A Dragon of the North X: Night Gathers


"Of course," you interrupted "I'll be charitable and assume that me being a bastard-born dragonseed legitimized by the ruling king and then succeeded him to the throne while usurping the once true heirs who were discovered to be bastards born of incest has nothing to do with it."

"...Of course."
My favourite part of the chapter.
Query: Four Year Anniversary?
Four months from now on February 27, 2017, ADOTN will have reached it's four year anniversary. It's a long time to have run this quest with you buggers, and I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything in the world (Well, maybe the Banner/Sigil Wars that @Tel Janin just tried to raise again in the Valyria spinoff).

Four year is a hell of a run to have, I think. There's marriages that don't last that long. University degrees, that take less time.

A hell of a run.

Which is why there's a part of me wondering, if I shouldn't hold off until February, to drop the last update of ADOTN-

Put down the weapons, and hear me out.

Just hear me out.

Four years. That's a hell of a run.

A run that deserves the biggest close out it can get, a titanic 10,000 words long update detailing just every bloody moment of the Final Battle For The Dawn.

A run that deserves the epilogues to drop right after the final update, instead of waiting around for weeks as I write them.

I'll of course still be writing in between February and now. ADOTN: Valyria is up and running for those unaware. Paths Unwalked has been waiting on me for a while to fulfill some particular requests. And of course there's Leech Lord, which is just waiting to see how Droose walks into another disaster of his own making.

All good stories, I think.

I think Leech Lord can come to it's own end soon. Valyria is a shorter quest than ADOTN. Unwalked is serials as requested. Closing out all those chapters by February 27... there's a certain appeal to it.

But this isn't about me, or just me rather. You're the players, you're the readers. The saga of Jon Stormcrown and the shenanigans of Droose McCreepy wouldn't have come about with you all.

So I want to take an informal poll as it were, ask for your blessings or hear your misgivings.

Should I do this? Would you be happy if I did this?

Let me know, guys.​
We have waited and will wait for more. Do what you think is the best choice, though having an epic send-off at fourth anniversary sounds very like Dragon of the North.

Can't believe it has been almost four years. I have mixed feelings about this quest ending. :confused:

I wouldn't mind having a mini hiatus. This quest deserves a proper send off.
Take your time, this deserves the end.

... Just don't pull a George R.R. Martin on us, and make us wait years.
I'm all for the symbolism, so hell yeah. End this on a high note.

And then, if you forget, we just get to mock and ridicule you for fucking up for months if not years :V
As long as Jon gets off the god damned boat in the end, I'm happy with waiting. It'll make the grand finale that much grander.
What's this about a boat?
> doesn't get Berserk boat meme
> complains about people not getting his memes/references

Droman, I just have one thing to say: git gud. :V

On ADOTN's anniversary, I can't lie and say it won't sting to wait so long, but I'm aware you wish to make it a fitting end for your opus magnum. So go ahead, no one will begrudge you.
But please warn if or when you'll hold the last rolling session. Because I'm sure some people would like to partecipate in our last offering to the Dice Gods.
Ah, a reference to Berserk and the author's twenty-something year hiatus wherein the protagonist was on a boat for plot reasons. Fans of the series often refer to hiatuses as being boat trips.

Ah. I thought it was a reference to Gendry from the show.

But please warn if or when you'll hold the last rolling session. Because I'm sure some people would like to partecipate in our last offering to the Dice Gods.

I think I'll occasionally pop into Rolz and ask for mystery rolls, to keep the suspense high as to how it's all actually going.