1.0 - First Reading
"Young man, I sense a powerful energy within you."


"You are understandably confused but worry not for I shall tell you your fortune and what is to come."

"Um, sorry but I really - "

"Do not be concerned. I do not seek material wealth, only knowledge of one's future and destiny."

"I don't know…"

"I assure you that you will lose nothing from allowing this one to read your fortune. And perhaps, you may obtain something of great value."

"...Fine sure whatever."

The old gypsy lady smiles and bids you to follow her as she enters her tent. You let out a sigh and follow in after her. It was the weekend and you were getting some fresh air after spending most of the morning finishing up Yumiko's latest request. You did take some time out to do your daily chores and look after your younger siblings but after spending most of yesterday at the sewing machine, you need some me time. Thankfully, Ayano, the oldest of your younger siblings, was free today took over "parent" duties for the afternoon while you unwind in the city.

You find your way to the city's open markets where dozens of stalls and peddlers were set up, selling their wares. While wondering to get to eat, an old lady suddenly grabbed your arm and now you were in a fortune teller's tent. You honestly don't really care much for this kind of stuff but it was a free reading and you were kinda curious about how this type of thing went.

The inside of the tent was simple. A small table with two chairs and four tall candlesticks that were lit to illuminate the dark tent. There was a subtle fragrance in the air, perfume maybe or possibly incense. Taking a seat at the table, you wait for the old lady to begin telling you your fortune.

"Now then, young man. What do you know of the Tarot? Of the Arcana both major and minor?" The fortune teller asks. You shrug your shoulders and admit that you know very little of tarot cards beyond a few video game references from when the few times you joined Yumiko's video game sessions. "No matter then, I simply ask you to put faith in my words. Shall we begin?"

Giving her the okay, you watch as the old gypsy woman shuffles the deck of cards that she pulled out from...somewhere. The way she shuffles them is quite elaborate and speaks of much practice and experience. Eventually, she finishes shuffling the cards and takes the top 3 card of the deck and places them in front of you in a row.

"Before you are three cards that represent your past, present and future. By reading the cards, I shall be able to divine your fortune. Now, how has your past shaped your current self?" She then flips over the left card.

Huh, real tarot cards are different from the stylised ones from games.

"Ah, the Temperance card. For it to show itself in the past position means that you have a foundation of calm in your world. Your childhood is one of peace and that has lent itself to ensure that your present is never too rattled when the unexpected occurs. It also means that you've shown great integrity and character in a situation that you could have easily taken advantage of. It allows tells me that you are a very patient and understanding young man."

You do not say anything as you take in the fortune teller's words. To be honest, she's correct for most parts. Your life has been quite peaceful. Though you do get pulled into Yumiko's antics whenever she's acting out, you've been a bastion of tranquillity for your best friend. You are a calm and patient man thanks to having to practically raise several of your younger siblings when your parents weren't available which was quite often thanks to their jobs. As you mull over her words, the fortuneteller proceeds to reveal the middle card.

"Oh? The Empress card? Interesting. The Empress in the present position indicates that you are quite satisfied with your life right now to the point where you have begun to wonder if there is something you should be doing instead. Perhaps the tranquillity of your past is growing thin on you, yes? Well, no matter. I say that it is a good thing that you are content with your current circumstances. Not many can say they are satisfied with their life."

Her words strike a nerve with you. Yes, things have been quite satisfying. Thanks to your talents, you have made life easier for your siblings and your friendship with Yumiko is rock solid. Life is good and yet you have been feeling a slight ennui. Your collaborations with Yumiko and her cosplay hobbies had once made you simply shake with excitement as you work through the night, bringing your and Yumiko's vision to life yet now you are feeling...burnt-out? Less excited? Unchallenged? You do not know.

"Worry not, young man. If you feel as though you should be doing something with your life right now, I suggest that you seek out something new or go outside the limits that you have set for yourself. Now then, what does the future hold for you, young man?"

Before you could consider the gypsy's advice, she flips over the last card.

"...Oh my. This is quite unexpected."

"Er, what is?" You ask, wondering why the old lady seems surprised at the card that is meant to represent your future.

"Five of the sword suite. It seems that you shall be embroiled in a conflict in the near future, young man. It will be one where victory shall come at a cost and all who participates will experience a loss regardless of their position. If you seek to triumph over the coming conflict, you must conquer all who goes against you or be conquered in turn..."

You take a moment to digest what the old lady just told you. Conflict? A pyrrhic victory? Loss?

"I believe I need more information," the old lady says as she gestures to her deck of cards, "If you would be so kind, I would like you to draw two more cards to further my understanding of your future."

Doing as she says, you draw two more cards and place them before yourself.

"The Tower and the World, how very interesting. Yes, I see it now. I fear that your peaceful days shall be coming to an end. What peace and harmony that you have now will be broken and you must either adapt or face despair and destruction. However, should you overcome the disaster and conflict that awaits, you shall be enlightened and you will have gain much more than you will have lost."

You honestly have no idea what to say to that. So according to the tarot cards, something big and bad is going to happen in your future that will result in you getting thrown into some kind of conflict but if you manage to overcome this conflict, you'll win at life?

"Interesting times awaits you, young man. Give me a moment." The old woman takes the cards of your fortune and returns them to the deck before shuffling the cards once more. Once she is done, she fans out part of the deck, twenty-two cards, out in front of you face-down. "I shall give you a gift to help you in the coming times, a good luck charm if you will, but first I ask that you pick a card, any card and show me it."

Nodding, you hesitate as you try and decide which card to grab before taking one in the middle. The moment you see what you have taken, you feel a strange electricity travel down your hand and through your body. What the hell was that?

Shaking your head, you look at the card in your hand. Huh, the card is of a very different design than the ones that were used before.

The card you take is the one that shall guide you in the coming conflict. It shall act as both your identity and symbolises the power that will be granted unto you. The other arcana have already been granted to another but those remain hold great power. Use your knowledge and understanding of the major arcana to choose the blade that you shall wield in battle.

[ ] IV. The Emperor

[ ] V. The Hierophant

[ ] VIII. Justice

[ ] IX. The Hermit

[ ] XI. Strength

[ ] XII. The Hanged Man

[ ] XIV. Temperance

[ ] XVII. The Star

[ ] XVIII. The Moon

[ ] XIX. The Sun
I suggest thinking about what they do they mean in terms of tarot card readings, what concepts and ideas are tied to them, and what they symbolise as well. That should give you an idea of what powers to expect.

EDIT: For example...

The Fool arcana uses the image of a boy on a journey, usually symbolising a trickster or an innocent who relies on luck. In readings, they represent the start of the hero's journey,a journey of self discovery. There's also the fact that the Fool arcana features prominently in the persona games as the wild card - the zero from which infinite possibilities spring forth from.
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[X] VIII. Justice

Kind of wish Judgement had been on the table. Though I have the feeling that if this was an anime we wouldn't be the main character.
True and the star also I think represents staying true to yourself in adversity and growing into what you were always meant to be both physically and spiritually

The Star card is therefore an important card for personal transformation. When the Star appears in a Tarot reading, be open to new ideas and growth. Listen to the still small voice within. You have a strong desire now to find or rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life. You are making some significant changes in your life, transforming yourself from the old you to the new you, and in doing this you are bringing about a fresh perspective on life. You may also be feeling that you are finally honouring the person who you truly are or want to be, rather than simply following a routine that has little meaning to you. There is a deeper spiritual journey that you are going through which is all about bringing greater meaning and purpose into your life and renewing your inner energy. You hope your future will be better than your past. This card is the call of destiny that motivates you or compels you to go on. Your desire is not in vain as you will ultimately find what you are yearning for.
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The card depicts a night scene. Two large, foreboding pillars are shown. A wolf and a domesticated dog howl at the moon. A crayfish appears in the water. The Moon has "sixteen chief and sixteen secondary rays" and "[is] shedding the moisture of fertilizing dew in great drops" (totaling 15 in the Rider-Waite deck) which are all Yodh-shaped.[1] The figure in the moon is frowning, reflecting displeasure.

According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, "The card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit... The dog and wolf are the fears of the natural mind in the presence of that place of exit, when there is only reflected light to guide it... The intellectual light is a reflection and beyond it is the unknown mystery which it cannot reveal." Additionally, "It illuminates our animal nature" and according to Waite, "the message is 'Peace, be still; and it may be that there shall come a calm upon the animal nature, while the abyss beneath shall cease from giving up a form.'"[2]

From wiki​
The card depicts a night scene. Two large, foreboding pillars are shown. A wolf and a domesticated dog howl at the moon. A crayfish appears in the water. The Moon has "sixteen chief and sixteen secondary rays" and "[is] shedding the moisture of fertilizing dew in great drops" (totaling 15 in the Rider-Waite deck) which are all Yodh-shaped.[1] The figure in the moon is frowning, reflecting displeasure.

According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, "The card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit... The dog and wolf are the fears of the natural mind in the presence of that place of exit, when there is only reflected light to guide it... The intellectual light is a reflection and beyond it is the unknown mystery which it cannot reveal." Additionally, "It illuminates our animal nature" and according to Waite, "the message is 'Peace, be still; and it may be that there shall come a calm upon the animal nature, while the abyss beneath shall cease from giving up a form.'"[2]

From wiki​
What powers do you think that gives us
We will get animal like powers, although we will most likely be some form of a wolf/werewolf.
sounds intrestng but i like the spiritual connotations and evolution of the star arcana it sounds like we will have optimization of ourselves maybe some form of magic related to it like punches and regeneration as well as heightened mental capacity