A Gate of Flesh

[x]Deep Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals you can have your drone start digging holes and collecting the minerals for their underground.
[x]Expanding Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals, however there is a lot of them and if you produce more drones you'll be able to collect that more easily
[x]Deep Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals you can have your drone start digging holes and collecting the minerals for their underground.
[x]Expanding Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals, however there is a lot of them and if you produce more drones you'll be able to collect that more easily
Setting Up More
[x]Scout world
[x]Deep Mining

You send out your overlords and have them look around the planet. The rest of the island chain is much like the one you landed on, expect most of their volcanos are dorment and show signs that it has been centuries since the last eruption. The beginning of the large landmass that was the primary continent of the planet is marked by vast wetland while your overlords can only get a cursory look at the fauna and Flora. Swamps and such have always been beneficial to the Swarms genetic diversity.

Pass the wetlands is a mountain range with very few remarkable traits. Then there is the vast open plans that contain the mine you also noticed several ruins consistent with the architecture of the mind and the human Village. In the farthest Northern reach of the primary continent is a massive Forest there is the strange artifact which is a large ring, and a human settlements they look oddly primitive living in stone houses with fat rules built around small castles the largest of which was the initial Village you recognized when entering the planet. There is only about 20 more of them scattered about the entire continent and you doubt that there's more than half a million humans on the entirety of the planet.

Your efforts two expand mining operations to deeper and more rich areas has gone swimmingly using older techniques and specific scenarios for where mineral formations aren't prevalent on the surface, you are able to create deeper mines that allow your drones o pull up more minerals than they would from the surface.

Actions Pick two...
-[]The Wetlands
-[]The Mountains
-[]The Plains
-[]The Forests
-[]The Other Islands
[]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
While the local fauna won't provide any nutrients it's possible that there might be some unique properties in them that you cannot see just by looking. Of course it will be difficult for you to find anything useful without a Evolution master or pit.
[]Expanding Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals, however there is a lot of them and if you produce more drones you'll be able to collect that more easily.
[]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.
[]Production Bonus
In order to make spawning more effective you should probably create another Hatchery

Primary Hive
Hatcheries one
Overlord x3
Ceribrate (Unique)
Drone x5
Zergling x10
People were dealing with pre-industrial humans at worse for the immediate future, we need to up spawning which means mining and production, next turn we can get the better troops but we need to ensure we can pump them out at full speed (waiting until we get hydra's will make everything better on that anyway).
Adhoc vote count started by SpeckofStardust on Jun 25, 2017 at 4:53 PM, finished with 43 posts and 9 votes.
[x]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
[x]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.
Setting Everything Up
[x]Expanding Mining
[x]Production Bonus

Many new drones are born to take advantage of the now deeper mines and expanding into all nearby deposits. While you flood the caves with drones you also create two new hatcheries to help create more units in the future.

The only thing to note about the mining operations is that despite being deep underground rather close to active volcanoes you have yet to find anything resembling Vespine gas which is worrying because it's the lack of vesting in this area would mean that greater file forms would require another planet before they can be produced. And while you have some recollection of workarounds you would have to brute force a solution that would most likely be very temporary.

This focus on industry leaves your overlords and zerglings on guard duty and other than a few native animals approaching the hive cluster there is been nothing of note.

Actions Pick two...
-[]The Wetlands
-[]The Mountains
-[]The Plains
-[]The Forests
-[]The Other Islands
[]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
While the local fauna won't provide any nutrients it's possible that there might be some unique properties in them that you cannot see just by looking. Of course it will be difficult for you to find anything useful without a Evolution master or pit.
[]The Vespine problem
Despite a rather large mining operation near a rather active volcanic chain The Hive has found no evidence of vespene geysers or pockets of the gas. You might have to find a way to synthesize it with other naturally occurring chemicals. Though as of now you have no need for it.
[]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.
[]Production Bonus
In order to make spawning more effective you should probably create another Hatchery. Your existing hatcheries are probably enough but it never hurts to have more.
[]Second Cluster
The other Islands nearby probably have a similar amount of wealth and creating the another Hive cluster on one of them would allow not only a greater number of units to be spawned but a greater income of minerals.

Primary Hive
Hatcheries x3
Overlord x3
Ceribrate (Unique)
Drone x35
Zergling x10
[X]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
[X]The Vespine problem
Despite a rather large mining operation near a rather active volcanic chain The Hive has found no evidence of vespene geysers or pockets of the gas. You might have to find a way to synthesize it with other naturally occurring chemicals. Though as of now you have no need for it.
[X]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
[X]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.
[X]Eye in the sky
Your scouting efforts showed how the lack of numbers of overlords restricts you. Would be best to put your resources in creating more.
[X]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.