A Crown of Fire, Throne of Blood (ASOIAF/GOT/SW) SI/OC merged with Viserys Targaryen

Chapter 5 Part 2
Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 5 Part 2


290 AC

By the time Viserys arrived to take stock of them, the Good Masters of Astapor were much worse to wear. He did note that someone had actually been doing their work and had all the bodies removed from the plaza. Viserys had to figure out who that was so he could reward them and give them more work. The same was true for the scribe he spoke with the day before.

The old man had gathered a score of his colleagues, then set up writing tables, stools, and stacks of parchment so they could interview the Good Masters. That fellow was another one to watch, reward, and give more work to.

Viserys found the old man already waiting for him, sitting on a weaved chair and sipping lemon water.

"Prince Viserys," the scribe stood up and bowed. "I don't believe we were introduced yesterday. I am Old Theo," the man smiled crookedly. "Very late from Myr. My colleagues and I have included many interesting things for you to review."

Viserys looked critically at the man, evaluating his bearing and how he acted differently than yesterday.

"You haven't always been a slave. You haven't been one for particularly long, yes?" Viserys fished for helpful information.

"Years ago, my family in Myr was wealthy and on the rise," the old man admitted. "We lost a bid to join the rank of the Magisters, and it was our ruin. Our wealth melted like snow in the desert, and there were debts to be paid. I was more fortunate than my nieces," Old Theo's voice became forlorn. "They ended as pillow slaves in Mereen the last I heard."

That was fucked up, yet it offered possibilities. Viserys could feel the man's bitterness at what had befallen his family.

Viserys suggested, "I would appreciate it if we could speak in private when we're done here."

Old Theo raised a gray eyebrow at him in speculation and nodded.

"What do you have for me?"

"Many interesting things. How useful they might be would depend on your intent, no?" The Myrish scribe noted.

Viserys summoned a parchment in the force, earning himself wary and a few interested looks. The emotions of the scribes didn't precisely match their expressions. Some were outright terrified but managed not to show it. Others hid their curiosity better than others.

The Good Masters, on the other hand, flinched at the hint of sorcery wielded by the person holding their lives in the palm of his hand.

"Valyrian steel, no matter the shape or form, is always useful," Viserys tapped the parchment in his hand with an index finger. "Have the owner of these trinkets come forward. An Iron Bank account is even more useful. Saving for a rainy day, are we?" the Sith wondered aloud.

Meanwhile, one of the scribes looked at the scroll and pointed at a cluster of Good Masters. An Unsullied commander looked at Viserys, awaiting orders. Ensuring that the former slave soldiers showed a modicum of useful initiative was going to be a pain in the ass, Viserys concluded. Today's work would likely be even more irritating than he feared.

Viserys got to meet yet another Grazdan. Grazdan the Glorious, who looked anything but after spending nearly a day on the plaza without servants at his beck and call. His eyes looked like that of a cornered animal, and he appeared ready to bolt – a challenging prospect considering that most Hutts Viserys had the displeasure to meet might compare favorably in the corpulent department. It was a minor miracle that the man could move under his own power – he was that thick, and were those three chins he had?

There was decadence, and then there was this, whatever it was.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Good Master?" Viserys demanded.

"You need us! The rabble can't take care of itself!" Grazdan blustered.

Viserys looked pointedly at Old Theo.

"You know, not all of us nobles or former nobles in the Free Cities are like this, Prince Viserys!" Perceived through the Force, the scribe's form twitched with indignation at possibly being compared to this particular Grazdan. "This is something else!" Old Theo protested.

"There are things you possess that might be useful. I am still to hear something that makes you useful to me, Grazdan the Glorious. Make your case before my patience runs out!" Viserys demanded. At this rate, it would be a miracle if he left the plaza without drowning it in blood.

"I am a Master of Astapor!" Grazdan bellowed, causing his bulk to shake. Righteous anger and indignation overpowered his fear and common sense… if he possessed any of the latter.

Viserys raised a finger and slowly lowered it, guiding the Force to press upon Grazdan until he collapsed to his knees.

"Astapor is mine. It has no other master. You live because I allow it. You will die when I decree it," Viserys hissed, letting his temper show and reminding everyone listening and watching the truth of the matter.

He might have needed an army to take and hold the city. He didn't need one to slaughter everyone in sight.

"Who would have thought my twilight years would be this interesting?" Old Theo hummed to himself. "I've heard of sorcery, of course, but seeing it used in such matter? Would wonders never cease?"

"I have many wonders and terrors in store for my friends and enemies," Viserys admitted.

By now, Grazdan was a blubbering mess who shook like a pile of jelly. His fear was back, suffocating any other emotion that tried to surface within his heart. Said heart decided that the stress was too much and gave up keeping Grazdan alive as a lousy job.

That simply wouldn't do, Viserys decided when the Good Master clutched his chest and collapsed. He seized the Force and drew on the Dark Side. Chill spread around the Sith, making everyone in the vicinity shiver and take a step back. Viserys pulled Grazdan's bulk back to his knees with telekinesis and forced pure Dark Side energy into his chest.

The Good Master's seizing heart twitched as unnatural energies spread through it, rejuvenating it.

The trick about healing people with the Dark Side was simple – even in a world where it wasn't tainted and twisted, it wouldn't cooperate if you wanted to do it out of the goodness of your heart. Even at its best, the Dark Side was a selfish thing. On the other hand, if you wanted to heal someone so you could torture them more, no matter if it was physically or emotionally? Then, the Dark Side would be more than eager to cooperate.

That limitation had a straightforward and simple way to overcome: draining the life force of a victim or victims to properly heal someone else with that energy.

Grazdan squinted at his savior like a beaten dog.

"I haven't allowed you to die, have I? Do explain to me why I might find you more useful alive rather than dead?" Viserys demanded.

His little display had the Good Masters terrified. They knew there might not be a sweet escape from death for them if they provoked Viserys. That, at least, should make them more cooperative.

This particular Grazdan certainly was. He was more than eager to sign authorization papers giving access to his Iron Bank account. Grazdan also had some blackmail on his relatives in Elyria that might be useful in the long run.

"Congratulations, you are going to live for now." No one found Viserys' smile reassuring. "Commander, have a Spear get him back to his home, retrieve the documents in question, and keep an eye on him," he ordered one of the Unsullied officers. "Who do you suggest we deal with next?" Viserys asked Old Theo after a group of Unsullied dragged Grazdan away.
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I'm curious to know how magic will interact with the force, if one can take the restrictions out of the other, and why aren't you writing this on QQ too?
Chapter 5 Part 3
Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 5 Part 3


290 AC

Viserys missed Imperial Intelligence. Even the utter disgrace the Republic intelligence service turned into after the Jedi Coup would have been better than this. There was simply too much information and threads that needed following for Viserys to even begin to make a dent, and he wasn't halfway through the Good Masters yet.

He had to create an intelligence service from scratch, which was yet another full-time job.

As the day progressed and more opportunities and work pilled up because of the Good Masters, Viserys decided that he had to reevaluate his plans. He simply lacked the time in the day to do things like he intended. The Sith decided to continue as planned until he had essential services running in Astapor. After that, he should focus on headhunting competent and reasonably trustworthy minions so he could delegate. Kaleb could deal with the Navy. Old Theo would deal with the administration and at least one branch of intelligence focused on analyzing and compiling data in the long run.

Ser Lonmouth, when he recovered, might oversee the army while Viserys focused on other issues. A few among the Good Masters' families appeared eager to be opportunists and try their luck under Astapor's new management. However, most of them would be useless in the long run in that regard. With a few exceptions, two of them already dead at Viserys' hands, the top slavers merely oversaw things instead of running them. They had staff doing everything essential for them. The Sith would need said staff, mostly freshly liberated slaves doing their old jobs in his service.

Some Good Masters might make valuable hostages for family members willing to play ball or relatives in other 'Free' Cities. However, it was becoming clear that most of them wouldn't accept a place in the new order – for they had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Viserys might exile them to buy himself time to consolidate. However, that would guarantee those Good Masters would ensure some of the slaver cities would move on Astapor. Then he could kill them and many of those who backed them as an example.

No matter how much Viserys wanted to simply slaughter the bastards, he knew that mercy had its own deadly edge. If he consistently murdered everyone who opposed him without giving them the option to surrender and live with a shred of dignity and comfort left, his enemies would fight to the death out of spite. Such an outcome would waste precious time and resources.

It was a completely different matter when he murdered as many of his enemies as he could under the right circumstances – when such an outcome could be plausibly excused. Like, say, when exiled Good Masters start a war. Then, they would need to die along with most people foolish enough to support them as an example for others about what not to do.

Nevertheless, Viserys still wanted to kill the bastards for the sheer aggravation they kept causing him, even when trying to cooperate.

The Good Masters gave him access to accounts in the Iron Bank, which he couldn't touch anytime soon. There was no branch of it in Astapor because the Iron Bank needed plausible deniability when dealing with the worst of slavers. The closest branch was in Volantis, which was a few months away by sea under the best possible circumstances. Going overland wouldn't be an option anytime soon. Besides, it wasn't like Viserys had reliable people to trust with such a task without him around to keep them honest.

Between the Good Masters he had interviewed to date, Viserys had access to roughly two million Gold Dragons in various Iron Bank accounts. They could be very useful one day, but this was not that day.

Viserys learned much about the trade networks used by the Good Masters, and most of that knowledge would be only useful if or when he launched a crusade against slavery. The primary business the Good Masters partaken in was slavery in all its forms. The only other thing most of them were interested in was importing luxuries, primary food, spices, and wines. Silk, velvet, and other expensive textiles, as well as for use by wives, daughters, lovers, and favored pleasure slaves, made the cut.

The only thing Astapor exported was slaves of all types and misery. It imported slaves for resale, use, and training, which was the only silver lining for the local economy. There were small cottage industries spread all over Astapor, focused on training slaves in various trades. Their goods helped supply the city with various useful goods. In theory, Viserys could work with that as a base for expansion to build a viable economy that is not based on slavery.

On the other hand, importing food could prove a significant issue. Astapor wasn't self-sufficient. It controlled various villages upriver that supplied it with some of the food they grew. Fishing supplemented peoples' diets as well. However, the bulk of the food was imported.

Figuring out how long the city could last and whether it was viable to purchase the necessary food became a priority. For the time being, Viserys had the money to pay. It was another question if the usual suppliers would be willing to sell now that he had thrown a wrench into the local slave trade.

In the worst-case scenario, Viserys might have to sack Yunkai and Mereen or take them and exploit them so he could feed his people in Astapor.


Viserys felt a profound sense of relief at sunset because he was done with the Good Masters for the time being. Some went back to their homes under guard. Unsullied dragged most of them to one of the pyramids to keep them prisoner until the Sith could decide their fate. They all provided enough valuable information, so he couldn't have a justification to kill them out of hand. It would likely be an exile for most of the Good Masters, though that had to be handled with forethought and care.

Of the hundred families wealthy and powerful enough for their heads to be considered "Good Masters," nine had to go for sure even before Viserys began the interviews. He killed the heads of two of those families. The rest lost many members, including their standing Good Masters, because they either resisted the Unsullied with their personal guard a bit too vigorously or liberated slaves and tore them apart for being among the worst slavers in the city.

Eleven families had members professing their acceptance of the new order, and some of them at least believed they might cut it under Viserys' leadership. At the very least, he didn't get the sense they would betray him on principle alone. Rewards, hostages, and threats of protracted, painful death would hopefully keep them in line.

Viserys would exile the other Good Masters and their immediate families when he had the time to figure out how best to approach doing so.

A direct consequence of recent events was a large choice of pyramids free of Good Masters. After asking a few leading questions to the scribes, Viserys decided to take the home of Grazdan the headless for his own. He ordered all the parchment work taken to said pyramid under guard and promised more work and rewards to Old Theo's buddies.

Viserys retired to the Inn to pick up Dany, the wounded loyalist, and his tribute before heading for their new home. Before leaving, he invited Old Theo to dinner to discuss future prospects.
Chapter 5 Part 4
Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 5 Part 4


290 AC

The stepped exterior of the local pyramids reminded Viserys of similar designs back on Dromund Kaas and beyond. The "steps" outside provided a stable platform for weapon emplacements, ornamentation like statues, and often enough decorative or practical gardens. With soil, a bit of modification, and access to fresh water, the pyramids' exterior could be put to good use. It was another question of whether that would be a practical alternative.

Inside, Grazdan, the headless' pyramid, was a mixed bag. The decoration wasn't the worst Viserys had seen to date; that particular horror belonged to the lair of a color-blind Hutt, but still, the pyramid's interior left a lot to be desired.

There were undoubtedly such things as too many statues, tapestries, and carvings of harpies.

"Can we replace those with dragons?" Dany interjected after she got sick of seeing more of those things at every turn.

Even if there were such a thing as too many dragon motifs, they would still be much better due to their connotations. The Harpy symbolized Old Ghis, the old enemy, and, more importantly, slavery.

"We'll get rid of them, I promise," Viserys was perfectly serious, too. They were going to sell them, and if there were no buyers, the damn things might serve as kindling. The larger pieces of art could be used to throw at invaders from the city walls or building rooftops.

There was a little damage to be found in the pyramid, and the staff was present, though they were without collars now. The reason for that was simple – Grazdan had most of his family and guards at the plaza for the sale of the Unsullied. When Viserys unleashed the slave soldiers on Astapor, there was no one left to mount credible resistance, resulting in a clean sweep of the estate. Grazdan hadn't been a complete cunt, so his slaves found no reason to riot and murder his family. Viserys couldn't even see signs of looting.

The staff had assembled in the pyramid's great hall, waiting to figure out what would happen to them in particular and the city in general.
Grazdan's Majordomo led them, wearing fine clothes that wouldn't be out of place in court.

"Welcome, Master! Are you the new owner of the estate? We understand that Master Grazdan isn't among us any longer, and his family has fallen from grace," the man had the light brown skin of a Naathi native and a hint of accent that sounded vaguely familiar.

"We are. We can negotiate payment if you are all willing to serve my household. We need to discuss your living conditions and everything else free people need to make a prosperous living under my care," Viserys smiled kindly.

If you were in a position to need household staff, going out of your way to treat them well and make sure their needs were met was the only sane choice. Doing anything less guaranteed your secrets would be spilled, and you might very well find yourself poisoned if you were enough of a cunt. Granted, good treatment didn't guarantee loyalty, but it certainly helped. There were always people who would sell you out no matter how well you treated them. However, it was also true that treating your staff as valuable people might get you their undying loyalty.

It was darkly hilarious how many Sith estates could be easily compromised because the Sith in question insisted on having organics staff they consistently abused for the hell of it. The smart ones who couldn't control their impulses at least used droids. Using abused servants as a way in, Baras alone compromised most of the relevant Sith estates on Dromund Kaas.

Viserys didn't have to negotiate with household staff on his task list for the evening. However, that was something that had to be done properly.

Half an hour later, Viserys left the Majordomo, Jordeein of Naath, to coral a bunch of stunned servants so they could return to their duties and prepare dinner and rooms for the Targaryens. Apparently, offering what Viserys considered good pay for the people about to take care of him and Dany, not to mention benefits that were literally out of this world, was too much of a good thing. It left the former slaves in a daze. Viserys was pretty sure he had most of them at the promise of the best medical treatments money could buy for them and any families they hand or might make in the future. That, combined with treating them well, should cement the loyalty of anyone who wasn't a total cunt.


Viserys spent the time until dinner exploring his new estate and arranging a proper protection for it with the Unsullied. After speaking with a few of their commanders, he arranged a series of meetings with their officers in the coming days to discuss the future of Astapor's military in general and the Unsullied in particular.

The most interesting feature of the pyramid was in the basement. Part of it contained a treasury sealed behind heavy bronze gates. However, most of it was dedicated to baths for Grazdan's family, including a swimming pool. One of the first things Viserys ordered his newly acquired staff was to empty the pool and clean it along with all the baths with alcohol, just in case. The more he thought about it, the clearer it became he might have to start a medical revolution to avoid everyone dying from a bloody plague. As a Sith, he had visited enough primitive worlds to know what spawning pools for diseases, communal baths, or baths in general, could be. Hells, that crazy sadist Lord Drowl used to brag how, in his spare time, he used such places to concoct deadlier pathogens to use against rebelling slaves or primitive populations in need of culling through plausible deniability.

Yet another thing Viserys would have to deal with was finding a few reliable handmaidens for Dany. Now that they were in a position of relative safety and security, she could use a bit of female company and touch. He figured it out the hard way when Dany came to dinner grumpy, with hair that was an utter mess after taking a bath.

They had considered cutting their hair to be easier to handle while on the run but never quite got around to doing it. Now, there was no point; besides, it was a tradition for Valyrian women to have long hair carried in intricate braids. Viserys shouldn't have really cared for such things anymore, yet… He tried not to chuckle at Dany, who looked like a wet, angry kitten.

His sister sensed his emotions and gave him an impressive glare for a kid her age, making her look more adorable.

"Your Grace, your guest has arrived," Jordeein announced. He took one look at Dany and tutted. "This simply wouldn't do, Princess. Does the young lady have attendants?"

"Finding my sister a few reliable and trustworthy handmaidens is on my list to do," Viserys noted.

"There should be many to choose from due to recent events. I will make inquiries," the Majordomo promised.

After the customary introductions were over, they retired to a terrace overlooking Slaver's Bay. The sea breeze cooled the area, mixing the aromas of various flower pots around the parapet.

"You have a job offer for me, my prince," Old Theo was the first to speak after the servants served dinner and wine, then left them to eat in peace.

"That and more," Viserys conceded. "Sooner or later, I'll have to move on, Yunkai and Meereen. When that happens, I will do my utmost to get your nieces back, and any other member of your family sold in either of those cities. You can consider that an additional incentive for the task I would have you do."

"You aren't here merely to build an army to reclaim your throne, Your Grace?" Old Theo inquired.

"Most people loyal to our family in Westeros are either dead or betrayed their oaths by abandoning us in our hour of need. When we return home, it will be a second conquest, not a mere restoration. We will need a large, well-trained, and supplied army supported by a large, proficient navy. We will need an extensive support structure to create, train, and maintain such a military force. Astapor is going to be merely the first step of getting there."

"No matter how wealthy this city was, it can't offer you all you need," Old Theo concluded after thinking over Viserys' words. "At a minimum, you'll need the resources of the whole Slaver's Bay and years to build up the kind of force you are talking about, Your Grace."

"Probably longer. We might look at two to three decades before everything is in place. Unless I have to, I won't launch an invasion across continents before I am damn sure it will be successful," Viserys explained.

"You are wise beyond your years, then, My Prince. I am an old man, obviously," Old Theo chuckled at his words. "There isn't much left for me in this world, and you are the only one offering to get me what little I desire. Do your best to get my nieces back, and I am your man until the end, Your Grace. Besides, I am eager to see what you might accomplish when you put your mind to it. What would you have me do, My Prince?"

"I've seen that some local scribes and scholars hold you in high esteem. I will need your expertise and connections to ensure that Astapor's administration continues to run. We'll need to overhaul it then so it can run this city and our expanding realm. We'll need to build a functional government bureaucracy that can govern multiple cities, the lands between them, armies, navies, and more," Viserys shared more of his vision for the future.

Old Theo's eyes shone in excitement at the prospect.
Chapter 5 Part 5
Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

AN: Achievement unlocked: The Fans! Sith Viserys gets himself two fanboys who are ready to follow him to hell and back.

Chapter 5 Part 5


290 AC

Azmes zo Lizha was one of the youngest Great Masters in Astapor. He ascended to the position earlier in the year after his oldest uncle died without producing a son. Azmes' father had died years ago from a burst belly, leaving the young Ghiscari noble under the care of his oldest uncle as the family's heir. That meant years of intense training so he could be ready to take over as a Great Master when his ailing uncle finally passed away.

At six and ten, Azmes became one of the most powerful and influential men in Astapor. For months, he did his best to safeguard his family's position, power, and wealth. He had a legacy to uphold and family members to care for, including twin cousins who were a bit older than him. Arranging the girl's marriage was one of the tasks Azmes had been busy with for months now. On one hand, he needed the alliances his cousins could seal to guarantee the family's position for at least a generation. On the other hand, such a marriage meant that his prospective allies would have all the incentives in the world to see him dead and try to claim all of House Lizha's assets as their own.

Among the young members of the nobility, Azmes had only one friend he could trust – Kraghes mo Grazan of the Uquqs. Because of Kraghes, the young Good Master knew even his close associates were contemplating a usurpation through marriage. Azmes was considering taking the not-so-radical step of marrying his cousins to avoid meddling in Lizha's affairs. Thankfully, the girls were both sweet and more than pretty enough that anyone sane would be glad to take them as wives. Marrying his cousins would be no great burden, Azmes knew.

Then, the unthinkable happened, and Astrapor fell in a single night, taken by their own Unsullied! The sheer audacity left Azmes speechless! This was the kind of gumption and brass balls Astapor's nobles lost long ago!

During the following few days, the young man was terrified out of his mind for the rest of his family. He was thanking all the gods that he could think of that it was Unsullied who had taken the city. They couldn't rape and didn't butcher for the hell of it! Azmes was also terribly happy that his mother and aunts were considered too kind and meek for their own good for treating their slaves with kindness. The reason for that was simple – even confined to the Plaza of Pride, they could overhear rumors about what happened to certain great noble families who mistreated their slaves. What the Nakloz's butcher Cleon allegedly did to the family's women and children didn't bear repeating.

The more Azmes saw of Viserys Targaryen, the more impressed he was! He crushed all opposition, bringing to life the legends of old about Valyrian Dragonlords and sorcerers to life! The man was also smart enough to show mercy to those who could be of use instead of proving himself a mere butcher, unlike many of the stories about the terrible yet glorious monsters who ruled over Old Valyria. And to think that Viserys didn't even have a dragon to his name!

Azmes spent most of a day watching the Targaryen work his way through fellow Good Masters until it was his turn. He saw him bring back a dying man, for Grazdan zo Aliq didn't have permission to die! That was such a glorious display of power, which left Azmes speechless.

By the time he got to speak with Viserys Targaryen, Azmes knew one thing for sure in this new world they all inhabited. He wanted to be like the warlord who took Astapor without breaking a sweat. History was being written before his eyes, and Azmes wanted his name carved into its annals right beside that of Viserys Targaryen!

When the time came, Azmes zo Lizha offered the warlord a proper Ghiscari salute and his unconditional support.

Two purple eyes stared into the Good Master's very soul. They burned with dragon fire, turning the color of molten metal, judging Azmes' worth. The youth did his best to remain unflinching, paying that Viserys found him worthy.

"I will speak with you tomorrow evening. You and your family are free to return to your home under an appropriate Unsullied escort. Do not give me a reason to doubt your support," Viserys decreed, and that was that.

Azmes was possibly the only Good Master to happily leave the Plaza of Pride. He held his head high and assured his family that a bright future awaited them.

When early the next day, the news came that Viserys 'requested' Azmes two cousins as Ladies in Waiting for his sister, the Good Master was elated. He didn't view this request as giving up hostages, and potentially his future wives at that. Instead, he saw it as a great honor that could ensure their family's future would be even brighter than he believed possible.


When Viserys and Dany gathered to break their fast early in the morning, they found the best possible surprise waiting for them. Ser Lonmouth was awake and seemingly in full control of his mind, the Majordomo informed them. The man in question hobbled in sight, aided by a servant. A set of clean clothes and a bath had done wonders for Ser Lonmouth—he no longer looked like a death warmed over.

"Your Grace! Princess!" the knight stumbled to one knee with a wince and bowed his head. "Words alone can't describe how glad I am that you are alive and fine!"

In the Force, the man simply glowed with conviction. He meant every word he uttered, taking Viserys aback. The Sith didn't believe any loyalists were left worth the title, yet here they were.

"I will serve you until my dying breath if you'll have me!" Lonmouth babbled, and at least at that moment, he absolutely meant it in such a way it had Dany staring in shock at the man. Viserys himself was taken aback, unsure how, in the Seven Corellian Hells, he was supposed to feel.

That was the kind of dedication anyone sane would kill for, and it just fell in the Targaryens' lap. Throwing it away would be pure madness.

"We are honored to have you, Ser Lonmouth," Viserys allowed, and Dany nodded rapidly, watching the knight with rapt attention.

"I offer my service to you, your Grace, Viserys Targaryen, and to you, my Princess, Daenerys Targaryen," Lonmouth's voice rang with truth. He raised his head to look them in the eyes. Lonmouth's face betrayed that he had a borderline religious experience. "I will shield your back and keep your counsel and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New. I pledge my life to house Targaryen anew!"

Viserys held Lonmouth's gaze for a long moment while his mind spun, trying to drag forth the traditional response needed to seal the vow of fealty. There was part of him that simply refused to believe this was happening despite all the evidence to the contrary. The reason for that was simple. Until this moment, Viserys was utterly convinced that William Darry was the last Targaryen loyalist worth the lofty title.

"And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, and meat and mead at my table. And I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New," Viserys spoke as if chanting a magic spell. He squeezed Dany's shoulder, and as she glanced up at him, he nodded at his little sister.

"And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, and meat and mead at my table. And I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New," Dany repeated in a trance.

"Raise, Ser Lonmouth. Welcome back," Viserys offered.


And so, Ser Richard Lonmouth rose, once more a sworn knight of House Targaryen. He was the first Westerosi to swear their fealty to the Targaryens since the usurpation of their throne. He would be far from the last.

While others already agreed to work with Viserys Targaryen, Ser Lonmouth was the first to formally swear himself to his cause. It was such a small thing – a single long lost, believed to be dead man, swearing himself to what should have been a lost cause. Yet, it was a beginning.

from Throne of Blood: The Early History of the Second Valyrian Freehold, by Maester Marwyn the Mage
Chapter 5 Part 6
AN: It's time for a trip down memory lane, a biased account about Robert's Rebellion and discussion on prophecies.

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 5 Part 6


290 AC

Having a reliable sword at their backs beyond the Unsullied was a relief, even if it would take Lonmouth sometime before he could be useful in combat. The important thing in that regard was that the knight was out of danger, and as long as he avoided doing something stupid, he should make a full recovery. Getting him into a healing trance every night to speed up his recovery should also help.

Viserys was still struggling with the revelation about true loyalists being more than a fable after Ser Darry died. He knew intellectually that the situation was unlikely to be as black and white as he believed. However, until now, there wasn't a single piece of evidence to contradict his conclusion. Hells, even in the Sith Empire, when everything went downhill during the war with the Republic, the military was full of loyalists who upheld their oaths to the bitter end, and often enough, it wasn't because of what crazy Sith might do to them otherwise.

They got to the terrace, which was turning into their preferred eating spot in the pyramid. Just like last night, a cool breeze washed over the area, keeping the air fresh and pleasant.

"How did you end up here, Ser?" Viserys inquired.

Lonmouth sat down and grimaced as he tried to make himself comfortable.

"I was under orders from your brother, Prince Rhaegar, Your Grace. I am sad to say I failed to follow his final orders."

Through the Force, Viserys sensed precisely how wretchedly the man felt about that. It wasn't pleasant to experience, even with the Dark Side lurking around, making everything 'better.'

"Shortly before the Battle at the Trident, Prince Rhaegar dispatched me to bring midwives to Dorne, to his second wife, Princess Lyanna."

Dany hissed at that, and Viserys was anything but happy. He remembered telling his sister for years that the Stark bitch had ruined their family. To think that Rhaegar went on to marry her….

"What about goodsister Elia? Our niece and nephew?!" Viserys demanded. Was Rhaegar as mad as Aerys at the end? In that regard, it was only his time as a Sith, not his memories of living in this world, that clinched it. His sire had been crazier than most Sith drowning under the influence of the Dark Side.

Lonmouth blanched and shook his head. "It wasn't like that! Rhaegar took a second wife! He didn't abandon Princess Elia! Sadly, she was a frail woman, and giving birth to Prince Aegon nearly killed her. The Maesters and Midwives Prince Rhaegar brought to treat her agreed! Princess Elia couldn't bear another child!"

Viserys stared impassively at that blurted-out response. "To be painfully blunt, my brother had a dynastic marriage, an heir, and a spare. I remember how those two were around each other. They might not have been madly in love like in the stories Bards love to tell, but they were more than fond of each other! I will have the truth of the Usurpation and behind our exile!"

Lonmouth nodded firmly. "Your Grace, you must understand something about your brother. He was the finest man I knew, and I will carry that conviction to my grave. However, he was obsessed with prophecy. One prophecy in particular. About a prince that was promised. A dragon with three heads," a forlorn sigh escaped the knight's lips. "Rhaegar believed that Aegon was the Prince from the prophecy, that he would need Rhaenys and Visenya of his own to protect the realm from a coming darkness. That was why he eventually ran away with Lyanna Stark. He needed a Visenya. He believed he had to fulfill the pact of Ice and Fire and ensure that the dragon would have three heads. I am sorry to say that your brother didn't share all the details with me. It's been years now, Your Grace, and I don't quite remember everything he told me or I overhead."

"I dream of dragons," Dany admitted. "Ever since we sailed past Valyria, I dream of reclaiming our wings. Visy promised we will," She looked at her brother.

Of course, it was fucking prophecies. Viserys really should have seen that coming. There were always prophecies mucking things up.

"Daenys the Dreamer. If not for her prophetic dreams, neither of us would be here today. The two of us wouldn't exist for sure, and the same is almost certain about you, goof Ser," Viserys allowed. "When I awoke in the desert months ago, with slavers about to overrun us, I had memories not my own. Magic awoke in us. I know about prophesies, Ser. They can be about more or less natural events like the Doom of Valyria with the Fourteen erupting. The only thing you could do about those is to avoid being caught in their wake. Others are all about what people do or don't do. Dreaming of something, seeing something, will either ensure the prophecy comes true or guarantee it won't. The trick is you won't know until it has been resolved, and perhaps not even then," Viserys explained based on his experience with Force Visions and prophecies. "The act of a prophecy being made or experiencing a Dragon Dream changes how a person would act. It changes how anyone who hears about it would act. The direct consequence is a chain of events that either ensures the prophecy is fulfilled or derails it, creating a different path."

"Then my Prince…" Lonmouth trailed off, struggling with a storm of unresolved emotions.

"He either ensured that the prophecy would never come through or that it would happen. The thing is, prophecies are never as clear as people believe them to be. Attempting to force an outcome…," Viserys chuckled, recalling his actions as a Sith. "It can be precisely what's needed for a prophecy to be fulfilled. Or not. There might be three heads of the dragon. They don't have to be my brother's children. You are sitting at a table with two young Targaryens whose blood sings with awakened magic. Either of us having a child can complete that part of the prophecy. Or perhaps we will one day hatch three dragons. Or both."

"Or Lyanna Stark gave Prince Rhaegar the daughter he sought," Lonmouth pointed out, bringing Viserys' mind to a screeching halt.

He hadn't considered that option. His memories from either life didn't help in that regard.

"Was she with child?" Viserys demanded.

"That was why Prince Rhaegar dispatched me to Dorne before the battle. If it wasn't for those damned Ironborn…" Lonmouth shook his head in regret and spite at the reavers.

"Those bastards will need to go," Viserys agreed. "We might have a nephew or niece in Westeros."

"My knowledge on the matter is way out of date, Your Grace," Lonmouth reminded them.

"We haven't heard about another child murdered by the Usurper…" Viserys trailed off. "Eddard Stark. He would have gone for his sister, believed her stolen, wouldn't he? Why did everyone believe Rhaegar took the Stark girl if they ran together?!" he demanded.

"I know for a fact that they send letters, Your Grace. I brought them to Maesters in Dorne and Dragonstone to dispatch first to King's Landing, then Riverrun and Winterfell. We never found out what happened. Your father might have received the letter meant for him, which might partly explain his rage when Brandon Stark arrived at the capital, demanding your brother's head. That was treason. Unfortunately, King Aerys wasn't a well man. What followed ignited the Rebellion," Lonmouth elaborated. His shoulders slumped, and he radiated glumness. "It wasn't supposed to be like that, Your Grace. Harrendal was meant to be the turning point. Prince Rhaegar intended to gather support to remove your father as unfit to rule. The Kind wasn't supposed to attend the Tourney. However, we believe the Master of Whisperers found out and informed the King. Aerys' presence derailed Prince Rhaegar's plans. Further, your father took Ser Jamie Lannister as a part of the Kingsguard then and there, making the boy a glorified hostage and tying up Tywin Lannister's hands, or so everyone thought."

"I was there when Rhaegar crowned the wolf girl Queen of Love and Beauty, spurning our good sister and niece," Viserys could clearly remember the shock he experienced then and there.

"Why would he do that!?" Dany exclaimed.

"Do you remember the Knight of the Laughing Tree?" Lonmouth asked.

"The Mystery Knight? Father was furious and demanded their head," Viserys recalled.

"Prince Rhaegar found them. It was Lyanna Stark. I don't know precisely what happened when they met and right after, but he won the joust the following day, and the rest is history," the knight filled in more blanks about their past.

"We might never know, Little Dragon," Viserys finally answered Dany's question. "You don't fall in love at first sight or after meeting someone once or twice. Infatuation and lust? Sure. Respect? Certainly. Love? That takes time and knowing who a person is. My brother was buttering up the girl to make her run with him, wasn't he, Ser? How old was she, fourteen, fifteen?"

"To be fair, Your Grace, you are about that age as well," Lonmouth pointed out.

"I have memories stuck in my head that aren't mine, giving me perspective and ensuring I am more mature than I have any right to be. You can almost certainly thank our distant Valyrian ancestors for creating this contingency; otherwise, we would be dead in the desert near Pentos or much worse."

"I am sorry I wasn't there, Your Grace. You shouldn't have been left without adequate protection!" Lonmouth burned with righteous anger on the Targaryen's behalf, which wasn't something Viserys had experienced since awakening.

Dany's connection with the Force had progressed to the point she couldn't miss it when paying attention, and she was most certainly doing so. Viserys felt a pang of unwelcome jealousy at how his sister looked at Lonmouth, much less the warm and fuzzy feelings bubbling in her because the knight simply cared.

"Later, I will want all the details you can recall about our brother and father, the prophecies Rhaegar was obsessed with, and the Usurper's Rebellion. However, we have more pressing things to discuss," Viserys changed the topic. "We should discuss our present situation before going back down memory lane."

"I live to serve, Your Grace!" Lonmouth declared with utter conviction.

"We need to build a proper army to back up the Unsullied. Part of it will be militia with basic training meant to fight from the city walls or reinforced positions within the city. Astapor's city guard will be a notch above them, which we must rebuild. Then, we will need regular infantry formations and specialized support units. Cavalry. Logisticians. In a nutshell, I want to create a professional military, like few exist in the world, then turn it into the finest fighting force in Westeros or Essos long before we head home."

"You aren't talking about recreating the Ghiscari Legions, much less men-at-arms or knights…" Lonmouth inhaled sharply in shock. "Prince Rhaegar was always more of a scholar and poet than a warrior. One couldn't spend much time around him without picking up things. He was fascinated by the military of Old Valyria and sometimes lamented that it could never be reproduced in Westeros. The Lords wouldn't stand for it, and the Crown was never wealthy enough to support such a force or had a need for it!" the knight frowned. "But most we've left about it are stories and incomplete accounts."

Viserys tapped his temple. "Memories not my own, Ser Lonmouth. I believe I have a better idea of what the Freehold's military was and how it came to be than anyone since the Doom."

That wasn't entirely true, obviously. However, everything Viserys read on the topic while Ser Darry was still alive gave him a framework to work with. He could read between the lines, and his memories as a Sith were enough to fill in the most critical blanks.

Their ancestors didn't always rely on dragons to win their wars. Oh, the dragons were invaluable. However, it took the ancient Valyrians a very long time to forge the connections with the creatures that made them proper Dragonlords. It took them even longer to become masters of sorcery and forge the greatest civilization this world had ever seen.

For thousands of years, the Valyrian military fought against all comers, losing more often than not, and only dragons allowed them to survive. However, the key point was that they adapted. The Valyrians took to heart all the lessons their enemies taught them and created a professional military that kept evolving… Their dragons made sure that Valyria survived so the Dragonlords could learn from their mistakes.

By the time the Ghiscari Wars ended, Valyria had the finest military in the world, backed by hundreds of dragons, sorcerers, and a massive economy.

Arguably, there were only two professional military forces in this day and age against which Viserys could compare his future army. The Iron Legions of New Ghis, and the Golden Company. As good as the Unsullied were, they were mere heavy infantry, not a proper military with all it entailed.

"Do we have a nephew or a niece in Westeros, Visy?" Dany inquired. She looked up at her brother with a look so full of longing that it cut deeper than the sharpest Valyrian steel blade.

"I don't know. We'll have to figure it out, given the opportunity. However, that's not something we should discuss where people might overhear. If our brother has a living child, revealing their existence can see them murdered by the Usurper."

"I'll tell no one!" Dany vowed.

Prophecies, Starks, and eventual Ice Zombie invasion, Viserys mussed. He wasn't going to get as much time as he wanted to prepare to invade Westeros, was he?
Chapter 6 Part 1
AN: Right now, the plan is to finish the set-up stage with Chapter 6, before a time-skip of a few months until Prince Oberyn arrives, so we can see how things have changed, what works, what doesn't and where Viserys will go from there. At that point, the other Slaver Cities should have made up their mind to ether attack ASAP, or bide their time prepare for a potential war and see if they can work with Astapor under Viserys' control.

The only other certain thing for later in 291 AC is the potential arrival of Maester Marwyn. Given his backstory, in particular the eight years he spent in the East, it is plausible that he is in the area, possibly somewhere in Lahzar right now.

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 1


290 AC

After breakfast, Viserys left Dany under Ser Lonmouth's supervision, with both of them guarded by Unsullied. His sister was in for her morning exercise and dagger training routine. Old Theo would provide scholars as teachers for everything a Princess needed to know about the world in general and ruling in particular. The knight would also be invaluable in teaching Dany about Westeros – something he could easily do while healing. In the afternoon or early evening, Viserys would be back to continue training his sister on how to best utilize the Force.

Until then, the Prince had a full schedule.

"Your Grace," Jordeein of Naath emerged from the shadows. "I have a list of you with possible handmaidens for the Princess. A few are former slaves who had the requested training. Others are noble girls from families that pledged to support your cause. If I may be so bold as to recommend the young cousins of Good Master Azmes zo Lizha, My former master was contemplating arranging a marriage between one of his sons. It was no secret that if anything happened to young Azmes, such a marriage would have allowed the usurpation of the Lizha family assets. The young man in question will likely marry one of his cousins, perhaps both of them. Taking them as companions for your sister would ensure the loyalty of House Azmes by taking hostages, showing them honor and protection," The Majordomo suggested.

"You are being accommodating," Viserys noted.

"I did love my job, Your Grace, make no mistake about it. However, I was still a slave and had no real control over my future. Old Grazdan was a decent Master as far as these things went, but still…" he made a so-so gesture. "We who serve you are free men and women now, and so far, you've been treating us better than anyone else in your position would, no matter if we are free or slaves. We have a great thing going and want to see it continue. That means supporting you as well as we can, Your Grace…. Which brings me to another matter. How do you wish to be addressed now that you control Astapor? Are you still a Prince? A King? Something else?"

Viserys could read between the lines. His staff was eager to please and would do their damn best as long as he kept treating them well, which was the point of the exercise.

"That's still to be decided. You'll be among the first to know when I take official title as the ruler of Astapor. Contact Azmes and graciously offer a place for his cousins in my court as my sister's companions. Have the best qualified prospective handmaidens ready to talk with me tonight when I return. I'll vet them before choosing among them."

"I will see it done, Your Grace. We are removing the harpy decorations like you ordered last night. I am afraid we don't have dragon ones, tapestries, or banners to replace them with," Jordeein pointed out. He felt a bit apprehensive at admitting this small failure and curious to see how his new employer would react.

"Contact the necessary craftsmen to design appropriate decorations and banners. Are you familiar with the crest of my family?" Viserys inquired.

"A three-headed dragon. Red on black," Jordeein immediately answered. "I made sure to check last night. We have an extensive book collection on Valyrian heraldry in the library."

"Then you know what I want on the banners and as a crest on a new wardrobe for my sister and me," Viserys concluded aloud.

"I will have the best seamstresses in the city waiting for you tonight as well. Do I have permission to have your sister measured for new clothes before that?"

"See to it."


Viserys' first meeting was with many Unsullied officers at their training grounds. After that, he would spend most of the day with the people Old Theo was busy gathering.

Two dozen Unsullied waited for him – the commanders of each 'Legion.' Nominally, such a formation had around 1100 between the regular soldiers and the commander of the smaller units. A Spear had 10 soldiers and one commander. A Century had 10 spears with their 10 respective commanders and its own Unsullied officer for 111 soldiers if they were fully staffed.

Viserys hid a wince when the Unsullied commanders introduced themselves. They've chosen their names since he liberated them, proving that some people shouldn't be allowed to even name a pet rock, much less another person.

The Prince had to work with exalted figures like Bronze Harpy, Rusty Nail, Dry Fish, Black Bird, and Drowned Gull. The bloody bastards appeared to be damn proud of their chosen names too. At least they had valuable things to report.

Between death, sickness, and wounds from taking the city, Viserys had 4511 Unsullied available as of that morning. Given luck and proper medical attention, most of the five hundred casualties might recover.

Nearly 9000 boys and young adults were undergoing training to become Unsullied, and that was the first sticking point.

"You are free men. I am yet to hear if you have other plans but to serve me as soldiers," Viserys noted.

"We are Unsullied," Rusty Nail declared proudly. "We are soldiers and won't be bought or sold again. We won't be mercenaries.! We still have our pride!"

"You set us free and promised us a future. We are eager to see you deliver on your promise," Black Bird added.

The other commanders voiced their agreements as well.

"In that case, we first need to discuss the Unsullied in training. They are all free as well," everyone agreed on that point. "That means your old training is no longer feasible. We don't kill free people, my people, because they might not cut it as Unsullied. We will need many other military formations to back you up, and there is no end of work to be done here in Astapor and beyond in the future."

Viserys sensed no reservation among the Unsullied. It might have been different if he implied that he would force them to accept substandard recruits. Instead, he merely told them those who failed the training wouldn't be killed.

"We'll revise the other details on your training later," Viserys continued. "One of your primary jobs in the short term will be training cadres for professional soldiers and rebuilding city guards and militia to defend Astapor and any cities we take in the future. You will be the tip of my spear, best suited for direct combat. Other, less capable formations will hold ground and keep the peace when we have them up and running."

There was no mistaking the commanders' relief at that suggestion.

"I need you to talk with your subordinates and find out who is eager to act as trainers and who has an aptitude for it. Talk with the people who trained you who are still alive. We will start with simple physical conditioning, spear, and shield work for all able-bodied men and women. A few hours of work each day, divided into two blocks in the morning and the evening. This will continue until everyone has basic proficiency and can be relied on to fight from stationary positions like walls and other fortified areas. By the time that's done, we should have plans in place to properly train the City Guard and professional units that will support you in the field."

The Prince waited a few moments to see if there would be questions. He wasn't sure if it was due to lack of initiative or because there were no questions they could think of that the Unsullied remained silent.

"Give me your thoughts on what you head. I want to hear your ideas and suggestions on the matter," Viserys added. "We also must discuss your pay, living conditions, and retirement prospects for anyone crippled in battle or too old to be an effective soldier." .
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Anyone who suggests bows for female archers has never "tried" or actually shot a Warbow. Crossbows? Whole different story but even those things were problematic with how stupidly HEAVY they were to lug around.

Still, having the women trained for medical, even combat medic roles, as well as operation of some warmachines is very doable.

Viserys should also, when he has a little freetime look for children with some force potential "if" they exist. If not then it's a moot point but I'd bet having some indoctrinated child soldiers to grow up to be fanatics would be useful.
Anyone who suggests bows for female archers has never "tried" or actually shot a Warbow. Crossbows? Whole different story but even those things were problematic with how stupidly HEAVY they were to lug around.

Still, having the women trained for medical, even combat medic roles, as well as operation of some warmachines is very doable.

Viserys should also, when he has a little freetime look for children with some force potential "if" they exist. If not then it's a moot point but I'd bet having some indoctrinated child soldiers to grow up to be fanatics would be useful.

There's a reason why Viserys suggested physical conditioning, as well as spear and shield training for the millitia so they can be useful to hold a city's walls and other fortified positions. Like the rooftops of houses and such, where people can have heavy things to lob at invaders to smash their skulls with, then fend them off with sharp, pointy sticks.

It takes a lifetime to make competent bowment. You either get those as mercenaries or after absorbing regions with native bowmen, and then convince them to fight for you.

Like you say, crossbows if the industry is there are the pracitcal option. Hell, good, old-fashioned slings are a better option than bows if you don't work on a generational timeframe to train and condition your bowmen.

In my stories where Veil ends up in a new universe and his insertion is a catalyst for the Force, the first potential Force Sensitive children would begin to appear no earlier than nine months since he came into the picture. So mid to late 291 AC at the earliest for newborn. Early 300ds for teenagerts old enough to be trained as Sith Acolytes, because it's not like he would have the time to go the slow but steady Jedi way.
Chapter 6 Part 2
AN: All things considered, Viserys might cry in relief when someone finally declares war on Astapor and bringhs forth an army or ten for him to fight. He took the city just a few days ago, an is already about to have many second thoughts about the whole affair...

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 2


290 AC

After meeting the Unsullied commanders, Viserys had to take a few minutes to calm himself because he was ready to commit mass murder and unspeakable atrocities for just a tiny staff who knew what they were doing. He wasn't sure if it was intentional or merely something the Good Masters never thought about. However, the Unsullied training had glaring holes that would cripple any professional military. Viserys had to remind himself of the kind of day and age he existed in. He knew only two professional military forces existed, well, three when counting the Braavosi navy.

The Unsullied, weren't it. A few hours spent with their highest-ranked commanders made that painfully clear. Given the right equipment, they might be the best heavy infantry in the world. Their discipline was indeed without parallel, and they would obey any order without thinking, which was a double-edged sword, but that was all they had going for them.

Outside of guard duties and the more or less static defense of cities, the Unsullied needed commanders who knew how to plan all the intricacies of campaigns and support to cover logistics deficiencies, engineering needs, cavalry, and more.

How could it be any other way when the people who made and trained them were not professional soldiers and had not fought a real war in ages?

Once again, Viserys had to re-evaluate his plans. He needed a military academy up and running sooner rather than later, and it wouldn't be just logistics they'll be heavily focusing on. Ser Lonmouth might be of use in that regard. Viserys had to speak with the man about it, then see if any of the other pit fighters were veterans with the relevant experience before they ended as gladiators.

The few thousand visitors still held in the city might also include veterans who could be useful. Viserys had yet to have them quizzed so he could offer them jobs before allowing whoever wanted to leave permission to go.


Viserys found Old Theo in the training halls for scribes, scholars, and other learned slaves. Astapor might not have a military or naval academy yet, but it had the next best thing to a university dedicated to training learned slaves as administrators and teachers of all stripes. That was an invaluable find, and Viserys was going to nurture it and throw a lot of money at it.

"This is an unexpected and delightful surprise!" Viserys declared after a brief tour.

They gathered in this place because one of Old Theo's jobs was as a teacher here, focusing on accounting. He was familiar with the staff, many of the slaves who were undergoing training, and virtually all of those who graduated over the past few years and were still in Astapor. That, in part, explained his connections.

Of course, there was a little snag – the owner of the place, who incidentally financed it, was a minor slaver. The Unsullied killed him very dead while liberating all slaves under Viserys' orders. The administrators who weren't slaves were from Good Master families, and most of them weren't fans of the new regime.

"This academy is now government-owned, which means it's mine," Viserys decided. "I'll be providing finances and everything else you need. Old Theo here will give me staff recommendations, expanded courses, and anything else that would make this place a more effective teaching institution. In the long run, I will need all my people to be literate, so I will need plans to see it done."

Many of the gathered learned men perked up at that, while others were less than thrilled at the prospect of teaching rabble, as one of them muttered just loud enough to be heard.
More importantly, Theo had gathered both city officials overseeing Astapor's administration and the key liberated slaves who did most of the actual work for them. They gave Viserys a comprehensive explanation of what passed for the city's government and how it worked. Essential functions were intact and could resume after some tweaks to account for the fact that there were no more slaves. However, everything needed to be overhauled to account for the positions held by former slaves needing filling, the people who retained them, payment, homes, etc.…

Throwing a lot of money at the problem could solve some of the issues and boost the economy, possibly keeping it from crashing and burning. Viserys was likely to recoup a lot of said money in the form of taxes, which was another headache – Astapor needed tax reform, now. A significant source of income for the government offices came directly from the Good Masters. It was a cut from the tax they got from the slave trade in the city. No matter who sold or bought slaves, the Good Master took a ten percent cut on every transaction, even those between themselves. There was a large group of accountants and scribes dedicated to that alone, who were in need of new jobs now that slavery was illegal…. The next thorny problem was that Viserys had to oversee an overhaul of most local laws, including formally ending slavery. If he wanted to trade with the other slaver cities, he needed exemptions for their ships and to visit dignitaries.

"We have an incredible amount of work to do and little time to get it done right," Viserys concluded.

On that point, no one could disagree.

"I will need essential laws drawn up for perusal, which will form a framework and foundation for a new legal system. Standard things – murder, thievery, and rape are illegal, with appropriate punishments depending on the circumstances. We need to review the laws governing owning property in Astapor and either remove anything about owning people or rewrite them from the ground up. Slavery is illegal and will remain so," Viserys grimaced. "We might need carefully worded exemptions for visiting merchants and dignitaries. While they can't buy or sell people, much less enslave my people, any slaves that accompany them will be a thorny issue. We will need trade links, or it will be a never-ending war for years to come. A war we are not ready for..." Viserys voiced his thoughts.

"With slavery no longer an option as punishment, we will need more laws governing what punishments are expected for various transgressions. Selling people due to debt is no longer a thing, is it?" Old Theo reminded Viserys.

"That too. I will need a group of scholars and legal experts to review key laws so we can discuss them as soon as possible. Right now, we are improvising. Soon enough, that won't be enough. By the time we begin training new city watch in earnest, I will need all laws relevant to keeping peace and order overhauled, with many copies ready for use," Viserys stated.

"Just transcribing any new laws you approve will be a monumental task, Your Grace," Old Theo pointed out.

"About that, I have an idea that came into being shortly before the Doom and was lost with it," Viserys lied. "It is called a printing press, a simple and ingenious concept. You are all familiar with seals for documents," he waited to see if anyone might connect the dots. When that didn't happen, Viserys continued with his explanation. "The idea came from the vineyard owner who was checking up on his wine presses after having his slaves write many virtually identical invitations for a feast, then sign them. What happens when you have a bunch of metal letters to form into words and sentences, a whole page, put into a frame to hold them together? Add ink, press on parchment, and you have printed yourself a document, a letter, or a sheet from a book…" Viserys trailed off, hoping that his explanation was disjointed as if he spoke about an idea he had read about or vaguely remembered but was accurate enough to get the point across.

Printing books would be useful in the long run. Textbooks in particular. However, that wasn't what he needed right now. Identical government forms for all kinds of needs. Printed laws. A basic newspaper for propaganda would be useful, especially when all his people learned their letters.

"That will put us out of work!" A scribe exclaimed. He was both terribly offended and terrified at the prospect.

"Nonsense, if I understand this right, it is only useful to make a large amount of identical pages. Most things we scribe each day, every day, won't be affected; they aren't identical. If we have this press thing and it works, we don't have to spend so much time doing boring things, and we can focus on more important and interesting work! There are only so many times you can transcribe the same damned book or invitation to a feast before you want to burn it and all its copies!" Another scribe gleefully countered.

Viserys' idea functionally ended the meeting because, from then on, everyone was too busy arguing whether they should even consider using a printing press or whether it was an existential threat to the livelihood of all scribes. Others were more interested in how to make the idea work and its implications rather than how it might affect the lives of mere scribes.

"Books might become cheap and far more affordable!" One of the scholars exclaimed. That was precisely what the scribes feared and wanted to avoid. In contrast, everyone considered the possibility a great benefit that by itself justified turning the idea into reality.
Chapter 6 Part 3
AN: Among other things, here we get to see the Green Grace of Astapor who wasn't named OTL. She dreams of things that tend not to happen, which was how she ended up dead, courtesy to a New Ghis Iron Legionaries.

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 3


290 AC

Finally, Viserys had the time to see what kind of industry he had to work with. His initial impressions were mostly correct. Between free craftsmen joined in various guilds, and slaves being trained in all kinds of trades, Astapor was more or less self-sufficient as far as most basic goods and trades were concerned. The only thing he noticed missing were glass-makers – Myr had a monopoly on the trade in Essos, and the Myrish were ready to fight and murder their way through people to maintain it. That was particularly true for a city like Astapor, known for training slaves as craftsmen for sale worldwide, barring Westeros.

There was a base of trained professionals who could serve as a core to jumpstart various industries, perhaps even enough of them to ignite a minor industrial revolution. Viserys didn't have the know-how to do it all by himself, but as the ruler of Astapor, he didn't have to. He had people to give ideas to work on and the money to finance their experiments.

He knew that manual labor was a dead end, especially when you didn't have tons of slaves to throw at the problem. Developing steam engines would take a lot of time if they were viable at all. Viserys knew just enough in related fields to be aware that if material science wasn't there, which meant having advanced enough metallurgy, then practical steam and other engines were simply out of the question.

Harnessing water and wind, on the other hand, should be perfectly doable. There was a river nearby and another near Meereen. Both would be useful for future development. Small things, like establishing a unified, realm-wide system of measurements, would greatly simplify things and have considerable long-term effects on the production of virtually everything.

Viserys listened to blacksmiths boast about their goods and their skill, paying attention to everything they let slip about working with Valyrian steel. It made sense that Astapor had the smiths who could smelt and rework the magical metal. While there were no Valyrian Steel weapons in the possession of the Good Masters, Viserys took virtually all jewelry and other trinkets made of the metal in their possession as a part of the price they paid for their continued existence.

"I must see all the metal I will have to work with to be sure, Master!" Belio Iranyl waved his muscled hands in sharp, eager gestures. "It has been a few years since I last had the opportunity, Master! I will not fail you! It is going to be a great honor to craft a weapon worthy of you!"

"Not to mention how famous you will be if I turn your creation into a legend," Viserys chuckled.

"You took Astapor, and you are a powerful sorcerer. You will be a legend! Those who aid you might become legends as well! Think of the fame, Master! Everyone will be coming to me to reforge them Valyrian Steel weapons!" Iranyl gleefully declared. The man was lost in his own world, daydreaming of glory and eternal fame.

"I'll send everything to you tomorrow with Unsullied guard. We can't have some scoundrel absconding with your legacy, can we, Master Iranyl?" Viserys promised.

"I will be ready! Apprentice! Where are you, boy! We have work to do! Everything must be ready for tomorrow! We will be famous the world over!"

Viserys left the smith quarter, pondering all he learned. They could make the armor required to turn the Unsullied into a proper heavy infantry if paid enough and given the necessary materials. The price, material, and time needed for a good plate was too much. Even if the smiths began training more Apprentices in earnest, they were highly unlikely to have the time to outfit thousands of soldiers with breastplates or heavier armor. Better helmets, vambraces, and gloves would help, and they could be created in a reasonable timeframe. After checking examples of what the smiths and their trainees had produced, Viserys had a long chat about the merits of different armor types, focused on price, material availability, and cost. The rough time needed to outfit a single Unsullied was a factor.

However, the most critical stumbling block was that Viserys didn't need to only upgrade the equipment of his elite soldiers. He required gear for the expanded city guard, his future regular army formations, and the militia. Well, the militia and city guard were the first to need equipment. Gear recovered from the former city guard and the personal guard slavers who were dead or in custody would be useful in that regard but far from sufficient. After all, Viserys was already laying the foundations for a massive military expansion.

The ease of manufacture and repair and flexibility won the day for lamellar armor. It could be worn over leather and other armor types, making it an excellent upgrade for the Unsullied. Another selling point for lamellar was that it didn't have to be steel – tough leather and other materials would do in a pinch… Astapor had the leather and tanning industries to make it work even when there was not enough good steel or iron.

New armor and weapons were going to cost Viserys. However, despite everything he needed to finance in the short term, he was still ahead due to all the assets he seized from the Good Masters and minor slavers. Just the treasure of the dead Good Masters made him obscenely wealthy, arguably to the point that he had far more gold and other treasure than he could feasibly spend until trade resumed. And if it was war, well…. Then Viserys at least could afford to play bidding wars for mercenary companies and should be even wealthier after seizing Yunkai and Meereen.


In the evening, after taking stock of his fledgling industrial capacity, Viserys visited the Temple of the Graces. Ignoring the local religion wasn't an option. That was especially true when most healers in the city were Blue Graces, priests, and priestesses, in other words. It didn't help that the Ghiscari religion had a whole order of cult prostitutes, the Red Graces, who would make a great addition to Viserys' future intelligence service. Even if he had to spend months mind-fucking the High Priestess in charge of the temple and thus the religious authority in Astapor, he needed the woman subverted one way or another.

Six women in dark pink dresses walked forth to meet him. Veils of light pink fabric covered their faces, making them appear like ghosts. They all flanked a tall, thin woman wearing a rich forest green gown. A silk transparent veil covered the lower half of her face, falling over her bare shoulders. She was a middle-aged woman with tanned dark skin that looked almost red under the illumination of flickering torches. Green eyeliner surrounded her eyes, glowing with reflected light. Her silver hair betrayed Valyrian ancestry despite her eyes being the same green shade as her dress.

"Master Targaryen, her Benevolence Zanage Shaehl, welcomes you to the Temple of the Graces," the lead Pink Grace chanted.

"I've dreamed of your coming, young Dragon. We have much to discuss,"

Viserys walked deeper into the temple, perceiving no danger, merely apprehension from the Priestesses who watched him. He could perceive hunger and anticipation from Zanage Shaehl, but no hostility, much less threat. Either way, with Dany reasonably safe, any danger here would likely end up being stress relief instead of a meaningful threat.

Besides, the most trouble the Priestess could make for him was through a refusal to cooperate because, in the end, open hostility would get them killed in a way Viserys could reasonably get away with.

They retreated to a parlor fit for the residence of a Good Master, nicely displaying the wealth and thus power of the temple—well, the people in charge of the temple. The Green Grace sat on a divan covered with silk cushions, gestured to one of the priestesses in pink to pour wine, and dismissed her attendants.

Zanage Shaehl removed her veil, revealing full crimson lips, which she licked suggestively.

"I've foreseen we will do great things together, young Dragon!" the Green Grace purred.

So, that was how the woman wanted to play this. Viserys drew on the Force and smirked at her.
Valyrian houses don't have heraldry. Targaryens only adapted it because of Westerosi culture and traditions.

Those outside of Valyria, potentially before, and certainly after the Doom certainly did - key example being the Narrow Sea Houses of Valyrian descend, and everyone else in Essos with a form of heraldy chosen and used before and after Valyria went boom. The Dragonlords might have been identified by the dragons, or type of dragons they rode. The rest of Valyrian nobility, merchant houses, etc...? That's another matter.
Gambesons are better than any leather armor. And they are better as under-armour than any other medieval equivalent (except perhaps arming coats, which are fancy gambesons). Also, if Astapor doesn't have enough iron, lamellar armor made of bronze is a good enough alternative for a city guard (if they have enough copper and tin, which they should becase they have giant bronze harpy statues all over the city; hell, if they don't have the deposits have them melt the statues and use them).
Gambesons are better than any leather armor. And they are better as under-armour than any other medieval equivalent (except perhaps arming coats, which are fancy gambesons). Also, if Astapor doesn't have enough iron, lamellar armor made of bronze is a good enough alternative for a city guard (if they have enough copper and tin, which they should becase they have giant bronze harpy statues all over the city; hell, if they don't have the deposits have them melt the statues and use them).

That was a big reason why Viserys decided on lamellar - you can make a basic version of it of hard leather, if you're out of useful metal, and bronze can be useful too if there is not enough iron, or steel. While in the long run, Viserys would certainly want better armor for his military, his industry and access to raw materials isn't great right now. I'll be touching more upon it in the update I'm about to post.
Chapter 6 Part 4
AN: I would appreciate feedback on this update. My muse didn't particularly want to cooperate with it, and it doesn't help that much of the information in the first part would have come during pillow talk between Viserys and the Green Grace I decided to forego, making for a lot of tell and no show so to speak.

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 4


290 AC

Spending the night with the Green Grace was admittedly a pleasurable escapade. Nevertheless, Viserys' shenanigans in the Temple of the Graces proved a point – he needed a reliable staff to cover everything he might miss or simply be unaware of. People providing opposing opinions, for when he was full of shit, wouldn't go amiss either.

The truth of the last night was that Viserys simply overlooked the importance of religion in consolidating his control over Astapor. That was a crippling flaw in his plan, considering how important the Temple of the Graces was due to the broad services it provided.

First and foremost, the great majority of healers in the city were trained there and worked for the temple – the Blue Graces. It was only thanks to asking a few questions of Ser Lonmouth about his healers and the progress of the knight's healing that Viserys became aware of that critical point, which led him to slip various probing questions into his conversations with everyone in the past day. That was how he learned of the Red Graces, who appeared tailor-made to be a spy network. Further research proved revealing, including bedside conversation with the Green Grace herself.

No matter how things might have been intended to go, the Temple of the Graces was intimately connected with most families that mattered in Astapor. The same was true for the temples in the other Ghiscari cities in Essos. The key to that entanglement was the White Graces – young girls of noble or other respectable backgrounds with little prospect given to the temple. They would become priestesses of all orders, making for a particularly incestuous relationship between the powers that be in the Ghiscari cities and the local Temples of the Graces.

Through family connections, healers, and divinely mandated courtesans, the Red Graces, the local religious authority, wielded an incredible amount of soft power, backed by a tremendous amount of blackmail material and other secrets that allowed the Green Grace and her cronies to profit tremendously.

In hindsight, that Zanage Shaehl wanted Viserys in her bed to influence him and drain him dry for all his secrets should have come as no surprise. With Astapor under new management, the temple's power diminished catastrophically. Suddenly, everyone the Green Grace was connected with was already dead or under the Targaryens' thumb.

If Viserys was indeed a green boy, no matter his sorcerous power, Zanage Shaehl might have been able to woo him after fucking his brain out. The Sith had to give the woman credit where credit was due; she was more than experienced in bed. He had no doubt she had many of the Good Masters wrapped around her fingers and other body parts.

The Green Grace was also a rather strong-willed woman, so regular mind-fuckery wouldn't be sufficient. Turning her to his side would be a long-term project for Viserys, one that was likely to take a few months to do properly. He would enjoy it tremendously, and the rewards might be just what he needed to secure his control of Astapor. Having the backing of the religious authority, which was useful for the locals virtually all the time, would be very useful indeed.

Until Viserys had Zanage Shaehl eating from his hand as his creature, he would have to play a game of cat and mouse with her. Either way, her position and influence would earn her a place on his ruling council. At that point, he would have to be careful not to allow the perception that the Green Grace was leading him by the cock and ruling through him… or perhaps the contrary might be beneficial if the other slaver cities choose to play ball in the short term. If they believed he was under the sway of one of their own, they might be far less likely to strike first or strike fast, allowing Zanage Shaehl to deal with him one way or another.

Many of the other issues threatening to devour Viserys' time proved far less pleasant to contemplate and much less deal with. They were often more pressing and arguably dangerous.

While some of the scholars and craftsmen of the city were busy trying to make a basic printing press work, others focused on auditing what Astapor had available in human resources and raw materials to feed the city's industry. Besides interviewing the city's visitors, figuring out what Viserys had to work with proved relatively easy and straightforward. Officially, he had everyone still alive willing to work with him. In practice, that wasn't entirely true. Almost all liberated slaves and surviving city officials were on board. However, some of the latter were guaranteed to be trouble due to losing family members when the Unsullied took Astapor.

Administrators who had made the slave trade work like clockwork were now out of work and liable to compensate for any shortfalls in government and other educated personnel Viserys might need in the short to medium term. Educational initiatives should have him covered in the long term as well.

The availability and flow of raw materials to feed Astapor's industries were a much thornier issue. The city was self-sufficient in terms of the production of almost all basic and advanced goods, which was a consequence of its industrial-scale training of high-value slave craftsmen.

The same simply wasn't true as far as procuring raw materials was concerned. There were mines, quarries, and clay pits in the nearby Ghiscari mountains. That was a big reason why Astapor bought a large number of expendable slaves condemned to hard work. Those locations were currently not under Viserys control. Even after he had the assets available to capture and hold them, they would be of a marginal utility. The reason was simple – with slavery out of the picture and thus lack of a constant influx of people to grease the wheel of industry there, those places would quickly become far less valuable.

Viserys wasn't sure how practical it might be to utilize wind and, where applicable, water power to aid in mining efforts. Either way, he didn't control those mines, and dispatching small groups of Unsullied to capture them was out of the question for the time being.

More importantly, most of the raw resources Astapor utilized didn't come from those locations; instead, the Good Masters, traders, and craftsmen bought them from all over Essos. A naval blockade could thus cripple Viserys' industry.

Another major source of slaves and other goods were Dothraki Khalasars. While the Good Masters had to pay tribute to every visiting Khal, more often than not, those visits apparently paid for themselves, or so Old Theo claimed. Viserys was still to see the numbers proving such a claim but it made sense. The Dothraki were fucking slavers, and the primary reason they came to cities, beyond extracting a tribute, was to trade. Apparently, most Khals spent a big part of their tribute buying weapons, horses, luxuries, medicine, and whatever else struck their fancy. They also sold slaves, hides, dried and salted meat, and whatever they'd looted, anyone might be willing to buy.

That realization had Viserys rethink his plan for dealing with visiting Khalasars. Keeping them coming back to trade might be the best option in the short term. Buying any slaves they had to offer, then liberating them and making an offer for a new life, might be a way to increase the available manpower as well…. And it might be possible to hire Dorthraki as cavalry. That was all true in the short term. The Dothraki had to go in the long term, for they were too much of a threat to leave run around unchecked.
Chapter 6 Part 5
Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 5


290 AC

For two sennights, Viserys did his damn best to ensure Astapor's government and economy kept working, if poorly. In that time, he familiarized himself with the most essential facts on the ground. He gathered a group of hopefully valuable allies and acquaintances who he hoped would help consolidate his power base for good. During that time, he refined his plans for the government structure of his empire and managed to vet potential members of his ruling council reasonably.

He gathered those people in the Targaryen pyramid, for it was high time that they all got on the same page and moved forward. Fifteen days were too long to keep Astapor in a state of flux, yet more time was needed to properly establish a new form of government. Either way, all slaver cities nearby would soon know Astapor was under new management. Viserys had to act before they had time to decide on a course of action and implement it if they chose to be hostile.

Representatives of five distinct groups arrived after receiving invitations they couldn't refuse.

First, the military was represented by the five Unsullied principal commanders and Captain Kaleb, who was still busy laying the foundations of a proper naval academy and a navy. In the future, the Commander of the City Guard and regular army commanders would be part of this group.

Next came Astrapor's administration and scholars, led by Old Theo, the Harbor Master and Chief Tax Collector. The new administrators of the renamed Colleges were part of that group due to their invaluable role in overseeing both basic and advanced education. When Viserys expanded his realm, these educators' roles would grow, for they would be providing training and cadres to take over essential governance of new territories.

The Green Grace represented the third group as the undisputed religious authority in Astapor. The moment Viserys had her properly subverted, Zanage Shaehl might very well be his spymaster focused on Essosi's affairs. Considering the importance of the Temple of the Graces in the Ghiscari cities on the continent and the fact that Astapor was virtually surrounded by all of those, the Green Gace's support, and that of her counterparts, would prove either of invaluable help or a deadly thorn in his side. The more Viserys pondered the situation, the more confident he became that he would spend the next few years subverting the Green Graces to help stabilize his realm.

The final larger group was the city's merchants and craftsmen. They were the heart of the economy, which was currently on life support. Azmes zo Lizha and his good friend Kraghes were of great help in that regard.

"Welcome, my friends. We have some decisions to make," Viserys greeted his guests in the pyramid's audience chamber. His staff had prepared seats and refreshments for everyone, for they were in for the long haul today.

Viserys sat on a raised platform, with Dany at his side and Ser Lonmouth clad in plate armor at her back. Unsullied flanked them as an honor guard, reminding everyone who held the power in Astapor.

"Right now, the situation in Astapor is reasonably secure. This luxury allows me to formally introduce a new form of government for the city and solidify the foundations of my rule."

That certainly got everyone's attention. It the past sennight, Viserys discussed some of what would happen today with many of the people he called here today. However, he was sure that the full scope of what he would introduce would remain a surprise.

Viserys thought long and hard about how to approach the thorny issue of governing the city and achieving his goals without immediately terrifying the other slaver cities into attacking. Proclaiming a restored Valyrian Freehold would have been a declaration of war towards the Ghiscari cities, which meant everyone from New Ghis to Meereen. That was to be delayed for as long as feasible. Viserys would declare a New Freehold when the war began, taking advantage of Valyria's legacy. Until then, he had to be more conservative.

"Our throne awaits us in Westeros. Until the day comes we reclaim it, we Targaryens will be the ruling Princes and Princesses of Astapor. I hereby proclaim the Principality of Astapor, held in perpetuity by the Targaryen Dynasty," Viserys' voice carried throughout the chamber.

While this was a direct declaration that they intended to eventually invade Westeros, that was of no immediate concern. The Usurper and Iron Throne were far away. The salver cities, with their soldiers, mercenaries, and great wealth, were nearby and of immediate concern. Viserys had to do whatever it reasonably took to make them think coexistence was viable.

"An Advisory Council representing Astapor's various factions will aid us in governing this fine city," the Prince continued. "The Council will consist of five Spheres. First and foremost, it is the Military Sphere, currently consisting of the principal commanders of the Unsullied and Captain Kaleb as representative of our navy."

The Unsullied and Pentoshi all rose and saluted with a fist over their heart before returning to their seats.

"Next comes the Administrative Sphere. I will offer positions on the council representing it to several esteemed scholars and administrators, invaluable to Astapor's continued well-being and prosperity…" Viserys continued.

Old Theo swore his allegiance, followed by those with him. Needless to say, they had all already discussed and accepted their appointments before that morning.

"The Religious Sphere is next, and there is no better person to represent it than her benevolence, our Green Grace, Zanage Shaehl," Viserys proclaimed.

The High Priestess stood up and curtsied.

"Blessed be your wisdom, Your Grace," she chanted. "The gods have spoken! They've granted me a vision of security and prosperity brought on the wings of Dragons!"

Viserys bowed his head, showing he was a pious ruler, before continuing with the show.

"Choosing the representatives for the Sphere of Commerce was particularly tough, for Astapor was graced with possessing some of the most cunning and successful merchants and craftsmen in the known world!" the Prince buttered his councilors to be.

Viserys' fan of a Good Master and the boy's best friend made the list, eagerly swearing their allegiance for all to see. The rest were Guildmasters, representing the largest Guilds in the city. Their support came after a lot of tedious negotiations. In the end, it was the prospect of significantly increasing Astapor's industries to make up for the lack of slave trade that clinched it. The Guidlmasters believed they were set up to grow vastly more powerful and wealthier than they ever could under the old paradigm.

"The last sphere is the Civilian Sphere, which will contain elected representatives from the regular citizens of Astapor. Their purpose will be to bring before us the concerns and pressing needs of our people so we are aware of any issues and can address them promptly. One of the first tasks of our Sphere of Administration is to set up fair elections to fill up the numbers of the Civilian Sphere on our Advisory Council."


That evening, Astapor had a new government, allowing Viserys to begin governing more effectively. More importantly, he had many people to run his plans through so they could offer suggestions, improvements, or reasons why his ideas simply couldn't work under the current paradigm they were all operating under.

"We have food for about six months or so," Your Grace, Maqik of Astapor began. He was one of Old Theo's cronies, who had been busy auditing the state of the food stocks available in the city. The man was a local merchant who ended up sold as a slave after a business venture of his went straight to the Seven Hells. "This estimate doesn't consider potential wheat or other harvests from Astapor's outlying territories."

"We don't hold these places, Your Grace," Ser Lonmouth reminded them. "While sending an Unsullied unit and administrators to take control of said settlements, I don't believe we can feasibly hold them against a hostile power."

"That's correct. We will take control of the settlements under Astapor aegis but won't rely on them to keep us all fed," Viserys decided. "Anything they provide would be a nice bonus but not to be relied upon until our military situation improves."

"We can increase fishing, which will buy us some time," Maqik continued. "However, Astapor had always been reliant upon importing food. Certain Good Masters focused on such business, then resold what they imported at a profitable markup."

"Azmes?" Viserys inquired. The boy was the one Good Master who he reasonably trusted. It was likely that after today, due to his inclusion in the Council, Azmes' friend might end up as the de facto head of his family, making it two of them.

"Your Grace, you took over all assets of Good Master Grazdan mo Ullhor, including this pyramid. He imported much of Astapor's food. Your household staff should have access to the relevant contracts. The same is true for the other Good Masters who participated in shipping in food."

"Old Theo," Viserys addressed his first proper local accomplice, "I need your people to oversee those contracts. We need to have them renegotiated and food being shipped in. Otherwise, our only viable alternative is to take the rest of Slavers Bay to ensure we don't starve. I would rather avoid war if at all possible. My ultimate goal doesn't lie in Essos. Possessing Astapor as a personal fief and a safe distant trade port is enough for my long-term purposes," the Sith lied glibly.

More than a few of his advisers were clearly relieved at that statement.

"The Gods would rather see us avoid unnecessary bloodshed!" the Green Grace declared.

Without war, she was less likely to get killed for aiding Viserys, so her support of peace was no surprise.

"Speaking of peace, how you handle the rest of the Good Masters might be key to securing trade agreements," Azmes noted. "It does you credit that you kept most of them alive, Your Grace."

"They are to be exiled. I am open to suggestions for the best places to send them. We will also need to send envoys to the nearby cities to secure trade deals and reassure them we are not interested in war if one can be reasonably avoided," Viserys agreed.

Little did he know that they were about to spend days debating where to exile whom and who might make for a respectable envoy.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Now, onto the serious part, can the next chapter be about Daenerys's training please? That would be a good buffer between administrative talks (which are also well done, but shouldn't be the sole focus of the following chapters).
Last edited:
Thank you for your time and effort.
Now, onto the serious part, can the next chapter be about Daenerys's training please? That would be a good buffer between administrative talks (which are also well done, but shouldn't be the sole focus of the following chapters).

I think I will be showing Dany's training after the time skip as part of Chapter 7. The last part or parts of Chapter 6 should allow me to finish setting up things for said time-skip of a few months, show a brief glimpse of Viserys and Daenerys coronation as Prince and Princess of Astapor, etc...
Images of Ser Richard Lonmouth, Knight of the Kingsguard, Sith Viserys and Daenerys.

If there's one thing I hate about Targaryen art is how many people (and AI) don't bother using purple for their eye color (going with green instead) and also don't bother using platinum blonde for their eyebrows and eyelashes (it's like they are women painting their hair who are too stupid to understand that if they don't paint their eyebrows and eyelashes everyone will know they are fake blondes, but worse, because Targaryens are supposed to be natural blondes).
If there's one thing I hate about Targaryen art is how many people (and AI) don't bother using purple for their eye color (going with green instead) and also don't bother using platinum blonde for their eyebrows and eyelashes (it's like they are women painting their hair who are too stupid to understand that if they don't paint their eyebrows and eyelashes everyone will know they are fake blondes, but worse, because Targaryens are supposed to be natural blondes).

Even with a prompt for purple eyes, more often than not, the resulting eyes on any decent image aren't purple... The same goes for actually holding swords and such like people would, instead of AI generated approximation.... Hell, even getting decent silver hair, eyelashes, and beards when applicable on otherwise good images is a pain, so it's usually choose your poison situation.