A Darkened Library.

In the dark.. OF the dark.

Get them where we can see them, assume evil if they won't come out. The Last Lightkeeper died long enough ago that she was a skeleton.

Whatever it whoever this is, they have dwelt long in the dark. We must be careful.

[X] call out to the voice
-[X] hello, yes I'm here, who are you? Where are you?
[X] Call out to the voice
-[X] "Hello? Yes, I'm here. Who are you? Where are you?"
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I feel like I may have potentially fucked up. The spheres are giant, and floating quite a few metres up. You can see them because you're light reaches the surface of the largest one when you're below it, as well as this room not having quite as oppressive darkness as the rest of the Library thus far.

Apologies if this fucks up the voting somehow, I just thought I'd let everyone know.
11 - A Glimpse of Something Greater
[X] try to touch the shiny ball

Based on your previous encounters with the things which dwell in the dark, you put the mystery voice out of your mind for now. It seems to have faded anyway, at least for now.

Instead, you try and get a closer look at one of the spheres which slowly turn about the central one, all several metres above you. Try as you might, you cannot reach even the lowest of the orbs from where you currently are, though each of them seems to be made out of some sort of crystal. It seems more likely that you'll be able to get a closer look by going up the stairs first. You also not that if this room were better lit, you might be able to see more.

As you begin to ascend the staircase, your feet sharply tapping against the polished tile, you hear the voice again. "H-hello? P-please... I'm scared. Mummy said to hide so I did, but then the lights went out... I've been alone for the longest time..." You hear a faint sniffle from the voice, which seems to be coming from somewhere up the stairs.

Putting off replying for a moment, you quickly reach a break in the staircase, which seems to go further upwards. The voice was coming from up there. For now, however, you can see the spheres much better from the balcony on which you now stand. Each is a crystal of some considerable size, the largest being the silvery gold one in the centre. The smallest is an deep red, floating serenely in a close orbit of the centre one. Around twelve others, each of a different size, some with their own little spheres rotating around them. You finally tear your gaze away from them, only for your eyes to be caught by the patterns on the walls. Built of some sort of dark stone, you see numerous spots of silver, red, blue and gold, spread seemingly at random across the walls.

You are startled out of your reverie by a pulse of light from your lantern. The silver mote is batting soundlessly against the glass, seemingly trying to get back over to the stairs.

What do you do?

[ ] Write-in
[X]Open your lantern door and let the Silver light out.
-[X]Don't go up the stairs just yet.
That's how these lantern motes work right? They meet and talk and make friends and become stronger for doing so, so let's facilitate that!

That voice is seriously giving me bad vibes now. If you're trying to hide you don't broadcast where you are the moment someone comes near if you don't know/can't tell if they're friendly.
[X] Follow the mote's directions, and walk back to the stairs
changed my mind, voting wise. Still distrust creepy-voice but I don't think the mote is responding to him in particular.
[X] Follow the mote's directions, and walk back to the stairs
12 - To Stand Above a Star
[X] Follow the mote's directions, and walk back to the stairs

Following the insistent glow of the silver mote, you head back to the stairs. As you arrive, it pulses again, directing you towards the stairs upwards, towards the voice you heard previously. You are, however, tentative as you begin to climb the steps.

The voice above you has gone silent now, but your mote is still directing you onward. As you climb, you feel yourself tensing from nerves, but you do not feel that chill which gripped you during your encounter with the creature from earlier. Instead, you feel a horrible gnawing in your gut, dread at what you might find in this silent hall.

When you arrive at the top of the staircase, darkness greets you. A softer darkness than the rest of the library, your light spreads out slowly, gently spilling out across an empty floor. A wide railing rings around a hole in the centre of the room, and below you can see the slowly rotating spheres. On the top of the white sphere, you can just barely make something out. A trapdoor, perhaps?

What do you do?

[ ] Write-in
[X]"Hello? I am the Lightkeeper, do you need assistance?"
Betting there's a line between reassurance and light and I'd guess happiness and vice-versa, a line for darkness, fear and appropriately, despair/rage.
[X] Go over to the railing, shine the light on the spheres below.
13 - Observations
[X] Go over to the railing, shine the light on the spheres below.

Stepping up to the ledge, you watch as the spheres slowly move through the air. Some of them get close enough to one another that you think you could easily step from one to the next, though that bears the risk of slipping and falling to the ground, which is lost somewhere in the darkness below.

Looking around, you can't really see any other way of getting to the central orb than by using the others as stepping stones. The Silver Mote, however, is insistent, a beam of silver piercing the darkness above the silvery gold sphere. You can see it more clearly now, some sort of hatch cut cleanly into the crystal, only given away by a pair of small divots on each side. This feature isn't shared by the other spheres.

"Are you one of the monsters?" The child's voice comes from all around you, soft as a whisper and laced with fear.

What do you do?

[ ] Write-in
In the light... OF the LIGHT.

[X] go across the spheres to the central sphere, try to open the hatch.
-[X] Carefully!