, and if, when they tried, they would end up like the rest of people in his way. Bunisess had not changed, even with the small attacks where they hadn't been before. was best for Lung to nip this problem at its root sooner rather than later. He would let no challenge to his power go unanswered. He had a reputation, after all, even if this new parahuman didn't know, or simply didn't care. They would be broken, and after that, their so-called Brotherhood would scatter to the winds.

In the Protectorate ENE headquarters, floating atop the bay, Armsaster was filling out paperwork, with a dull headache throbbing at his temples. His work was never done, and yet another problem presented its self. Nearly overnight, the merchants had been refitted into a new gang. The Brotherhood of Judgement, they called themselves. They had released a full "mission statement" online, something Colin had already read over several times. It was...surprisingly well thought out, for a new gang. More than that, even. Something wasn't right.

All of Colin's instincts were telling him that they weren't a new gang. They were too…put together. They had a totally unknown parahuman leading them, but from the admittingly spare reports he had received, said parahuman seemed well trained and adept at utilizing his powers. Everything pointed to them being a new organization that simply moved cities, but there were absolutely no records anywhere of a group matching the Brotherhood's description anywhere he could find, and his peers all searched very thoroughly. Colin was slowly forming a hunch, and as he worked late into the night, that hunch only grew stronger.
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Adam was swimming into the depths, his human form mostly slipped away, the barest visages glinting in his eyes. The darkness surrounded him, a comfort. He focused on stilling his senses, one by one. This, this was a countermeasure. Tranquility was harder to find without here, a series of faces still so far away. He had to look inwards, deep into the conflict of his mind. Violence suited him well, but it fed parts of him, parts he needed, but parts that he had to keep in check. Rage was a useful tool, but he couldn't, wouldn't let it be his master.

So he dove. This was a way towards tranquility, one way out of many. Focus on himself, and let the moment build, a resting period. A small voice called it sloth, but he knew this was as necessary as power building. Adam knew what happened when he slipped. Slowly, he let his flesh move, crawl. This always came last. Let humanity, or at least the form of it, reassert its self. Just enough of his other to stay underwater reminded. A moment more, and he was swimming upwards, much, much slower now. He might have been fast on land, but when regressed like that in the water, he moved much more like a finely honed machine than anything biological.

He surfaced, quickly crawling unto land, and getting dressed with the same swiftness. He had a meeting to get to, after all. Three days had passed, and he had someone new to induct. He had high hopes for his latest ally, and he was most certainly going to be paying more...personal attention towards her.

Adam moved through the city with quickly growing familiarity. He wasn't quite running, he knew he wasn't going to be later, but there was a definite swiftness to his movements. His stride carried him well, and he arrived at his destination a few minutes early...where Shadow Stalker already stood. Adam quirked an eyebrow, mildly pleased to see her arriving early. It was her who spoke first, sarcasm lacing through her tone.

"What took you so long? Been here forever." She chuckled before adding something. "I see you ditched the fish look. Guess that isn't permanent?" Adam shook his head, his eye casting a glance over Shadow Stalker. He couldn't see her face, but her stance and her voice suggested excitement. Good. Figuring out moods wasn't exactly a skill that came naturally to Adam, but it was too useful in his life to not learn.

"No, it isn't. I'm a shape-shifter if a limited one. I am...glad to see you here early. Come, let me take you to your new fellows." Adam's voice had a pleased note in it if a rather hard to recognize one. Even without his transformations, his voice was gravely and harsh.

"Lead the way. But, hey, I gotta ask. What is your name, anyway? I couldn't find it online, despite that manifesto your group put out." Adam walked with a measured pace, slower than he normally would. His stride was much greater than his follower. He answered quickly, without looking back.

"Adam." Shadow Stalker sighed, rolling her eyes behind her mask. Not the answer she wanted.

"No, I mean your cape name." Adam took a longer pause before answering that one. He still didn't find it...right to use a title like that.

"I don't have one. can refer to me Tanninim if you wish. I'd prefer Adam." Adam kept walking and waited on a response. It came quickly as it turned out.

"Huh. The hell's that mean? Tanninim, I mean." Shadow Stalker sounded confused but curious.
"It's derived from a Hebrew word for a great aquatic monster." It was rather the other way around, stories of Tiamat's brood creating legends that echoed in human history, but Adam wasn't going to explain that quite yet.

"Huh. Fitting, I guess. Do you know Hebrew?" Sophia sounded...almost intrigued. She hadn't expected that answer at all.

"A little," Adam admitted. Translating those tablets had been...tricky. Family history tended to be. Especially divine family history.

"Huh. Damn. Didn't expect that." Shadow Stalker seemed satisfied with her line of questioning, but Adam had a question his own.

"What is your name?" There was a long, long pause. Shadow Stalker mulled over. She had a secret identity for a reason, yet Tanninim...Adam, had given out his name, and she was joining his organization...well, she had to tell him at some point.

"Sophia. It's Sophia." Adam nodded, finally looking back at Sophia.

"Good to know. Thank you." Finally, silence. The trip passed by quickly after the exchanged. A refitted warehouse loomed, two armed guards letting in Adam and the newcomer with a nod. The inside of the building had covered with graffiti. Adam pointed towards a painted wall, letters spelling out commandants. All around his men surrounded, gazing directly at the new pledge.

"Be honest. Never doubt before you kill. Always know why you kill. Follower your leader, and know who speaks for Him. Prey upon the guilty, defend the innocent."

"Our rules are simple. Can you swear to abide by them?" Beneath her mask, Sophia was nervous. This was...a lot. The rules were simple, but the weapons, the people, they made it all seem so final. But. She heard of what this Brotherhood did. She looked them up, and she enjoyed each word she read. She could do this. Adam, Tanninim, whatever, he got the world. Following him wouldn't shouldn't be hard.

"Yeah...yes!" Adam smiled, showing off his teeth. He didn't doubt her, of course, but hearing someone pledge loyalty to his cause, to his laws, always felt right.

"Good. Now, your welcome to The Brotherhood. A spar is traditional. Take your pick of who you wish to duel." Sophia mulled it over. She decided she wanted to have an impact.

"You." Adam paused for a half moment, before chuckling deeply. Already, she was living up to his hopes. He stepped toward the center, shifting his stance as he raised his hands.

"Feel free to use your power. I will refrain from using mine." A challenge was set, and Adam had a chance to really get to know his newest pledge. There were few things like combat the revealed someone's heart.

Sophia took her stance, before exploding forward with raw aggression on her side. Adam jabbed his fist whilst ducking to the side, hitting nothing but a shadow. She reformed, aiming at his legs this time with a swipe. Adam shoved her, topping her briefly before she turned immaterial again. He began to speak.

"Your aggression is commendable, and you use your power well. But.." Adam darted away from a blow, landing a savage strike on her temple.

"You don't choose your blows well. Skilled opponents can avoid you." Sophia growled, jabbing Adam in his ribs, a blow he took, because...

"You don't keep your defense up as well as you should when you attack." He slammed a fist into her center as he said this, taking the breath right out of her chest.

"You are a good fighter. There's always room for improvement, however." Adam offered a hand up. Sophia glared at, before taking it as he hoisted her up.

"I'll be teaching you personally from now on. But, you did well. Better then I expected, and I expect much from you." Sophia looked him over, checking for lies. But there was nothing but an honest desire to cultivate whatever he saw in her.

"Damn. Are you sure you didn't use your powers? Feel like I got hit by a freight train." Adam chuckled softly. He was actually holding back...a bit. Just enough so he didn't actually break anything.

"I cultivate strength. Powers, no matter what powers you have, work best when you combined them with skill and a well-honed body. Always remember that." Sophia winced, before answering.

"Yeah, I heard that loud and fucking clear. Still." Sophia paused, the pain replaced with a certain amount of eagerness.

"When do I start with the preying upon the guilty?" The smile under her mask and the smile upon Adam's face matched up near perfectly.

AN-Don't think I've ever written so much dialogue before. Hope I'm betting Sophia's character right, she's gonna be...important.
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"Right now. Do you need more bolts?" Adam's voice had an edge to it, bloodlust mixing with something else, like a measure of pride, but not the sort that most people had. The pride that came from his nature, from his "family." The God in him was pleased as ever to acquire a new instrument to work It's will.

"Fuck, you guys really don't waste time, do you? Uh, no. I'm good on bolts, who are we hitting?" Adam gave a slight nod to acknowledge her words before moving as he walked, turning his head back to make sure Sophia was following him. He already knew the few Brotherhood members he had assigned on this task would fall in place.
"The Empire. Storage warehouse, arms, and money inside. Parahuman residence expected. Understood?" Adam's tone was clipped, almost formal if not for the dripping undercurrent of excitement. He was glad to have at least a semblance of info in his hands once more.

"Got it." The excitement was brazen, open in Shadow Stalker's tone. She was the predator, and she had found a "pack", she supposed, to hunt with. Her head was held high as they moved out. She was focused on where Adam was leading the little posse, his pace quick, effeinct.. Adam, meanwhile, was observing the turf he had staked his claim in. Already, differences were apparent. Pleasing ones. Even in the night, some of his men wondered, not to push poison, but to ensure safety. Things looked a little cleaner, orderly.

The gardens the brotherhood had started hadn't borne their crops yet, but it would only be a matter of time until there was more food to go around, as well. It was still a slum, but it was at least a tolerable one, at the moment. Yet, as they ducked around in the city, they slowly saw the streets get cleaner, brighter what with the increase in working street lamps.

There was a reason they were wondering into a more brightly lit part of town. The Empire considered themselves civilized, just. This set Adam's teeth on edge, their false mask of justice one of their worst affronts to his mind. Their justice was just weakness, hate for things that had no weight. Yet, they pretended to be respectable, so they set up shop in the "respectable" part of town. An annoyance, to be sure, but one that could be circumvented. There was only so much police in this town, and Adam had been working on learning this city, such lessons bearing fruit. They made it to the warehouse without notice. Now, time for the plan.

"Here. There are guards posted inside. Significant amounts, from what we could gather. There is a backdoor they keep unlocked, normally with the bulk of forces there. I will enter from the front, drawing attention, you enter through the back after I've done my part. Understand?" The two unpowered members nodded, Adam focusing on them for a moment, centering. The one on the left, he was the one who was a web developer long ago, the one on the right, a former trafficking victim, his men, not tools. Shadow Stalker spoke up, quietly, at least.

"Yeah, got it. Fucking Brute powers wish I could just get..yeah. Got it." Adam noted the complaint with a nod and then focused on his flesh. Slow, steady. He grew, taller, broader, his claws forming, sharpening as thick, scaled plates replaced skin. The changes finished, and his clothes held steady. His men split from him, moving ever so slightly closer to their target, and waiting.

The door was locked at the front. It always was. This did not matter, as Adam wasn't going through the door. Gathering his speed, his might, Adam slammed into the wall, turning it into mere dust in his path. He heard screams, shouts, and then the violence started. Bullets thudded into his hide, the sloppy shots like bee stings at worst. He lashed out, finely honed instinct guiding his hand, claws tightening around a throat. His muscles tightened, applying force. With a sickening tearing noise, the guard's head separated from their body with a sprout of blood. Adam was still moving, using his other arm to backhand another guard into a wall with a roar. They slumped over, alive, but not willing to face His wrath. The third guard, visibly young, looked at Adam, who stared back.

The sinner tossed his weapon to the ground, falling to his knees in the face of Adam's wake. There was a snarl, approving, but no words. Adam moved on. The actual storage area was...almost packed up. There were several people inside, but they did not have guns. A trap, he supposed. A savage smile graced Adam's inhuman face as he drank in their costumes.

He pushed his mind into overdrive, ignoring the words one of them was sprouting in favor of quick assessment, guided by the depictions his Brotherhood had gathered for him. He faced Hookwolf, who was most likely the largest direct threat, Stormtiger, who could prove to be an issue if left unhandled, Cricket, who was much like Stormtiger, if less of a threat to him, Crusader, who was more of an annoyance, and Krieg. Another large threat. A breath had passed, and Adam launched himself forward.

The words died, Krieg's power kicking in as Adam was knocked off course. He struggled to adjust, Hookwolf splitting into a lupine mass of blades, ready to face Adam directly as Cricket darted in with a quick slice that did more damage to her weapons then her foe.
She did not expect, however, for Adam's arm to split apart, part of the newly formed appendage grasping her, pulling her with Adam's movement as it tore into her flesh, the other half throwing an unprepared Hookwolf, even as it got shredded by the blades. Adam's blood fell to the ground as he steadied himself, drinking in the carnage, helping force his energy to fix his body. Another breath passed, Stormtiger rushing forward with a primal scream, the claws he built up slamming directly Adam who just barely managed to stay on his feet, even with his inhuman strength.

He lashed out with his whole arm, Stormtiger's eyes just barely widening as he took a punch that threw him off his feet, shattering his ribs..and his will. Adam's wake was in full force. He wasn't here to kill, oh no. He was here to send a message. In the same moment, he casually tossed aside Cricket like trash. She was broken before him. Adam bought a few seconds with Hookwolf, and so brought his full force to bear against Kreig. His breath caught, a shifting sense of gravity molding it's way around his massive form, but he pushed forward. A spear was stabbed in his side, but it was barely noted, barely even effective at all. Kreig prepared a blow, before toppling right into Adam's hands, a bolt skewed into his knee as a shadow flickered past of the ghostly clones.

Adam shattered Krieg's other leg, dropping the shattered body as it screamed with pain. A red-tinged vision. Hookwolf. They both bellowed, charging at each other. Adam grasped the shifting mass of blades, ripping, tearing. The wounds Adam inflicted bolstering His healing. Hookwolf simply couldn't damage Him fast enough as it was torn apart, again, and again, and again...

Sophia, meanwhile, fired another bolt, growling as one of the ghosts shoved her prey out of the projectile's path. Still...he could only dodge so many angles. She flickered froward as the copies quickly shifted focus to the two other Brotherhood members who made their position clear with covering fire. She aimed low, a vicious punch landed on the scum's crotch, then another, this one to the kidney. Finally, as he fell to his knees, she impaled his palm with a bolt. She had to make sure he stayed down, after all. She withdrew, a bloodthirsty smirk underneath her mask.

Hookwolf's metal production had begun to slow, then finally, cease. Adam lifted up this lump of flesh, this..a breath passed. This man, this sinner. He wheezed out a breath, and Adam threw the full force of his wake as squeezed, snapping a bone. Hookwolf slumped in his grasp, not dead, but no longer a threat. He dropped his foe to the ground as his voice range guttural, inhuman, and powerful.

Let this be a lesson to your so-called Empire. Let yourselves serve as an example for what will happen to all of the corrupted, the wicked, sinful in my city. Spread the word, for The Brotherhood of Judgement shall have no mercy for those who refuse to repent, and neither shall I. Spread my name. Let the unjust quake in fear when they hear Tanninim, because they will hear of what happened here, and they will know the cost of their Sins."
The rest of the night was less eventful and passed by in a haze of the mundane. Sophia had left, off to return to her home, Adam supposed. He had thought for a moment and supposed he should scope out her living situation, at some point. The rest of his followers had gathered the things they could from the warehouse money mostly, as it turned out. The Empire had merely packed, rather than actually removing their supplies.

Adam had no idea if this was overconfidence on their part, or simply overconfidence, but he cared little. Finance was needed. Not for his men, they were established by now and had little need for more equipment. He had control over his new turf, so now came the improvements. The part of town he held considered law and order a joke, and they lived in conditions not fit for beasts, much less humans.

There was a need for a stick, of course. Bringing justice meant showing Judgement on sinners. But, all stick, all Judgement left nothing but fear in his Wake, and in the end, his morality demanded he do more, given how there was no one else who could do more. So, so he needed to provide more than bullets, body armor. He needed food, shelter, safety. His cult, as odd as it must have seemed, was growing gardens. Fixing up run-down buildings, ensuring those who slept in them were watched over.

They were brutal to those who broke the rules they made, yes, but besides some drug dealers, and some...more heinous scum, the people in his turf had mostly shrugged at it, apathy winning over fear, as much as that motive irritated Adam. The mistrust the Merchants had spread was easing, trickling down to faint, wary, acceptance of his Brotherhood. It was hard work, harder with his nature screaming him to force changes upon all, but to let his turf be a wreck out of something as weak as sloth was unforgivable.

That was where most of his resources were going, lately. Most. He had many things to consider, and he also had a unique asset to cultivate. A tinker, Sherel, a builder of tech that seemed impossible. Adam was a man of many talents, some natural to him, some cultivated from brutal training borne from sheer desperation, but he was not a scientist, or gadgeteer, or anything of that sort. Still, her skill seemed more like a natural talent, a muscle reflex, and Adam could work with that, channel it.

Under her previous...leader, she lacked focus, discipline, or even, most of the time, common sense. Adam did not tolerate such a lack in any of his Brotherhood's members, and so far, the new drive his wake had given her had borne seeds.

Seeds he was hoping bore fruit, and soon. Her power was not a tech fix-all. It had limits, but less then she had believed or settled with, in her haze of drug use, as it turned out. She was a vehicle specialist, and she never worked beyond the obvious with her talent. After a long, frustrating talk, he figured out how he wanted her to apply her abilities, for now. It was something she called a "power suit", which, to be frank, was not Adam's preferred name. He had left that comment to himself. He had to sometimes..let his men, his cult, be more individualistic. It helped reign in parts of his nature he needed to keep in check. The power suits, despite the rather informal name, however, were, should be, a useful bit of equipment.

Most of the finer details of how they functioned went beyond Adam's head, but what they did was fairly simple. They were like a..worn suit of armor, but their main purpose was not to provide protection, but to make their users stronger. Faster. More able to get from a to b. There was more tech that she could make than monster trucks, as it turned out, even if the limits of her tinker abilities were fairly sharp.

As a day past, and bled into another, Adam got to see the seeds he planted finally, bear fruit. That last bit of cash he gained from the raid let him acquire everything she needed to finish up her prototype. He stood in his cult's main base, still the warehouse they had first arrived at when they appeared in this world, watching with an intent gaze as Sherrel took her first steps out of her ramshackle lab, clad head to toe in whirling scrap metal, cut yet oddly clear glass forming mask lenses.

With a nod from Adams' s head, she began the tests. First, jogging, then a dead sprint. Adam's lips curled into a slight smile as he saw her sped far beyond her normal abilities, far beyond any human's normal abilities. Not quite like a car, but fairly close. Useful. With that basic run out the way, a battery of more came. Lifting, jumping, hardiness. The suit passed them all, performing near exactly as expected. It would not let his men stand up to a mob of armed gangsters alone, but it was a force multiplier, and more besides. This let them increase the pace of their construction, their improvements to both their own bases and the dens, the gardens, the projects they built for the people they watched over.

"Aright, it's working great, boss! Did..are you happy? Please say you're happy. This was-" Adam cut her off. She was still shaky around, understandably so, the brunt of his wake never left someone the same afterward but he didn't wish for her to start babbling..and he didn't want her to fear disapproval that wasn't coming.

"Yes. This is quite pleasing to me. Take a break, for now, write up what you will need to make more, and how long making new suits will take." Sherell slumped, a huge sigh of relief escaping her mouth. She was exhausted, and that break offered was going to end up as more of a nap.

"Got it bo-, I mean, Judge! I'll get that done right after my uh, break. Thank you." Adam nodded, smiling a bit wider, both for her sake and out of his own sense of satisfaction at her work. She had earned that break, and he still had quite a surplus of time to tap her other projects later. For now, he was content to wait.

On that front at least. There were still a great many of things he needed to work on.

AN-Bit of a breather chapter, actually, hoping to update with at least things like this regularly. Plus, cult gardens!