A Certain Administrative Isekai (A Certain Mental Isekai / Sanctioned)

Hey, so... I finally caught up to a Certain Mental Isekai and I was surprised to find out Hokaze wasn't a level 5, since in one of Alivaril's first chapters, Misaki said anyone under level 5 didn't register as a person to QA. Was this an accident, @Alivaril?
I mean, character page in the spacebattles thread does say Hokaze is "Level 4, verging on Level 5" and this story is "unspecified period of time after the most recent ACMI update", so…
Given the at least two phrasing, I'm going to go with 'all of them are true'. Possibly with only technically.
I do wonder. QA has her pink text, does that mean she is broadcasting the underlying IFF/Data packets as usual? Did anyone notice an esper stuffing enough data in the form of an energy wave to vaporize a street that is ever so slightly out of phase with reality when talking? Will Last Order notice and tell her to stop being so loud? Does it all get shunted into the Imaginary Number District? Is the place now on fire from QA speaking too much?


Such as the 'the place is now on fire', is not directly because of QA speaking too much. Instead, she has given inspiration to some espers. Possibly to the point where they bumped up a Level.
Hey, so... I finally caught up to a Certain Mental Isekai and I was surprised to find out Hokaze wasn't a level 5, since in one of Alivaril's first chapters, Misaki said anyone under level 5 didn't register as a person to QA. Was this an accident, @Alivaril?
She's borderline Level 5 in ACMI, and she's actively working to reach Level 5 to be better able to protect her beloved Queen. Given that ACAI is set an unspecified time later (although the mention of flowers blooming in the very first chapter of ACAI bothers me, given that it's late September in ACMI), I gather that her neurological development and AIM field strength are comparable to a Level 5 at this point in ACAI, but she has yet to be formally recognized as a Level 5.
She's borderline Level 5 in ACMI, and she's actively working to reach Level 5 to be better able to protect her beloved Queen. Given that ACAI is set an unspecified time later (although the mention of flowers blooming in the very first chapter of ACAI bothers me, given that it's late September in ACMI), I gather that her neurological development and AIM field strength are comparable to a Level 5 at this point in ACAI, but she has yet to be formally recognized as a Level 5.
Wasn't there something like, she's on a Level 5 level in term of her actual field, but she can't actually reach the power because of the way her power works (electrifying her muscles and if she puts too much juice into it she hurts herself), so while she's a level 4 in practice as far as QA's detection is concerned she would be level 5.
Wasn't there something like, she's on a Level 5 level in term of her actual field, but she can't actually reach the power because of the way her power works (electrifying her muscles and if she puts too much juice into it she hurts herself), so while she's a level 4 in practice as far as QA's detection is concerned she would be level 5.
Yeah, it was mentioned in the story that using her ability at maximum power for longer than necessary is painful and strains her brain IIRC.

It used to be much worse, but both in ACMI and in canon Misaki reduced Junko's suffering and helped her gain permanent control over her own power, earning Junko's gratitude and devotion.
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I'm looking forward to QA running into the little sisters.

Will she copy their speech style as an effective method to encode the out of band data she's presumably transmitting into the audible range.

Will she emulate their communications protocol in order to feel more at home?

Will she suggest improvements, or think that they're cute or perhaps horrifying by way of a gestalt of non-persons that can act as a newborn?
Will she suggest improvements, or think that they're cute or perhaps horrifying by way of a gestalt of non-persons that can act as a newborn?
If I had to guess, she would suggest they start trying to branch out more since theyre currently the equivalent of a baby Entity that formed from all the Newborns of a single other Shard. All while cooing over how adorable they are.
Wasn't there something like, she's on a Level 5 level in term of her actual field, but she can't actually reach the power because of the way her power works (electrifying her muscles and if she puts too much juice into it she hurts herself), so while she's a level 4 in practice as far as QA's detection is concerned she would be level 5.
Close! Hokaze could technically break through to 5 pretty much whenever even in ACMeI canon, but believes that doing so would be "an exercise in self-harm" due to the aforementioned pain barrier. So she's largely been pursuing other methods of self-improvement instead, like martial arts, possible ways to alleviate that pain, or general alternate applications of her powers.

Hey, so... I finally caught up to a Certain Mental Isekai and I was surprised to find out Hokaze wasn't a level 5, since in one of Alivaril's first chapters, Misaki said anyone under level 5 didn't register as a person to QA. Was this an accident, @Alivaril?
I mean, character page in the spacebattles thread does say Hokaze is "Level 4, verging on Level 5" and this story is "unspecified period of time after the most recent ACMI update", so…
She's borderline Level 5 in ACMI, and she's actively working to reach Level 5 to be better able to protect her beloved Queen. Given that ACAI is set an unspecified time later (although the mention of flowers blooming in the very first chapter of ACAI bothers me, given that it's late September in ACMI), I gather that her neurological development and AIM field strength are comparable to a Level 5 at this point in ACAI, but she has yet to be formally recognized as a Level 5.

Hokaze is still classified as a 4 in ACAI:
You're safe now, okay? I'm a Level Four, Shirai is a Four, Misaki and Misaka are Fives,
...But yes, as far as QA is concerned, Hokaze feels like a person. Misaki picked her wording very carefully:
she doesn't see anyone with AIM field strength below a Level 5's as people.
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So pending a dramatic moment where she needs that power tp save some precious bakahou
Poor Hokaze; her hair will probably have gone completely grey by the time she graduates, because the stress of keeping her dearest blonde idiot alive, sane and happy is bound to take its toll.

I suspect that she wouldn't have it any other way, though.
Poor Hokaze; her hair will probably have gone completely grey by the time she graduates, because the stress of keeping her dearest blonde idiot alive, sane and happy is bound to take its toll.

I suspect that she wouldn't have it any other way, though.
consider: given her rates of regeneration she likely already has some means of bypassing cellular damage, and thus it is entirely possible that she would already be grey if the amazing power of rampage dress wasn't being used for minor hair-based conveniences
And while we are on topic of Hokaze's hair, she's going to have an easily explainable reason for her hair standing up when she'd go Super Science :V
So pending a dramatic moment where she needs that power tp save some precious bakahou
Hokaze doesn't have a problem with dramatic moments. Her power is really good at bursts. What she has a problem with is running it continuously throughout the day. Misaki notes it in the fanfic that most level 5s have their power working 24/7 - including even when they sleep. Mikoto and Accelerator have their passive defences, Misaki herself has a radar that would wake her up if anyone hostile shows up within her scan radius and so on.

Hokaze doesn't have that. Her power hurts her when in use. And using it for prolonged periods of time leads to pain and problems with concentration. She also doesn't have ex-nihilo energy/matter generation done for all parts of her power so when she needs a boost she literally burns parts of her own body.

Hokaze has a lot of power but her formulas and approach to using it are not refined enough. She either needs to find new formulas to patch the holes in her arsenal or to pivot into Gunha approach and use GUTS! to deal with all the problems.
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I understand retconing it for the purpose of this fic, but in one of the chapters of ACMI that has already been ported to SV, MiSaki brings up Taylor in her thoughts :V (the context is that it is far harder for her to see through the senses of bugs than it was for Taylor, due to a combination of needing to do it more manually, the bugs she has available having worse senses, and lacking infinite multitasking)
I understand retconing it for the purpose of this fic, but in one of the chapters of ACMI that has already been ported to SV, MiSaki brings up Taylor in her thoughts :V (the context is that it is far harder for her to see through the senses of bugs than it was for Taylor, due to a combination of needing to do it more manually, the bugs she has available having worse senses, and lacking infinite multitasking)
I'm aware, and indeed, it's already come up both here and in my snippet thread. :p
Good catch, but since that was just a throwaway, easily-overlooked joke, my current plan is to selectively ignore those references. I enjoy MiSakI's ongoing self-gaslighting about believing her pre-isekai memories have to be false, and also already have alternative plans for a fun (mis)interpretation of "Queen Administrator" should it ever come up.
I've been wondering where Akiyo will be staying, since Misaki and Hokaze stay in a pretty strict middle school dorm. Like, maybe they just force her in as a first year student at Tokiwadai, depending on how old she is. Pitch it to the director that she'll be level 5 in her first year.

If it's an unspecified number of weeks after current ACMI, though, Dolly 2.0 is probably in the picture. She may be the foremost expert in socializing tiny Misakis. She'd have an apartment with more lax rules if she's not in middle school too, probably.
I'm aware, and indeed, it's already come up both here and in my snippet thread. :p
Besides, how much of Worm would Misekai even remember, other than the general overview? Memories fade over time, and I doubt she was always able to store her memories and look them up later like a computer file.
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I'm looking forward to whenever Misaki describes the Dimentional Reader experiment to QA, because QA will either interpret the story as confirmation that Misaki is a Shard that thinks it's a human, or that will be the point that she realizes Misaki really isn't a shard. Either outcome will be a very fun scene.
I presume that QA will be stashed next to the elementary mercenary team to start with, as that only costs money.

Perhaps she'll hang out with Last Order; there's few places that are safer in Academy City.

Presumably she'd get registered and stuck in school; I wonder if she can carefully fudge a placement test and end up sharing classes with big sister? =)

Edit: Or perhaps she takes the test seriously and gets Kihara as her placement?
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Somehow, I had forgotten that I was best friends with a friendship-seeking missile. The Hokaze knows where she is at all times. She knows this because she knows where I'm not.
I'm still mystified by anyone who figured that video was a good idea. I mean, I understand the math behind it and it's the only reason it even starts to make sense. What is the point of an explanation when it only works if you know the material?
"and we will all talk about our problems instead of bottling them up while surrounded by friends who could help."

"…Or we could just go and use the shopping trip to distract us from our problems," I suggested brightly.

Hokaze was silent for several seconds. Then, she took a deep breath, muffled her mouth with my shoulder, and quietly screamed.
Harsh but fair.
I'm still mystified by anyone who figured that video was a good idea. I mean, I understand the math behind it and it's the only reason it even starts to make sense. What is the point of an explanation when it only works if you know the material?
The people reviewing it might have understood it, without realizing that it wasn't in layman's terms. Or the people making that educational program got some engineer/scientist/whoever to explain it that didn't really want to wast time on explaining it. And thus gave a functionally useless description.

That, or it was a joke that ended up getting taken seriously. (See also that one 'revolutionary fish AI' meme.)
Viewer Meme: Home Environment
Oh, by all means! Odds are that I'll even follow ACMI's example and Media-Threadmark a bunch of them.
Oh great! Okay, I don't have a ton made yet, but I do have this one lol

I love QA's smug, pampered cat vibe for these past few chapters 😆 The horrors from the Beyond are real, and they want headpats.
I love QA's smug, pampered cat vibe for these past few chapters 😆 The horrors from the Beyond are real, and they want headpats.
The fact that she's now the cutest Horror from Beyond (TM), directly competing with her newfound "big sister" in the cuteness department, also helps. A lot.

Granted, she also keeps unintentionally punching big sister and her friends in the trauma.
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