A Full Frontal Assault: A Gundam Unicorn SI

Chapter 18
Chapter 18
The Red Baron Appears!
U.C. 0094.3.5 1455 EOST
Endra-class Lindra, Space around Palau, Lagrange 4

"So this is the famous hideout of the Delaz Fleet, the Garden of Thorns. An impressive structure despite the locale." I comment to Hill Dawson as we overlooked the video feed projecting the greatest kitbash mankind had ever created. Delaz had fused a small asteroid to the bottom half a destroyed colony, and had dragged semi intact ancillary systems, the agricultural and water systems from the industrial ring that O'neill type colonies had and solar arrays of every kind, to be repaired into a type of broken wheel that allowed the base to exist independently. It's manufacturing capabilities where nothing to sniff at either, it had allowed Delaz to maintain but the Garden of Thorns would be elevated to a true center of industry, as the fleet's six Arango-class freightes had, by virtue of overclocking their reactors for more engine power, dragged the salvaged Axis shipyard into the Loum Debris Field and to the Garden.

That movement had cost me more gold, used to pay Anaheim to have them turn watching eyes away from the South Pole of the Moon for a few hours, but the movement of a giant rock would be easy to trace if it's passage had been noticed. The crews, upon arrival at the Garden, had repaired what needed to be repaired and started up the life support systems before leaving the Debris Field with a skeleton crew to continue the activation process. Those six ships had made it back to Palau, where they had started to take on members of the Neo Zeon Marine Corps -the name of which I still didn't like and was probably going to be changed in the future- who would be heading up the Diyu assault. Major Silk had been given combat command of that endeavor with Zinnerman heading up operational command from the Garen, our very own Ark in this endeavor.

"There will be space enough to hold the fleet sir. Though I do wonder at how much space there will be to run practice maneuvers for the fleet and mobile suits" Dawson commented, looking at the image with a critical eye.

"Issues like that will be easily dealt with Commodore Dawson." I replied. "But any issues with our new locale can be dealt with when we've actually arrived there."

"Very well. I have the status update you requested on the fleet sir." Dawson handed me the relevant papers. "To summarize sir, we are on track to depart Palau in four hours and will reach the Moon's space just past midnight, upon reaching lunar space, advance units commence deployment followed by the fleet dispersing to operational zones. Operation Left Hook is scheduled to commence at roughly 0200 Earth Orbital Standard Time, on your order sir."

I turned to face Dawson, taking in the sight of the man dressed in his full command regalia, overcoat and peaked cap included. I had been dressed up to the same degree, my more comfortable white pants and boots exchanged for pressed grey dress pants and black dress shoes. The more extravagant red jacket, with the tail coats and high collar. The gold filigree never left any of my uniforms, though I never minded, I made the color work and who doesn't like to dress like a hussar?

I'd managed to repel attempts to put a cape or heavy jacket on me, so I'd be the only member of high command without a second layer during the upcoming meeting.

"Thank you Commodore." The two of us exchanged salutes. "We'll regroup at the bridge before departure so I can address the fleet. Please have your technicians make the necessary adjustments to the Lindra's communication array."

With that, we parted ways. I made my way to the Lindra's mobile suit bay and entered on the upper level of the bay, giving me a birds eye view of the six Geara Dogas it held. Four of the suits had had their maintenance completed as they holding beds had been placed upright, which would allow the suits to be rapidly fed into the two launch catapults. The two other Geara Dogs, aside from being laid flat on the hangar floor, had various parts of their armor stripped away so that the mechanics and engineers could get into the internals to turn or fix whatever was causing errors.

My own red Geara Doga had passed muster, as it was one of the four positioned upright. It looked good, any damage from the quick battle last year had been repaired long ago. Two missile pods, loaded with anti-MS missiles, had been attached to the hips of the suit's armored waist. The shield had been loaded with unguided Sturm Faust weapons, and someone had dug up a commander variant beam machine gun to serve as my main weapon. It smacked of favoritism a bit, but we were as weapon stretched as we had been during the days following my awakening.

I took a closer look at my Geara Doga, squinting at the head. It didn't look so...shiny when I last saw it. Feeling confused, I pushed off the balcony and floated across the hangar, spinning to get a frontal view of my mobile suit.

Now I might be prone to forgetting things now and again, but I definitely did not order the visor above the monoeye to be decorated with twisting gold and silver filigree designs. Combined with the black and silver cuff and chest piece designs, my Geara Doga looked fit for a noble. Only one person could have been responsible for this, I reasoned.

"Oshikawa!" I called down to the elderly chief engineer of the Lindra and signaled for him to move up to my level. He had the gall to look amused by my directions.

"Yes sir?" He asked as he floated up to my level.

"I thought I had ordered that my suit not be given any extra attention than what was necessary Oshikawa." I lectured and pointed at the golden visor. "That looks a lot like extra attention to me."

"Ah that." He said, managing to sound like it was the first time he had ever seen the new visor. "Well if you don't mind me offering you a piece of advice sir, I've found in my career that pilots like their leaders to play into certain themes that they've established when building their reputation. The Red Comet flew red suits, for example. And the Red Baron.."

"Has to look the part of the nobility." I finished for Oshikawa and sighed. "Does it interfere with anything?"

Oshikawa gave up the game and answered straightforwardly. "I double checked everything, it's purely cosmetic and does not affect armor integrity in the slightest. Trust me sir, I used to work on the Dozle Zabi Royal Guard's Zakus and they never had any issues with their decorations. And their joints had gold on them. Hehehe"

"Very well Chief Engineer, dismissed." I waved him back down. I turned back to examining my Geara Doga and after a few more minutes, arrived at a conclusion: at the very least, nobody would mistake me for Char Aznable. He wouldn't have been caught dead in a mobile suit with this many decorative elements.

In the back of my mind, the Will gave off a faint sense of agreement. Guess fashion tastes hadn't been something from Char that the Will got to keep.


The meeting of the captains had been concise in its material and over in the span of minutes. Munitions had been accounted for, sailors and pilots and marines had reported to duty posts, fuel had been pumped into storage tanks and ship reactors had been brought back to life.

Good news was that everyone was biting at the bit to bite into Feddie flesh. Materially, we'd been stretched thin by creating M-particle missiles and by producing other varieties of munition shells and missiles but, we weren't scraping the barrel when the dust had settled.

The bad news ended up being that we'd drastically overestimated how long our fuel supplies would last us. Once Left Hook had concluded, it would need to be addressed immediately and I got the sinking feeling that, once I had hemmed and hawed over the problem for a while, it would end with another visit to Anaheim.

Another problem for future me it seemed, but present me had an address to give.

I was in a circular room, stripped of interior paneling and full of hastily fitted cameras, onboard the Lindra. A microphone was placed before me by a press ganged crewman who was part of the group acting as the interim media crew for the moment.

"Ready to go live?" I asked the room, taking up my speaking stance: shoulders squared, chin raised and arms clasped behind my back.

"On your signal Supreme Commander." Came the reply. "Cameras are ready to go live on your mark."

"Very well then." I gave the interim cameramen the nod to go ahead.

"Right then, going live in three, two, one… live!" Red lights started to flash on the various cameras and text began to crawl up a repurposed flatscreen. It was time to cap off the prelude.

"Soldiers of ZEON!" I roared out. "My Soldiers! It has been a long year, a hard year. We were defeated at the Battle of Axis and it must have seemed to our enemies that, finally, Neo Zeon had been defeated for good."

A beat of silence.

"I LAUGH at such thoughts. Our cause is not one that can be crushed through defeat, no matter the number! Why? Because our cause, the cause of ZEON, will never die! Our cause is righteous, our cause is the cause of all spacenoids, and our fight will be the struggle that sets all of the people of space free from the tyrants of gravity!"

"Those same tyrants of the Earth have fallen back asleep following Axis. They, who have been the oppressors for generations, assume once again that we are finished! That we have been defeated once and for all! That we are GONE!"

"We've given them a reminder before but now it is time to give them A WAKE UP CALL! So we are going on the attack my soldiers. We are going to swat their ships from the lunar airspace. And we are going to begin the fight to liberate our brothers and sisters on the Moon from the tyranny of Earth! So that one day, they and all other spacenoids who believe in our revolution will one day be able to proudly stand side by side with us on the field of battle!"

"Right here, right now, Neo Zeon goes on the offensive and we will not stop until every last Federation ship has been destroyed, until every spacenoid can exercise their innate rights of self determination, until our beloved homeland is free from the blight that grips it. WE WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING UNTIL OUR REVOLUTION IS VICTORIOUS!"


The lights on the cameras turned off and the spotlights that had been isolating the area I was standing in shut off. I used a cloth handed to me to wipe makeup off my face. Despite all the advancements in the realm of filmography, it seems that I still needed some makeup to not end up pulling a Nixon debate. Annoying stuff, I could almost feel my pores getting angry at me for subjecting them to this. At least the sweat of battle would clear them out soon.

"Status of the broadcast and recording?" I asked the room, tossing the dirty cloth into a handily placed bucket near the door.

"Broadcast went off without a hitch, the fleet and Palau received it with full clarity. The recording is beginning encryption and compression."

"Good, have the recording transmitted via laser burst to our media comrades on the Moon once we reach the area of operations." I made my way out of the room, people moving out of my way.

"Let's hope that Zinnerman chose a DJ who is calm under pressure." I muttered to myself. The speech would be sent out to pockets of Zeon and AUEG supporters on the Moon, who would further disseminate it with Radio AEUG itself also transmitting into the Earth so that the Remnants down there could tune in. If this part of the plan went off without a hitch, the entire lunar population, billions of people, would know that Neo Zeon was back and ready for another throw down with the Earth Federation.

First we had to perform a clean sweep of the Federation's Lunar Patrol Fleets. Eagerness started to flow through me, now this would be a challenge.


At precisely 1801 hours, Earth Orbital Standard Time, the naval element of Neo Zeon, under the command of Full Frontal, its new supreme commander. Blue contrails emerged as the collective fleet engines ignited and began the journey across space to the sole satellite of the planet Earth: the Moon. The fleet, under the command of Full Frontal for the time being, used the well known commercial space lanes to approach the Moon, lowering their speed and reactor output to give out false Minovsky signatures to blend in with the malaise of Minovsky particles that lit the space age highways of the Earth Sphere. This way they seemed to be nothing more than a collection of merchant vessels to any sensors or inquisitive eye that could be directed at them.

The fleet would travel as a united whole until they reached the outermost extent of the lunar gravity field, time of arrival marked as 0003 EOST, then the fleet, having previously been at sixty degrees south near the lunar South Pole on the far side of the Moon, split. The splinter group, consisting of six Arango-class ships and one modified Columbus-class carrier, under the command of Captain Suberoa Zinnerman commanding from the Arango-class Garencieres, arced under the south pole and, after lowering reactor power to minimum, crept towards their target: the maximum security prison of Diyu.

The main fleet oriented themselves northward, and descended into the Moon's gravitational field. Their destination was the lunar equator, specifically the region termed the Granada Triangle. As the hub of the lunar industrial manufacturing business, it is a natural place for the EFF to assign more than a single patrol fleet to patrol. Yet the elements of the fleet capable of reconnoitering the Triangle had been detached for the Diyu assault, and mobile suits and warships would be easily detected if sent forward in a scouting mission.

Yet all of this had been accounted for in the planning of Operation Left Hook. When the main fleet had ascended to thirty-five degrees south, the scouts were deployed. In the lead up to the Operation, a number of cargo containers had been modified to be able to store and deploy a single mobile suit. These cargo containers, attached to the space equivalent of the hard working eighteen wheeler tractor trailer of the late twentieth century, merged into the Granada shipping lane. It took hours for the hidden mobile suits to slowly creep north shadowed by the main fleet, which sailed out of sight of the shipping lanes, but as the clocked ticked into the early hours of the day, hidden Neo Zeon forces where dispersed around the Granada Triangle region, reporting to their masters the scope of their foe on this day.

One patrol fleet hung directly over New Antwerp, overseeing traffic. A second fleet was sighted between Granada and the city of Epsylon near the Moscoviense Mare. From here the infiltrators split up. Ten mobile suits of the Dreissen model remained in the Triangle, where the first strike would land. The remaining ten scouts, piloting Zaku IIIs, headed west along the equator, hunting for targets to strike at. These scouts would sight a third patrol fleet docked at the Neo Cartagena Base while a fourth is sighted heading over into the near side of the moon, possibly towards Von Braun. The second scout group divides into two groups of five. One heads towards the populous agricultural and power collection/distribution center of Saint Joseph, where they will picket the border between the two sides of the moon. The other group of five reduces thrust and moves out of the shipping lanes north of the Neo Cartagena base, hugging the lunar surface; they skulk towards the docked patrol fleet.

The scout's findings are transmitted to the main fleet via laser burst communications relayed between the squad leaders in order to account for the vast distance. Despite the technical difficulties, the main fleet now had a clear(ish) view of what they would be up against. The first target remained the same however: clear the Granada Triangle of EFSF ships and mobile suits.

The flagship of the main fleet(also referred to as the Dawson Fleet on account of the commanding naval officer), the Lindra, would dispatch three transmissions before signaling the operation's start. One to the near side of the Moon, commanding the Zinnerman Fleet to start the final countdown to operation start time. Now the two fleets would start their opening attacks at the same time. The second transmission was sent back along the ad hoc scout communication relay, putting the scouts on the same countdown clock as the fleets. The third transmission was directed into the lower levels of Granada City, alerting the staff of Radio AEUG that the highly promoted offensive was about to begin. Radio AEUG would move into a state of high alert, directing hidden cameras to point into the void of space and stirring up their attentive audience.

The move to contact AEUG members in Granada had been the riskiest component of the pre-battle operation, the move most likely to trip EFF sensors of some kind. Yet after a minute of nail biting anticipation, the federal patrol fleet that would have reacted first if they had been made aware of the Neo Zeon presence remained completely unaware of their impending deaths.

The time was 0156 EOST, and the synchronized timers spread across dozens of ships and mobile suits informed that five minutes remained.

Ships transitioned to their combat bridges, any hands that had strayed from their combat stations rushed this way and that to report at their station. Mobile suits made their final journey into the dark launch catapults, the metal giants bristling with weapons, both ranged and melee.

Four minutes.

The scouts held their fingers breathlessly over the button that would eject the walls of their metal coffins outward, freeing them to begin their deadly game of cat and mouse with Federation ships and suits. Dreissens and Zaku IIIs chambered their bazookas, of which the primary model was the 360mm Giant Bazooka, chambering their single M-particle shell. These shells would silence the comms of the patrol fleets temporarily, preventing any unified front from immediately forming.

Three minutes.

The two fleet's automated loading systems shuttled the first magazine of missiles into their launch tubes. The fleetwide volley would detonate high in the Moon's orbit and the dispersal of Minovsky particles would plunge the Terran satellite into a communication blackout that would last for tens of hours, in a case of extreme success a full standard day.

Two minutes.

Final attitude adjustments are made to the positions of the ships, they had skulked and clung in the shadows of lunar craters for long enough. Now when the engines were pushed to full throttle they would rise from the gray dust below like the sea leviathans of ancient stories.

One minute.

In the midst of it, the seemingly still forms of Salamis-Kai cruisers continued to hang above the gray metal and fluorescent lights of the lunar cities outer shells. The men and women of these ships walked around their normal, everyday, tan duty uniforms. No guns were manned with particular vigilance, nor any sensors given more time of day than needed. The night shifts spent more time thinking about what the canteens would be serving for breakfast, or idly thinking about their bunks. The attitude of the EFSF units on the Moon could only be called easy going. It was no surprise, the war of last year was over and another period of peace was ushering itself in, under the auspices of the Earth Federation of course.

The synchronized clocks ticked down to zero and on 0201 EOST, war came once more to the Earth Sphere.


"Port side launch tube is clear, starboard launch tube you have priority, go go go." The fast paced voice of the launch catapult control blared into my helmet. This announcement coincided with the red lights of the launch catapult and tube switching to green and the doors at the far end of the tube opening to reveal the black horizon of space.

"Full Frontal, AMS-119 Geara Doga. Launching" I mimicked the controllers fast pace, rattling off my identifiers before engaging the main thrusters on the Geara Doga. I moved forward briefly, then jerked to a halt as the connector hose pulled taunt. Momentum built and built before the latches fixing the hose to my Doga's backpack disconnected, allowing me to rocket out of the Lindra at the top speed for my mobile suit.

I plunged upwards, the panoramic cockpit allowing me to see the dark grey land of the Moon below me, the dagger shapes of the Neo Zeon fleet flying up at full thrust, the back thrust kicking up a mighty dust storm on the surface below the fleet. I was at the front of the surging mobile suit wave. Above the forms of the Federal patrol fleet appeared giant orbs of swirling purple and yellow light: the detonation of the M-particle barrage. From these utterly fascinating orbs, and their smaller cousins that could be detected on the edge of my sensors, would emerge a barrage of tightly woven Minovsky particles that was the modern bane of communication. Judging by the spread of the initial barrage, I calculated that the entire dark side of the Moon had just lost any and all devices that operated on the electromagnetic frequency. The Feddies, and us, would still have comms up for a while longer due to our hardware being hardened against M-particles, but it would eventually become only possible to communicate with other ships and suits either in very close proximity or with a direct link.

The benefits of planning would come into full effect once space was buzzing with M-particles, and I'd put good money on the Feddies not having a single plan that concerned itself with a Neo Zeon invasion of the Moon.

"First Wing fall in behind me, form up on squad leaders and move forward in attack pattern echo. Second Wing, split to the side and overwhelm the flanks of the fleet above Grenada. We're going to support our advance units in removing the Feddies above Granada City." I sent out my orders over the Neo Zeon command frequencies. "Sieg Zeon!" I punctuated my orders with a shout of our rallying cry.

"Sieg Zeon!" cried out my fellow pilots using open frequencies as the mobile suits gathered into five suit units, forming several arrowhead formations. My wingman, Savoir, didn't concern himself with joining a squad, he was assigned solely to me today. Through the gaps in my wing's formation, a barrage of solid green mega particle beams raced, flying as true as arrows to blast against the armor of the feddies Salamis-Kais. A smattering of explosions that bloomed from the federal ships gave testament to the aiming abilities of the seasoned gunners in the fleet.

As polished as my gunners were, there would be no more supporting fire now, else friendly fire would be unavoidable. Now was the hour of the mobile suit, the hour of the beam rifle, beam sword and close range missiles.

"Squad leaders, choose your targets and hit them hard, leave the mobile suits to me and Squad Four." I order Squad Four to guard left and right of the charging wing then toggle my squad frequency. "Savoir, break upwards. Let's get ourselves some prime steak for dinner."

Our two Geara Dogas broke off our diagonal approach to the patrol fleets, firing our leg thrusters to fly directly upwards, bringing us level with the patrol fleets. I'd like to say that what I did next was part of a grander plan but it wasn't. I just wanted to fight already.

I toggled over to the mess of the open comm frequencies, those channels that anyone could access, and, like the knight my mobile suit was styled on, issued a challenge.

"Attention dogs of the Earth before me. I am Full Frontal, leader of Neo Zeon. I am the orchestrator of all you see before you. And I am here, waiting for you. Fight me if you dare or run away like the cowards you all are, it matters not. The day is already ours." I poured every ounce of contempt I felt for this moribund government into this challenge

Blips appeared on my radar, and I manipulated my main camera to zoom in on the Federation fleet. Good, the Federation pilots were moving in, operating RGM-86 GM IIIs from the look of it. Then the only problem would be numbers.

"I think they got your message sir." Savoir cautiously stated, bringing his Geara Doga over from the left to my unshielded right side.

"Just as planned, wingman." My voice lacked any of the caution Savoir had, rather mine overflowed with anticipation. "Now for the next part."

"Which is?"

"Attack!" The pair of us blasted forwards, Savoir a second or two behind me. The kilometers between us and the oncoming federals rapidly disappeared. Below me the advancing MS wings flew under the charging federal squads -the cameras had identified a full squad and then three fourths of another- and a rough estimate by the computer predicted that they would meet eighty seconds after we engaged. The EFSF picket had spread themselves out wide, seeking to put their cannon's firing line away from where their own mobile suits were engaging. Then the federals could pour mega particle beams into the flanks of our fleet, which was still climbing in a tight formation.

Hopefully the Dreissen squads would turn themselves around and plunge into the back of the patrol fleet before they could make that adjustment. Or they'd be busy delaying the patrol fleet to the northwest.

The console beeped to alert me that we had gotten within a kilometer of the approaching feddies. I flicked the safeties off of my weapons, giving me full control of the suit's arsenal. A manipulation of the left control stick armed the sturm fausts attached to my shield and cause the rectangular shield to rotate ninety degrees, pointing the red colored warheads at the oncoming suits. Savoir mirrored my movements.

In a matter of seconds I'd be able to see the GM IIIs with my bare eyes. "Give a full spread Savoir, we're driving them into a corridor." I ordered my wingman. He would fire his four sturm fausts wide, I'd fire mine high. Hopefully the feddies would hold their unguided missiles until they had a closer shot.

"Firing." Savoir said, his shield releasing the first two, then flipping over endwise to let loose the second pair. I mirrored his movement, sending mine above and below. Our shields spun one last time, locking back in a horizontal position. Large orange spheres, the signal that the sturm fausts had a comparatively low explosive power compared to other munitions, of light came into existence. Seven humanoid forms were silhouetted in black by the explosions, which had already faded in intensity microseconds after they first emerged.

"Looks like they took the opening Savoir." I informed my wingman. "Follow my lead, braking in three, two, one." It was a risky maneuver to come to full stop when two mobile suit units were charging each other, but by doing so we'd be able to have our targeting computers draw more accurate targeting solutions. Just don't let the other side run behind you and get a clean shot at your back while doing so.

My roommate slid into focus in my mind. "Feddies like to lead with their shield." The sudden deceleration jolted me as the harness dug into my shoulders even through the pilot suit. The red shields the GM IIIs bore could be seen clearly now. Sure enough, said shields had been extended and the beam rifles had been positioned so that they were sheltered by the inside of the shield. The imagery brought to mind how hoplites strode into battle in ancient days.

I brought my beam machine gun to bear, and depressed on the main firing stud, angling the gun upwards. Streams of green beam pellets issued from the mouth of my machine gun as I fired in horizontal bursts, raking into the head and shoulders of the GMs, causing the pilots to move their shields into a more central position. Savoir mirrored my firing arcs, and a few GMs were knocked off course from their approach, glancing hits disrupting their forward trajectory. But the feddies stayed the course, and return beam fire, the color of cotton candy, zipped by the pair of us.

"Break wide and engage at will, Savoir!" I called out, pressing hard on the left verniers, swinging my Geara Doga to present the feddies with my shielded left side, followed by bringing the reactor to its maximum output. Time to put some pep in my thrusters step.

I bolted to the right side of the charging feddies, matador like, then threw myself into a sharp, almost acute, turn. Now the unshielded flanks of the GMs were nice and open. Targeting solutions were rapidly acquired, and three second bursts of beam fire perforated the left sides and backpacks of the two GM IIIs now in front of me. The rear GM III buckled under the fire, armor warping and shattering as gouts of hot flame poured out of the newly created holes before the mobile suit flew apart at the seams, upper and lower parts flying there separate ways with enough destruction in the torso to signal that survival wasn't a possibility for the pilot. The other GM III that I had targeted fared better than its college, he had juked downwards, meaning that the burst of beam fire had only been able to perforate one of the upper thrusters on the GM's Gundam Mk-II style backpack.

On the opposite side of the engagement zone, Savoir had also scattered the line of the formation he had swung around to face, preferring to use the grenade launcher attached to his beam machine gun to strike at the GM IIIs before opening fire. In his short attack run Savoir rendered the shield arm inoperable of one foe and pushed the other GM he faced backwards into the formation, red shield now heavily scarred with black blast marks as the anti-beam coating was rapidly worn away. Feddies on the inside of the formation performed about faces, bringing beam rifles and missile pods to bear on the two of us. If we stayed at range and tried to win the shooting battle we'd lose the war. Only way to victory was forward.

I dove into the fray, using short bursts from my machine gun to force my enemies to focus on defense, flying down in a parabolic curve so that I came level with the Feddies and by the time any of them had a real clear bead on me, I was among them. The screen of my cockpit became dominated by the visored visage of a GM III, sporting missile pods on its shoulders. My sudden appearance made the pilot freeze for the briefest of moments, but I capitalized with vicious enthusiasm. My beam machine gun was thrust forward up against the sternum of the GM, putting a dent in the convex armor, before jamming my index finger on the firing stud. The cockpit of the GM III was reduced to melted slag and the mobile suit abruptly powered down, emergency sub routines in the remaining computers activating to prevent a reactor meltdown.

The motion sensors blared alarms at me, I was being charged from the back: an enterprising GM III had drawn its beam saber and was flying forward, aiming to skewer me clean through!

I shut off the main back and leg thrusters on the left side, and flicked the front vernier thrusters into full power. Then I pulled back on the left controller while pushing forward with the right controller, and raised my suit's left arm so that the shield's edge was presented to the charging mobile suit. The edges of my vision faded to black, that was how great the G forces the maneuver generated where even my physically enhanced body was strained by it. Then the corner of my shield impacted the charging GM's head and tore it clean off. I could feel that all the way in the cockpit.

My beam machine gun maneuvered under my suit's left arm and fired, marking my third confirmed kill of the operation. An immense feeling of satisfaction settled over me and I was gladdened by the absolute truth that I would emerge victorious here, in this little brawl. The Federation pilots weren't greenhorns but they hadn't reached the ability of aces, myself and Savoir had. My internal point was proven again when I was able to fly backwards away from my kill, then ascend upwards to shoulder check a GM that had sought to snipe me away from the melee. The presumptive sniper was torn apart by a brace of anti-MS missiles I loosed from the missile pod mounted on the left side of the Geara Doga's armored skirt.

A quick enhanced zoom with the monoeye showed that Savoir had gained another kill during my own combat action but the remaining two survivors of the two feddie squads had rallied together, and were penning Savoir in with their beam sabers. One of the feddies was the GM III that survived my initial flanking attack, he received my beam axe through his chest. The easing of the pressure on him allowed Savoir to turn the duel in his favor, and the melee came to an end as abruptly as it started: with Savoir's beam sword dicing the GM III into chunks.

"I appreciate the assistance sir." Savoir extended his thanks, his voice now tinged with exertion caused by the strain of combat. Still he managed to be his usual unfailing polite self when addressing me.

"As long as you properly credit me when you're designing your latest kill tally deco, don't mention it." Was my glib reply. Savoir of course didn't make kill tallies. "Now we have some ships to sink, let's go."

Off we flew, towards the Salamis Kais with their golden defensive halos of AA fire, leaving only the floating scraps of our foes to mark our passing.


"Squad 14! Rally to me!" I shouted over the comms. "We're pushing those federal bastards out of that wreckage and sinking that final ship!" I glared at the stubborn feddie pilots who clung to the still burning rear half of a newly destroyed Salamis Kai from my position a few hundred meters away. The pilots weren't just letting me observe them unhindered. Pink beam rifle fire flew around me in a storm of destruction that, had a single shot landed and thrown my maneuvering off, would have been the end for me. The instinctive and erratic dodging that I had commenced with kept the Jims from ever landing that decisive shot and it was their focus on me that gave Squad 14 their chance to come swooping in. A withering hail of green beam fire forced the feddies to abandon the wreck after losing a mobile suit.

I took advantage of the cessation of the beam fire to race to and over the broken Salamis Kai wreckage, placing my beam machine gun on its holster rack and taking up my beam sword-axe, in axe configuration. Then I was back up to the close and personal portion of mobile suit combat, setting about to the chopping of titanium ceramic composite armor with glee. Robotic arms flew away from the unlucky GM IIIs who had rushed at me to engage in melee. The whole action of fighting with an axe was satisfying on a primal level. Squad 14 broke off the 'zoom' portion of their 'boom and zoom' attack run, swinging up and down to fall into the final remnants of the first patrol fleet's mobile suit contingent with sword and rifle.

The pilot operating an AMX-109 Bawoo even saved me from a missile barrage. A favor that I returned by destroying a one-armed GM with a bazooka that had drawn a bead on the Bawoo. The green and silver colored Bawoo offered a robotic salute in thanks before blasting off to rally his squad. I flicked a switch on the center console of the cockpit, arming a pair of the signal flares stored in the launcher atop my Geara Doga's head. A press of a button on the controllers launched the two flares, which flew high above the battle to create swirling spots of gold and purple light. It seemed that these flares created a lull in the fighting, as Neo Zeon and Federation, the scant few that had managed to flee their embankment moments ago, mobile suits paused their duels and shooting matches to interpret the orders I had sent out with the flares.

Not really of course, the battle had just shifted away from this sector as Dawson moved the fleet northwest to engage the patrol fleet that was rushing towards the Triangle to try to save its sister fleet above Grenada, as well as make contact with the Dreissen advance mobile suits wherever they had gotten to. No contact with them had made its way to me so far, which had started to raise concerns. I shook my head, those thoughts had no place in a battle, I had to be concerned with the here and now, and save the rest for later.

Aside from my thoughts, my signaled orders had begun to be obeyed. The rearguard, two Musai-Kais, had broken rank and charged at the sole Salamis Kai left in this sector. They changed course to fly at a forty five degree angle to the side of the Salamis Kai. Then the three twin mega particle guns on each rotated to face the grey-blue and red ship with all the deliberateness of an executioner's axe being raised. The Salami Kai's own mega particle guns moved to track both ships, but it was a futile effort. The Musai Kai's gun fired, and twelve mega particle beams perforated the superstructure of the Salamis Kai in a criss cross pattern. The two hundred meter long light cruiser seemingly hung in space for a moment, looking like despite the impossible odds against it, she might have not taken a killing blow. That illusion was shattered by the crunching of the superstructure inward and fire exploding out of every window and hole in the ship.

I flew over to a nearby Geara Doga and established a direct contact link with its pilot. "Take your wingman and go ensure that there are no survivors in this sector, then regroup with the fleet." I ordered, and I felt nothing at giving that order, just like the other two times I had given it. I wonder if I ever had, or if my condition and convictions had inured me from such things. Was I not determined to bring about my desired reality at any cost?

"Of course, Supreme Commander. I won't let you down." The reply came from a young voice and I realized that I had managed to stumble across Angelo Sauper. I had known he was here obviously, his scores in training had granted him a mobile suit, but what an odd coincidence that he and I would come into direct contact in the middle of a moon-wide offensive.

"I know you won't, Angelo." Maybe I should have given him a longer reply but I had spent too long lagging behind the front. Hopefully Angelo would take the brief comment as encouraging rather than assuming.


The second patrol fleet had come rushing towards the Triangle from the Mare Moscoviense, valiantly attempting to save the patrol fleet over Granada as it died in billowing fireballs. The second patrol fleet had rushed out its mobile suits, putting them in an arrowhead formation, while the ships behind the vanguard took a line position, minimizing their collective profile so that only the lead ship was at risk of taking direct fire. As it was relayed to me by Dawson, if this second fleet had struck before the first fleet had been broken, then it was very possible that our entire left flank would have been rolled up and we'd be fighting a bloody retreat to the east.

Luckily, the second fleet never managed to reach our lines intact, because just as they crossed the lip of the Mare, the Dreissen advance squads struck. Like the one eyed bulky golems of destruction they sought to be, the ten mobile suits - the squad near the Triangle had been ordered to fallback and regroup following the first strike - ran through the gauntlet of the mobile suit vanguard. Then they were among the ships and Lieutenant Albrecht, and his fellow pilots under him for the Operation, was a man born to shoot a bazooka it seemed. The two advance squads had emptied all of their 360mm bazooka shells into the vulnerable metal of the feddie ships, sinking half of the patrol fleet and putting serious holes in the remainder. They had been forced to burn rubber back to our fleet after that, as an outnumbering horde of GM IIIs had been baying for their blood, but the second fleet was dead in the water. When the lead Musakas and their MS contingents had linked up with the Dreissens, the clean up was apparently 'like fish shooting in a barrel'.

As wonderful as the first engagements turned out to be, we'd hit a roadblock on the journey to victory. As I observed from my position hovering next to the bridge of the Lindra, the fleet based at Neo Cartagena had somehow survived the Zaku III's strikes, and had linked up with the New Joseph patrol fleet to form a united force that had sent Lieutenant Nilsson's command reeling back. When we had arrived in the airspace around Neo Cartagena, we'd been met with a pair of wounded advance squads, and a full battle line of Salamis Kai cruisers. Then the real battle had begun, the two fleets had let fly the mega particle beams with reckless abandon, forgetting volley fire for the simple and deadly tactic of putting as many beams downrange as possible. Missiles and torpedoes had been thrown in for good measure. The greatest fleet battle since the days of the Gryps War as Musakas, Endras, Musai-Kais, Zanzibar-II and Salamis Kais started the drag out slugfest that one could argue they had been designed to fight.

It had created a situation where mobile suits were useless in the direct fight, the no man's land between the fleets were filled with so many beams and AA fire that I doubted even I could thread the needle to reach the other side. The black scorch marks on my shield and armor bore evidence of failed attempts to do just that.

So Dawson and I had conferred briefly for strategy, now that our two realms were one again, and the quick meeting had brought about a simple new tactic. I was taking our mobile suit force on a mass flanking maneuver, threatening to roll up the feddies flank. It would either succeed unopposed, ensuring victory, or, much more likely, the feddies would be forced to respond in kind. Then we'd decide this battle on the mobile suit front.

"Keep them busy Dawson, I'm off." I called over to my Commodore before breaking the direct contact link.

"Savoir! Gather Squads 01, 02, and 04 on me, we're going on the attack." Savoir gave his affirmative then got to work breaking through the Minovsky particle effect to rally the aforementioned squads to the two of us.

I fired a series of signal flares, sending out the message for all mobile suits to mass on the left flank of the stretched out fleet. By the end of that, the summoned squads had reached my position, and I took command and off we went. Flying through the fleet with the initial following that was slowly growing as more squads joined the growing charge, I took stock of my munitions. I was out of sturm fausts, and had a single missile left in the right missile pod. My E-cap magazines were going better, with two of the six I had depleted and recharged, one loaded into the machine gun and the other ones ready to go.

As the charge reached the final ships in our line, I took a deep breath and wished that I had some way to wipe the sweat out of my eyes. I wasn't bone tired enough to warrant combat stims but I was starting to feel the burn. I consoled myself with the knowledge that my uncomforts would disappear when the shooting started.

Speaking of shooting, we'd cleared the fleet entirely and my suit's cameras began to lock onto the target: the massed horde of GM-IIIs and a few other models of EFSF mobile suits charging at us.

"Commander Yoshida, pull your wing back ten seconds from the first wing." I ordered the Geara Doga with a gold colored head. "My wing will stall them and yours will break them.

"Yes sir. Second Wing, fire verniers in a two second burst on my mark" Yoshida began to marshal her wing. I kept focused on the advancing federals.

Then I saw him: mirroring my own position, he was at the lead of the federal charge. And how unique this mobile suit was. It was an entirely separate model from the GM lineage suits around it, presenting a lanky profile, colored marble white with blue-green accents. It even had wing binders! I started to hear my heart beat a staccato beat in my ears. Could this be the one that finally gave me a challenge on the battlefield?

As the kilometers were eaten up by thrusters, the unique mobile suit became more discernible, and the onboard computer was able to identify it: my enemy was a MSA-007 Nero, heavily modified from the baseline going off the image the computer presented.

I knew in my bones that I was destined to fight this mobile suit. I just had to get his attention. So I decided to make myself more visible to the enemy.

Toggling my radio over to the open channels, I rallied the troops.

"Pilots of Neo Zeon, this is our moment! Erase the Federals from existence in the name of our cause! SIEG ZEON!" My final roar was echoed by the mobile suits around me, and the feddies definitely heard that as they responded with their own jeering battlecries as we all raced towards potential death with glee in our hearts.

Then a call came over the channels.

"You in the red mobile suit! You've met your end. I will be your death!" A furious voice raged at me. My lips pulled back in a cheerless smile that felt more like a baring of teeth.

"I am Full Frontal feddie, and I haven't met my match yet! But feel free to become another kill tally!"

The Nero took its free hand and drew its beam saber, raising it backwards while taking aim at me with its beam rifle. The pilot's rage had only grown when hearing my voice, I could feel it. I trained my beam machine gun at the Nero and sheltered the barrel beneath the edge of my shield. I could see every detail of the Nero with stark clarity, and it's pilot could see every detail of my Geara Doga too. Scant meters lay between us as we brought our respective charges home.

The Nero dove at me, battle cry issuing over a channel.


I threw open all my thrusters, propelling upwards to meet the diving Nero. The drums of battle beating hard and loud in my heart.


And then the two of us started our shared business of killing the other.

A/N: and here it is: the chapter that pushes us over the 100k word count and the current largest chapter in the story. Operation Left Hook is in motion but the hardest part is unfolding. And I wonder what Zinnerman and crew are up to on the near side of the Moon? All this and more, next chapter(cue evil cackling). One of the hardest parts(aside from having to write the Federation suits as the same model all the time compared to the large menu of Neo Zeon suits I can use) this time was writing the fight scenes, I feel a bit rusty, or it's been a while since I've written a Gundam-verse fight instead of a Star Wars one. Sorry about the cliff hanger but it felt right to me. Hope you all enjoy the chapter regardless. Comments and such are appreciated as always.
Lovely chapter thank you. Always love me some pro Zeon fanfiction so very few of them... actual now that I think about it I can only think of like two others by the same author lol.
2nd half, once the fight starts? Great. No issues.

1st half? Loads of spelling errors, missing words, and unfinished sentences.
2nd half, once the fight starts? Great. No issues.

1st half? Loads of spelling errors, missing words, and unfinished sentences.
Thanks for pointing that out. The dangers of writing a chapter in multiple bursts present themselves again. I'll look it over when I get the chance.
Lovely chapter thank you. Always love me some pro Zeon fanfiction so very few of them... actual now that I think about it I can only think of like two others by the same author lol.
Yeah its a small crowd any way you cut it, UC Gundam fanfiction is a pretty small crowd wherever you go. And are the other two fics written by Kaiser Chris? Because that's the only other Zeon centric stories that I know of.
The coming prison break is going to be hectic but a massive boon, especially when the ZEON personnel are in a recovered state and cleared to rejoin the fight.
Thanks for pointing that out. The dangers of writing a chapter in multiple bursts present themselves again. I'll look it over when I get the chance.

Yeah its a small crowd any way you cut it, UC Gundam fanfiction is a pretty small crowd wherever you go. And are the other two fics written by Kaiser Chris? Because that's the only other Zeon centric stories that I know of.
Yep Kaiser Chris is the only author I've ever found that wrote a good gundum fanfic let alone one that's pro zeon. Hard to get around the fact the leader of zeon was modeled after hitler sadly. The rest of the political setting of the one year war is actual really interesting showing both factions as good and evil sadly the anime doesn't reflect that much.

It's funny I only have to mention pro zeon story and you know authors name considering how big the internet is it says something about just how small that pool is. Which is odd when you consider how many damn Harry Potter and Naurto story's there are gundum should have quite a few fanfictions to its name. Maybe that has more to do with fanfiction it's self only exploding in the last 10 years or so.
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19
  • The Red Baron Appears II
U.C. 0094.3.6 0347 EOST
AMS-119C Geara Doga, Above Lunar City St. Joseph, The Moon

We closed in a blink of an eye. I kept my beam saber straight and true as a lance, the pilot of the Nero dropped his in a downward slash. Both would have been killing blows if they struck true and if we'd run straight into each other like idiots. Instead we both dodged. My thrust skated along the Nero's shield. His slash scored the crus of my right leg. Neither strike had damaged anything except the paint job. A small pocket of space had been created by our duel, around which erupted a cacophony of beam fire and explosions and thruster flares as the charges we both had led collided with one another.

I looked at the IFF markers surrounding me, and behind me. Good, my wing had halted the feddie charge as intended and a rear camera window showed Yoshida's wing a kilometer out.

I burned my main thrusters, continuing my dodging action and transforming it into a complete separating move from the Nero. He mirrored my motion, and just as quickly as we had closed, we were back at a distance from each other. There was no pause as we lept back into the attack, do stand still in mobile suit combat was to die, simple as. I launched into a diagonal climb, letting loose bursts from my beam machine gun, aiming to land a kill shot on the reactor. The Nero flew straight up, its own beam rifle firing shots at me but they were guiding shots to prevent me from breaking off my maneuver. He wanted to bring this back to sword range. Why, though? A particular skill of his or was his suit worse than mine at range?

No time to think about the reasoning. Our movements had brought us back together. We each had our beam sabers in our mobile suit's right hands.

The Nero struck with a horizontal swipe. I knocked it aside with my shield and countered with another stab at his cockpit. He met the particle filled I-field directly with his shield. I went petals to the metal, pushing forward to try and burn straight through the beam coating of his shield but I saw his saber wind up and brought my Geara Doga to a full stop. The Nero's chop finding nothing but the void of space.

We each swung at the same time. Once, twice, thrice our beam sabers clashed against each other, the particle streams trying to merge and creating a sticky feeling to the disengage. We circled, darting in to try another swipe or stab. I tapped down on any frustration I felt at being unable to land a solid blow. Surely the Nero's pilot was feeling the same thing. Allowing any of that to play into how I fought was a death sentence. So I got rid of it and focused inward, on making the next blow, the next attack better than the last one. But I needed to level our playing field, the Nero had just the slightest advantage in speed with the wing binders that peaked over the shoulders and waist of the mobile suit.

A spat of fusion reactors exploding chased away the dark of the far side for an eye searing second that even the suit's camera's and my helmet's automatically darkened visor couldn't fully protect against. I had to close my eyes and even with three layers protecting me, I saw dark spots dance across my vision. Proximity alerts told me that I was being charged from the front and I blindly threw my Geara Doga into a downward dive.

The continued beep of danger told me that my enemy had committed to following me. My vision having cleared, I hastily reoriented my suit into horizontal vision and brought my beam machine gun to bear for the first time in a full minute. My finger depressed on the firing stud and viridian death flew at the white and green form of the diving Nero. This time, we both struck deep. His beam saber swiped, landed, burned through the anti beam coating on my shield and then tore away the upper third of the shield. The movement of his arm prevented my beam shots from blowing his arm away at the shoulder. It didn't prevent me from destroying his upper wing binders.

Another near simultaneous reaction followed. I ejected the ruined shield from my left arm. He took aim with his beam rifle. I warded that off with a feint jab from my beam saber that made him have to maneuver away. Then we both engaged our main thrusters and created more space.

I had "leveled" the playing field in speed but had lost my shield in the process. Diagnostic reports from the computer scrolled across the cockpit's screen. My shoulder was operational but with the armor gone it couldn't take another hit. Great.

We were firmly behind the main engagement now, 2nd Squadron's charge had achieved its aim of disrupting the Federal formation, and the two squadrons were pushing the federals back towards their line of Salamis Kais. At least it looked like that, I only had scattered transmissions and the fact the IFF signatures around me were fewer than they had been minutes ago.

The rough halo of engine light behind the Nero sputtered briefly then emerged brighter than before. The pilot was burning a higher amount of propellant than before. I spat a curse and worked the controls, sending my own reactor to match his output. This was taking too long! I'd burned a full E-cap magazine and my propellant stores had taken hits that I wasn't liking. We were trying to fight a straight mobile suit duel but his style of darting charges that reminded me of the moves used by fencers was a solid match to my melee style that favored sweeps over stabs.

My pride ached at not being able to finish this right in the space where I'd laid down the challenge but this needed to be taken to a new playing field. Just needed to prod the Feddie in the right direction first.

"Well this has been fun Feddie but I'm afraid this is where our dalliance comes to an end." I jeered at the Nero over comms. "I have to get back to destroying the rest of your fellow pilots. Oh and the ships as well I supposed. If my fleet hasn't reduced them to slag by now! Ha!"

For a mobile suit design that used the Federation standard visor for its head cameras, the blue stained glass did a remarkable job of projecting the indignation of its pilot at my words.

"I'll make you pay for all the suffering you've caused, both here and on Earth Aznable!" The Federation ace cried out over the same open comm channel.

"Bad luck boy! You missed your opportunity to kill Char Aznable by a long shot." I retorted, trading beam fire with the Nero as we began our dance-like maneuvers again. All I had to do was get a turn on him, then it'd be a kill shot through the reactor. The same went for myself. "A shame but glory hounds like yourself wouldn't have been enough to kill Char Aznable."

A choked snort from the feddie. "You've lost it completely now, Aznable!" Obviously this one wasn't able to conceive of another other than Char at the head of Neo Zeon at the moment and considering the evidence that pointed to a continuation of command within my organization, the conclusion would be one many others in the Federation military would arrive at. I didn't like the idea of putting out a series of propaganda speeches that didn't come on the back of military victories, but if I needed to run an advertising campaign to inform the public that I wasn't Char, then I'd do it.

I put my new plan into motion. "If you say so feddie, but you aren't worth the time and effort it would take to kill you." I threw my Geara Doga into motion, making my intended flight path very clear: I was poised to sail right past the Nero to rejoin with the mobile suit push. The ace had to respond to this, I'd twinged his pride too much for him to bear doing anything else.

With a harsh "Oh no you don't!" The custom Nero pivoted and raced after my contrails, seeming to bank on the shorter distance he would have to cross in order to block my maneuver as a reason to push his engines. Unlucky for this maneuver, I had no intention of staying my course. The Gs racked up as I cut my primary engines and drifted sideways in a ninety degree course correction before flicking the engines back to full. Again the Nero followed, as he had no other choice if he wanted to avoid imminent death.

In the dark of my cockpit, where the only light was the red glow of the console and cockpit HUD, I smiled. No more screwing around, I chastised myself. The duel had been fun, in a sense of the word, and now I would prove my superiority definitively. Because I had realized that I couldn't stand the thought of someone being a better pilot than me. There wasn't much I could genuinely claim to be mine, but I had put time and effort into honing every skill set that a great mobile suit pilot required and I needed the validation of success. Validation would only come through victory.

We flew to the left of our prior position, completely abandoning the pocket of clear space that we had fought in, and straight into the neon green and pink colored maw of hell. I'd taken us straight into the no man's land(space might be the proper term) that lay in the middle of my fleet and the opposing Federation fleet. The muffled curses from the ace, who had forgotten to key out of the open channel, told me that he was smart enough to realize the dilemma I had put both of us in.

I wetted dry lips as I took everything in: the criss-crossing mega particle beams, the burning silhouettes of wounded ships on both sides, the huddled positioning of the federal forces, and the slow advance of the Neo Zeon fleet. We were winning the fleet engagement. I knew Dawson had it in him.

A neon pink beam imposed itself before us. The pink cylinder of death forcing the two of us to climb to avoid contact. It didn't put us in the clear, now there were arcing blasts to contend with instead of only the direct shot variety.

Still, no backing out now!

My heart was alight with anticipation as I worked my Geara Doga to pull off a series of increasingly tight corkscrews and pivots to avoid the mega particle beams. My machine blared alarms and alight warning lights to tell me that I was pushing the capabilities of what my mobile suit could realistically endure. To my side was the custom Nero, the white and green colored suit matching my maneuvers with increasingly apparent desperation.

Deciding to send the feddie some help, I sent a volley of beams in his direction, maybe that would hurry him into the warm embrace of beam-induced immolation.

The Nero came through that with only a trio of new burns on its armor.

"You're insane!" The ace shouted at me in response. I didn't bother responding because it was, in my opinion, beneath a person to talk to the dead like they were still alive.

I could feel it in my bones, no, deeper than my bones. Like the future was unraveling its mysteries for my benefit, I knew the treacherous space would get the best of the ace. The flash of insight was gone as quick as it had emerged from the depths of my psyche.

"Dawson just has to aim high when I happen to be here doesn't he?" I groused aloud, narrowing dodging a pair of neon green mega particle beams. That had almost been close enough to scratch the paint! If I wasn't careful I'd be joining the soon-to-be-deceased ace as space dust.

But damn, I was outstripping the machine I was operating. I'd work the controls and the mobile suit would respond fine but I could perceive a growing disconnect. I was starting to move too quickly for the Geara Doga.

To compound the issue, I saw the resolution of my engagement with my foe: a dual volley of arcing beams racing towards us. Two masses of very large, very unavoidable beams were about to pass each other by, forming a net like structure that would melt my mobile suit into slag.

Panic jolted through me. There had to be a way through, I just needed more time to look for it! Mentally flailing, I cast through my head, searching for a maneuver that would see me through. I didn't find one but I found something.

Right next to the encircling walls the Will and I had unspokenly agreed to be our property lines, there was, well, a closet or a well. Whatever you called something that felt close yet far away, inaccessible and ready to be used at the same moment. That was what I bumped up against. It didn't feel artificial like its neighbor but rather I could feel that it was simply a part of me. A part that had been in the background up until this very instant, but now that I had discovered it consciously, it was a well waiting to be drawn upon. An untapped barrel waiting for the spigot to be opened.

Out of options and in desperate need, I tapped the well. A blue tinge appeared in my vision. Then I knew pure understanding. Not of others, but of myself. For an eternal second, I could perceive the neurons firing in my brain, and the cause of each neuron activating and effect that those fired neurons had on the workings of my body. I knew the exact meaning and purpose driving every single atom in my body. I was in wondrous, nearly religious, awe at this understanding and the effect it had on me. Time seemed to be frozen still, though I had a feeling that this was the result of several hormonal glands being put into overdrive and being directed by my Newtype abilities, and as I was still in mortal danger, I began to see.

Though a blue that made the blackness of space seem like a noon sky on Earth, I plotted my survival. I could perceive the likely parabolic arcs of the particle beams when they'd move through my position. Hope blossomed when I saw a hole in the net that my Geara Doga could get through, but it would be tight.

Time unfroze and my mobile suit raced forwards, flying on a course that only existed in my mind's eye. Over and under, around then above lances of death I danced, under the effects of a hyper-awareness of every facet of myself that allowed a level of fine control of my Geara Doga that I'd never be able to achieve in my best moment in the simulator. As my helmet and cameras darkened to an absurd degree to compensate for the neigh unholy brightness I was forcing them to endure, the beeping IFF of the ace I had been dueling dropped away. Right after the signal disappeared, the sensors registered a reactor detonation. Rather inglorious way to go but they say war was filled with inglorious ends.

I saved my cheers until after I cleared the barrage, then I yelled my joy of still being alive. I had done it! A fit of giggles came over me, the reality of what I had pulled off settling in. The Minovsky particles better not have fried the recording equipment, I was going to need proof of this in order for anyone to believe that this happened!

Well I would if I actually had any friends to tell about this, so it'd be a one for the trophy rack.

Then the crash from whatever ability I had been tapping rammed into me and the rush that had made me so giddy was replaced by a world of pain. Suddenly I couldn't get enough air into my lungs, I had a cotton-mouth, my eyes became extremely sensitive to light, and movement while my head did its best impression of a blacksmith's anvil. I shut my eyes, blindly hoping that would lessen the pain. It didn't help, it made it worse.

Forced to put my trust in my suit's sensors, I groped under the cockpit seat until I grasped the medical kit. Bringing it to my lap, I wrenched my eyes back open, gritting my teeth to keep down the animalistic noise of pain the action had brought up. Fuck, being shot would have been prefereable if it meant less pain than this. I quickly grabbed one of the many filled syringes and jammed it into the pilot suit's injection port. Depressing the top of the syringe, all the pain in my body drifted away as the potent cocktail of combat drugs hit my system. For good measure, I drained half of my water bottle to rid the cotton-y feel from my mouth.

"Fuck." I cursed, shaking my head. No way I was going to be able to pull another one of those out today. Even if I wanted to, the well I had drawn from was bone dry. Time to get back to it though, this battle wasn't going to be won without me.

Taking stock of my position, I realized I was in a very good one: I had ended up high above the battlefield and had drifted to the right, putting me right overhead of the buckling Federation fleet. Maneuvering my mobile suit to face the Federal fleet, I put the Geara Doga's monoeye to use, bringing up the image of the enemy flagship. The IFF identified it as a Magellan-Kai battleship. A slow and fat target if there ever was one in my eyes.

With a flick of a switch, I placed my beam machine gun in rifle mode, and started to take aim. The internal targeting computer needed a full minute to get a reliable lock on the Magellan-Kai with the heavy Minovsky particle density from this range and I knew that the lock would be ruined after a single shot. The bridge was the obvious choice, I remembered the One Year War variants being easily killed by bazooka shot and beam fire that way, but those had been at knife range and anti-beam coating had come into existence since then. So best to aim for the engines I decided, equally important was the bridge and entirely unable to be coated in something that burned away with heat.

So when the console gave off a weirdly cheerful beep, letting me know that a lock on the engines was in place, I fired.

The targeting computer had calculated straight and true, and there was a mighty explosion from the rear of the Magellan-Kai as the engine exploded.

"There's your help for now Dawson." I said aloud, bringing my Geara Doga around, and pulling down to dive towards the chaotic ball that the mass mobile suit engagement had taken the shape of. Warning alarms signaled that the Federation ships had saturated the space I had just been in with long range AA fire. Too slow, I mentally chastised my enemies.

A minute later, I engaged with a rearline Feddie GM-III squad, quickly dispatching them with judicious, maybe even an overly large amount, of beam fire. The sole survivor almost managed to have me dead to rights, but I'd buried my beam axe into the GM-III's cockpit before he could fire. Then I fell onto the rest of the rear bulwark that for half a dozen minutes had prevented my pilots from breaking through to the Federation fleet.

I didn't bother to add any battle cry to the open channels when I appeared, using the bulbous explosions of destroyed mobile suit reactors as my announcement instead. My sudden attack threw the Federation mobile suits into disarray, allowing my men to capitalize and finally break through.

"Encircle them!" I broke radio silence to send orders, while emptying an E-Cap magazine into the upper torso of a long range support model GM-III, at least that's what I thought the mobile suit festooned with missile pods was. The long combat hadn't dulled my pilot's instincts, and the mix of Newborn and Axis models quickly enfolded the Federation suits.

I briefly disengaged from the melee to join the encircling suits, then with thrusters roaring, we all charged home into the disorganized and unprepared feddies. And we wiped them out completely and utterly. I gathered a trio of kills during this final melee, and one assist kill when I took the legs of a GM so that Lieutenant Commander Yoshida could bifurcate the torso with an overhead beam axe chop. The remaining scrap looked, amusingly, like a tuning fork.

As per my standing orders, all calls of surrender were ignored.

I grabbed onto the shoulder of Yoshida's suit, establishing a direct contact comm link.

"Reorganize your wing Commander, we're hitting their fleet next."

Yoshida's face appeared "Yes sir. Can't let the navy have all the fun sinking ships, or yourself." The smirk on her face made me realize she was poking fun at my snipe of the federal flagship. Guess there was no way that would go unnoticed. The direct link ended as our two Geara Dogas separated.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I didn't think she actually had a sense of humor.

"All right! First Wing, reform on me! The day isn't won yet!" My Geara Doga spat out signal flares to identify my position to those under my direct command, as well as one's launched higher to communicate to Dawson that we'd won our engagement.

After the fleet slowed its rate of fire to just pin the Federation ships in place instead of destroying them, we smashed into their flank, their AA shield proving unable to lob enough lead to halt the charge. Then, with bazooka, missiles and beam shot, we sent the once mighty symbols of the Earth Federation's authority, now melting, flaming and breaking apart wrecks, crashing down into the grey surface of the Moon.

Clad in triumph, we sailed into the near side of the Moon and made for Von Braun, mobile suit's cycling out of their motherships for refueling and resupply as we soared above the bright grey. As the fleet passed over the lunar prime meridian and began to reorient northwards, we picked up approaching heat signatures.

I was among the pickets when the warning alarms were transmitted, and after having reoriented the mobile suits squads to face the approaching heat signatures, I was treated to a wonderful view. The Garen and it's escort ships cresting over the ridge, with a tan Jagd Doga flying escort for the carrier. My helmet's speakers crackled a bit as an audio channel was established with the Lindra. Commodore Dawson's drawling voice coming through.

"We've established radio contact with Captain Zinnerman, Supreme Commander. He confirms that Operation Breakout is a success and that he has VIP packages onboard."

"He's also requesting permission to rejoin the main fleet." Dawson tacked that formality on at the end.

"By all means then, welcome Captain Zinnerman back to the fleet Commodore Dawson." I said, maintaining formal speech as I did so. The conversation might be discernible to the bridge crew of the Lindra and I thought it wouldn't do for the Supreme Commander of Neo Zeon to be known as someone who didn't give his subordinates the respect their ranks afford them. "I believe it's prudent to position his detachment at the rear of the formation."

"Agreed sir. We'll be in view of Von Braun in half an hour." Dawson was one of those people capable of changing topics on a dime. "I'll begin the M-particle saturation of the area." The audio channel clicked off.

I used the benefit to be part of the pickets that buzzed Zinnerman's detachment to provide additional escort. The detachment looked in good shape. I couldn't see any signs of impacted beam weapons or missiles, though Marida's Jagd Doga did have some scorch marks around her suit's forearms. I took those visuals as confirmation that there wasn't going to be pursuit ships hitting our rear and flew back to the Lindra for my turn of refueling.

It wouldn't end up being necessary however. When we reached the airspace above Von Braun, exactly thirty minutes later as Dawson had predicted, we discovered that the two Salamis-Kais cruisers that should have been patrolling in the area had fled. My best guess was that they had noticed the entire communication array of the Moon going dark and had pulled a tactical withdrawal.

Or Anaheim had told them to scarper. It'd be bad for business if the regional office had the prow of a destroyed warship sticking out of it. Yet the lack of a triumphal skirmish above the first lunar city placed to our advantage. We now had the chance to play for the cameras, Von Braun having not been a direct target for our M-particle missiles during the first strike.

The Neo Zeon fleet sailed directly over Von Braun like the triumphant victors we were, the ships in two lines with the mobile suits in three lines between them. A standard parade formation that Dawson pulled from the Principality days. My red and gilded Geara Doga took the position honor for a mobile suit, equal with the flagship and at the head of the middle line of mobile suits. To the camera, we must have looked like we didn't have a care in the world. Most importantly, not a single ship or mobile suit of the Federation rose to challenge our display of dominance. I couldn't wait to see what Radio AEUG, and Neo Zeon's own propagandists, would be able to put out with this footage. I imagined that when combined with the plethora of videos with burning EFF vessels in them, Neo Zeon might be able to be the Earth Federation in the world of propaganda for the first time in a long while.

After clearing Von Braun's airspace, we settled back into a combat formation and made all haste for the lunar north pole. From there, following a final mass dispersal of Minovsky particles to truly erase any trace of our path, we failed into the Loum Debris Field, and into the waiting and welcoming arms of the Garden of Thorns.

At 0733 EOST, a time when most in the Earth Sphere were settling down for breakfast, coffee and the morning news, Neo Zeon formally concluded Operation Left Hook. All operational objectives had been met successfully. The Federal presence on Luna was eliminated, and the supermax prison Diyu emptied of its occupants, who were going to eagerly be welcomed back into the ranks(or told that they now owed us a significant debt to repay in the case of members from a now defunct and disgraced military branch). The operation had caused a number of sympathy worker protests, which transitioned into riots after the police unwisely tried to force a dispersal, in the Granada Triangle. These had been spurred on by Radio AEUG's leading disc jockey and political agitator, Fifth Wave.

It would take a few days for the complete story to transmit down to Zeon resistance groups(our propaganda friendly term for those fighting the long war) on Earth but once they understood what had just happened, Federation army and navy bases in Eurasia suffered a spree of raids that further humiliated the military. Zaku IIs presided over burning battlefields once more on Earth.

As for myself, once I was done partaking in the celebratory drinks with my pilots, I had the chance to bask in success. I'd proven myself in combat and in leadership, the result being a real settling of my soul into my position. I knew that what I had embarked on wasn't impossible and that I could rise to the challenge.

The next intelligence briefing had given me confirmation that I was going to need that confidence and more. The Federation had decided to not engage in self sabotage in the wake of a disaster for once, and had let their hunting dogs off the leash. The interwar period was over, and the time of the Third Neo Zeon War was dawning on the Earth Sphere.

The End of Arc 1

A/N: Well it's been another minute guys but what can I say, senior semester(thanks new university credit counter) of college has been a fucking busy one for me. And what i'm calling arc 1 is officially complete now, a full 20 chapters(counting the prologue) and two years. Took longer than I thought it would to get to this point, but I like to think I've learned and improved a bit in my writing since posting that first chapter that I hammered out right after finishing Gundam Unicorn for the first time. But the story isn't over yet, no sir. And now we can dive into the real meat of every Gundam inspired story: character angst and interpersonal drama! And a hefty amount of shady political going-ons to boot. Not to mention that I finally have someone who I can use to develop Frontal as his own character by giving him someone who can talk to him on equal footing. I'm a bit stoked for it. Also gotta figure out a normal person name for Frontal to take, so any suggestions on that would be helpful.

Comments and criticism are welcomed as always. And I would like to express my appreciation of all my readers, old and new. Foremost among those being Kaiser Chris, fellow Gundam fanfic writer and helpful fellow that has allowed me to bounce story beats and ideas for this story off of. As well as a general encourager for me to write. Do check out his own stories if you have a love of Gundam and well realized stories and characters.

Til next time, Sieg Neo Zeon!.
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I really look forward to your continuation of this story, your really in a unique position to take advantage of the various technologies of the UC timeline, with the wreckage of the nu gundam and sazabi on axis if you acquire them you can get your engineers to reverse engineer the psycho frame tech, possibly making an ms that has full psycho frame tech before the unicorn gundam. Knowing the future as you do maybe you can push for the advancement of the minovsky drive tech in ms to be implemented much earlier maybe even push for the wings of light. Or even push for beam shields.
Actually, if the federation really thinks char is back from dead they might just pressgang kamille if they can find him and put him in one of the other nu gundams they made.
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

U.C. 0094.3.9 2031 EOST
EFSF Side Headquarters, Londenion Colony, Side 1.

"Konpei HQ is breathing down my neck, Captain Noa. At least give me something of substance to report back." The bespectacled woman broke decorum and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "My department is under enough scrutiny as it is without say-nothing reports being handed at this particular moment."

Captain, though he was mostly referred to by his brevet rank, Bright Noa was not fooled. While what stood before his desk may look like a mild-mannered desk jockey, her entire appearance curtailed to adhere perfectly to regulations from the polish of her boots to the edge of the committee approved female hairstyle, it was not a normal woman. The viper that had wandered into Bright's metaphorical garden was nothing less than a member of the Earth Federation Space Forces Intelligence Agency, Konpei Island Division. A Viper among vipers as it were.

"Unfortunately Agent Blythe, Londo Bell's own investigation into the attack is still ongoing and all pertinent information is classified until I had briefed the Joint Chiefs on the matter. After which they will, I imagine, disseminate the relevant information as they deem necessary." Bright unfolded his hands. "So what you've been given will be all that you get for now. Dismissed." He didn't give the viper a chance to protest, using his rank to send her on her way. The green haired menace managed not to shed her false skin, despite the displeasure she must have felt at Bright's continued defiance of her and her kind's wishes.

Did they think Bright was an idiot? That he wouldn't know what they had done, these self-obsessed organizations drunk on their own invented self importance?

What they had covered up?

Bright Noa wasn't the low ranked but well-known war veteran he had been after 0079 until the Gryps War. He had been the leader of the AEUG in the desperate days of the First Neo Zeon War and had negotiated the creation of a new Titans style task force out of the Federation leadership: Londo Bell. With the powers and privileges that came with being the replacement for the Titans in the EFF hierarchy came the kind of codeword clearance Bright had thought was only the remit of bad fiction.

So he knew, in horrifyingly lurid detail, just how much collaboration there had been between the Titans and the SFIA. The exact details of SFIA operations that had the sole purpose of covering up the latest massacre or use of a bioweapon Titan units had perpetrated. He also knew the 'favors' had been repaid by the Titans. Wetwork missions on behalf of the SFIA, FMI, and EFFI that Bright, cross referencing with over EFF archives, discovered hadn't been officially sanctioned.

While the Titans had been running rampant over the people of the Federation in a physical way, the Federations Intelligence Community has been running rampant over the people's rights. Unprecedented invasions of privacy and information gathering in the name of 'uncovering Zeon sympathizers' in space and on Earth. To Bright's eyes, these 'Zeon sympathizers' looked a lot like journalists and whistleblowers that sounded the alarm on the abuses they had uncovered.

Didn't save them a visit from the Titans though.

So Bright Noa was glad to see the back of another snake cloaked in uniform. But he wasn't satisfied, not by a long shot. The crimes of the complicient agencies would be brought into the light of the public eye and into the courts. The people Bright has sworn to protect would be protected from threats both foreign and domestic, that was the purpose of Londo Bell. That was what he and Amuro had set out to build together.

In a way, the tragedies of the Second Neo Zeon War had been a boon to Londo Bell. They were now taken seriously among the rest of the military. They were the foremost authority on fighting Neo Zeon. On the other hand, it seemed that everyone expected Bright to know just what Neo Zeon was planning at any given moment.

Bright knew how to combat the maniacs. Not why they did what they did.

He punched in a passcode on his computer, bringing back up video files that only he and the Joint Chiefs had unlimited access to. The now familiar video captures of green warships and green mobile suits blowing away doomed Federation vessels flashed across the screen.

"Why would they risk an all out attack on the Moon of all places?" Bright wondered. Outside of the occupation during the One Year War, Zeon had barely paid Earth's satellite any attention. So why break that trend now, so soon after the type of defeat that the Axis Drop had been for them?

Bright didn't have a clue as to why, but the thirty strong band of men and women who worked for Londo Bell's Intelligence and Analysis Company (therefore they worked for Bright) did have some working theories.

One, which was obvious to Bright, was that this was a 'show the flag' operation. Neo Zeon had suffered losses but they weren't going anywhere. This would explain the use of M-particle missiles to mask the low numbers they had. Bright thought it fit with some of what Neo Zeon had done during their assault but to say that this was done to mask their low strength was a stretch in his opinion. They obviously had enough ships and mobile suits to simultaneously assault four major Lunar cities with Minovsky particles and enough to engage and destroy the EFSF Lunar Patrol Fleet.

A few more theories had been thought up: Neo Zeon needed supplies, so it was one big supply raid. They didn't need supplies but more manpower, so this had been one big recruitment drive or a pickup for forces that had been underground on the Moon. Those obviously weren't the case because being low on either would have prevented an assault on the Moon from happening.

Yet the assault had happened, though Bright's overworked I&A Company preferred to call the operation a blitz on account of the fast pace of the attack.

The theory that the company had developed that felt more solid to them and Bright revolved around a series of rabble rousing speeches and videos that had been broadcasted over the Moon in the days before the attack. The broadcasts seemed to have been one time affairs, so Bright's people hadn't been able to intercept a rebroadcast in the aftermath of the attack. But there was graffiti and rioters on the Moon that had struck at unpopular, and Earth based, shipping companies during the attack itself who had been chanting slogans. And the Remnants on Earth had been very quick on the uptake following the attack, launching strikes of their own before the media blackout on Earth regarding the lunar attack had been lifted.

They had been informed beforehand. The attack on the Moon wasn't a desperate gamble by Neo Zeon. Was it the first move in a renewed offensive against the Federation? Was it meant to put the fear of Zeon back into Federation citizens? Or just a stark statement that they weren't done wreaking unimaginable havoc on humanity, that the worst was yet to come?

Bright's thoughts danced back to the terrorist organizations Londo Bell had engaged in the days before Char had revealed himself again. Was this a repeat of those months?

He wanted a smoke. But he had also promised his wife he would stop smoking and Bright was away from home enough these days without spending the one's he did have with his family in the doghouse for picking the bad habit back up again.

He hummed to himself. The pieces of the reason, or reasons, behind the attack on the Moon were all there before him. Given just a bit longer and they would coalesce into a picture he could take before his superiors and give to his captains. Why their enemy was acting the way they were and what they would or might do next. The information was desperately needed so that Bright could lose his hunting dogs from their leashes.

But….Bright Noa couldn't help but feel like a crucial piece of the puzzle before him was missing. And he couldn't shake the notion that this missing piece wouldn't just be put together by his men.

Something was being hidden from him, something that was preventing Londo Bell from doing their mission.

Bright Noa was going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another.

He activated the intercom to his secretary. "Sarah, get Colonel Kajima on the line. I have a mission for him."

U.C. 0094.3.10
The Garden of Thorns, Loum Debris Field, L4

Angelo Sauper was having both a good day and a bad one, simultaneously.

It was a good day because he had finally managed to make free time in his schedule so that he could celebrate becoming an ace. An hour or two for him to just think for a bit about his new life and what would come next. To ponder an offer that had been made to him while having a drink of lemonade. Angelo Sauper had enough alcohol for a lifetime already in his short life.

It was a bad day because he was not alone. Angelo was being haunted. He was being harassed. He was being nagged to death. Angelo Sauper was accompanied -more like she had ambushed him on his way over- by Luger Lugh.

Angelo audibly sighed into his lemonade. What he wouldn't give for a spontaneous combat drill right. Or a hull breach. Anything to get him away from all of the downright infectious cheerfulness Luger always seemed to be giving off.

Was it so wrong that he wanted to brood? He glanced around the bar, which was really just a few repurposed metal crates pushed together to form a long flat surface, smaller crates to act as stools and a beige tarp stretched across the ceiling to give the impression that they weren't in a maintenance closet. Tomorrow it would be reassembled in a completely different location, its composite pieces having followed the work crews. Their very own traveling bar.

It wasn't a bad locale to brood. So why not brood?

Angelo took it as a bad sign that he had needed to state that thought in his mind instead of just doing it. Was he just upset that he couldn't indulge in a familiar habit, because there was nothing to brood about?

Yep. Angelo groaned. When had life gotten so damned better for him? Sure the work sucked and the battles were stressful beyond belief and the less said about the 'food' the better, but Angelo wasn't so great a fool that he couldn't look beyond little physical uncomforts to see the larger picture of his new life. '

This life of action and danger and boredom was far, far more preferable than the life of a five dollar gigolo boy-whore on the Moon.

"Well you seem to be having fun!" Angelo was startled back into the real world. The unnatural, in his opinion, cheerfulness meant that Luger had crept her way back to him. Thankfully it didn't look like she had brought the part with her.

"I've never seen you look this relaxed before!" Luger chirped at him Cheerfully of course, because the woman didn't have any default emotion besides cheerful. "Guess even you can't withstand the power of the end of a days' hard work."

Angelo couldn't suppress the scowl that broke out when he looked and saw that he had unconsciously schooled his body into a welcoming stance. A pose of sorts to draw people in through selling the illusion that Angelo was a willing and intriguing conversationalist, after which the talk would transition to 'talk' of a different kind.

He moved into a more closed off position, mainly just hunching over a bit and squaring his shoulders. But Luger had already seen his previous stance.

"I was feeling relaxed, then you came along and that feeling seems to have vanished." Angelo sneered. It obviously wasn't a good one because Luger just rolled her mismatched eyes in a 'what can you do' manner.

"Riiight. Well look who I found!" She snaked an arm out and, as if by magic, pulled a person out of thin air. Well not thin air, but to Angelo it looked like the man, who upon closer examination was more boy than man, from before had been caught trying to sneak away. Angelo pitied the boy but also felt that he was foolish. Luger knew when someone was trying to escape her socialization.

"And am I supposed to be impressed that you've pulled a twink out of thin air?" Angelo drawled, deciding that if he was going to be subjected to 'friendship', he would get to be as nasty as he could get away with. Serves the damn twink right, imposing on Angelo's friendship suffering.

No wait. He didn't enjoy these damnit!

"Rude~!" Luger teased him.
"Don't mind Angelo here" She addressed the fish caught on her hook. "He really is a swell fella once you break through that eighties action movie hero exterior."

"You would know what those look like Luger, considering they're the only company you could ever get when you're lonely.." Angelo sniped.

Luger just smirked and flipped her pink hair at his words. Angelo furrowed his brows and wonderedif some rotgut had been slipped into his lemonade. He was usually better at this. Even the twink with the bowl cut hair seemed to agree and he was the one wandering around base with a bowl cut!

"Bah." Angelo dismissed the entire conversation with a harsh flick of his hand. "Sit down then Luger."

"Hmm," Luger spoke in a mock-thoughtful manner. "Usually it takes a lot more than that for you to meet your grumpiness quota."

"I do not have a 'grumpiness quota."

"Yeaaah you do." The happy wink she added just made Angelo's suffering worse. It would take him days of socializing to even the score between them now. The thought made him shudder. As the auburn hair, bowl cut twink -Angelo didn't really care to learn the moron's name- took his seat, the practically ancient stereo that someone had dug out of somewhere crackled to life and began to blare out roaring drums and thrashing guitars.

"Oh sons of Side 3!"

"They really need to find more songs." The interloper opined, now drinking from his own cup of dubiously sourced alcohol. He might be right but Angelo was loath to agree with anyone he didn't know. So he didn't.

Angelo mockingly toasted the stereo. "Oh I don't know. You can really begin to feel the rage after the twentieth consecutive repeat. Makes me eager to take part in Operation British myself."

"If it's against this band then I'm right with you." The twink -who definitely wasn't starting to grow on Angelo, like a fungus- muttered.

"Who are you again?" He asked waspishly. Usually Luger was all about him meeting new people. She should have already told Angelo the twink's first, middle and last name; along with a dozen or so facts about favorite books, sports or music tastes. Maybe even fashion if she thought Angelo needed to be reminded that so-called normal people didn't go around wearing neon latex crop tops of their own free will. Angelo mentally sighed again. That was unworthy of him, again. The hard work and long hours of monotony must be getting him more than he had thought.

"Column of oppression rising from Earth,"
"Colonies writhe, the Sides die,"
"Sovereign sides, from deep within the skies,"
"Fight for freedom, beheld in a roving Zaku's eye!"

"He's Zechst Ade." Luger told him. Before tapping a finger on her chin. "You would know that if… you'd read the briefing Angelo."

"What briefing?" Angelo asked.

"Ya know, the one from yester… no, two days ago. It was sent electronically. Sent from the desk of the Supreme Commander?" Luger dragged out the end, seemingly waiting for Angelo to remember what she was referring to.

"From Zeon we shall fight, our future's shining bright,"
"You feddies listen well, resistance we will quell,"
"Across the starry sea, we "spacenoids" shall be free!"

"I spent the last three days digging around the lower levels with the crews trying to restore power generation. Barely used any electronics." Angelo sloshed his lemonade in the cheap cup. "Too great a risk of an EM pulse frying anything that wasn't hardened."

Some of those generators had not been in good condition. Then Angelo's thoughts froze as what Luger had said caught up with him.

"From the desk of Fu-the Supreme Commander?"

Luger, and even Zechst Ade, nodded.

"Here," She said, taking out and handing him a pad. "It's all there. Everyone got the same version."

Angelo didn't bother to disguise his eagerness, snatching the pad out of Luger's hand. He devoured the words and felt a rising wave of eagerness begin to build despite the tiredness of his body.

"We fall from the stars, we of the new Master Race, born in outer space…"
"The cosmic wind of war shall blow again, crashing down upon the Federation,"
"We will fight until we're free, or we're dead!"

"I'm in." Angelo flippantly tossed the pad back to Luger. "My version is on my computer you say?"

"You can't be serious?! You didn't even read the entire thing!"

It wasn't Luger who interjected at his words, she probably knew Angelo too well at this point and wasn't that a bother. It was the bowl cut boy, who Angelo would probably have to start referring to as Zechst, Zechst Ade, or Ade in his head if he didn't want to use the nickname in conversation by mistake. Angelo would hate to have that happen. His insults must always be deliberate in their usage.

"I mean it's a complete transfer to a new unit, one that hasn't even existed until now. You'd be leaving behind all the established teamwork of your old squad and have to learn it all over again with people you don't know! Everyone's combat effectiveness is going to go drastically down and then we're all going to be punished and then teamwork is going to be impossible and!" The twink -no one said Angelo had to start not insulting him right this instant- stifled his outpour with a gulp of rotgut before moving to stare into the murky liquid. Even Angelo couldn't ignore the lines of stress on the twink's face.

"Welllll so much for that." Luger leaned up against him. "Angelo, I brought him over here to try to get him, ya know, not be like this."

Angelo dully stared at the eternally cheerful woman.

"Right, it's you. Eh, always worth a shot." She nudged his flank with her elbow. "But hey! You're transferring over to the squad! That's great, I thought I wouldn't know anyone else over there but now that you're going I'll have a familiar face or two!" Here she pointed at the twink with her thumb.

Angelo wanted to point out that being known associates with someone as weak as this Zechst Ade, who managed to be both mentally and physically weak at the same time, would only put Luger at a major disadvantage when she was jockeying in the new hierarchy she found herself in. Even if Lieutenant Cruz being a member did offset any prestige loss among the official hierarchy of Neo Zeon. Her actions in Operation Left Hook had become the subject of a few tall tales told in mobile bars like this one.

Then Angelo thought that maybe since he was joining the same new unit as Luger, it wasn't in his best interest to inform her of that. All the better for Angelo to rise up the hierarchy in the unit if the social butterfly wasn't working her magic and was focused on the twink. Then Angelo remembered what that annoying doctor had told him: manipulating people like he had done during his stint at the whorehouse was a bad thing, both for Angelo's state of mind and the people around Angelo.

So Angelo just nodded in agreement with Luger's enthusiastic statement. Then he looked at the nerve wracked form of the twink with a bowl cut.

This was a Newtype? Those warriors of myths and legends that even whores in the dank underbelly of the Moon heard tales of?

It was fine. Not his problem, really. Luger could handle it and the twink would be back to whatever passed for his normally pathetic self by tomorrow.

But what if he wasn't? He would make Angelo look bad in Full Frontal's eyes. The most important being in Angelo's mind would think less of him if he wasn't surrounded by the best. If he felt that Angelo wasn't living up to his full potential.

But what would Full Frontal do in this situation?

Angelo Sauper knew what his idol would do, and it wasn't what Angelo Sauper of the past would have done but maybe it would be what the better Angelo Sauper of the future would do.

He had to inspire the twink to stop being a twink.

Angelo knew he couldn't match the awesome charisma of Full Frontal but this pathetic pilot didn't need, wasn't worthy of the Supreme Commander's personal words.

"Hey Ade." Angelo called out. "Do you know why you're going to accept the transfer and join the newtype unit the Supreme Commander is making?"

Zechst Ade jerked out of his funk, looking over at Angelo, who realized he had resumed his 'lounging' pose from earlier. Even bubbly Luger was looking at Angelo curiously.

"But I haven't.."

"You're going to join," Angelo cut the wimp off. "Because the Supreme Commander has decided that you should be a part of the unit."


"Shut up." Angelo growled. He was starting to get offended by the twink's pathetic attitude. "Are you a member of Neo Zeon?"


"Answer. The. Question."

"Yes." A confused answer.

"Did you swear the same oath that I did?" Angelo asked. "Did you speak the words of eternal loyalty to the cause. Of eternal brotherhood with those in uniform?"


"Did you swear to uphold the chain of command, to obey all the orders of your superiors in the name of the cause of Zeon?"

"Of course, why-"

Angelo brought his hand down hard on the metal box, driven by anger he hadn't felt until now. "Then where is it in that oath where you get to decide what orders you are going to follow?"

The stupid twink opened his stupid mouth to say something very stupid but Angelo wasn't going to stop now that he had started.

"Here's a reminder: it doesn't. But hey, maybe you forgot, so here's a reminder, Ade. You swore to obey all orders, directives and commands that are issued to you, without hesitation or delay. Is what you are currently doing in the spirit of those words?" Angelo hissed. Luckily, for his sake, Ade seemed to be smart enough to not answer the obviously rhetorical question.

"You are sworn to Neo Zeon, Ade. You are sworn to the Supreme Commander." Angelo pointed a finger at Zechst. "Do you think that we're in such a safe position that we can't be pushing for every advantage possible? That one fucking victory and a jail break will win the war?"

"New's flash: it hasn't. We need every pilot to be utilized to the best of their abilities and since you are supposedly a newtype, that means that you can apparently become a great pilot. So why the fuck are you hesitating?

Angelo stood up and moved to jab his index finger into Ade's chest, not that Angelo was paying much attention to his actions.

"Sure, we've got some more bodies now but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they aren't on our side. Titans, old AEUG, Totoists, Khanists and Zabists are now our bunkmates and I don't trust them as far as I could throw one and neither should you." Angelo could feel his anger growing as the notion of those failed warmongers attempting wrest control of what Full Frontal was building presented itself in his mind's eye.

"They're vultures, Ade. Carrion people trying to desperately reclaim the power they were never worthy of in the first place. We won't allow them to sully, to pollute, what the Supreme Commander is creating. So that means you are going to man up. More precisely, I am going to make you." Angelo did not slam his cup on the bar, he put it down with some force. "I will be at your quarters at 0800 tomorrow, which is when you will accept the Supreme Commander's offer."

Angelo Sauper then left, offering a quick but respectful nod to Luger. His words to Zechst Ade about not allowing their actions to reflect poorly on Full Frontal's leadership were meant for him just as much as they were for Ade. Angelo felt called to follow Full Frontal and he would never cause the Supreme Commander to doubt the effort Full Frontal had put towards saving Angelo.

So there was enough time left in his day for a five kilometer run and a truncated reflex and hand-eye coordination course.

Office of the Supreme Commander

As I looked at the woman standing across from me in my foyer, it was a very big office, I had to admit that nearly a year of supermax prison life and hard labor had done nothing to degrade the beauty of Nanai Miguel. Her long honey blonde locks seemed to have been shorn away during her time in prison and her face could be currently described as a bit gaunt and in need of some quality sleep, but other than those fairly superficial things, she looked just like the pictures.

A classical statue of a goddess brought to life, a modern day Venus. And Char had rejected this? In favor of brooding about Amuro and obsessing over a teenager? What a moron.

Nanai Miguel was the last person I had to meet with before I could put the business of debriefing the various groups Zinnerman had sprung from Diyu to rest. The monumental task of integrating such opposing groups as the Titans and Glemy Toto's Zabi loyalists into my Neo Zeon, or even the new AEUG, was a headache for tomorrow. At the moment I was just pleased to have names to put to faces and a general agreement that nobody was going to start agitating against the informal detente that currently existed.

The fact that I had freed everyone from their respective life sentences undoubtedly gave me leverage.

But the woman in front of me made me nervous. Nanai Miguel was the closest confidante of Char Aznable bar none during Char's Neo Zeon. The woman who helped mastermind the third generation of artificial Newtypes and had been deeply involved in the planning and execution of the Luna Five and Axis Drop operations.

She was the last person alive who might know just what had caused the creation of Full Frontal, of me, and the why's behind it. She could, with a few words, cause my Neo Zeon to self implode. She was an existential threat to my goals if I looked at her one way and an irreplaceable asset if I looked at her another way.

The way she had been looking at me since she came into the foyer didn't soothe my growing nerves either. Her green eyes looked both at me and through me and I couldn't shake the feeling that I should be hearing something right now.

"It seems we have a lot to talk about." I offered, breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen since her entrance.

"Yes," Her voice was smooth, rich and full. It also belied nothing that she might be feeling at my words. "It seems that we do."

A/N: The song I use in the chapter is Sieg Zeon by Children of the Reptile, you can find them on youtube or bandcamp. I do now own it. The full song is pretty good and something I like to listen to when I'm writing battle scenes for this fic.

Angelo Sauper is, of course, Angelo Sauper. A tough character to write but one I think I've made consistent in how I write him. He's about following people rather than causes. He's also lived a very bad life, but that isn't the focus of his involvement in the story. More vulgar in his language than other characters too.
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Chapter 21

Chapter 21

U.C. 0094.3.10
The Garden of Thorns, Loum Debris Field, L4
Office of the Supreme Commander

"But first, would you like a cup of coffee, or tea?" I gestured at the coffee table, though really it was a coffee bar, because of course my extravagant office had to include its own refreshment bar with all the elaborate fixings. I put the blame on Delaz, because he seemed like the guy who would have a gilded french press, but it did make fine coffee.

"Not going to get straight down to business?" Nanai inquired, tilting her head to the side a bit at my offer.

"I am playing the role of host at the moment, so why not be as accommodating as possible?" I replied, moving over to the refreshment bar and taking out two porcelain cups. "Besides, I hear that prison food isn't known for its…flavor."

Nanai hummed in agreement with my words. "Bland is too kind a word to describe the food."

"Then please, help yourself." I said while beginning to make myself a cup. I heard footsteps, muffled by the thick maroon carpet of the office, approach me before Nanai Miguel was suddenly at my side, making her own cup of coffee.

"Not going to make one for me?" She said softly. Her words barely reached my ears.

"I can hardly presume to know the preferences of someone I've never met." I matched her tone. "It would be rather rude."

Nanai hummed. When we both had our cups, prepared to our individual liking (I took note that she liked hers with more cream than sugar) I gestured over to the other side of the office where a pair of black leather couches sat, a low table made of some pale wood, separating the two.

"Please, sit." I said, doing my best to keep a calm facade. I wasn't used to there being a power imbalance when I interacted with other people. People other than Martha Vist Carbine that is, but I'd expected that and planned accordingly. She had also needed Neo Zeon and myself for Anaheim's own warmongering purposes.

Did Nanai Miguel have a use for me? I had a use for her, certainly. The question remained: was I staring down a one-way or two-way street?

"Thank you." Was Nanai's simple response.

"Well then, I suppose it's time we get down to brass tacks, you and I." I started, playing a half empty china cup on the low coffee table and lacing my fingers together.

Her lips quirked up into a half smile. "You've taken the words right out of my mouth it seems."

She took another small sip of coffee, still seeming to savor each one.

"But in this case, I believe it's best for the gentleman to go first instead of the lady." She said, giving me a smile.

Alright then, let's start off with the low hanging fruit.
"I understand that there have been some questions from your contingent-" It couldn't hurt to pet her ego right?"-regarding the reinstatement of rank and position." I handed over a packet of papers to Nanai. "You understand that I can't simply demote those men and women I have already placed to fill the vacancies, but where possible, the remainder can slip right back into place."

Nanai placed the papers to the side, addressing me directly. "And who have had their positions 'filled' as you put it."

I didn't grimace at her words or shy away from them. There had been critical leadership positions that were empty, and I had filled them. I wasn't going to replace them just because the old hands had been found alive, especially not right after my appointees had undergone their trial by fire in Operation Left Hook and proven that my trust in them was well placed. It'd be suicidal to say the least but Nanai Miguel didn't seem to be pressing for that kind of reversal.

"Who wants to know?" I gave a question for a question.

"Lyle Kynes for one. He happened to notice that his ship has been taken from him. Along with a handful of other captains." She shrugged her shoulders. "My mobile suit pilots understand the lack of available suits, and as for the gunners, mechanics and petty officers and all the rest, your ships aren't fully manned anyways. So no issue for them really."

"So that just leaves the people with fancy rank tabs." I stated, finishing off my coffee. It had gone down to lukewarm in temperature, leaving a sticky feeling in the back of my throat. My eyes quickly darted over to the other side of the room where a pitcher of ice water was. Drat, too far away to go get without looking like an idiot.

"Your words, not mine." But the glint in her eyes told me that she might agree with my words.

Luckily I already had an answer prepared for that question. "Please do tell Captain Kynes, Blasten and Gretchelen that while my appointments of command will remain, and that they will not be given command of their previous ships moving forward, Neo Zeon does have vacant captaincies that they will be appointed to after I have the chance to meet with them."

"Lyle will be disappointed that he's not getting the Rewloola back, he was very fond of her." Nanai idly ran a finger around the lip of the china cup.

"So has Hill, I must confess." I said. "A sure sign that she's a special ship."

Nanai giggled and covered her mouth with her free hand to stifle them. "You put Hill Dawson in command of the Rewloola? Oh Lyle is going to be fuming."

"They have a rivalry?" I prompted.

"Oh nothing that strong, Lyle just thinks Hill has the personality of a dead fish. Snrrk!" She started giggling again and it seemed to me that a weight was being lifted from her with each bout of mirth.

I ruefully shook my head. "I have half a mind to tell Hill about this, but I have the feeling that he wouldn't take it in the humor it needed if I did."

"Oh my, no!" That set her off again, and I joined in this time. Hill Dawson would be fuming at the idea that he couldn't take a joke, but since his face had the emotional range of a dead fish, not a person in the hypothetical room would be able to tell!

Nanai maintained her composed giggling while I laughed aloud but it seemed that all too soon that the merriment of the moment had faded away, leaving the room to the returned silence.

"So if you are confident that my captains will have replacement ships soon, then you must have secured a regular supply line then. Most likely from Anaheim if I had to guess." Nanai spoke first, leading the conversation along the previous thread.

"Anaheim has accepted a line of gold payments in exchange for providing Neo Zeon with critical mobile suit materials that we would be unable to produce ourselves without attracting unnecessary attention, along with a successor design for the Geara Doga. I've also secured a line of credit for our allies in Side 6 so that they can begin to build up their forces alongside our own mobilization efforts." I said eagerly. Mobile suits and supply chains came easier to me than dancing around questions about my past. I figured we come to that giant question mark at Nanai's own pace. I certainly wasn't going to push the issue.

"We have a surplus of Musaka-class cruisers from Char's original order with Anaheim that need full crews now that we've taken ownership of them but in the long term I've created plans to re-activate and modernize the old naval foundries and mobile suit production lines that Delaz constructed when this was his haunt. Those should be ready for implementation once our adjustment process is finished."

Strangely enough, I'd come to value the anonymity that being Full Frontal had given me over the months since rebirth. Going by such an obvious nomme-de-guerre had warded off any probes into my non-existent past in the Universal Century. To Zinnerman and Dawson, I had just passed 'Full Frontal' off a name that allowed me to dance between fake identities as needed, not something that I was attached to. An itch in the back of my mind told me that previous deflections wouldn't stick right now.

"Adjustment process? Is that what we're calling it now?" Nanai asked. "The "process" where you decide whether or not I'm of any use to you, and what should be done with me if I am?"

My mouth tugged down in a frown. Where had that come from?

Nanai saw my confusion and tapped the lower right side of her ribcage. "I do have eyes, you know. I can see the impression the gun leaves on your coat."

She gave an exaggerated shrug. "I understand how this goes Full Frontal, I've even been on the other side of this conversation one or two times before. So let's cut to the meat already and make your offer."

"It's a dangerous world, Mrs. Miguel." I said. "So I have to wonder why being armed would be a sticking point for you?"

"Besides the fact that I'm not?" She asked in reply.

"The availability of side arms is low, and my medical corp wants all of the recently liberated to fully focus on their recovery, not getting back into the fight straight away." I chuckled. "And I push the patience of my doctors too much as it is, so I'm doing what they advise me this time. My apologies for any discomfort it's caused you."

"Very convenient, wouldn't you say?" Nanai said, waving a hand in a circular motion. "That all of these 'disruptive elements' are unarmed and surrounded by men and women loyal to you and you alone, their fates left to the whims of you and you alone. Wouldn't you be concerned if you were in my position Full Frontal?"

I pondered the question for a moment. Would I be doing anything different were the roles reversed? Then I figured it didn't matter what I would do in her situation, the roles were what they were and wasting time doing down alternate universes where they were reversed was pointless. So I kept moving the conversation forward. I didn't want to be drawn into a conversational quagmire.

But if us two were now in a duel of words, maybe a minor detour would keep myself firmly in control going forward.

"I have to wonder Mrs. Miguel if your discomfort isn't caused by your familiarity with this situation. Only this time, you're not the one holding all the cards." I stated. Her face became much more guarded at my words and her green eyes lost their openness from the previous mirth that had been present in the room.

"I'm sure I don't know what you could mean by that, Full Frontal."

I gave a tight lipped smile at her words. "I'm sure Captain Pazzom didn't know what you meant either Mrs. Miguel. But enough about the past." The "for the moment" part was left unsaid.

"Please." Was the clipped reply.

"So to continue, I propose that your contingent undergo a process of gradual re-integration into Neo Zeon's ranks. Where it is possible, positions will be found that match the prior ranks the soldiers had before their capture but due to the condensing of the ranks after Axis, it is important that you brief your contingent that a real chance exists that they will find themselves reinstituted at ranks lower than what they used to hold."

"However, this will only be a concern for officers of high ranks. The average pilot, gunner, engineer, or crewman will be folded back under the banner with barely a bump."

"Is this the part where you offer me a tempting rank and title so that I'll come over to your camp?" A still manicured blonde eyebrow was raised as Nanai asked her question. I wondered where she had found the time to do personal grooming in the small amount of time that had passed between her liberation and this meeting.

"Well I'm not going to give you command of the fleet if that's what you're asking for Mrs. Miguel." I stated. "But I intend to see you restored to your former rank of Lieutenant, with all back pay paid in full for the time you spent as a prisoner of war. And I hope that you will accept reinstatement as my Chief Tactical Officer. Neo Zeon can only benefit from having one of the minds behind the Axis Drop and Luna V Blitz back among its tactical ranks."

"Char planned the Axis Drop, not me." Nanai corrected me.

"Of course." I allowed that to go unchallenged. "But, and I have the records to prove this, you played a substantial role in shaping the operational procedures and organizing the military aspects of the operation. So no need to be so modest."

"Playing to my pride isn't going to get you what you want, Frontal."

"No, of course not." I leaned back into the couch. "I feel that you're not that kind of woman, but I can offer you what you want."

"And what do I want?" She quirked an eyebrow. Heh, playing hard to get? Alright by me, I could hardly expect a woman of class to just come out and make the offer herself. In the back of my head, The Will hummed its incorporeal noise of agreement.

"Re-venge, simple as." I declared, counting off the reasons on my hand. "The Federation killed Char Aznable, the man you loved. The Federation stopped the Axis Blitz, the goal Char Aznable worked to fulfill. The Federation stopped the dream of Char from becoming a reality. The Federation also threw you in a supermax prison with the full intention of subjecting you to a life-long sentence of hard labor on the Moon."

"I already hate the Federation, and I did long before now." She replied.

I gave a winning smile that the girls in the media department had coached me on. "Of course you do, who doesn't hate the Federation these days. But, I am the only person fighting against the Federation. The forces you see were assembled through my will and direction alone. You want revenge, Nanai Miguel, and I am the only person who can give it to you."

"Oh you could strike out on your own. You'd become an irreplaceable component of whatever two bit terrorist gang you fell in with. Then you'd be killed in a EFF specs ops raid, having accomplished nothing more than a few minor bombings of spaceports." I shrugged. It was obvious to me that she had nowhere better to go than back to Neo Zeon. She knew it too.

So hopefully she'd give up her pride and just rejoin. I didn't want to bring up Char anymore than I had to, the poor lady had suffered enough heartbreak in the past year without a blonde asshole in a fancy neo-napoleonic jacket digging into her for his own gain.

Come on Nanai, don't make me be the asshole here.

…that was familiar of me. Wait, I barely knew this woman, despite all that I had read of her, in official reports and what was present in Char's datapad. We weren't friends, barely even acquaintances. Why did I feel like we were closer?

After a long moment of contemplation from Nanai, she answered. "Well that isn't an approach Char would have taken if you truly were him. He would have… wowed me with his vision for a new mankind, where we weren't slowly destroying the Earth. He would have held me and whispered that Axis hadn't been for nothing. That we'd only just struck the first blow against the Federation. That he had new inspiration to make his father's dream come true." She looked very sad.

"My condolences for your loss, Mrs. Miguel." I said softly. "And I am sorry to put to rest any hope of Char Aznable still being alive."

"No, it was a prisoner's hope I suppose. I dreamed that the Sazabi would crash through the roof of Diyu and fly me far, far away from that place." She sighed. "Things don't turn out like that outside dreams, I know. But it was a good dream while I needed to dream it."

"But it's time to put dreams back on the shelf in which they belong." She turned her attention to another topic, more liveliness entering her face and voice with the change. "I've looked over your speeches and I couldn't help but notice that you make little mention of Zeon Zum Deikun's ideology in them. Your paid radio host is also very specific in dancing around Deikun's beliefs when the Earth comes up. Your Neo Zeon prefers to treat Earth as an oppressor to be cast off, not a planet to be conserved and treated from the depredations that humanity has inflicted upon it."

"The Deikun ideology had its moment in the spotlight, both in the 0060s and last year. It was the spark that light the fire of spacenoids both then and now, but the cause must move beyond its limited scope. Contolism burns bright and quick when it erupts, but Zeonism is what drives people to long term action." I explained. "It is and was necessary to turn away from Contolism moving forward. Aside from my personal ideological differences with it, my plans call for a massed uprising, the greater spacenoid populace finally forced to open their eyes, see the tyranny of the Federation and then take collective action against the Federation."

"Contolism won't allow us to force the final confrontation between space and the Earth. Zeonism has done so in the past and will continue to do so under my leadership." I declared.

"Yet I've noticed a distinct lack of media revolving around the Zabi heir." Nanai commented.

"Zeonism is not Zabism Mrs. Miguel. I have no intention to use a teenager as a propaganda tool. Especially one who is so against the cause she supposedly embodies." I said.

"Yet you don't turn away those who have the sole purpose of Zabism driving them like Char did." She observed.

"Char Aznable had very little intention of outliving his plan Mrs. Miguel. His plans, every single one of them involving the Axis Drop, never address what happens after its completion. No clean up of the remaining EFSF bases or an attempt to negotiate a surrender from the colonial administration in Side 1 following the elimination of Dakar." I raised a finger. "And most importantly, he never makes a single mention of how the new earthnoid refugees would be folded into human society after a spacenoid group had destroyed their entire world for the next thousand years, give or take a century."

"I mean, I assume that if he planned to come back from the Axis Drop that he'd have victory speeches worked out or plans on where the fleet was to regroup. No chain of command was set up for if he was out of communication following the greatest release of Minovsky particles since 0089. Not a single inclusion of where the Sweetwater government, his own advisors and government officials no less, should evacuate to if the EFSF came knocking for vengeance for the false surrender the Drop was planned around! It shows an appalling lack of basic care for subordinates who entrusted him with their very lives!" I shouted, the indignant rage I had been feeling for months at Char's lack of action, of basic care for his troops boiled over. It had been gradually building for months now, as I read over the journal Char had kept. It had really grown with the batches of processing interview reports that had made their way to my desk from the liberated prisoners of Diyu.

There had just been no plan! It was pointless, wasteful and completely disrespectful to trust and oaths sworn to him!

Then I remembered myself and who I was semi-shouting at, and tamped down on the anger. This was not the time or the person to be expressing it. Master yourself Full Frontal, master yourself.

"My apologies for my outburst." I said. "I have strong feelings about the Axis Drop and you shouldn't have to hear them so soon."

"Oh so I'll be hearing them in the future then?"

"Hopefully as part of a rigorous conversation regarding the planning of future major operations." I said, sheepishness creeping up into my words. I always felt like a fool after yelling for no good reason.

"You said that you'd looked over Char's notes for the operation but I know that those were locked behind the highest possible encryption. Inaccessible to anyone but Char." The obvious question was left unsaid. I took the redirection of the conversation away from my blunder and into where, I believed, it was always going to end up.

"Inaccessible to anyone with significant genetic similarity to Char you mean. His sister, for example, would easily be able to unlock this datapad." I withdrew the thin gunmetal gray rectangle with its faded gold designs from the inside of my jacket. "But she remains far from the sight even my far reaching eyes, so the odds that I'd find her successfully, let alone obtain the type of DNA required by this lock, are incredible."

I scrolled through the contents of the pad, digging deep into the files for one folder in particular. Of course Char had to be finicky about how his tech was set up. Bloody false routes and hidden folders around every fucking tab of this device.

"So that really only leaves one option, if you're in the know." I looked up from the device, having found what I wanted. "Only Char Aznable's body could access this but since the original went and burned up in re-entry, some people had to get creative and make themselves a new one."

I passed the pad over the Nanai. On the screen, in bright green text, were the words PROJECT AMRITA.

"What can you tell me about this?" I asked, pointing at the screen. Nanai's eyes, which were green I noticed, widened at the text. Then she began rapidly looking down at the datapad, up to me, down to the screen, then back to me.

"Oh." She gasped, grasping the datapad with both hands. Her knuckles were white.

"Not the scientific or technical bits, they don't make much sense to me anyways." I waved a hand. "I want to know why. Why sign off on a cloning program? Why bother with the effort, the expense of it all?"

"I've read just about every memo, speech draft, email and personal thought the son of Zeon Zum Deikun typed into existence on that device and there is nothing, nothing, in there to suggest that he had a contingency plan for what would happen after his death. Or that the mere possibility of his death had ever crossed his mind. Which I view as insane considering the risks he assumed by leading from the front during the war." I shook my head. "Pivoting to another possibility, nothing suggests that this was some kind of super soldier experiment. Char had already heavily invested into your Newtype labs and given the close personal and professional relationship, what reason would he have to create your competitor."

I rubbed my eyes, the lack of sleep was beginning to really catch up for me. "You would know more about this than anyone still alive, so I'm coming to you wi-"

"It wasn't a cloning project or a new newtype laboratory." Nanai interjected, cutting me off. Surprise was still lingering on her face as she began to speak.

"Char wasn't…he wasn't as young as he used to be. His health had become a factor we needed to have contingencies for due to the strain placed on the body by piloting a mobile suit, and…and that was only one of the major health concerns the physicians had. There were worries about radiation exposure, deep space travel and its effects, hell even his diet came up as a concern. More than once!"

I felt ice plunge into my gut. She was looking at me with horror and it was growing.

"I have to tell you that I don't believe in cloning Full Frontal. I find it to be a horrific moral and ethical violation of the most basic human rights." She declared. "All that the lab created were replacement organs, blood and bone marrow. Not a single piece of brain matter or nerve or skin or hair or God knows what else that would be needed to create a functional body was ever created under my orders. They weren't even created as a composite unit, we built them organ by organ."

"My God, what did they do after I left?" She asked herself.

I remained silent. My thoughts rolled together. Confusion warred against the waves of anger.

I had thought I was special, literally special. A chosen warrior created to fulfill a singular purpose.

It was the reason I had crafted the public persona I had. Because I had thought I was special, and really believed it.
"Shit." I muttered. What a fucking idiot I had been. Oh of course, someone who was fucking stored in a tube and subjected to brainwashing actually was an object of importance and not a fucking abomination of science, numbered like a fucking lab rat. Good job Mark, really pulled that one out of your fucking ass.

You fucking idiot!

I was just spare parts that had been cobbled together for the last hail mary. It had really been obvious from the start, a former dictator's ghost stuffing me in the body notwithstanding.

I'm the fool for thinking it meant something.

"Does the start matter to you if no one else cares?" My mental companion piped up. "I once thought that being just the son of Zeon Deikun mattered. It turned out that it was me who mattered, not my father. Think about it."

Then he fucked off back into his Fortress of Solitude, very unhelpfully not saying anything else.

It sounded ridiculous to even consider in my own thoughts, but the Will of Char had a point. I was Full Frontal, Leader of Neo Zeon and nobody had made me do it(I think). I fought because I believed in the cause. That had to be enough.

For now.

"Tabling that conversation for now." I spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen. Again. "You have much to offer Neo Zeon Mrs. Miguel, and I want you alongside me. Do it for Char's memory, do it for your fellow spacenoids, do it for revenge. I won't probe for your personal motives, nor those of any of my soldiers. I only ask for loyalty to Neo Zeon and dedication to your comrades who place their trust in you."

I held out my hand.

"You and Char Aznable were great servants of our fellow spacenoids during the time before Axis. You gave hope and better lives to millions at Sweetwater and for three years, your rebuilt Neo Zeon served as a deterrent to further repressive laws from the Federation. You were a champion of spacenoids, Nanai Miguel."

"Can we count on you to be one again?"


Later, I convened a meeting of my command staff. Hill Dawson and his direct aides stood on one side while Zinnerman and his second, Marida Cruz, stood to the other. Some might call it a sparse showing or a sign of the hard times Neo Zeon had fallen on.

Any who thought such were fools, in my opinion. What stood before me were the leaders of a fighting force that had been trimmed of the extraneous fat of two bloated military bureaucracies, leaving behind a lean and efficient fighting force that could travel faster and fight longer than the EFSF with the scraps of resources we managed to gather or buy.

I couldn't wait to see what they could do with full bellies and rested minds.

"Today there will be a new, permanent addition to these meetings." I stepped to the side, allowing Nanai Miguel, dressed in a spare dark red officers uniform she had found in the Rewloola, to enter the room. "Please welcome back to the ranks Lieutenant Miguel. Going forward she will be Neo Zeon's Chief Operations Officer and Director of the Newtype Development Lab once it is re-established."

I sat down, my subordinates following in turn.

"Now then, let's begin the formal debrief for Operation Left Hook. I want to know our successes, our failures and solutions to prevent those failures moving forward. Captain Zinnerman, please begin your report."

As Zinnerman, still wearing that green trench coat instead of the perfectly good uniform I knew he had been issued, started speaking, I started to plan our next move in the back of my head.

And unfortunately, it was going to involve another meeting with my favorite company and my favorite person in that company.

Martha Vist Carbine had better have my Sinanju ready after what we had done for her.

But there was a dark thought that lingered in my head. If I was, in essence, an experimental clone, was I the only attempt or just the only successful version?

A/N: So working a full time job really does eat into free time, as I have found out. But here's a chapter at long last. Hope the meeting with Nanai and its revelations were interesting. I had actually thought up the reason for cloning Char(or really bits of Char) sometime last year. I think it jives pretty well with the backstory for Full Frontal existing that I've concocted in this fic.

On other topics, is anyone a fan of Narrative? No? Well I can't blame you but some of its characters will be appearing as we get closer to the Republic of Zeon. So brush up on them.

Next time: the Federation continues to chase a rabble rouser on the Moon. The Neo AEUG grows and Full Frontal goes back to the scene of the crime to speak with the most dangerous woman in the Earth Sphere, Martha Vist Carbine.
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Even when proven wrong always believe in your own hype. Because if you don't you can't expect anyone else to do so.
I so love story's setting in this timeline don't know what it is about Zeon but I have a soft spot for them.
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Across the Moon and the wider Earth Sphere, radios of every make and model that mankind had produced since setting out to make the black void of space their new home crackled to life, provided they were tuned into a particular channel.

"Hey hey hey, ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls from across the Earth Sphere-and I'm sure some other locations too- it's your boy Fifth Wave! Coming at you with a story so fresh that the printers are still warm."

"So some of you may have had the good sense to follow the instructions I handed out on my last broadcast, and if you did do that: congratulations! You had one hell of a front row seat. But if you didn't, no worries, I got you covered. And luckily for you, its a real simple story"

"On the 5th of March, following the recent announcement of additional inter-Side and Lunar trade restrictions, protests broke out among the docks of major Lunarian cities such as Granada and Von Braun. This, as you might expect, upset our tyrant overlords and they decided to answer their citizens exercising their right to protest by sending in the local EFF garrisons to…disperse them."

"Mind you, I say citizens with a heavy degree of sarcasm because let's be honest folks, when has the Federation ever treated us like its own citizens? Despite making up more than half of the Federation's population, not even getting into how much we give Earth to keep it going, are we ever treated like we're anything more than an annoyance by the Federation?"

"The answer is a resounding NO and we've gotten that time and time again in several different ways. But in the early hours of the 5th, we got the Federation's favorite answer."

"People who were doing nothing but displaying their protests against a bill that would directly harm themselves and their families were violently dispersed by active soldiers of the Federation, who indiscriminately fired into them with rubber bullets and tear gas without a single warning to disperse."

"This caused a riot to break out and when my fellow reporters of truth at that first riot saw what was happening and transmitted across the Moon to show what was happening to their fellow sons and daughters of Luna?"

"Well dear listeners, our brothers and sisters had simply had enough. Sympathy protests broke out in every single lunar settlement. And the Federation moved to crush those as well. Except this time, my listeners, they used live rounds on us!"

"You all know the rest of the story. How we overcame the first detachments of soldiers and corrupt police. How the garrisons called for reinforcements from the Lunar Orbital Fleets. Then the Neo Zeon Fleet attacked, utterly destroying every Federation ship and mobile suit that dared to challenge them. In a matter of hours they had torn our oppressors away from our home in space."

"The Federation was defeated!"


"Some of you listeners are probably wondering why you should care about what Neo Zeon does. So what if they attacked the Federation, you say, it's Neo Zeon. That's all they think about, attacking the Federation. And you would be right, except there is something that I've been meaning to tell all you listeners out there, and now is as good a time as any."

"Cause Neo Zeon ain't just Neo Zeon anymore folks. Now you may have heard of them during the original run back in 0087 in the Gryps War but I am more than proud to announce that the Anti-Earth Union Group has once more begun combat operations against the tyrannical Earth Federation! Now I'll have more news for you listeners soon, but first, let's hear some groovy tunes from Children of the Reptile, straight from the industrial heart of Von Braun!"

Evidence Item 32-YR. Recorded broadcast following the terrorist attack on the Moon, it was widely dessimated over pirate broadcast channels and legitimate radio frequencies. SFIA, Konpeito Division has taken command of the manhunt for terrorist agitator 'Fifth Wave', the public media face of the Anti Earth Union Group terrorist organization, aka the Neo AUEG. Target Fifth Wave is believed to be circulating among various broadcasting bunkers in the Granada Triangle, from which Radio AEUG will make broadcasts.

The frequency and times of these broadcasts are hidden in codes towards the end of each previous broadcast. This code is meant to be easily decipherable however. Main problem is locating the broadcast location. Local authorities have been refusing to grant additional manpower, citing the aftermath of the riots needing their full attention.

Suggest course of action - continue the physical hunt for Radio AEUG. Agent Brumensky suggests a sizable bounty be placed on Fifth Wave, we can justify this under the Remnants Insurgent Act of 0082 though it may take some convincing to get the Konpeito HQ to sign off on it. Next most effective course of action has been determined to be increasing searches for pirate satellites. Destroying these will hamper Radio AEUGs ability to broadcast beyond the Moon.

Note - This course of action will only be of use for future broadcasts. With the amount of recordings that are being disseminated among the general public and media, there is nothing the SFIA can do to prevent prior broadcasts from spreading.

Note 2, date 0094.4.1, - Per Federation Space Forces Policy Directive 592, all material and evidence collected in relation to the Neo AEUG terrorist group and United Neo Zeon are to be turned over to ECOAS operative at Luna II .


Democracy and Space Colonialism in the Universal Century by Full Frontal.

It is well known that democracy occurs in waves, or spurts if one wants to avoid established terminology. These waves are centered around historic events or movements that propagate the desire for self determination among the people of a nation or geographic area to seek to establish a democracy as their chosen governing body. Three such waves of democracy, as determined by Doctor Samuel P. Huntington during the old Anno Domini era, occurred before Mankind had even established its first settlement on Luna. This essay will not concern itself with those historic waves of democracy. Instead we will discuss the most recent historical wave of democracy, the fourth wave of democracy. Some readers will know this fourth wave better as the Unification Movement that swept mankind in the last decades of the Anno Domini era in response to a variety of major geopolitical wars, economic crises and the growing breakdown of established infrastructure due to rising overpopulation. This section will cover the first third of the essay.

The remainder of this text will be devoted to the rising Fifth Wave of democracy that has been building among spacenoids since the right of self determination was first resurrected by Zeon Zum Deikun from the mass grave the Earth Federation had thrown it into; and why it is necessary for all spacenoids to thrown their collective will behind this Fifth Wave of Democracy, which will be the final struggle against the space colonialism of the Earth Federation.

Opening Excerpt from the essay "Democracy and Space Colonialism in the Universal Century". This inflammatory essay is against the status quo of the Earth Federation's governance of space and the Moon, and serves as a guide to action for spacenoids against the space colonialism that they are currently suffering under. Written by known Neo Zeon leader Full Frontal, it would first appear as an independent article published in academic journals and webpages among the Side 3 inter-side internet, it would then be spread slowly to the remaining Sides and the Moon. It quickly became a staple of anti-Federation intellectual discourse and propaganda.

The famous saying "If not now, then never!" (which relates to one of the central questions asked in the essay of when the Federation would restore self governing rights to the Sides) originates from this essay.

Other well known saying from the essay include:

"Self Determination is the right of all mankind!"

"Spacenoids have become accustomed to the whip and boot of the Federation, it is our duty to wake our people up!"

"The Federation likes to say that it is the duty of every citizen to defend their homeland. While they mean this in relation to Zeon most likely, it is something the spacenoids must take to heart. Because it is our duty to defend our homeland, and I ask you to look around for who it must be defended from. The answer is simple."

The essay would later be the leading document in "The Sides are Groaning", a collection of short stories about the suffering of spacenoids caused by continued Federation rule. Noticeably it features stories from the reincorporation of Side 6 back into Federal Rule, the aftermaths of the Sides Reorganization riots of 0084 and insider stories from Dakar politicos relating to the efforts of the Federation government to limit then later eliminate Side wide governments.

This omnibus book is banned from being sold or printed by the Federation Literary Authority, mainly for the calls for armed revolution against the Earth Federation present throughout the entirety of the book's contents.

Multiple Federation officials and members of the Assembly have attempted to sue the original publisher of the book, Texas Colony Writing, for libel, only to discover that there has never been a company operation under that name.

U.C. 0094.3.13 1830 EOST
Anaheim City, Luna, Earth Sphere
Nagano Lounge, Anaheim Electronics Headquarters

"What will the gentleman be having this evening?" A waiter, garbed in the classic waiter attire of black pants, black vest, white button up shirt with a black bow tie to top this off, asked me. He even had that long folded white cloth hanging off his off arm.

"Do you have limoncello?" I asked. Pepe had gotten me hooked on the drink. The waiter looked like he judged me for it though. The lemon liquor was probably too low brow for a place as high end as the Nagano Lounge.

Though he didn't show his disdain, to his professional credit. "Unfortunately not, sir. If the gentleman desires a taste of Italy however, can I interest the gentleman in our Grappa?"

Next to me, Pepe made an interested hum at the mention of Grappa. I didn't know what Grappa was precisely but Anaheim would only serve the best of the best to the people who dined at the Nagano, so I told the waiter to bring me a glass.

Before departing, the waiter, who could be the maître d'hôtel of the restaurant, informed the table that the twelve course meal being served tonight was named "A Taste of Ibiza". A fancy way of saying we'd be eating Mediterranean tonight.

"I must say Full Frontal, you have quite the eye for quality." said Martha Vist Carbine. She was our host tonight, having commanded the entire restaurant be closed down to focus on serving only myself and my two compatriots. As I understood it, the Nagano Lounge made hundreds of thousands in straight profit a night and if you weren't dining for Anaheim Electronics business, private reservations had to be made years in advance at times.

"Thank you." I replied, sending a PR approved smile at her. "Though I hate to think we've been a disturbance for others."

So her move was quite the power play, if you knew the background. So it was wasted on me, to a degree, but not on my two companions. Pepe's mustache had practically quivered in delight from his grinning when we had walked into the empty room.

"Oh nonsense." Martha Vist Carbine literally waived away my worries. "Imago Trading has quickly become one of Anaheim's most important business relationships. Anything less than our finest accommodations for when you and your associates vist us would be insulting."

Translation: Anaheim was extremely pleased by Operation Left Hook, so we get to live the high life tonight. Also, the waiters were still in the room with us, so shut up about business.

Fair enough for her, I mentally shrugged. I was tired of military food anyways.

Then the drinks arrived, followed rapidly by the first course for the four of us to dine away on. Then the second course, then the third and so on. A twelve course meal really was a twelve course meal, color me surprised and all, though I couldn't help but wonder at calling a glass of wine its own separate course.

As dinner progressed, I took the time to observe our host. Martha Vist Carbine looked good, very good. She appeared five years younger than when I had last met with her, closer to thirty-five than the early forties from previously.

Her actual age was about fifty-two or fifty-three. The wonders of the modern beauty industry in the flesh.

She was wearing a black cocktail dress, undoubtedly made of some fabric that would make a wallet recoil in pain if its name was spoken aloud, and a thin necklace of blue diamonds connected with platinum links that danced in the light framed her collarbone. She likewise had blue earrings, sapphire maybe, and her hair was…coiffed I believed it was called.

I still couldn't believe I'd been given homework by my subordinates regarding women's fashion so I would be able to compliment her properly. So yes, I was aware that Martha Vist Carbine looked like sex personified tonight. Yes, I had complimented her as being 'a stunning display of perfection' when we had met. Zinnerman had better get off my ass after this.

Meanwhile, I was wearing an ordinary black suit and tie. Anaheim had given us internal company transportation to the Nagano Lounge, so I only had to use my Elias Kaldwell, CEO of Imago Trading, identity instead of any of the others that required time and effort to assume.

Pepe wore this slate gray ensemble that he said was the official uniform of the governor-general of Palau. Though he had followed that up with cheerfully telling me he had modified the uniform to be more in line with what the Republican Guard of Riah had worn before the loss of independence. As far as I could tell, this just meant changing the buttons to a brass color and adding silver epaulets. There might have been a peaked hat as well but Pepe made a habit of not wearing hats.

The final member of my merry band of rebels was also the newest: Neuer Mann, the leader of New Desides(and yes, I was more than aware of the fake name. Not like I could judge though.). He was dressed in a dark navy suit with a red shirt and black tie.

Now, I was surprised as anyone when Zinnerman's people had stumbled upon Aires City during the lead up to Operation Left Hook. We needed a launching off point for the start of the operation and the abandoned city on the southern pole of the Moon seemed like the logical place to start the search.

As it happened, Aires City was not abandoned. In fact, it was chugging along just fine, below the destroyed surface. Cue some back and forth conversation and I ended up sitting down with the leadership of Aires City for a little talk.

Strangely, having your city destroyed by Federation military forces, due to siding and offering shelter to a rebel group, and then having it declared uninhabitable by the Federation bureaucracy, after said rebel group had fled and been wiped out, did not endear the survivors of Aires City to Earth or the Federation.
What followed, as it had been explained to me, was a triumph of the human spirit. The citizens of the Moon's loneliest city had regrouped and rebuilt the lower levels of their city. Along the way, Neuer Mann had become the interim mayor of the city, then the elected mayor.

Coincidentally the Mayor of Aires City was also the commander of the city militia.

Mayor Mann had told me that what had really contributed to the city's survival was the unexpected humanitarian relief that had come in from the other lunar cities. A real remarkable demonstration of charity and human kindness in my books considering that Aires City had sided with the Titans after they had tried to drop a colony or two on the Moon. Then the whole New Desides affair too.

Long story short, it was after the generous help of their fellow lunarians that Neuer Mann had a new New Decision of his own. The Earth was the problem and the Moon needed to be set free from them.

Why they decided to keep the same name, I don't know, but every member of the original New Desides had gone down fighting in 0089 so there was no one around to contest the ideological changes the organization and the ordinary citizenry rapidly underwent in the early 0090s. Mayor Mann's efforts were helped along by surviving members of the city's militia throwing their support as 'war veterans' behind him. That got the citizenry onboard and right up until my scouts stumbled upon them, Aires City had been chugging along at full swing towards a goal of lunar freedom that they had yet to announce to anyone other than themselves.

Which made the Neo AUEG a very appealing opportunity for New Desides when we came knocking and following Left Hook's smashing success, heh, they had been putting out their own recruitment drives on the lunar airwaves. Reported success from the recruitment drive hadn't been passed over to me yet but I'd been told that their message wasn't landing on unfertile ground.

So the AEUG was waiting on those results from the Moon. Pepe was reporting a major uptick in recruitment for the Restorationists in his neighborhood. He'd even confided that his people were estimating that they would have the manpower to crew a fleet by July.

My mealtime musing was taken to a meaningful end by the ever attentive waiters swooping down to clear away the last course: a palate cleansing sorbet that had a fruity flavor. Our chosen drinks were swapped out for fresh ones and the shutters on the windows of the Nagano Lounge fluttered shut, sealing away the sight of the traffic lanes of Anaheim.

The lights over the rest of the lounge shut down, leaving our table in a spotlight at the very top of the pyramidal seating structure the lounge had been constructed in.

Was this how opera singers felt? I sipped my grappa. Nah, they were getting paid for their trouble. I had to pay for the trouble. Heh.

"A fine meal." I toasted our host. Pepe and Mayor Mann echoing my words.

"Anaheim only serves the very best for our trusted business associates." Martha Vist Carbine responded. "And following your recent success, well, I believed that a suitable award should be arranged."

"The meal was good." Said the Mayor of Aires City, his voice gravely from either too much smoking or an injury to his vocal cords during the rebellion I guessed. "But we all need more than food if we are going to continue to contest the tyrants from Earth."

Pepe and I exchanged a look.

"Quite right." Martha Vist Carbine responded and while she didn't even bat an eyelash in annoyance at the Mayor's words, I could tell in my gut she was. She was and remained a very easy woman to offend.

"What I believe my comrade means, besides thanking you for this wonderful feast, is that it is time to move onto business." Pepe chimed in, smiling beatifically at Carbine. I nodded along in assent with his words.

"Very well, gentlemen such as yourselves can hardly rest on your laurels can you?" She said, tapping away on a keypad on her side of the table. "After all, we here at Anaheim expect the best from our partners."

I suppressed a snort. Cast aside subtleness are we?

A holographic projector emerged from the middle of the table and activated with a whir. A mobile suit appeared before us, the technological details rapidly following the machine's body.

I glanced at the name, though I already knew what this mobile suit was. I had flown against it after all.

RGM-89D Jegan D Type. A bog standard upgrade of the original RGM-89 that Char had flown against during the Second Neo Zeon War. The exact type of standard upgrade package the Federation had been declining to purchase from Anaheim due to their planned demilitarization following the Axis Shock event.

"So the Federation has reached out?" I asked.

Martha Vist Carbine smirked. "Within twenty-fours of your attack we had the contract finalized and the first payments came in three later."

"So Anaheim is convinced of the value that our mutually beneficial relationship has?" I queried. My only point of contact with Anaheim's leadership was through Carbine, so I had nothing other than her words to gauge how the company was feeling towards Neo Zeon.

"Our profits are in the black and the Federation has come crawling back to us with their checkbooks wide open. What's there to complain about?" Martha Vist Carbine elegantly shrugged and sipped at her wine. She made a noise of pleasure at the taste of the drink.

"Anaheim Electronics is eagerly anticipating your next move, Full Frontal, to say the least. Not to mention the future efforts of your colleagues. Of course, we are standing by to assist as suppliers in any material matters you need to fulfill in order to continue operating."

I smiled and nodded in gratitude at her words.

What a kind way to say that we are ready to take your money. Oh and the unspoken threat that you had better not go off on your own and produce everything in house, otherwise that would lead to the Federation finding us in a very short amount of time.

Because I had gotten into bed with Anaheim Electronics, and they knew everything. I dreaded the day when I had to make some hard decisions regarding Neo Zeon's partnership with Anaheim. But now in the present, I could enjoy their hospitality and tepid friendship.

"As a gesture towards that future working relationship, we will be providing all of your organizations with the full profile of the Type D." Martha Vist Carbine continued on. "And the first delivery of Nemos and Ga-Zowmns to Mr. Mengamon's organization as well."

Funny thing that, turned out that Pepe's pilots were big fans of the AMX-008. So big fans that they didn't want to phase it out for the Nemo IIIs, according to Pepe. So he had gone back to Anaheim and amended the existing contract for the Nemos to include a small production run of Ga-Zowmns which would serve as commander type units for the Restorationists. They even had their own paint job that was a reversal of the orange-black colors the Restorationists used.

"My pilots are eagerly awaiting their arrival." Pepe responded.

"When will my mobile suits arrive?" asked the Mayor.

Carbine hemmed for a moment before responding. "The initial production run will be delivered by the end of the month, future deliveries will be arranged after that."

"Very well." responded the Mayor and he went back to his drink.

New Desides had elected for the cheapest option available for their mainstay mobile suit, which was the revamped Nemo III. A good choice for them considering that the AEUG fronted half the bill for Nemo purchases per the founding agreement between the member organizations.

The Mayor had also chosen to contract Anaheim to manufacture all the necessary parts and weapons to rebuild or refit the surviving Xeku series mobile suits that had survived the fighting at Aires City and found their way back into the hands of the city militia.

Also a good choice in my books, not for the financials, no, this was a costly purchase for them. It was a good choice because I had met the members of White Squadron, the pilots of the surviving Xekus, and they were, one and all, utterly insane. Both in tactics and personality.

Extremely skilled with their chosen machines but I would not want to trust them to watch my back in battle. The penchant for constant all-or-nothing attacks made it a guarantee that you'd be left wide open for a flank.

Wickedly skilled hit and run fighters however, so their flaws were balanced out in the end.

Though I had to wonder who exactly Josh Offshore had been and what he had done to make his former command venerate him so.

"Is it now Mr. Frontal's turn to ask about the status of his delivery?" Martha Vist Carbine asked, one perfectly plucked eyebrow raised.

My lips twitched up in amusement and I toasted the most dangerous woman in the Earth Sphere, who I was not about to even partially antagonize by hinting at her company being late on a delivery.

"Neo Zeon has full faith and confidence that our reactors, munitions and general supplies will arrive on time and with all the nuts and bolts accounted for." I leaned forward. "Though personally, I do want to follow up on something related to mobile suits."

"Oh?" Carbine again sipped her wine.

"Yes, you see I've been looking to trade in my current ride for some time now. But before I do that I'd have to know that my replacement is fully operational. Would some as well informed as you happen to have a progress report available on that?"

"Why Full Frontal, I thought you'd never ask." Martha Vist Carbine swapped out the diagram for the new Jegan with an all too familiar mobile suit.

I grinned at the sight of it. It wasn't perfect, not yet, but there it was. The rough stone from which I would craft the finest blade ever wielded against the Federation.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Anaheim's next generation psycho frame use mobile suit and the current flagship of the Federation Forces UC Project: the Sinanju Stein."

I gazed up at my mobile suit in anticipation.

'You weren't ready yet but have patience my friend, soon we'll be rulers of the battlefield.'

A/N - back again I see.

So we've met the next member of the Neo AEUG and caught up with what's going on with our pal Pepe in Riah to a degree. I hope the explanations I gave for the New Desides made since, even for those who haven't read Gundam Sentinel.

(long story short some Titan over at Pezun go rogue and drag Aires City, a bastion of earth fanatics, into their fight. New Desides is completely destroyed and muck everything up for the EFF in the lead up to the first Neo Zeon War. Aires City gets totaled in the fighting and that's the last we ever hear about it in UC.) Obviously I've advanced their story for my own purposes.

I also hope that my very amateur political and philosophical blather that I've made to try and fit into the Universal Century political discourse isn't too big a put off for my readers. I think it makes sense, let me know if you have questions I guess.

AFFA continues to surprise me in a way, because I continue to enjoy writing it even though it is my oldest story from date of writing. Hope that is a good indicator of its quality to you readers as well lol.

See everyone next time.

AN 2: For your viewing pleasure, Here is the latest and greatest from the Neo Zeon Department of Public Relations(aka I really like these posters and what to share them)

Thanks for the chapter. Chaos across the earth sphere and no insane moron in charge of Zeon to drive it off a cliff hopefully.
It is awesome that he is using the name AEUG, to minimise the negative connotation associated with Zeon in the mind of many people.
Chapter 23

Chapter 23

U.C. 0094.5.22
The Garden of Thorns, Loum Debris Field, L4

How time can fly when you're having fun.

Or in my case, it went 'how time can fly when you are buried up to your neck in work'. Two months since we'd raised hell in orbit above the Moon but it felt like a year had passed. The Garden of Thorns had been turned from a semi-moribund base ,with enough amenities to keep its occupants breathing and warm, to the revitalized heart of a Zeon movement.

The power was back on, heating worked brilliantly, the dry docks and mobile suit repair bays had the rust knocked out of them and the hydroponic farms were churning out fresh produce for the men to enjoy. Delaz really had been living the dream in this shoal zone for those three years before Stardust.

Speaking of a revitalized Zeon movement, we'd been doing the rounds since the jaunt over Luna. News channels couldn't get enough of us so the channels and scream sheets were blanketed with Federation approved talking points about 'the dire consequences that will be in Earth Sphere with this resurgence of Zeon Remnant terrorism'. Zinnerman had reported that this was mostly from organizations that were based on the planet though. The narrative swung our way up here in space.
There were more than a few Spacenoid media companies that were rabidly anti Zeon of course. Hatte and Zahn had long memories in regards to their losses in the One Year War. But they were easily moved aside by forces under my control.

Radio AEUG trumpeted the success of Operation Left Hook and how the resurrected AUEG had come to the aid of protesting workers who were being unjustly cracked down on by Federation troops. Other spacenoid media fonts were neutral towards Neo Zeon or slightly supportive. The reports that came out of Side 3 itself went from wild celebrations in the streets of Zum City, talk show gossiping on if I was actually Char Aznable in disguise, or stern affirmations from the Republic's government that this Neo Zeon was in no way associated with the Republic of Zeon.

Taken all together, I was seeing the results in public perception that I wanted to see. Space was moving in our direction slowly but surely and Earth was its usual hostile self towards us. Zinnerman and I had knocked heads on the best way to take advantage of the media attention long term, but in the short term we both agreed that we needed to keep the media pressure on in order to create the fertile grounds Neo Zeon and the AEUG would need to draw fresh blood in.

Myself, Zinnerman, Nanai and Dawson (the new adhoc High Command), had come up with a twofold strategy for the rest of the year. The first part was a deepening of the fog of war in space. Could't build up our military forces if the feddies were able to find us due to a higher than usual concentration of Minovsky particles. The solution was simple and cheap: we raised the Minovsky particle levels to what we needed them to be. So we'd done a bit of scavenging in the shoal zone, still largely untouched since the Battle of Loum nearly two decades ago, for reactors.

Once the large amount of minovsky fusion reactors had been pulled from the hulks and colony shells that had previously held them, the techs went to work on them. Large reactors were fully repaired, clustered together and then scattered throughout the entirety of the shoal zone. The Minvosky particles had soared after that, blanketing the border shoal zone in a thick layer of communication reducing particles. The interior, and the Garden of Thorns, had significantly less so to not interfere with our communications.

The smaller reactors had been given patch jobs to keep them operational for a short time and then we had strapped them to rockets. These 'abominations' as one mechanic had referred to them as, were hauled into the shipping and commercial lanes around the moon, Loum and near Zeon itself and set loose.

Of course they weren't on a collision course with anything, the reactors simply broadcasted Minvosky particles until it broke back down and shut off and the rocket kept on going until it ran out of fuel. We hadn't created a weapon of war, instead we had slapped together a potent weapon of confusion to send to the feddies. Because when shipping and commercial lanes suddenly blew up with wild spurts of Minvosky particles, just like we had used during Operation Left Hook, the EFSF scrambled to intercept what appeared to be another Neo Zeon strike.

This bogged down travel in the affected area as the Federation locked it down and prevent any ship in the area from leaving until they had been inspected for possibly being Zeon terrorists in disguise. The lengthy wait this created made the spacers very upset with the Federation and wasted the EFSF's time on chasing ghosts.

The Federation wouldn't have kept following our ghost missiles if we didn't give them a reason to after a while however, so we went to the second part of our yearly strategy: convoy raiding.

Our veteran pilots needed to be kept sharp and our new pilots needed to be blooded in real combat. Our newly online foundries also needed bulk materials and the fleet needed fuel to feed itself.

So in the tail end of April, we launched another attack against the Federation. After a trio of reactor-missiles had been sent towards Riah, forcing the EFSF ships to reorient in that direction, the Rewloola, Guskor, Garom and all eight of Zinnerman's Arango-class freighters, which had been heavily modified into disguised corvettes with limited mobile suit capacity of their own, struck a Federation Forces helium-3 depot just outside of Hatte airspace.

Ah, what fun that had been. Complete surprise again and just enough feddie mobile suits for myself and Marida to provide overwatch for the new Newtype Corps to take action against. Had it been a bit selfish to have Jadg Doga's be the first new mobile suits produced at the Garden of Thorns? There was an argument for that, but I thought it was a good way to remind certain people of differing philosophical beliefs that I did value newtypes and the inherent promises their existence gave to humankind.

That and the result of newtypes piloting purpose built mobile suits could not be denied. Angelo and Luger had made aces, with Zechst Ade gaining a respectable three kills under his belt.

In one raid we'd secured enough helium-3 for the fleet's needs for another two years, regardless of differing fuel consumption rates.

The following celebrations had been a good way to bring the ex-prisoners and non-prisoners together in camaraderie. Everyone liked a reason to bust out the moonshine as it were. Angelo even smiled when I gave him his ace pin and the privilege to paint his mobile suit with custom colors. I couldn't remember having seen him smile before that. I hoped then and now that it was a sign that the young man was starting to heal from his past, however minutely.

Nanai, as a key planner of the raid, had regained much of her reputation among the ranking officers. Her presence at war councils wasn't met with much objection any more. Of course I would have to keep an eye on her influence as time went on, I needed to prevent any more 'Let's throw an asteroid at Earth' plans from being created.

The buzzing of my intercom broke me out of my thoughts and my review of charts and graphs that projected Neo Zeon's fuel consumption. I look at the analog clock on my desk, was it really time already?

"Full Frontal." I said after picking up the phone.

"Sir, I have Governor-General Mengamon on line for you." One of my secretaries, Erika from the sound of the voice, said. I guess it was time then.

"Is the line secured?" I asked first.

"Yes sir. Full encryption on both ends has been established and confirmed by the system." Erika replied.

"Then send him through, and inform all other incoming calls that I am busy."

"Yes sir." There was a click as she conjoined the call and then left it herself. I placed the phone on the desk and toggled it to speaker phone.

"You there, Pepe?" I asked. A brief crackling came over the line before the man responded.

"I am here, my friend. Apologies for any noise, we're having quite the celebration over here!" Pepe joyfully said.

I smiled. "So the elections went well then?"

Laughter came over the line. "More than well! A stunning success across the entire Side!" I could hear a muffled cheer come from the other end. Quite the celebration indeed. "We've taken the mayoral seats in sixty-three colonies and the representative seats in an additional seven! A third of the entire Side still supports Riah!"

I heard more raucous cheering and hooting from Pepe's end. I barely resisted the urge to join in but I was smiling widely when I replied.

"A great day for Riah and spacenoids everywhere then."

"I couldn't say it better myself, and as a matter of fact, I think I'll be borrowing those words for my victory speeches!" Pepe exclaimed. He had also been up for election as the Governor-General of Palau, needless to say that he won in a landslide on a local platform of economic revitalization and expansion with his deals with Imago Trading being a flagship example of what his plans would bring to Palau.

So yes, I had done my part to rig the election platform in Pepe's favor. But the actual hard work of campaigning and electioneering on the ground had been done by the Restorationists. To my surprise the Federation had not outlawed separatist parties in general following the so-called Side Reorganization of 0084, which probably came down to them not needing to. If you've already removed the self-governing nature of the Sides and made it so their local legislature (following you graciously allowing them to continue existing) could only act as an advisory body to the Federation appointed colonial administrators, do you really need to ban political parties?

I guess they didn't think so. Fools, the lot of them.

"Be sure to stick to the messaging we agreed on." I cautioned. "Now's not the time to ramp up, you need to get your feet firmly under you in Riah and start your second phase in two months. The feddies are going to be suspicious as it is, let's not throw them a bone we don't mean to throw."

"Ah, I understand perfectly and my deputies do as well." Pepe said. "We've spent so long spinning our wheels uselessly until this moment. Nobody in the Restorationists intends to waste our moment, nor to fail our comrades across the Earth Sphere." He chuckled. "Besides, the time for fire and brimstone speeches will be coming along shortly, eh?"

"True enough, true enough." I ceded.

Once again the noise of the party grew louder on Pepe's end. I smiled and decided that we could talk more in depth later.

"Sounds like you have other matters to attend to, we can meet up tomorrow for a more detailed discussion about our next steps." I told him.

Pepe laughed, giving a happy goodbye and I heard the noise of the party grow louder before the connection was cut off by the call's end. I leaned back into my chair and pondered the situation for a minute. Success on one front and the others had to be nurtured before they could bear the type of fruit seen in Riah. There the Federation had done the work of priming the people for Pepe's messaging through over a decade of typical earth-based mismanagement.

I toasted the Titans with an imaginary glass. Thanks for doing the hard lifting once again.

The gentle chime from my computer drew me out of further rumination for the day. Due to the nature of living in space, each side had been time locked to the part of earth it most closely matched with, though spaceships and military vessels used orbital standard time. So it might be the dead of night for Pepe in Riah, but for me it was the middle of the day.

There was business to attend to.

I left my office, throwing on a freshly pressed scarlet double breasted jacket with gold embellishments that my secretaries and tailor (which I ended up acquiring somehow) had made up for me. As it turns out, the Zeon military had been at the cutting edge of military innovation but at the same time had adopted customs into its officer corps that wouldn't be out of place in the armies of Napoleon's era.

There was a vigorously enforced honor system in the Principality's military, which lent itself to a thriving dueling culture. Officers had to always look their best and at all times represent the esprit de corps of their unit. So you were, when not "on campaign", expected to always be dressed in your best. I, being the Supreme Commander, was held to a very high standard when I wasn't training or fighting.

It was freshly starched and ironed pants, high collared button up shirts and stiff military cut jackets for me each day.

After bidding goodbye to my secretary, I made my way through the administrative block of the base and out into Hall Two, one of the vast spaces in the colony's superstructure that hadn't been turned over to military use, and instead became a thoroughfare to travel the base. Delaz had used the defunct interior space in the repurposed colony, having previously been home to the various organs needed to maintain and regulate an O'Neill type colony, into dry docks, repair bays and mobile suit production lines. A proper military facility.

It would be seven more months before we'd brought everything back online but for the time being Neo Zeon was safely ensconced in half of a colony that was nestled with clusters of rocks to keep prying radar out.

I hopped into a mag-tram that ran along Hall Two and took it down to the intersection with Hall Four, and switched down to that stretch of colonies' tram line. This took me straight to the docks.

There had been easy going, almost sedate attitude among the people I had seen in the administrative block and on my journey here, the docks were overflowing with both people and energy. Members of the supply corps were transporting large crates, filled with all manner of materials needed to feed and equipment my growing war machine, every which way. Then there was the noise of docking alarms from the individual hangers of the port as vacuum was either introduced or atmosphere was being brought in. Outside the walls and observation windows would be the patrolling mobile suits and Gattle fighters that wandered our nest of rock and steel, keeping watch for prying eyes.

Finally there was the shouting. The new recruits needed to be trained after all and since it was doubtful we would ever have the needed parts, knowledge or time to bring the remaining interior of the colony back to life, the recruits got to do their physical conditioning by running the dock loop. I paused on my travels to make way for a passing training company.

The drill sergeant made the ramshackle line halt their run to offer me their best rendition of a salute possible in their current state. I nodded in return to their efforts and motioned for them to be on their way. The insults the drill sergeant started yelling after passing me were highly inventive.

It was good, I reflected, that the decision had been made to send my Titan rescues over to the Moon to join New Desides. With their departure, an undercurrent of tension that I hadn't been aware of, or hadn't consciously registered, had dissipated. There hadn't been any inter factional brawls in over a month.

Making my way through the press of people, I walked into what had been the dock master's office before the war, now it was the command post for the Supply Corps.

"Sir!" The room barked out at my entrance, jumping to their feet as one.

"At ease." I motioned, looking around the room to pick out the man I was looking for. "Sergeant Major Blaze, a moment of your time."

The man, who I guessed to be a veteran of Axis judging by his lingering youth, marched up to me like he was on parade.

"Captain Zinnerman informed me in his latest report that his second in command had delivered a letter for me?" I asked.

"Yes, Supreme Commander." Sergeant Blaze confirmed. "We have followed the captain's instructions on the handling of the package to the letter. Helmsman Schole remains with the package and it has not left his sight since the Garencieres docked."

"Good, good." I nodded at the man's words. "Take me to him."

"Of course sir."


"Ah, Supreme Commander, sir. I didn't know you'd be here to collect this." Flaste Schole, helmsman of the Garencieres and Zinnerman's right hand man, sketched a salute at my entrance. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the deliberate sloppiness. I had once worked alongside Schole when Neo Zeon had first arrived at Palau and he thought, or assumed, this gave him the right to affect a less than proper demeanor when interacting with me.

He was right, I trusted Zinnerman and his ability to cultivate talent and said talent's usefulness to Neo Zeon. Didn't mean it wasn't annoying on occasion.

"Let's see the package." I replied, pulling a key out of my pocket.

"Sure, the cuffs were starting to chaff." Flaste stretched out his left arm, where a thin briefcase was clasped in his hand with a handcuff connecting his wrist and the briefcase handle.

I quickly unlocked the cuff from Flaste's hand and took the briefcase from him.

"Wew, good to have that off." He commented. "Hey you don't need me for anything else right? I have reports to send to the captain."

"You're dismissed Helmsman." I said. "Enjoy the comforts of the Garden while you're here as well."

"Will do, sir!" Flaste sketched another sloppy salute and exited the small room."

"My gratitude for hosting a member of Captain Zinnerman's unit, sergeant." I turned to Sergeant Blaze. "Please give my deepest gratitude to the rest of the Supply Corps for their hard work over the past year. It has not gone overlooked or under-appreciated by myself or the rest of Neo Zeon."

The sergeant puffed up at the praise, and gave me another parade perfect salute. "Thank you, sir. The men, and myself, greatly appreciate your words."

"Keep up the good work, Sergeant Blaze, and victory will be ours."

"Sieg Zeon!"


It was a simple matter to convene High Command for a meeting, there were only four of us: Myself, Hill Dawson, Suberoa Zinnerman, and the newest addition, Nanai Miguel. At the moment the Garden of Thorns hosted three of the four with ZInnerman out doing recruitment drives in the depths of the lunar spaceports.

So it was a small group that looked over the post card size note that had been shipped to us with a nearly ludicrous amount of security protecting it.

The simple note, written on simple paper, provided a date, time and location. Clipped to the note was a single ticket for the grand opening of the Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia Exhibit at the Institute of History on Side 4's capital, New Miranda.

"And Zinnerman is confident that this is a legitimate meeting?" Nanai asked, looking at Dawson and myself with an arched eyebrow.

"Captain Suberoa was the one approached, not the one doing the approaching. If this was a trap, it should have been closed when they delivered this package." Dawson responded, staring down at the note.

"Though there is something to be said about lying in wait for the big catch." I mused.

"We're not under attack." Dawson retorted. "If I was planning a trap of this kind, I would have launched the attack following the landing of the fake message, not hours later."

"Just like the Federation Forces to have a slow follow through." Nanai said. She was on the other side of the circular table we had these meetings around.

"But unlike Londo Bell, who would be leading any attack against us." I waved a hand in front of me in back and forth motion. "We're getting side tracked. Dawson will double the patrols to be safe though I doubt anything will happen, too much secrecy has been enacted by this party for them to be a Federation plant."

I looked at Nanai. She looked nice today, her hair now reached down to her mid back. I breathed in and mentally refocused, now was not the time. My musing aside, she looked to agree with my reasoning.

"Then I can't go against meeting this person, whoever they are and whoever they represent." She said after a few moments of contemplation. "We need more allies. Or even groups who would be willing to engage in under the table trading with us. Especially if we want to get the mobile suit production lines operational."

Dawson hummed in agreement. I looked over and found that he was now holding the ticket, looking it over in his hands.

"Something interesting?" I asked.

"Hmmm, maybe. Maybe not." He shrugged and put the ticket back on top of the invitation. "I have a faint feeling that I've something similar in a past life. Before the service."

"Do you have something to contribute or are you just here to add to the decor?" Nanai asked somewhat bitingly. She and Dawson had prior history. From what I had uncovered, it was mostly unfriendly history. Dawson was in the navy and Nanai was in charge of the newtype development labs. Two groups whose interests didn't always align during the years of Axis.

"You would know about that." Dawson returned the snipe. "But, if that is a question, then no. I do not have anything further to contribute. This individual has money and resources, clearly indicated by this message making its way to Zinnerman and then us. We need more resources. Therefore the Supreme Commander should attend this meeting."

He looked over at me. "Though not without an escort that can storm the colony should this entity prove hostile. That is all."

Nanai huffed. "He is right, unfortunately. We need to take all opportunities presented to us. The new pilots won't make their own mobile suits."

"Then it's agreed." I clapped my hands together. "Dawson, have Major Silk form up a company from the Attack Force to accompany me to Loum, and alert Zinnerman to my plans. Lieutenant, take charge of overseeing the reactivation processes for the base."

The two of them snapped off salutes at my ending of the meeting. Dawson left without another word, already typing away at a tablet. Nanai had a question.

"Do you have any particular part of the Garden of Thorns that you would like me to focus on?" She asked.

I thought for a moment before replying. "Continue to focus on lodging for the new recruits. Too many are still sleeping in the warships. Work battalions five and nine are back up for duty so put them on that. Leave the others on their current assignments."

"Should I notify you of any emergencies while you're away, so you can handle it directly?" Nanai said.

"No." I replied immediately. "I trust you to handle any emergencies that occur while I'm away and to coordinate with Dawson should you need to. I do expect to be kept in the loop regardless of what's happening."

She seemed pleased by my response. "Of course sir. Have a pleasant journey and come back safe."

"I always try to, Nanai."


As I departed the Garden of Thorns, watching it depart from the viewport of a nondescript passenger liner Zinnerman had bought from a scrapyard, I felt a sense of unease creep up on me. Here I was, yet again, going off to meet with someone who would undoubtedly hold all the cards, and power, over me for the duration of both our discussion and their involvement with Neo Zeon.

I had thought I'd have moved beyond this after the Diyu raid in all honesty. But it seemed to me that I had only made my problem worse.

Now I needed more of everything I had little of before, and Anaheim would only play ball so much. And my funds would only last for so long and my suppliers out in the Belt would only be able to supply me on certain times due to the length of travel.

So I needed someone closer to home to feed my hungry war machine the raw and refined materials it needed to stay operational. Especially if I wanted the Geara Zulu line to be put into production any time soon.

That was something I was desperate to start. The Doga design was showing its flaws with every major combat operation we went on. The mobile suit was a fine interceptor model but it was horrendous in fuel consumption and had drastically lower operating time than any of the Axis designs we had in service.

At least I could hope that I didn't have to deal with another Martha Vist with this meeting. Zinnerman had given me all the information he had drawn up about this entity that had found him, and he hadn't unearthed any ties to Anaheim.

Small mercies.

Hopefully Zinnerman wouldn't be too upset with me bringing a full company of the Attack Force along with me. The Garencieres didn't have a very large kitchen or food stocks.

Maybe Marida would appreciate the company, some of the soldiers looked to be around her age.

I decided that I was going to have her in the room when I told Zinnerman he was in charge of feeding and bunking seventy-eight soldiers. That should keep him calm.

I hope.

A/N: As SI Frontal has found out, you can indeed suffer from success. Mobile suits are resource intensive to produce and maintain. It's not like Zeon would have a hope of winning a convention ship to ship war against the Federation.

For those who have forgotten, as I almost did before checking my notes, in this story the Sides were not moved during the reorg of 0084, rather some just got their assigned numbers flipped around. A deliberate move by the Federation to tamp down on emerging/existing spacenoid nationalism following the reincorporation of Riah and the Delaz Conflict.

So when we say Side 4 in this fic, we are talking about Loum instead of Moore, which is the new Side 6. Hope that clears up confusion.

And we're also heading towards the reveal of the second to last member of the Neo AEUG. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out who I'm aiming for if you know your UC history but I'll leave it for the next chapter to introduce them instead of in this note.

See you all next time. Merry Christmas as well!
Is it canon that space colonies use the standard time of the nearest place on earth or is that something made up for this story?

Anyhow, great story.