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A Certain Psychic Schoolgirl

Smoke and Fire that is what you saw as you flew between the dense...
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A Certain Psychic Schoolgirl

Smoke and Fire that is what you saw as you flew between the dense walls of bamboo to break line of sight with your opponent and give yourself some breathing room. That last attack had been too close if you had reacted just a second later you'd have ended up with more than just a singed cloak.

"Running already? You said you couldn't be here long so why waste time!" your white haired foe said before punctuating herself with a barrage of flaming talismans.

Now usually this would be the part where you'd make a witty comeback but you were a little preoccupied dodging her projectiles to think of something, so instead you just Telekinetically ripped a dozen bamboo stalks out of the ground and sent them flying at your opponent like a rain of spears.

Of course Bamboo spears could only do so much against the wall of fire that sprung up in their path and were reduced to cinders. "Aww come on Mokou! I thought you said you were going to take it easy this time!"

"I haven't held back since the day I was born, it's how I live Sumi." you heard her say over the roaring of the flames as she took a stance that you knew all too well, Blaze Sign "Self-Destruction Giant Flame Whirlwind".It was one of Mokou's strongest suicide moves and what you've been waiting for because in the brief moment it took her to charge the attack there was an opening.
In a flash of white you vanished from your hiding place and a moment later you reappeared right behind Mokou. It's moments like these as you see the realization dawn on Mokou's face that you are reminded why you loved Gensokyo so much, the other reason was because it gave you the chance to do this "Kamehameha!!" you yelled as you shot a laser beam right into the back of Mokou's head sending her flying face first into the ground. "That's my win."

"Heh Lucky shot" your friend said dusting herself off "So you said you wanted to talk about something earlier."'d almost forgot about that well best get it over with. With a sigh you sat next to, well more like floated in a sitting position, Mokou and said " mom got me transferred to this new school in this place called Academy city, I think it was called....

Choose what school you are going to
[ ] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[ ] Misawa Cram School, mom said you've been slacking and that this will be good for you. Only something about it gives you a bad feeling.
[ ] Sakugawa Middle School, it's honestly not that different from your old's kinda boring actually.
[ ] Write in (I didn't want to list every school, but keep in mind that Sumireko won't qualify for all of them)

Then before I could even get on the train I had to go through these weird tests."

"So how'd you do?" Mokou asked

You merely smiled back "Well naturally....

Choose how much of your abilities you revealed
[ ] I went all out and aced it. (Revealed all your powers. Automatically given Level 5 status Codename "Multi-Skill". High Starting Reputation, High Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[ ] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[ ] Eh, I gave it a shot. (Only revealed Teleportation. Automatically given Level 3 status. Low Starting Reputation, Medium Chance of Conflict, Low Level of Scientific interest.)

[ ] Write in (Choose one or more of Sumireko's abilities to be revealed. Can also choose to have her limit their strength to a certain level.)

however the smile didn't last long "but I'm not sure...I don't really like the idea of leaving Higashifukami when I was just starting to get comfortable and what about Renko, how is she going to survive her first year with her big sister to look after her." you said burying your head in your arms and trying not to cry when you felt the comforting warmth of a hand on your shoulder.

"Sumi I won't pretend to understand everything your going through but if I have learnt anything is that no matter what happens you just need to keep on moving forward." your best friend said flashing you a smile "and I know that you aren't the type of person to let something like this keep you down for long."

"T-thanks Mokou."

"Hey what are friend for."

With my bad mood thoroughly smothered I gave her one last smile "Well I'd best get going, my train should be arriving any moment."

"So same time tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it." I said as I felt my Astral projection begin to fade, which could only mean one thing.


"Aarrgghh" you groaned, no matter how many times you do it the sensation of going from fully awake to asleep and then waking up in the span of an instant still isn't pleasant. Blinking the sleep from your eyes you catch your first glimpse of Academy City through the didn't really live up to what you were expecting but then again you were expecting something closer to a cheesy science fiction novel.

With nothing better to do you decided to check the duffel bag at your feet, inside was everything you needed until your mom got around to sending the rest of your things. A change of clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, spare set of glasses and most importantly of all

Choose 2 special items, can be gained through other means....with some difficulty for certain items.
[ ] Your custom made cloak (+5 style, can be used to help conceal you identity)
[ ] Your Tablet (Internet connection, can be used to increase accuracy of some abilities)
[ ] The 3D printed gun (A gun that you can use to shoot danmaku, looks like a toy at first glance.)
[ ] Deck of Zener Card (Quick projectiles, can be used practice precognition)
[ ] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[ ] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)
Character sheet
Name: Sumireko Usami
Class: Esper (Natural)
Rank/Position: Level 4
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Student ID: T01642475

Telekinesis: Level 4
One of the classic esper abilities, can you bend the spoon?
  • Power (8/10): Able to rip road signs out of the ground, topple telephone poles and levitate a small dump's worth of trash with little effort.
  • Precision (6/10): Able to throw objects like a professional pitcher and control them like you were holding them with your hands, but more precise movements without the use of special aids are beyond you.
Levitation: Level 3
The ability to make things float or fly as the case may be.
  • Power (5/10): Able to Levitate your entire body and essentially fly.
  • Precision (3/10): Only able to Levitate yourself.
Teleportation: Level 3
They say the shortest distance from A to B is a straight line, you say otherwise.
  • Power (6/10): Able to Teleport up to 70 Meters.
  • Precision (6/10) Only able to teleport yourself and things you are holding (cannot teleport the items separately only bring them along with you when you teleport) to locations within line of sight.
Occult Laser: Level 4
It's a purple laser made of unknown energy, what more is there to say?
  • Power (7/10): It's a purple laser that can be dialed to feel like strong punch or cut through steel
  • Precision (4/10): You can only fire the laser from your hands and only for a short time.
Astral Projection: Level 2
  • Power (4/10): Can project a copy of yourself only while you are sleeping.
  • Precision (6/10): You can control the projection as if it is your own body, including use your other abilities through it.
  • Special Gensokyo Projection: You can choose to manifest your projected copy in Gensokyo.
  • WARNING!!: Using this ability creates a Dream Bubble at either the location the projection manifests or the area around her body. Contact with these bubbles will cause people to dream the dreams Sumireko would of had normally. Be advised that contact between Sumireko's projection and the bubbles has a chance of destroying her soul.
Precognition: Level 1
  • Power (2/10): Can get premonitions of the next 3 seconds.
  • Precision: (1/10): Premonitions manifest as vague gut feelings.

Rumor Monger (6/10): A self proclaimed Urban Legend expert you are skilled at finding new and interesting rumors. Additionally you are very familiar with the process needed to effectively start one.

Mystic Knowledge (4/10): A frequent visitor to Gensokyo you are familiar with more than a few mystical concepts.

  • Nice Hat + Mokou's Ribbon: Your favorite black hat that you wear almost everywhere you go. The originally white ribbon adorning it has been replaced with one of Mokou's after she accidentally burnt it during a spar, it has since become a symbol for your friendship. (Equipped)
  • Higashifukami School uniform: The uniform of your old school and despite not attending classes there anymore you still like wearing it. (Equipped)
  • Tokiwada School uniform: A brand new uniform for your brand new school, it looks pretty nice although you think the skirt is a little short.
  • The 7 Orbs of the Occult: A set of Mystical artifacts that collect ambient magical energy generated by rumors and urban legends. Can be tapped to boost Sumireko's abilities, power a Last Word or if all 7 are fully charged destroy even the strongest of barriers. Required a week to recharge after use.
    • Orb of the Pyramids
    • Orb of Stonehenge
    • Orb of the Tower of Babel
    • Orb of the Nazca Lines
    • Orb of the Yomotsu Hirasaka
    • Orb of Hell Valley
    • Orb of the Lunar Capital.

Fukiwara no Mokou (Best Friend): An Immortal girl who lives in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost in Gensokyo, you frequently visit her to chat or have a friendly spar.

Renko Usami (Little Sister): Your little sister back home, has an almost perfect sense of time. You make sure to stay in contact.

Misaka Mikoto (Acquaintance): Met her after followed an explosion, seems nice.
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[X] Sakugawa Middle School, it's honestly not that different from your old's kinda boring actually.
[X] Eh, I gave it a shot. (Only revealed Teleportation. Automatically given Level 3 status. Low Starting Reputation, Medium Chance of Conflict, Low Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[X] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] Your Tablet (Internet connection, can be used to increase accuracy of some abilities)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)

Yay, it is up! And definitely craving the orbs, not going to pass those up and defintely aren't easy to get.

I do have one nitpick, their is a lot of capitalization and punctuation issues, which makes it a bit more difficult to read.
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[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[C] I went all out and aced it. (Revealed all your powers. Automatically given Level 5 status Codename "Multi-Skill". High Starting Reputation, High Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] Your Tablet (Internet connection, can be used to increase accuracy of some abilities)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neonsign to anyone on the magic side.)

Let's actually have some fun. Bring it on world.

Grammar needs some work by the way, a number of punctuation issues and such.
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Yay, it is up! And definitely craving the orbs, not going to pass those up and defintely aren't easy to get.

I do have one nitpick, their is a lot of capitalization and punctuation issues, which makes it a bit more difficult to read.
Let's actually have some fun. Bring it on world.

Grammar needs some work by the way, a number punctuation issues and such.
Yeah I know, i'm going to try and improve as I write this.
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[x] I went all out and aced it. (Revealed all your powers. Automatically given Level 5 status Codename "Multi-Skill". High Starting Reputation, High Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] Your Tablet (Internet connection, can be used to increase accuracy of some abilities)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible tomost people but will light you up like aneonsign to anyone on the magic side.)
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[X] I went all out and aced it. (Revealed all your powers. Automatically given Level 5 status Codename "Multi-Skill". High Starting Reputation, High Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)
Why such a big jump between injure and kill? The difference between injury and death isn't really very big. The same amount of force that will injury someone's leg can kill them if it hits their face or throat.
Because Kill can slice through things like this with little to no issue. Although I suppose changing the name to Armor Piercing would work better.
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[X] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)

I prefer the personal gift from Mokou that is unique headwear with mysterious effects compared to a tablet that we can buy later on once we get some money.
Renko Usami (Little Sister): Your little sister back home, has an almost perfect sense of time. You make sure to stay in contact.
"Hey, Renko! Can you tell me the time?"
"Can you wake me up tomorrow?"
"Time me!"

I have no knowledge of the characters, but those are the kind of long distance calls that come to my mind when I read that sentence.
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.

[X] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)

[X] Your custom made cloak (+5 style, can be used to help conceal you identity)

[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)

Gensokyo is where people hold back their true abilities and favours elegance and thought than pure strength; not revealing all her powers and bringing the cloak and head accessory would reflect this mindset.
[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[X] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)

I prefer the personal gift from Mokou that is unique headwear with mysterious effects compared to a tablet that we can buy later on once we get some money.

[X] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[X] I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed telekinesis. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)
[X] Misawa Cram School, mom said you've been slacking and that this will be good for you. Only something about it gives you a bad feeling.
[X] I went all out and aced it. (Revealed all your powers. Automatically given Level 5 status Codename "Multi-Skill". High Starting Reputation, High Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)

Misawa puts it in contact with Himegami, who like us is a gemstone with an unspecified but mystical ability. Well, it is explained, but I'd like to explore it and see what she can do aside from kill vampires. She was also described as a failed heroine, and we are in need of one.

I'd like level five because it gives us more chances to poke at things and because it gives us more resources at our disposal to develop our abilities with.

Gensokyo is where people hold back their true abilities and favours elegance and thought than pure strength; not revealing all her powers and bringing the cloak and head accessory would reflect this mindset.
Only in the game of Danmaku. For other affairs, for other games, and for just fighting, most of the people we see who handle those things tend to be very direct. Mokou included; although she's friendly to humans, she has lived for many years and killed many people, and did in fact spent those years as a hunter of monsters, trying to find and strike down Kaguya and her crew.
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[x] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[x] Custom: I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed Occult Laser. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, High Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] The 7 Orbs of the Occult (7 mystical orbs that gather Occult energy through urban legends, can be used to temporarily increase the power of certain abilities or destroy powerful barriers. Can be set to be invisible to most people but will light you up like a neon sign to anyone on the magic side.)
[x] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)

Are cards a difficult to obtain later item? Would rather keep TK underwraps.
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[X] Your custom made cloak (+5 style, can be used to help conceal you identity)

I only care about this. Style is IMPORTANT.
Are cards a difficult to obtain later item?
You can literally Google Zener cards. They're a normal deck of cards used to test ESP for about a century IRL, though presumably Sumi has enchanted them. Likewise to her tablet, cloak, and the gun. They're basically just normal items that Sumi has worked on to give them mystical abilities. The Occult orbs are mystical objects that can be gathered from supernatural "hotspots" in the Outside World. Essentially, they're the crystalized essence of the supernatural gathered in a mundane environment where it no longer flows freely. We could gather these easily enough, but we'd have to physically travel to them. As a mitigating factor, the world of Raildex and especially Academy City is actually threaded through with mystic energies just under the surface, so it won't exactly be hard to travel to such places. The only item on the list we can't easily replicate through personal effort is Mokou's ribbon, because we don't know how she made it or what it does.
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[x] Tokiwadai a highly prestigious middle school, you have no idea how your mom got you in.
[x] Custom: I tried but I didn't give it my all. (Only revealed Occult Laser. Automatically given Level 4 status. Medium Starting Reputation, Low Chance of Conflict, Medium Level of Scientific interest.)
[x] Deck of Zener Card (Quick projectiles, can be used practice precognition)
[x] A red and white ribbon (Gift from Mokou, Use unknown)

Are cards a difficult to obtain later item? Would rather keep TK underwraps.
Occult Laser would get a High Level of Scientific interest, mostly due to the fact that it's made of literally unknown energy.
[X] Sakugawa Middle School, it's honestly not that different from your old's kinda boring actually.
[X] Eh, I gave it a shot. (Only revealed Teleportation. Automatically given Level 3 status. Low Starting Reputation, Medium Chance of Conflict, Low Level of Scientific interest.)
[X] Your custom made cloak (+5 style, can be used to help conceal you identity)
[X] Deck of Zener Cards
You can literally Google Zener cards. They're a normal deck of cards used to test ESP for about a century IRL, though presumably Sumi has enchanted them. Likewise to her tablet, cloak, and the gun. They're basically just normal items that Sumi has worked on to give them mystical abilities. The Occult orbs are mystical objects that can be gathered from supernatural "hotspots" in the Outside World. Essentially, they're the crystalized essence of the supernatural gathered in a mundane environment where it no longer flows freely. We could gather these easily enough, but we'd have to physically travel to them. As a mitigating factor, the world of Raildex and especially Academy City is actually threaded through with mystic energies just under the surface, so it won't exactly be hard to travel to such places. The only item on the list we can't easily replicate through personal effort is Mokou's ribbon, because we don't know how she made it or what it does.

I don't know if they're actually special or not, it's why I asked. Orbs works for me then.

Occult Laser would get a High Level of Scientific interest, mostly due to the fact that it's made of literally unknown energy.

Edited, combat and rep stay the same? Works for me, would rather keep the "I can snap your neck as I wish" ability secret then "Kamehameha".
I don't know if they're actually special or not, it's why I asked. Orbs works for me then.

Edited, combat and rep stay the same? Works for me, would rather keep the "I can snap your neck as I wish" ability secret then "Kamehameha".
Feel free to tell me if I am wrong, but wouldn't other people's aim fields prevent us, if we were an ordinary esper, from simply snapping their neck?