[X] Ren Nakamura
[X] Boy
[X] You come from a poor but happy family of eight. Both your parents work hard to provide for five kids and as the oldest, you've essentially become the third parent of your siblings. Your grandfather from your mother's side is a quirky old man who's surprisingly active for his age and he seems to have lived quite a colourful life if you were to believe his stories.
[X] You're a loner. You have at best a few people that you're friendly and one best friend.
Your name is Ren Nakamura and you have few friends.
Admittedly, it's hard to hang out with other people when you have to look after your younger siblings and one kooky grandpa. Since you were seven, you've practically become your sibling's third parent. With both your parents out working hard to maintain a comfortable if frugal lifestyle for a family of eight, you ended up taking care of most of the household chores and making sure your family is doing well. You honestly don't mind since to you, family is the most important thing in your life.
Fortunately, you're not completely deprived of a social life outside your immediate family members. Your best friend since kindergarten is often around to help relieve the burden of raising three youngest siblings and dealing with a little sister in middle school who seems to be in her rebellious phase. They also provide additional emotional support to get through life as well. There are a few people in your class that you are sort of friendly with but you don't really know much about them beyond a few details.
That sounds about right.
Now for a couple more questions.
Due to your circumstances, you have become quite good at a certain skill. What is it?
[ ] Cooking – Everyone in your family can barely cook for themselves, with the exception of the oldest of your younger sisters. In order to feed your family well, you had to learn how to cook using whatever ingredients you could get your hands on and you learnt how to cook well – very well.
[ ] Studying – With your family situation being what it is, you're thrown extra effort into your studies. If you succeed in getting into a good college, you'll be able to get a good job and better support your family. Through time and effort, you've become quite good at studying.
[ ] Brawling – You didn't have it easy, growing up. People…assholes and bullies thought you prime bullying material. You took offence to that. After years of getting into fights, you've become very good at beating up other people as well as learning when and where in order to keep your "extra-curricular" activities from causing problems for your family and studies.
[ ] Arts and Crafts – Being rather limited in funds, you couldn't buy the best toys or brand new dresses for your siblings. Instead, you learnt to make them from scratch. Through trial and error as well as a lot of practice, you can make decent custom-made toys and stylish clothing for your siblings, using whatever material was available.
Now then, who was your best friend while growing up?
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Minoru Yamasaki – You've been friends ever since they sat next to you on your first day of kindergarten and for one reason or another you've hit it off with each other. Witty and very social, they have many friends but they always keep a spot open in their schedule for you. You also have no idea what Minoru's true gender is. Minoru's been switching gender since first grade and currently, they're identifying as male in high school. While wearing the female student uniform. They are also a god damn tease.
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Jacob Anderson - You were the first friend that Jacob made after his family moved to Japan due to his father's job and you've been friends ever since. Though he appears distant and cold at times, he's really a nice friendly guy, as long as you don't hurt any of his friends or family. In the past, Jacob was well known for being a terrifying delinquent who got into fights almost daily and though he's calmed down considerably since then, he's still very scary when he's angry. Has the strongest poker face.
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Takumi Hayashi - An aspiring magician, he's been your best friend since grade school. Takumi is a bit of a trickster, often pulling off light-hearted pranks on pretty much everyone and anyone whenever he felt like it. While Takumi's definitely one of the smarter students in your school, he prefers slacking off if it doesn't have anything to do with magic tricks. His skills as a magician are already practically on the same level as a professional and younger siblings love his shows.
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Asagi Hoshikage - Ever since the day you met on your first day of preschool, Asagi has been a part of your life. She has a cheerful, wacky, hyperactive demeanour and usually comes across as someone with a zest for life. Hammy and a big fan of dramatics, she makes life a bit brighter whenever she's around - sometimes too bright. May or may not be insane. She likes to tinker with electronics and chemicals, often causing something to explode when left unsupervised.
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Yumiko Nakamura - A young lady from a rich family who you befriended when they were a shy timid lonely little girl lost in a park. Despite the differences in your social status, she has continued to be your friend regardless of what anyone else says. For her, your friendship is her most precious thing she has. While she seems to be a cold and aloof young lady in public, in private she reveals her true colour as a nice, warm and rather emotive girl in the springtime of her young. She dislikes her responsibilities as clan heiress and often uses you as a sounding board to vent her frustrations.