A Day of Water [Mini-Quest, Complete]

[X] You were invited to the party, so why not go?
- [X] Show up later, the fire is when the fun begins. Also you might have to talk less
lorilanda threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 67
67 67
7. Celebration
[X] You were invited to the party, so why not go?
- [X] Show up later, the fire is when the fun begins. Also you might have to talk less

A thoroughly enjoyable morning later, you go for lunch in the small village you're in. It's already considerably less busy and you decide to savour this for a while longer, who know when you'll next have the option.
Besides, you can still visit the festivities later on, take a few photos then, and send them to your parents as proof of "having fun".
Finally having a plan again, you direct your attention back to your reading.

Hours later you walk over to where you met Douglas yesterday. While definitely still recognisable, it's not like there are many large stone circles with gigantic pyres in the middle around, the area seems transformed. A number tables have been put up around the circle, filled with food that looks a lot more appetising than traditional British food is usually described to you, and several dozen people are mingling and eating.
True to Douglas' words no one seems to mind you simply joining in, and as soon as you overhear that the food is not the potluck-style you expected, but instead is mostly provided by the rich branch of the family that apparently outright owns the entire island, you feel free to dig in as well.

Things go on pleasantly enough, you only have to make small talk with a few people, and soon the pyre is kindled. It's at least as impressive as you thought it would be and for a moment you consider walking away for a bit to see if it could really be seen from all over the island. That instinct is squashed soon enough though, and you instead take out your mobile and start to take pictures.
Another hour or so passes with you mostly keeping to the edge of the event, sometimes seeing if you can spot Douglas, but not outright searching for him. The food is as tasty as it looked and, while too loud for your taste, the ceremony is quite interesting to watch, with traditional dances and songs that most of the people participate in. Even though you can already feel the headache coming, this seems at least more enjoyable than the events your family usually drags you to.
Just as you finish that thought, looking over the crowd once more, a loud bang followed by screaming captures your attention and that of everyone else.
Something happened at the fire, you didn't look fast enough to see what exactly, but embers and pieces of wood are scattered all around it, the main fire is all but extinguished.
Luckily no one was really close to the pyre when it burned and the pieces weren't flung very far, but some people were still hit and at least lightly injured.

What do you do?
[X] People were only lightly injured, but you should join the efforts of helping them.
[X] Find out what happened.
- [X] How?
[X] Get away, you want nothing to do with this.
[X] Write-in...

Also roll a d100 please.

Now we're getting into it.
Voting closes in ~30 minutes, might be a bit more.
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[X] Find out what happened.
- [X] Walk over to someone who was standing close to the fire when it happened (but isn't injured, obviously), and ask: "What the hell just happened?"
lorilanda threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 31
31 31
8. Rain
[X] Find out what happened.
- [X] Walk over to someone who was standing close to the fire when it happened (but isn't injured, obviously), and ask: "What the hell just happened?"

Roll: 31

A quick check tells you that the few injured people are already getting help and that the fire is going out rather than spreading, so you go about finding out what happened.
Which is to say that you go up to someone close enough to the fire to have seen something and, with all your grace that your brother loves to complain about, ask, "What the hell just happened?"
The woman you asked is apparently to stunned by your straightforwardness to complain and quickly answers, "I- I don't know. The pyre just exploded, then there was some weird vapour, and the fire just went out."
She then continues to ramble about why this happened and if some family member or another she dislikes did that on purpose, but you already turn away and walk over to the fire.

You don't get far, however, as some of the more level-headed guests attempt keep people calm and away from the possibly still dangerous remaining parts of the pyre. With your height it's easy to look over them, but they don't seem to take too kindly to rubbernecking, so you stop soon, only noticing that the fire appears to be completely extinguished and the shadow pattern Douglas talked about is indeed there, though disturbed by the people around it.

It doesn't take long for another exclamation to grab your attention, though is one more surprised than panicked, the person you heard pointing towards the sky. Looking up you see a storm brewing in the previously clear sky, a clear centre already forming close to the island. You didn't know storms could even form so fast, and given the reactions, the others around here seem to think similarly. Or they're surprised by there being a storm at all, given Douglas' words about the rarity of rain around here yesterday.

What do you do?
[X] Go to the hotel, no need to get wet and this storm looks heavy.
- [X] What do you want to do there? This could take a while to clear up. Write-in.
[X] Stay here.
- [X] To do what, besides getting wet? Write-in.
[X] Go... somewhere else? Write-in.

Also roll a d100 please. Not sure if it's gonna be needed, but to be sure.

You're lucky noticing stuff is specifically a strength of your character, otherwise you would have missed more than just half of the noticeable stuff.
Getting close to the finale and this entire quest is still shorter than some chapters I have seen.
Voting closes in ~30 minutes.
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[X] Stay here.
- [X] Everything in you says that you should probably go home by now - a weird storm and an exploding bonfire can't be good signs, and you really don't want to put up with more than you already have on your trip. But for some reason, you keep standing there in the rain; maybe the storm fascinates you or maybe you just can't help the feeling that something is off. But anyway, you stay here for a bit longer - and then decide to find Douglas. Even if it requires interaction, a familiar face won't hurt you. And maybe he has any idea of what's going on here? But anyways - afterwards you should really go home. You don't wanna get completely soaked, after all.
lorilanda threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 95
95 95
9. Lightning
[X] Stay here.
- [X] Everything in you says that you should probably go home by now - a weird storm and an exploding bonfire can't be good signs, and you really don't want to put up with more than you already have on your trip. But for some reason, you keep standing there in the rain; maybe the storm fascinates you or maybe you just can't help the feeling that something is off. But anyway, you stay here for a bit longer - and then decide to find Douglas. Even if it requires interaction, a familiar face won't hurt you. And maybe he has any idea of what's going on here? But anyways - afterwards you should really go home. You don't wanna get completely soaked, after all.

I'm gonna read that as "I wanna be where the action is!".
Oh well, with a roll of 95 you manage whatever you're trying to do.

Not long after the rain begins in earnest, heavy drops pouring down around you, dousing even last glowing embers that were flung away from the fire. You're wet now anyway, and frankly, you're curious what's going on, so you take another short look at the remains of the pyre, now unobstructed since even those keeping you away earlier are trying to get out of the rain.
You only intended to give it a quick once-over, but when you see something glittering you move closer.
Some of the rain hitting the wood seems to have frozen over, and moving a heavier piece of wood you are met by a cloud of... cold? How does any of that make sense?
Digging a bit farther you find a heavy canister, it's lid apparently blown off. Did someone seriously hide a canister of liquid nitrogen in here? That would explain the vapour the woman talked about at least, but you're honestly not sure if it would be enough to cause the small explosion earlier on its own.
This entire situation is weird, you need to find someone who might know more. Looking around you spot what appears to be Douglas, though it's a bit hard to tell in the heavy rain, vanishing above one of the surrounding hilltops in a different direction than most of the crowd. Suspicious, and come to think of, he was also the last one here yesterday aside from you, wasn't he? Enough reasons to follow him, and even if you're wrong, someone familiar to talk to might be useful.

He's a lot faster than you expected, especially since he doesn't seem to have any problems moving normally, while you have to struggle against slipping every few steps. Grassy knolls and rain certainly don't combine well.
Still, while you don't catch up, you manage to follow him in the direction of what seems to be the centre of the storm, going downwards to a small beach you didn't come across before.
A sudden flash of lightning shows you a small boat lying there. One you, even with your very limited knowledge of seafaring, are quite sure is not capable of getting anywhere in this weather, but Douglas seems to be going directly there.
Several further flashes in close succession make you look up from the beach again, and what lies before you makes you pause in your steps, nearly causing you to slip again.
Before you lightning strikes again and again in the same small area of the sea ahead, making for a beautiful and at the same time terrifying sight.

What do you do?
[X] Stay where you are and watch.
[X] Get away.
[X] Try to get to Douglas before he leaves shore.
[X] Write-in...

We're getting to the end. Choose wisely.
Though since my main voter went to bed, I'll have to see if there's anyone still around at this time.
Voting is open until... well, it's open for now, I'll decide once I actually get a vote in.
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Huh, that's a lot more one-sided than expected.
Small warning, things won't go quite as fast as yesterday, aince I have other stuff to do as well (and I just got up), but I think I might still be able to finish this today.
10. Unnatural
[X] Stay where you are and watch.

You like to play it save, huh? Not the best choice for that

Fascinated by what lies in front of you, you continue to stare, ignoring the pounding rain that wets you to the bone, and missing your last chance to catch up to Douglas. You finally have to look away when the flood of rainwater coming down the hill gets strong enough to almost sweep you off your feet and you have to move to a protruding piece of rock to hold on.
With how dark the sky has gotten and just how much water was falling from the sky, you almost give up at even spotting Douglas on his boat again, but the continuous lightning allow you to spot his silhouette several times as he moves directly towards what you want to call the eye of the storm, despite it definitely not appearing calmer than the rest of it. Somehow he has not capsized, but you are still glad to have remained on land. As much as the almost literal river you stand in can be called land anyway.

As you still contemplate whether you should attempt to get back to your dry room, and if you really want to watch what is likely the death of a friend...ly acquaintance—even if he's likely at fault for what happened at the fire—said acquaintance finally reaches his apparent goal.
You want to avert your eyes when lightning inevitably strikes his boat, but it never happens. Instead what happens challenges your long-standing disbelieve in the unnatural, though while your mind searches for a scientific explanation, you also remind yourself of how often you stated that you would believe supernatural happenings if you see them happen.
In front of Douglas a door opens within the curtain of rain and electricity. Not even a sudden stop in what was happening for at least half an hour now, hard enough as that would be to believe, but a literal gate, its arches formed by the forces of nature around it. Even from here you can clearly see the calm sea within, lit by sunlight and untouched by the thunderstorm around it, while at the same time the rain above it did not cease in the slighest.
And in there someone, no, something is beckoning Douglas closer.

What do you do?

[X] Run to the cliff closest to there, you need to see this better.
[X] Stand where you are and wonder how you can even see as much as you do.
[X] Clearly you are delirious, try to get somewhere save.
[X] Swim over there. You're an adequate swimmer and if that tiny boat somehow didn't sink...
[X] Write-in...

Even if you vote for one of my suggestions, additional details may help you.
And roll a d100 please.

There we go, first one for today. As mentioned before, today won't go quite as fast as yesterday, but that also means more time for votes. ~60 minutes for now, might be more.
Be warned that a bad end is not only possible, but even likely. You can, however, change how bad it is (or maybe you even reach a good one).
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[X] Run to the cliff closest to there, you need to see this better. And also try to get closer in general, to see as many details as possible.
lorilanda threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 72
72 72
Oh, I misread it as "cliff closest to you", sorry!

So let's just
[X] Run to the cliff closest to there, you need to see this better.
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[X] Swim over there. You're an adequate swimmer and if that tiny boat somehow didn't sink...

How to use dice?
When you edit your post, there's a "throw dice" button.
I already got a roll for this vote though. : )

Edit: Yay, finally a non-unanimous vote!

Edit: Vote's gonna be open for another hour or so. As I said, got stuff to do.
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11. Foam
[X] Run to the cliff closest to there, you need to see this better.
With a roll of 72, that should get you there safely(-ish)

The gate closes and once again you see nothing but the storm and the outlines of the island around you illuminated at almost regular intervals.
You need to get closer. Whatever is going on here, you won't get an explanation or a way to stop it without getting in there.

For a moment you consider swimming, but dismiss that thought as suicidal while searching for another way.
There, a cliff to your left should let you see better, though the climb, normally a simple walk, is treacherous in this weather.
You attempt it anyway, helping along with your hands and focussing and the next step, while idly wondering when getting to the highest point around you in a thunderstorm has become one of the safer paths to take in your life.

After climbing and crawling for what felt like hours, you reach the top, nearly overlooking the sudden drop and going for a swim after all.
In front of you is only water, falling from the sky and hitting more water somewhere below. Looking around doesn't help, if anything you can see even less than before.
This can't be it, you want, no, you need to see more. You peer into the tempest before you, stretching your entire body as far as you dare and—
A flash, directly next to you.
You nearly recoil, but something stops you. Shouldn't have lightning so close to you have hu—
The calm zone you saw Douglas enter earlier seems to have expanded, including the protruding piece of land you cling to.

Before you the world looks nothing like it did a moment ago.
Everything is brightly lit, even though the sky is still filled with dark clouds. The water is clear blue and at the same time unimaginably deep, sea foam covering it at places without being created by any waves. Everything feels cold, without you freezing in your wet clothes.
And in the middle of it all, next to Douglas in his boat, stands a being of pure white, seemingly made of the foam you saw before.
They appear to be talking, though their words do not reach you.

What will you do?
[X] Write-in...

No suggestions from me this time.
A d100 from every voter please.

Well, that took even longer than planned. Don't want this to (d)evolve into a normal quest though, so I'll try to be faster this time (gonna eat dinner now though).
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[X] Stand there and just watch, there's nowhere else to really go.

Edit: Ignore the second dice (the 62), it was an accident.
Saturday threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 126
64 64 62 62
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[X] Stand there and just watch, there's nowhere else to really go.

Dude I ain't gonna go downwards, I'm not suicidal lol
lorilanda threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 74
74 74
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12. Gone
[X] Stand there and just watch, there's nowhere else to really go.

With rolls 64, 74 & 70.

Nothing seems to happen for now, both Douglas and the being—a woman, you think, but despite seeing her better than you should at this distance, it's hard to tell—focussed on their talk, so you slowly stand up, judging the ability to run away as more important than the lower visibility staying close to the ground would grant.
A look around reveals the wall of rain starting only a few yards behind you, somehow sounding far more distant, but otherwise nothing is going on. You think falling off would be quite survivable right now, given the endlessly deep and calm water below, the option nonetheless not appearing particularly tempting.

This goes on for several more minutes, the unchanging scenery becoming more unnerving with every one that passes, until Douglas stands up and takes a step to the side of the boat.
Another few words are spoken between the two, after which Douglas appears to steel himself, and then jumps off, the surrounding foam immediately closing over him.
You stare at the spot where he vanished, nothing indicating what just happened except for slightly thicker layer of sea foam than most other patches floating around.

More time passes, more than you think most people can survive under water unaided, and you're about to… do something, you're not sure what. Leave? Jump down and help him?
Once more your contemplation is interrupted, this time by the being, who had been completely motionless since Douglas jumped, looking over to you—despite not being able to see her face, you're somehow sure she's smiling at you—and falling apart, soon followed by the sea returning to a still calm, but more natural state.
When you look up, the storm is gone as well.

What will you do next?
[X] Go back to your hotel
- [X] Stay in there until the ferry comes and leave.
- [X] Try to convince someone to take you away, you had enough from this island
- [X] Stay there for now, but there's more you want to do in the following days.
- [X] Something else? (Write-in)
[X] Swim out and get Douglas' boat. The sea is fairly calm and seems normal now.
[X] Write-in...

Again a d100 from everyone please. Not all options will use it though.

Well, that was fairly anticlimactic.
But who knows, maybe this isn't over quite yet?

(Oops, forgot to give the previous chapter a threadmark, I hope that didn't make people overlook it.)
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