Good luck pulling that off, since she can unsummon her hull.

A clarification of my previous remark:

It's not as easy and automatic as Tony Stark going to Iron Man and back. It's not even as seamless as Bruce Banner going to the Hulk and back. It's going to take several hours, and a LOT of vitality from Lexie to summon her hull, and several more hours and even MORE vitality to unsummon it. Afterwards, I imagine she'll want lots of rest and provisions, whether it's food and water, or fuel, water, stores and ammo. How many times can she do it before she's so depleted and drained that she can't transform anymore? I would think not more than 10 or so complete transformations to her opposing state and back to her original state. Just means that she's going to have to be careful when, where, how and why she does it, because it could be her last time.
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[X]Tell the truth. You don't know where your hull is, but you're willing to try getting it. (Attempt to 'summon' your hull)

It's part of me, and I will bring it to me!
[X] Tell the truth. You don't know where your hull is, but you're willing to try getting it. (Attempt to 'summon' your hull)
I'll just throw up the tally for @Skywalker_T-65 (By Block)
Adhoc vote count started by HereticNepV on Jun 10, 2017 at 10:48 PM, finished with 156 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by HereticNepV on Jul 19, 2017 at 10:32 PM, finished with 157 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by HereticNepV on Jul 19, 2017 at 10:33 PM, finished with 157 posts and 25 votes.