On the Primordial Stage 3
The duality of our existence is a tragedy; every life lost is one too many, yet we can not stop from sending them into danger. For if we were to stop, even more lifes would be lost when the Deity of Sin returns before her time, or Her spawn end up overrunning the brave people of Gamindustri.
-Yellow Heart

IF sipped from her tea and enjoyed the trail of heat it left as it ran down her throat. November had started out cold and even their heated tents could do little about that.

Four days passed since they began to clean LAN Castle. Four days of tireless work and effort. Everyone was tired by this point and they made good progress, but there was still much to be done. Twelve hours of constant fighting every day exhausted even IF.

Their initial push into the main hall had been easy, but the sheer amount and individual strength of the monsters turned every metre after that point into a struggle. Ancient Dragons took great amounts of damage to fell, Fenrirs and Dolphins hid around corners to ambush their scouts, and almost every single Dogoo they encountered here was a Metal Dogoo on top of that. Where the normal ones were a pest, these continuously slipped through their assaults and ran away.

Nonetheless, she gladly took the hours of tense fighting over another close brush with death in form of a single Clione; just as they were told, none of those were in the castle.

"Just the basement left," Broccoli noted from next to her, with Gema lying in her lap; she was the only other Maker currently awake at seven in the morning, holding a candy bar she took bites out of while looking IF over. "One more day, maybe two. I never even saw a Giant Pixelvader before, those things look dumb."

"Hear hear," IF agreed with a mocking toast to the other brunette, who raised her sweets in response. They had found the unusual monster on the highest layer below the rooftop. "At least we don't have to clean the towers," she added after another sip.

"Yeah, I actually tried to look into one yesterday," the child admitted while pointing toward the glowing spire. "All the doors are locked and there are no keyholes. I doubt anything actually got into them in the first place."

"Noted." She idly watched her colleague break off a piece of chocolate, which was then dropped into Gema's open mouth; the creature happily chewed it immediately. "I'm never going to get over how weird Gema looks."

Broccoli shrugged and gave her companion a pat. "You'll get used to it if you stay around long enough. MAGES. and Marvy did, too." After the mention of her fellow Makers, the child perked up with a mischievous grin. "Wanna prank 5pb.?"

IF threw a glance to their shelter, where both of the remaining Makers were still fast asleep. Both Lyrica and CC2 had worked hard and needed their rest. Then again, it was almost time to get up for them anyway; not to mention that she was curious what Broccoli had in mind. "Sure."

Her fellow brunette grinned more widely and began to absorb Gema again, though her appearance did not change immediately. "Great; give me a moment and tell me if I look like the real deal when I'm done."

She nodded, not truly understanding what this was about; then Broccoli's hair began to shift in colour and length, turning into a blue reminiscent of the deep sea and growing out. Her face changed as well, losing the pudginess of youth alongside a readjustment of the cheekbones and facial structure. A little mole appeared on her forehead and at that point, the resemblance with both Lyrica and her sister was uncanny; more so because Broccoli was now a child wearing an adult's face.

"Well?" Even her voice had gone a bit deeper and changed in tone, imitating MAGES. calm yet haughty demeanor.

IF needed a moment to take in the changes and shake off the uncanny feeling. She took a deep breath before eyeing Broccoli again. "You're an actual shapeshifter? Is that other form your regular one then?"

The imitated blunette made a so-so motion. "Eh, I mostly use this to mess with people; my own body and shape are the ones I like best, maybe some cat ears or tentacles." She let that hang in the air, but IF did not ask; she did not want to know at this point.

Getting back to the original matter, IF looked over Broccoli's attempted imitation and nodded slowly. "It does look convincing; not perfect, but I doubt you want to keep it up for long."

"Yep; Gema doesn't have enough mass to let me grow into an adult body, so I couldn't do it anyway. Shaping up like the twins was a blast, though; even Lady Blanc found it funny." The child hopped up and down with a grin, then darted over to the cot Lyrica was resting on.

IF remained behind, watching her colleague shaking the blunette softly. "Wake up, my dear, it is time to conquer the castle once and for all." She could not say for sure, but it did sound convincing enough for someone who just woke up. Lyrica groaned and made to turn, but Broccoli shook her again.

"Ugh." She opened her eyes and raised her head, then blinked sleepily. "Carol? What are you...." Then her eyes focussed and narrowed while IF snorted quietly. "You are not my sister. This isn't funny."

"Oh, it totally is," the other blunette retorted as she began to return to her original form. IF felt a little uncomfortable watching the bones and flesh in her face shift. Going by her expression, Lyrica held similar thoughts.

Only Broccoli did not seem to mind it at all. "Your face was worth the effort!" she chirped, then paused and clarified: "I mean the face you made." IF had to snort again, aware that the clarification had been somewhat necessary.

Lyrica herself just sighed and ruffled the girl's hair. "I see why they sent you here; that gives everyone else a week without you."


But the blunette merely kept petting Broccoli, at least until a bottle of water entered her field of vision, courtesy of IF; she took it with thanks and let off the now reformed brunette, then began to drink.

They soon settled down for breakfast and IF's thoughts began to wander to the remaining tasks ahead; her three colleagues were slowly eating their food in the privacy of their own shelter and she began to chew on the leanboxian provisions as well."You know," she told the others, "I think we're holding up pretty well."

CC2 gave her a nod while Broccoli shrugged. "Kinda?" Instead of using her cutlery, the girl grabbed for a sausage with her fingers and started munching on it. "It's more uh, no, easier for me and 5pb.," she added between bites. "Me in particular. Just blast away and take a nap when I run out."

The other brunette had to agree with that. She was used to exercising a lot and working hard by now, even if she did not get to do any exercises over the past few days; the fighting made more than up for it, but a strange feeling of failed routine remained nonetheless.

"Come now, we're fine." A hand snaked around her shoulder and CyberConnect2 leaned against IF with a grin. "We're tough cookies, aren't we?"

The brunette just grinned back and flicked her eyes to Broccoli. "And too old to get away with napping on the job."

"Exactly!" She was let go with that while the mages smiled over their colleague's antics.

Then however, IF's gaze fell on the black tarp spread out a bit outside of their camp and she grimaced. They had lost six agents so far, their bodies held in the airship up above; on top of that most of the tanks took various amounts of punishment from monsters making it past the Makers; even planeptunian composite steel could not withstand their assault. One had been destroyed entirely, half of the crew killed in addition to the agents.

She never saw a Dolphin that good at hiding itself; not even the Metal Doogos with their natural camouflage in this area had managed to sneak up on them like that.

IF had known that casualties would happen, but she still hated it. Even though she knew they were above the curve in that regard, she could not find it in herself to be happy as long as someone ended up dead.

. .
. .

At nine in the morning, everyone had eaten and prepared themselves for the coming day. CC2 split off from everyone and ran ahead as she had done every day after the first, inspecting the cleared sections to make sure no monsters that made it past the planeptunian scanners remained alive; only a few had moved over the night, passing through the checkpoints set up at every cleared intersection.

The mumbling about recklessness had stopped among the ranks, though. Many non-Lastationites had seen the blonde's behaviour as near-suicidal at first; when she returned hours later with a bright smile, a few bruises, and all hostiles killed, they began to understand why CC2 was called the lone wolf. IF had been in that group as well.

Of course the brunette knew that Makers often worked alone, but calling in help to deal with large numbers or similar situations were a perk of the job; IF had gone on her own often enough to know she could deal with almost anything, but her colleague simply went in and somehow made it through. No one knew how, only that the odds were not in her favour.

LAN Castle's basement had more narrow passages than the areas above ground; they could not bring the tanks there, which would remain behind and guard the staircases just in case. Agents fanned out with mages and equipment in the back lines, preparing for whatever may come.

In the lead were IF and 5pb., as usual; Broccoli remained just a few metres behind them while the Planeptunian checked around corners with a scouting drone. The first few corridors had been free and, after a suggestion from an agent, they decided to set up a kill zone. The Makers watched the path ahead while their subordinates worked on that, then two of the three advanced.

IF took point, carefully stepping forward with 5pb. following right after her; she checked around the next corner but found nothing. Following that, the two Makers approached two doorways at around the halfway mark of the following corridor, set opposite of each other and appearing perfectly innocent.

At first the fact the floor and walls swallowed any noise had been creepy; it was still a little unsettling even after four days inside, but IF had gotten somewhat used to it. It even helped in masking the sound of her approaching footsteps, though that also went for any monsters which may be hiding behind those corners.

Weirdly enough, the Sharicite appeared to only swallow sounds of transportation; voices carried normally.

IF reached the doorways and noticed that, as before, there were no doors. She signalled her friend to halt and stepped back while pulling the drone controller out of her pocket. 5pb. understood what she was doing and made room.

The metal sphere hummed softly as it passed them by, a Bite, which IF just knew had been named that exactly because it fit the weaponless scout less than Bit fit the armoured protective drone.

She watched its progress on the small screen on her controller, her colleague looking over her shoulder. The room to the left was found empty. IF made sure to turn the camera so it swept over every corner and the ceiling so as to not overlook anything in hiding.

Monsters in Lan Castle came in three flavours; the first kind merely lazed around and was easy to spot, but tipping them off with noise usually either made them charge immediately, or more often turned them into the second and third kind. The second waited right around a corner and jumped the first thing to round it; the third hid in some nook or cranny, either to make their escape or to strike from behind once they moved on.

They lost two people the first time that happened and IF would not make this mistake again. It may cost their very limited supply of drones as they got jumped by ambushers, but she rather lost material than personnel.

This machine turned under her careful commands and approached the other doorway to look inside; they immediately found two Metal Dogoos idling around, apparently unaware of their enemy's presence and ignoring the drone.

IF sent the machine further into the room to check for other monsters, but found nothing. Then she received a tap to her shoulder and turned to 5pb., who began to form two crackling spheres in her hands.

Taking the sign for what it was, the brunette made her drone retreat out of the room and around the corner, past where the two of them stood. Her colleague sent both orbs careening into the open room moments later, resulting in a flash and a loud bang followed by the smell of ozone.

Both Makers waited for a few seconds, but no agitated Metal Dogoos rushed out to flee or attack them; this prompted IF to carefully poke her head around the corner, ready to pull back immediately, but she found the room completely empty and with no sign of what just happened. A quick check of the corners told her that the monsters did not go into hiding, either.

So she turned back and showed her colleague a thumbs-up, who tapped her communicator. "Two Metal Dogoos, destroyed," she relayed to their main group. "No other hostiles so far. We proceed now."

They nodded at each other and walked on, toward the corridor's end. It split into an intersection, one path leading to the left and one to the right. IF's drone once again went first while the Makers watched its camera feed.

To the left, they found a Fenrir posed to leap, but which thankfully did not seem to care about the drone. It remained in wait, pressed against the floor with strings of muscles visible under the dark fur.

To the right, they made another first encounter of a kind IF had hoped to never see. A Giant Metal Dogoo, the same steel grey body as its small brethren and with boring red eyes, but idle as it tried to move in the small corridor. The Fenrir, too, did not have as much space due to the area they were in.

Going by how 5pb. audibly gasped, she had similar thoughts. The weight on her shoulder where the blunette's chin was went away as they separated and retreated a few metres, taking the drone along.

IF tapped her own communicator and reported her findings: "One Fenrir and One Giant Metal Dogoo, maybe impaired by the corridor's size. Set up the mines."

"Roger roger, setting up mines," the agent confirmed her order and faint shuffling could be heard from down the corridor; it was far enough away for the monsters not to hear, though they usually waited for someone to spring their traps instead of charging on their own. IF cast a glance back and found a dozen men and women lining the corridor with lastationite mines, the colours of their attire indistuinguishably monochrome through the light.

They set up a dozen mines in four clusters of three, with an obvious path right in the corridor's center for the Makers to run through. It took a few minutes which the Makers spent leaning onto opposite walls a bit away from the intersection, their hearts beating slightly faster from anticipation; they got used to things like these by now, but instinct would never allow them to simply shrug them off.

Once the mines were prepared and their agents retreated, 5pb. made to step forward but IF stopped her. She waved the blunette back and pointed at herself, receiving a quick nod; they could not kill something this big without a lot of SP expenditure, which could not be allowed in a long lasting mission. IF's magic, due to her bad efficiency, was best used to draw out foes here.

With a last glance back to make sure her friend had retreated to the far corner, IF gathered the power in her palms and tensed up. She could not do anything extravagant, but a single curve for each blast was possible even for her.

Once she was content with the amount of power she had gathered, she threw out her open palms and pushed it outward; the magic became flame immediately, rushing left and right under her will. It cut off after a moment while the brunette turned to flee. A growl sounded right behind her, making it clear that the Fenrir was not amused.

IF merely sped up, her boots hitting the floor in eery silence; she could not tell how far the pursuing monster was away or how fast it ran, so she boosted herself with her Awakening for a moment. The young Maker practically flew through the corridor with her enhanced running speed.

5pb. waited for her to clear the mines, watching the Fenrir even while IF's back was turned, and both of them quickly rounded the corner when the younger woman reached her friend. They threw themselves behind the blast shields set up by their agents only a moment before explosions hit them; the building did not shake, but the displaced air still carried the sound to them.

A bit of smoke wafted around the corner while most of the assorted humans flinched; even with the ear protection they all carried, the noise level hurt.

A few seconds passed and the noise faded. Then another set of explosions rang out, to much the same effect.

Then all was quiet once more, the silence uninterrupted again; Broccoli quietly darted to the corner and peeked around it, body pressed against the stone. Her head turned a little, taking in the surroundings, then she showed a thumbs up back to them.

IF sighed and tapped her direct subordinate agent's shoulder. "Mark another Fenrir and our first Giant Metal Dogoo." The man nodded while other agents already went out to retrieve the remaining mines and another group removed the blast shields.

. .
. .

This went on in roughly the same or similar manners for several hours, not much different to how it had gone for the previous days. Sometimes they had to vary their approach in more open spaces or staircases, but the allied forces worked out a good synergy after several days of facing the more dangerous monsters in Gamindustri.

When they took a break for lunch in the main hall, CC2 already expected everyone with a wide grin on her face; she appeared cheerful despite her disheveled hair and partly torn clothes, waving with a sausage hanging from her mouth.

"Heya!" she called to her fellow Makers after taking a bite from the meat and chewing it. "How'sh it going?"

IF could not help but roll her eyes a little, but knew the blonde was not the only one who would talk with her mouth full on occasion. "Pretty well," she told her. "An hour or two more and we can enter the lowest layer; we might be done by sundown.

"Wait, really?" The mages nodded in agreement, making CC2 blink. "Huh. I thought it would take longer. Good on us, I guess."

The others agreed with that, although Broccoli made a face right after. "We're running out of explosives," she told them. "The last stretch will probably need more legwork from us."

CC2 groaned and slumped over while a few planeptunian and leanboxian agents did about the same thing around them, everyone having looked forward to finishing up. IF in turn considered the new information before shrugging. "Then so be it. Let's extend the break a little so everyone can catch their breath."

She received no disagreements and a cheer followed the previous groan going through the ranks, much to their amusement. IF understood them, though; each day consisted of twelve hours of work, though each third of the assembled forces only had to go through eight hours; they cycled through in order to preserve their strength while the Makers kept at it.

She herself felt ready to keep going, though. So after a few minutes to prevent her food from coming back up due to unexpected athletics, IF got up and strapped her katars on again. "I'm going to take a quick look around, make sure we didn't miss anything."

"Sure, take care!"
"Have fun!"
"Don't die!"

Lyrica, CC2, and Broccoli respectively. IF rolled her eyes and got going.

At first it was merely a comfortable walk, through the cleared east wing and then back to camp; from there, IF went through the west wing as well while her friends relaxed.

Then she went into the basement again, their most recent conquest. Almost upon entering however, she spotted a Metal Dogoo. The monster immediately fled upon spotting her in turn, but IF gave chase around the corner it rounded.


Once she killed the creature, IF nodded and turned around to finish her round... only to find the agents already up ahead. How weird, she did not expect them to move just yet.

The young Maker made her way through the various teams, exchanging nods and greetings with some as she passed. 5pb. and Broccoli both waited up ahead and greeted her curiously, with CC2 apparently having gone ahead to scout alongside the Leanboxians.

"Finally back, eh?" Lyrica offered with a grin, "you've been gone for hours."

"Come on, it wasn't that long." IF almost laughed and moved forward to join her colleagues, who put the matter aside. "Let's finish this."
"Come on, it wasn't that long." IF almost laughed and moved forward to join her colleagues, who put the matter aside. "Let's finish this."

Well, that's alarming. Something messing with time is rarely good. I wonder if they have any kind of clocks they could compare to see the difference. Given that no one realises how long it was though...
On the Primordial Stage 4
Heh. She attempts to keep this a secret from you, even now. Despite telling you so much already, Histoire... does not seem to want you to know this. Listen, child, and let me tell you what it is she guards.

IF ran after the Metal Dogoo with considerable speed, gaining on her target without trouble. Then it suddenly rounded another corner she had not even noticed; the young woman followed immediately.

Had her sense of orientation been better than average, or her attention not been focussed on a monster to kill, she might have realised that she never saw this particular path before. That every single agent had missed it on the way through this layer of the castle.

She continued her pursuit through the nightly corridors, barely able to make out the scared Dogoo but still keeping up with it.

That was, until a shard of glass impaled the creature at its very centre, splattering corrosive slime over the ground before it evaporated into silvery fragments. Only the glass remained.

IF came to a quick stop and attempted to find her potential new opponent, believing herself capable of taking anything in this area. Her misplaced confidence remained in place even when she saw the creature, completely unknown to all humans.

It was a golem, made not of crystals but rainbow-coloured glass. Similar entities had been observed in cave systems before, but no monster ever displayed such a colouration; the golem stood out crassly among the serene moonlight the walls emanated, being a source of colourful light amidst eternal night.

The golem stood two metres tall, its bulk making it appear considerably more massive than IF herself; the young fool remained cautious, observing this unknown as it observed her in turn. Though she was confident, her nearly fatal encounter with the Clione had remained in IF's mind; it would never leave, making her unwilling to ever give a foe another chance to catch her off-guard.

Silence descended on the hallway as both sides stared each other down, one a woman who would never break, the other a construct made to last for eternities.

Seconds passed before the golem moved, lowering its arm that had still been raised toward where the Metal Dogoo died. It breathed a ringing sigh which made the glass forming its body swirl the slightest bit.

"A human... it has been a while since I had sapient visitors."

Its voice was high, artificially so, and appeared somewhat uncanny coming from the figure of an imposing golem. Each word sent the colours in its body swirling, drawing a surprised twitch out of IF. The golem bowed its head lightly, then gently treaded toward the elongated glass shard on the ground.

Under IF's watchful eyes, it reached out with one arm and covered the shard; the glass swirled before turning liquid, then it was absorbed by the construct.

The young Maker knew that this was either the first case of a monster capable of speech in history, or something else. She waited, unwittingly relaxing as nothing bad continued to happen; a pair of glowing green shards formed in the golem's head, reminiscent of eyes, as it turned back to look at her.

Then the construct bowed at the hip, the very picture of politeness despite its atypical body, and addressed her in its unnatural voice: "My apologies. I am the guardian of Lady Histoire's inner sanctum, crafted by the Tome herself"

Moments passed as IF's mind began to work through the golem's statement, attempting to find any indication whether it was true or not. Why would Histoire need to create a creature such as this, and why in this particular place, she wondered. Then, when no answer was forthcoming, the young human asked her question out loud.

The guardian's glassy surface began to wobble and it emitted a series of clinks, its alien attempt at laughter. "What rests here," it explained after reining in its mirth, "shall not be known to man or god. Its greatest protection is obscurity. With you already here and past the wards however, I may as well show you."

The golem made to move, but IF stopped it with a motion of her hand; she remained wary, unknowing whether she could trust it. "Why are you so helpful if this place is supposed to be off-limits? Histoire wouldn't have her security be that lax."

Another clinking laugh followed while the guardian bobbed its head up and down in a poorly imitated nod. "Indeed, but she does not need to know, no? It can be our little secret. Besides, the corridor you went down to get here actually has a Sharicite-barrier that stops people from noticing it; you went past that anyway, so let us call it a reward for finding this place?"

When the young human remained in place, she received a slight headtilt in response. "Such is the trouble of creating an intelligent guardian, Isabelle. I have my own free will, and I so rarely get visitors."

This however, the creature's direct access to the Tome's records even without her supervision, managed to convince IF. Wrongly assuming that no monster could know her name like this, she found it as proof of Histoire's influence. Though the application of Sharicite did surprise her a little. "Can you really do that kind of thing with Share Energy?"

She received another overly exaggerated nod and followed the guardian upon being beckoned again. "Indeed you can. With the creator goddess Silver Heart gone, her child Histoire remains the most talented Sharicite engineer in existence. She may have even surpassed her mother in the tens of thousands of years since."

IF listened quietly, eyes a little wide as she considered the possibilities. There was so much to find here. So much to potentially learn. "So, did she, uh, Silver Heart I mean, did she make this castle?"

"Just so. There are basically no limits to Sharicite but your own mind, at least for CPUs." They began to wander down the corridor with several metres between them, but the guardian did not appear bothered by IF's wariness. It merely turned its head so what passed for eyes were directed at the visitor; this creature did not require eyes to see, although the notion meant to calm IF only alienated her more.

Her feelings were put aside when the golem continued, though: "Have you never wondered why your companion, Broccoli is what you call her, does not age?"

"Uh, I did, but I can't think of any- oh. Share Energy?" IF received a bobbing nod which only made her grow more confused. "But how? Broccoli is no CPU."

"She is not, but one needs not be to handle Sharicite. Magic can act as a substitute." Warnings from her divine friends immediately flashed back into IF's concious memory while the guardian continued: "She wished upon a small piece of Sharicite, a family heirloom. The colossal amount of spellpower she was born with allowed her to do it, though even such might can not withstand that which is made from hopes and dreams. The Sharicite sucked every last bit of power out of her and kept going; she only survived because she is that far outstanding."

IF listened with rapt attention; she knew it was not right to learn more about others like this, but this creature was to sate her curiousity. As all humans do, she disregarded what was right in favour of her own desires and did not interrupt.

"Moreover," the guardian continued, "the side-effect of this entire matter is that her body ceased to be human, in a way. Or became more, even I can not say for sure. It remains in its current shape and she has become immortal.

That was news to her; she did not even know whether her fellow Maker was aware of this. "Broccoli is immortal?"

The guardian made an indiscernible motion with its arm, this time failing to imitate human customs entirely. "In a manner of speaking. She can still be killed, but her body will never age or waste away on its own. However, her life is also linked to the little creature her wish for a friend created; if this one were to die, so will she and vice versa. Their emotional link is also quite interesting."

IF blinked and became rather grateful that the golem stopped talking at this point; she had wanted to learn more about Broccoli's condition, but it had quickly become a little too private for her liking. She would also need a while to stomach all of this; it sounded somewhat saddening to her, who rather lived in a short blaze of glory than remained forever.

Moments passed in silence as they rounded a corner and went through the very first actual gate IF had seen in this entire structure. Behind it lay a circular room with a single pedestal in its center.

The guardian motioned for this very pedestal with what may be reverence. "This is where the third Tome rests in-between cycles. Without any CPUs, she often lies here and dreams, reliving better times."

This, IF knew, contradicted words which had been spoken to her before. Histoire was always working, or so she thought, unaware of the melancholy that came with such age. Even a personified book was not immune to such feelings, and neither were the gods.

The human took a closer look at the pedestal, but found it in the same moonlit colour as everything else, barely standing out in an otherwise empty room. There was nothing in here either, her mind almost tricking itself into believing she had stepped away from Gamindustri entirely.

In order to distract herself from such thoughts, she turned back to the guardian with a question in mind. "So what exactly are you guarding here? Histoire doesn't really need the protection, does she?" And she had not been told of anything else in this place that required a guardian so far.

The golem, in turn, tilted its head and motioned her forward, to a second pathway one could only see once one stepped past the pedestal. IF blinked at it and then followed the construct again, her curiousity overwhelming her distrust of the situation. She no longer saw any reason to be wary, which to most meant that there was none. A common error.

As they walked however, IF's mind produced another question. Something she felt might be connected to this whole matter. "How do the silver wings play into this?" she asked the guardian.

Its response was both benign and curious: "Are you asking because of Tari's Blue Heart?" Though it was correct, or perhaps because it knew it was, the golem did not wait for an answer as it answered the question. "Either way, the silver wings are a relic of the forgotten past, as is your own Awakening... and what lies at the end of this path."

This, she did not know. Her Awakening had always been hers, to the point she never questioned it even after learning of the silver wings. IF faintly wondered what else she had taken for granted but which was not.

Noticing her confusion, the guardian chuckled again in its alien manner. "You have to understand, back in the forgotten past, Silver Heart possessed the power to reshape reality. The same as every other CPU of her time, and the collective of humanity as well."


It was all IF could say, her mortal mind reaching the limits of its ability to accept the fantastical. The guardian, well aware of this, continued without a care.

"Be aware that there is a fundamental difference. Every deity could bend reality to her will in a certain manner, but humanity as a whole could do the same. Not single people, but everyone. Any believe held by the majority of all humans became reality. Such as the CPUs, who came into being when the concept of religion first took hold among the hearts of men."

The guardian actually interrupted its walk to turn back properly, its blank expression unreadable to IF. "However, you have to understand that times were different back then. The gods were leaders in name only, but truly slaves to their peoples' whims. A fall from grace was a death sentence, CPUs had to go to war against each other at the will of their subjects."

Its words had sent IF's fragile mind reeling, the pure contradiction between ancient knowledge and current affairs strengthening her disbelieve; were it not for the situation, she would have openly called the guardian a liar. Perhaps it was but the shock that prevented her from speaking up at all.

What it said next, however, was something she readily believed: "And with so much strive and general negativity around the world, some ultimately came to believe in another deity, one whose purpose was the exact opposite of the CPUs. One who grew on the peoples' failings and who would bring ruin to Gamindustri."

IF understood it instantly, for humans would instinctively know their collective end. "The Deity of Sin."

"Correct. Born out of anguish and fear, with the sole purpose to destroy." It knew little of the thoughts that Oblivion incarnate entertained, and thus refrained from speculating on them. "Many CPUs died when She first emerged, entire nations were wiped off the face of the world. But the gods held back their malevolent kin, and some survived the battle. Silver Heart was among them. The people celebrated their saviours.

"Except that they all missed how bitter Silver Heart had gotten from being a toy to their whims, or the true enormity of what they brought upon themselves."

They began to walk again by that point, almost unnoticed by IF who still attempted to refuse the old truth. She grasped for that which she knew, keeping up conversation for the sake of her own sanity: "You mean that She revives every few thousand years?"

A clinking laugh answered her, the guardian rightfully amused of the matter being brought up. "Quite. No one however, not even Her own creators, realised that recalling her is as simple as raising a child under her name." Its tone of voice turned solemn. "For whenever there is one who truly thinks of themselves as Arfoire, their immortal soul will become a seed to Her."

Arfoire's dreaming gaze was drawn by the mention of her name, just as any time it were spoken before. This time however, IF did not merely feel a passing glance running over her mortal flesh; the Deity of Sin's attention remained, for she was nearing an old relic of the lost reality.

Shuddering, she forced herself to focus on the conversation in a futile attempt to power through the influence. "Then why would she-" "-kill the children named after her? She doesn't."

The golem's head tilted slightly, revealing yet another truth with the almost palpable cheer of one who had the answers to well-guarded secrets without understanding for the mayhem their truth could create. "Histoire does. In order to prevent another emergence before its time, she disposes of every child to be raised under Her name and has done so since time immemorial."

For indeed, the Tome's nefarious side had been hidden better than almost any other secret in the world and beyond. The lengths she would go to to prevent her ancient enemy from running amok were beyond anything humanity as a whole expected; even the gods remained unaware.

IF, who no longer truly worked through all the revelations, merely accepted it with a nod. She would need a long time to truly understand all she was told here.

A minute passed in silence, the young woman left alone in her thoughts as she was led through the seemingly endless corridor. Except that it ended, allowing the two of them to enter a circular room which oozed malevolence; the feeling was even greater than Arfoire's continued gaze, assaulting IF's mind and making her instincts scream to flee before the titans of old struck her down.

The room was as empty as everything else had been, though its walls were pitch black; a hungering void where no light fell yet everything remained visible to the naked eye. The sheer weight of its singular content shifted reality.

There, on a slightly elevated platform in the room's center, a sword was struck into the Sharicite. A simple blade, one-handed and made of blank steel.

Yet simply gazing at it sent IF's mind into turmoil, filling it with visions of a vast, grey desert; violet skies hung overhead and right ahead lay a pit of blackness, filled with countless eyes staring into her very soul.

Pain exploded within her skull and IF crouched with her hands pressed to her temples, groaning as the sudden throbbing nearly burst her head. The sight of what she had seen lasted longer, countless eyes staring at her even from within the darkness of her own eyelids.

"Ah, yes," a familiar voice drew her out of the spiral of madness, chasing away the eyes. "You should not look upon it directly. Even here, as secured as it is, the blade still recalls what it is" Cold, fingerless hands grasped for her face and turned it away, the exhaustive mental strain even preventing IF's instinctive fight or flight response from kicking in.

"Open your eyes."

She did, and found the guardian in front of her. It nodded again, the motion slightly less exaggerated this time. "Before you lies Gehaburn, the shard of extinction" it explained softly. The blade did not react to its name, lying quiet as it waited with unending patience; waited for one to draw it and end the lifes of gods.

"Silver Heart changed everything. She rewrote reality itself, taking especially the power to affect reality from humanity and her own kin alike; it is sealed within her masterwork, the Tome Histoire." IF nodded mutely, taking anything at all to fill the painful void left in her head. "Yet some parts of existence are too great to be removed entirely; fragments remain, such as the Awakening you carry, or the silver wings CPUs still grow in time. This blade is another such fragment, power born long before Arfoire herself but yet filled with her essence. It kills any and all that it strikes, men and god alike."

IF stared at the golem weakly, unable to hold back the one question on her mind: "H-How can s-something like this exist?"

Even though she had seen the fantastical, her mind remained mortal. Even with her peerless force of will, she nearly shattered under the realisation of her own insignificance in the machinations of ancient gods.

The guardian, however, gave her the only explanation it could give: "It does exist is all there is to it. No one is allowed to have it, be they human, god or monster. This is the Tome's refuge."

Their declaration fell on deaf ears as IF attempted to cope with what she learned, to hold her fragile mind and sanity in place. Before she had managed such however, something slithered over her forehead and a simple application of Share-given powers made her faint.

Never once having let go of her since turning her away from Gehaburn, the guardian had no trouble knocking her out. It held the unconcious human gently, looking down at her resting face with unseen sadness.

It quietly lamented the fact that their conversation had to end, but it knew its duty. Despite the lies and half-truths it gave in the beginning, this creature adored humans; it had been made to watch in solitude, yet it desired to interact with humans despite not understanding them, or how to properly converse with one. The curse of free will.

The guardian's arms liquified and flowed up Isabelle Fontaine's head, gently entering her ears to reach the brain without damaging her. The alterations to erase her memories of this place and what she heard were cumbersome, but not difficult.

It was more work than the guardian would have had knocking her out immediately and altering her memories, but it yearned for companionship too much to simply push her back out without at least attempting a conversation. Even though it did not know how to talk to humans, actually doing so was still bliss to the lonely creature.

Yet, it all had to end.

. .
. .

Once she killed the creature, IF nodded and turned around to finish her round... only to find the agents already up ahead. How weird, she did not expect them to move just yet.

The young Maker made her way through the various teams, exchanging nods and greetings with some as she passed. 5pb. and Broccoli both waited up ahead and greeted her curiously, with CC2 apparently having gone ahead to scout alongside the Leanboxians.

"Finally back, eh?" Lyrica offered with a grin, "you've been gone for hours."

"Come on, it wasn't that long." IF almost laughed and moved forward to join her colleagues, who put the matter aside. "Let's finish this."
Well, that was chilling. I mean it too; I was quite distinctly unsettled by that whole chapter, the way it was written and the way the Golem spoke. Woof.

As for the revelations... Yikes. Histoire's starting to give off real 'Secret Bonus Boss' vibes here. Like, serial child murder, spending the centuries between CPU's basically bathing in Gehaburn's pure extinction energies, placing a sapient guardian there forever and ever, only allowed tiny snippets of conversation that it has to steal in between its duties, secretly holding power to outpace even the greatest of the Goddesses... If this was the RPG's, she'd be the actual reason behind those absurd level 999 level caps, alright.
On the Primordial Stage 5
The story of a life has no real end aside from death. But in a way, is not every homecoming in itself an end?

At the end of the day, everyone left the castle in high spirits. Night had fallen by this point as everyone pushed themselves to the limit one last time, but they had made it.

LAN Castle was cleared of monsters.

Naturally, IF knew they likely missed a few stragglers, but no one would be deterred by that; they had waged a minor war in the last few days, eradicating everything that got in their way.

Now that it was over, most of the agents rather preferred to hold an impromptu party instead of resting. The Leanboxians produced some instruments from somewhere and began to play with 5pb. in the lead, while CC2 pulled IF to dance. No one cared that neither of them could dance or how they stepped on each other's toes, or that 5pb. kept falling out of step because she was unused to making music with a group. Broccoli stepped up in place of proper fireworks, directing barrages of colourful magic into the sky; her mages soon followed the girl's example and added to the festivities while others joined the dancing Makers.

Despite how tired everyone was, especially after an hour of celebration, no one went to bed with a heavy heart that night.

Yet the events that transpired did not stay out of their minds forever. "I'm not happy that we couldn't protect everyone," Lyrica told the other Makers the next morning as they sat down for breakfast. "Even if our losses were low, I don't like this."

CC2 wrapped an arm around the blunette's shoulder and pulled her into a gentle sidehug. "Yeah, I get it," she told the other woman softly. "It sucks, but I rather you be sad than not care at all." IF had to agree there and even Broccoli appeared to be of the same opinion.

"It's what it is," the loweean girl told them with unusual reverence. "They all knew what they signed up for, so they were ready to take the risk. I know that doesn't make you feel any better," she added when her colleagues frowned, "but you shouldn't think you led unwitting fools to their demise, either."

As they ate, the Lastationites and Planeptunians were already busy taking apart the tech they constructed days earlier. IF originally meant to assist them, but had been shooed to have a proper meal after how hard she pushed herself on the final stretch.

They would be leaving the area soon, for a new group of Makers to return with new agents and the same task in a decade.

"Wanna ride with me?" CyberConnect2 grinned at her friends, IF being considered part of that group without any hesitation. "I'm already taking one group of freeloaders along, we have room for more." She pointed up at the anchored airship for Broccoli and IF to consider.

"Sure thing," the loweean agreed immediately. "It beats trecking back to the next city on our own."

She then channelled her magic into carrying her voice and addressed her white-clad agents: "Heads up, CC2 offered us a ride so we're passing on the survival training!" Her call was answered by cheers, followed by some laughter from the other agents.

IF had to think longer, seeing that she would be extracted either way. It would be nice to spend more time with her fellow Makers, but she was currently overseeing planeptunian troops.

After a few more moments, the brunette sighed as she realised how to solve this. "Sure, if you'd have me. I just need to see who's up for a detour."

So she stood and marched over to her own subordinates with a sandwhich in hand, who gathered together once they realised she was going to address them. IF looked around and found everyone present. Or rather, no purple attires anywhere else in her camp. "Alright, you heard it already, Lastation offers us a ride. Anyone who wants to kill some time and head home in style, hands up." A third of her agents raised their hands. IF nodded. "Okay, just in case, those who go with our own extraction teams, hands up."

Half of the agents raised their hands, leaving a few unaccounted. IF frowned and almost called them out, especially after seeing a few grins and understanding that they did it on purpose.

Instead of doing that however, she adopted her fake sweet smile she usually put on with kids who misbehaved. "Alright, and the rest apparently wants to walk home."

Her respone elicited some chuckling, though there were a few worried faces among the crowd; IF grinned and made to count again when she heard the loud cries of a flock of Phoenixes flying their way. She turned around while taking a large bite out of her sandwich, finding more than a dozen of the avian monsters approaching; then light blossomed and there was one less. And again.

None of them had done anything. The tanks remained silent and the artillery was already disassembled.

Then a pink blur raced through the flock and scattered it while destroying another three with slashes quicker than human eyes could follow. She came to rest in-between the gathered forces and the monsters, her presence settling over the area and calming everyone.

Purple Sister glimmered and exuded flame from her arms, the two streams flowing down their length and quickly forming into six superheated spears that darted toward the Phoenixes. Three more avian monsters fell, skewered by two spears each.

It went on like this and within a matter of seconds, the fight was over. The CPU turned to eye the strike team with surprise that remained unseen due to the distance, then she took up speed and descended to meet them.

All agents, even those of other nations, lowered their heads reverently on her approach; IF could not help but roll her eyes while she strode forward to meet her friend, quickly finishing her sandwich. The other Makers followed, a good bit of their tension and unease flaking away under Nepgear's soothing presence.

Blue eyes quickly took stock of the people present, of the destroyed tank at the side, and of the uneven numbers. The young CPU's face softened as she approached, though there was a certain amount of audible curiousity once they reached talking distance. "I was just hunting in the area," Purple Sister started with, giving a nod toward where the Phoenixes died. "Did something happen that made you pull out of the castle?"

IF just raised an eyebrow at her friend. "We're done is what happened." Her fellow Makers nodded, much to the Candidate's surprise.

"A full day ahead of schedule. Goodness, that is marvelous." Nepgear clapped her hands cheerfully and offered them a bright smile; wind softly stroked over the four, then her voice carried over the entire area, congratulating the Guild teams as well. "Good work, everyone!"

"Anyway," IF continued with a nod toward their mostly packed up camp, "we were making ready to leave. I'm going to take part of the team with the airship, so we will come back by train."

"Oh. Okay." Nepgear looked over everything again and nodded to herself, then floated up. "Do not let me stop you. Safe travels." She waved and darted away, her divine aura soon leaving the place. The others waved after her.

A downside of Nepgear's presence was that IF felt her soreness and exhaustion even more now, after it had been soothed somewhat for a few minutes. She heaved a sigh and turned to march back to her agents.

A quick call to the planeptunian transports later, she oversaw the final steps in the disassembly of their gear and watched all the other contingents being lifted into the airship. Her own transports arrived soon after, taking in the agents that decided to head home posthaste as well as the excess material. Several more were sent to tow the destroyed tank back home.

IF saw her agents off before stepping onto the final lift and being pulled upward. As the platform rose, she could see the anchors being pulled out of the ground and smiled.

It was indeed over.

CC2 expected her on top and pulled her along with a tired grin. "Come on, I commandeered us a place to stay."

And so she was pulled along into a comparably small stateroom, with two bunks in the walls and a few amenities. What IF noticed first however, was the fact both Broccoli and Lyrica were fast asleep, having already taken up the bunks on their own.

"What the, those guys were awake when I left," The blonde mumbled to herself as she looked over both mages, but IF tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Some sleep actually sounds great. Do you mind sharing with Broccoli?" She knew Lyrica would not mind either of them, but the loweean girl was not too fond of IF. CC2 shrugged and climbed into the lower bunk, cuddling the child to herself with a grin. The fact she did not even argue made it clear how tired she actually was.

They all were, really. IF climbed up into the other bunk and poked Lyrica, whose eyes fluttered open in confusion. "Move over," she muttered to the blunette, who did as told. It was cramped with two adults, but neither of them cared much. Moments passed until both of them had fallen asleep.

. .
. .

By the time IF woke, they had docked at a Lastationite city whose name she could not be bothered to learn or remember. She said her goodbyes and was drawn into a group hug by her fellow Makers, then took her remaining agents and took the next train home. The ride was more of a blur, seeing that she was still tired.

Yet her impressions slowly regained contrast and nuance, until she was mostly awake and looking out the metal giants rising into the sky. Nicos, her hometown, gleamed in the morning sun.

She got up and filed out of the train together with her agents, some of which were chatting with each other as they dispersed over the platform. IF herself, however, was immediately greeted by a ballistic purplette. "Welcome home!"

It took a moment to find her balance, but she got long since used to Neptune's antics and held her without any trouble. A glance found Nepgear and Compa waiting nearby to greet her as well; the sight filled IF with warmth.

She had been gone for only a few days, but with the battle and losses they had, it felt longer. IF still felt responsible for these good men and women dying, but she would get over it in time.

For now....

"Yeah, I'm back."

For now, she was home.
It has been sixteen years since I took this position. Four generations of Makers passed by since then, and now it is time for me as well. I loved every day of serving my Lady, my nation, and all of you. All these years will stay with me till the day I am put to rest!
-Isabelle 'IF' Fontaine

"See you tomorrow!"
"Stay safe, Liz!"

Elisabeth waved her best friends goodbye and adjusted the straps of her backpack; the choir had just let out and she was positively starving, same as every Wednesday since the beginning of the school year.

At thirteen years old, the young Planeptunian was in her last year of middle school. While Elisabeth did look forward to her new school with both cheer and anxiety ever more often, right now she focussed on getting home.

The transparent energy fields criss-crossing all over Planeptune's capital city of Nicos would make this easier, but she had yet to find absolute trust in her sense of direction. The city was huge and grew in three dimensions with how tall the various skyscrapers were; parkour runners made their ways over various buildings in various styles, tempting Elisabeth to join them. She had the magical aptitude and reserves to fly and cushion a potential fall.

However, she also promised her mother not to do this without knowing the proper techniques.

Yet, as most teenagers do, she ignored that and darted forward on the sparsely used walkway; wind rushed ahead of her and quite intentionally flipped an older girl's skirt, to an indignant squawk.


She was not sorry, but apologising was important to her nonetheless. Not that whoever she just embarassed could actually catch her at the speed she was darting by.

At the next staircase down, Elisabeth pushed her feet up with a bit of applied magic and took the railing like a step. These were the only areas with a protective field pretending people from just walking or jumping off the invisible force. There were a few shouts, but everyone calmed down once she did not fall but rather continued to hop from one platform of barely visible, swirling air to the next.

Her chocolate brown hair waved in the wind, normally reaching to the small of her back in a slightly messy ponytail, and lilac eyes gleamed with excitement; when her feet came to rest on a flat roof, she let go of her magic and allowed well-trained muscles to carry her until it was time to jump, courtesy of her mother's insistence to exercise for half an hour every day.

Her heart beat heavily and adrenaline surged through her veins as she cleared dozens of metres deep descents without trouble, cheating around her body's limitations with magic where necessary. Elisabeth had a blast, wholly unconcerned about her fluttering skirt due to the speed she was moving at.

Had she also noticed the rather familiar purplette running adjacent to her as she whooped and cheered, she would have fretted about the lecture sure to await her at home. Though in this case, as it was Neptune and not Nepgear who came across her, Elisabeth was saved by a fellow troublemaker's sympathy and silence.


Greeting her neighbours was a bit of a chore, but she did it with a smile anyway; her house was already in sight, a rather conservative two-storey building a bit away from the main road. As usual, their garden was the most vibrant in the entire neighbourhood; the reason for that being Elisabeth's mother, who diligently pulled weeds when the young teen walked through the front gate. Gardening had remained a steady hobby even into her retirement, the practice receiving great amounts of time.

The slight squeak of metal on metal alerted her and with a final pull, another weed went into a halfway filled bucket. Green eyes went to meet Elisabeth's lilac and the two soon smiled at each other.

"There you are. How was the choir?" It was a similar question every Wednesday, though mother and daughter waved at each other in greeting at the same time.

Isabelle Fontaine did not appear like a woman of fifty years, even for a Planeptunian. She aged gracefully, appearing more as if she were in her mid-thirties at most. Though one could normally not see it under the sundresses she took to wearing since before her daughter was born, the shirt and shorts she wore for yardwork made it rather obvious that her body still retained a good bit of muscle.

Elisabeth Fontaine had inherited Isabelle's soft features, but not her height. Though she still hoped for a growth spurt, chances were that she would stay more than a head shorter than her mother. Their eyes were not the same colour either, but they shared their rather slender builds; at least in Elisabeth's opinion. She did not know that her mother only began to fill out somewhat a short while before giving birth.

"Same old, same old. I'm in the running for the solo piece, though," the daughter could not help but brag. She took pride in her clear soprano voice, especially after the tutoring she got from her mother's old friends.

Isabelle's smile widened and she only took a moment to take off her heavy gloves, then hugged Elisabeth. "That's great news, sweetie!" The child squirmed a little, but a proper embrace from her mother was inescapable; even though she cheekily called the older Fontaine a granny from time to time, she knew full well who was the stronger and faster one of the two.

Not that she minded it too much. "Mhm," she mumbled into the hug, embarassed about potentially being seen like that. "But I don't have it in the bag yet. What's for lunch?"

"Hm? Oh, right, I forgot the time." Isabelle's arms loosened and she ushered her daughter inside without hesitation. "We're having pork today. Do you want noodles or potatoes to go with it?"

"What about rice?"

"We just had rice yesterday, silly. Now pick one." Isabelle cheerfully grinned at her daughter as the door closed behind them. "And 'both' is not an acceptable answer."

Remembering the last time she tried to give that response, Elisabeth could not help but giggle; Isabelle's chuckling followed right after, drowned out by the younger Fontaine's response: "Then I'll take noodles."

"Heh, alright. I will get to it in a moment." Isabelle hurriedly marched on, secretly berating herself for having forgotten the time and not having lunch ready by this point. She was pulled out of it by her daughter's attempted teasing, though.

"Shouldn't you take a bath first, mom?" Elisabeth gave her a telling look, seeing that even though the older brunette had dusted herself off after standing earlier, she still brought crumbs of soft, halfway dried earth into the house. A testament to her state of distraction, as she normally kept the inside clean of such dirt.

Isabelle weighed her options for a moment, then sized up her daughter. "I'll go and wipe myself down, no eating sweets while I'm not looking." She knew the child was growing and hungry, but she still tried her best to be strict where she felt she needed to be.

Elisabeth saluted her mockingly and scampered off with an "Aye aye, ma'am", leaving a grinning Isabelle to get a wet towel for herself. The day would continue like that, with the daughter washing up as well while her mother was busy and the two eating lunch together once it was done.

Elisabeth had no second parent, much to the confusion of basically any new acquaintance. She only had her mother, and not even Isabelle knew exactly who her other mother were; the only ones aware were Purple Heart, Purple Sister, and the woman herself. No one had broken the silence yet, though they would if Elisabeth desired it in the future.

So far, she had felt no need to know. It was only the two of them, but they were as happy as they could be. And so it would remain.
So, this is the finale, huh? While there wasn't any climactic encounters or final engagements, you did a very good job with this story, I feel, as a worldbuilding piece! By the end, we had a very good view of all the major characters, the secrets of the setting were laid bare (At least, from an outside perspective, poor IF unfortunately got mind-whammied out of the final deepest, darkest truth, but I can certainly see why you intentionally didn't let her remember her discovery if you didn't plan on going down that storyline), and we got to see where things were going next. Plus, you wrote a 320K word story from start to finish and actually finished it to boot, which is definitely worthy of congratulations!

That said, there is still one mystery left, even if it's a small one. Just who is Elisabeth's second egg donor? It's admittedly been a while since I booted up a Neptunia game (Still need to finish 4GO, come to think of it), so the immediate description of the differences (Shorter, lilac eyes) doesn't really suggest much to me. Since it doesn't sound like IF really cares or wants to know all that much, would you be willing to sate my curiosity there, assuming you actually have an answer yourself?
So, this is the finale, huh? While there wasn't any climactic encounters or final engagements, you did a very good job with this story, I feel, as a worldbuilding piece! By the end, we had a very good view of all the major characters, the secrets of the setting were laid bare (At least, from an outside perspective, poor IF unfortunately got mind-whammied out of the final deepest, darkest truth, but I can certainly see why you intentionally didn't let her remember her discovery if you didn't plan on going down that storyline), and we got to see where things were going next. Plus, you wrote a 320K word story from start to finish and actually finished it to boot, which is definitely worthy of congratulations!

That said, there is still one mystery left, even if it's a small one. Just who is Elisabeth's second egg donor? It's admittedly been a while since I booted up a Neptunia game (Still need to finish 4GO, come to think of it), so the immediate description of the differences (Shorter, lilac eyes) doesn't really suggest much to me. Since it doesn't sound like IF really cares or wants to know all that much, would you be willing to sate my curiosity there, assuming you actually have an answer yourself?
Well, first of all, thank you for the kind words. I put a lot of effort into the world, so I am glad it is liked.

A little something regarding IF forgetting and that secret in particular, it hints at a meta-plot element I hid in plain sight. Anyone who feels like overanalysing a work can try to puzzle it out :V

As for Isa's child, Elisabeth is no expy. Admittedly, there are some hints as to who her other mother is, but those are only circumstantial evidence; such as her being her school choir's ace, or the lilac eyes. I did not want to colour her hair blue or give her the mole because that would have been a dead giveaway.

Also, for a super out-there hint: the first time Elisabeth appeared, in a chapter quote talking about IF not knowing who her other mom is, was the first chapter 5pb. appeared on screen :V
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It was a good story, sad to see it end what feels like so soon (that might be my sense of time being broken though). Any other project ideas bouncing around for an interquel/sequel/AU/whatever?
Any other project ideas bouncing around for an interquel/sequel/AU/whatever?
Well... there is potential to do something with this, yes. But it would be difficult to get the same vibe, or something comparable. I feel that a big part of the magic in this was the setting itself, for both IF and the audience to explore what changed in comparison to canon. To introduce all those little details. It could work as a foundation, but without a coherent plot idea, of which I only had one ever since, it would go nowhere.

And that one idea I thought about... was a take on the Ultradimension, though with Nepgear landing there instead of Neptune. Again with a lot of differences in detail and stuff (boy, the fact an adult Arfoire exists there would have made for fun interactions with how I built her up), but I do not feel I could do as well with it.

Part of that is how I abhor most parts of Re;Birth 3, especially nearly everything past the... 50% line? Including all endings. I feel that if I tried, I would have to watch myself hard not to bash the original plot and characters.

Another part is that I could not stay true to some of the Ultradimension's elements (looking at you and your sadistic tendencies, Plutia) even through adjustments without making my Nepgear start a revolution, which would feed back into the bashing.
What impressed me most was how you managed one chapter per week by the time I started reading. You provided regularly scheduled enjoyment for the period, for which I thank you.
I would have preferred a few more arcs leading to the epilogue, but this is your call as the author, so be it.
What impressed me most was how you managed one chapter per week by the time I started reading. You provided regularly scheduled enjoyment for the period, for which I thank you.
Well, uh... such is the power of a well-curated backlog. I know how much I dislike good stories taking ages to update or just dying halfway through, so I usually write a good amount of content ahead of time to keep a consistent schedule even if I can not write for a while, for any reason.

But thank you, I am glad my measures are appreciated.
"What about rice?"

"We just had rice yesterday, silly. Now pick one."
The eternal dilemma in my household. When rice is just so good.

I'd still like to see more of Rei. Your version on her was nice, but we never got to see more of her, Iffy's visits, or doing anything with her character, which in my opinion has a lot of wasted potential. Maybe its own story in time?

One one hand I am extremely happy to have read this story, see it brought to a satisfactory ending, but on the other I am extremely sad to see it go.

Your take on the verse was very pleasant to ready as it explored Gamindustry's sides never shown in the other mediums. The often omitted or sidelined characters, or those who deserved so much more attention. As well as the normal people that populate the world and live it every day.
Their little quirks, brought about by the cultures they were raised in, as well as unintended jabs at our own world.

And Iffy. The star of the show worthy of her nation, fighting for a nation that is worthy of her.
It was a great ride for a setting that needs much more love!

Sincerely hope that you will find it in yourself to grace us with another great quality piece in the future. Even if its not a Gamindustry setting.
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I'd still like to see more of Rei. Your version on her was nice, but we never got to see more of her, Iffy's visits, or doing anything with her character, which in my opinion has a lot of wasted potential. Maybe its own story in time?
I think I see your point, though where I stand there would be no real story; Rei as she is set up has no intention to ever leave her hidey hole and just wither away. I probably could have written something about IF visiting her as she said she would, but the thought did not really cross my mind when planning this story.

Either way, it is still a learning experience for me to tie everything up neatly; should have gone better than my previous big, non-Quest project, which was a mess, but there is still room for improvement. Though beginnings and endings seem to be something I need to work on in general.

Sincerely hope that you will find it in yourself to grace us with another great quality piece in the future. Even if its not a Gamindustry setting.
I can not speak of quality, but the next something goes up next Saturday :V

(Though not on SV, as I have ceased feeling entirely comfortable putting my content here; I just wanted to finish what was already started. You can find me under the same username on QQ, and due to suggestions by friends I am also crossposting to AO3 in addition to FFN)
(Though not on SV, as I have ceased feeling entirely comfortable putting my content here; I just wanted to finish what was already started. You can find me under the same username on QQ, and due to suggestions by friends I am also crossposting to AO3 in addition to FFN)
Can't say I don't understand the feeling. Maybe expand to SB?