Jaune was fairly certain that his cabinet carcass was looking lopsided. It was subtle, and he'd had to tilt his head a little to confirm it, but it was clearly leaning to the right. Jaune was disappointed, but he was still human and even the skills for woodworking provided by the celestial forge so far were still within human range. This was unfortunate, but it was fine. He would scrap this attempt (or maybe he could find the problem and fix it) and try again. Jaune didn't need to finish this right away, he had time to get used to his new abilities. On the bright side, he noticed that he was once again generating energy to light more stars; it was odd, but just about as soon as he'd returned home and started working on the cabinet again the power building up had stopped altogether. The builder wasn't entirely certain what the difference was between then and now, but he was glad it was back to normal.
For now, Jaune decided to take a break and leave the rest of his cabinet for later. It was actually rather hard work to try and craft a cabinet. So as you might expect, the blond boy was tired. He stepped out from his closet and removed the key from the door. On his way downstairs he saw Goldenia studying something in her room, likely a botanical paper of some kind; they waved and smiled at one another as he passed by. Jaune wondered if she might like some greenhouses built in the backyard? The garden she and mom worked on all the time was already very nice on its own, but he figured she'd probably like the chance to grow some things year round. It was just a question as to if he should attempt it now, or maybe in the future when he'd have more knowledge and resources available to him. On the other hand, it occurred to him that if he tried to do too much, no matter his intentions, it might feel as if he were taking over her interest. Jaune didn't want that, so he would have to see what Goldenia would want.
Jaune soon found himself in the living room, unsure what to do. His sister Canary was in her room (hopefully) working on her summer schoolwork. His mom was in the kitchen preparing some things for dinner later tonight; he thought that maybe he should go and help her out, but then Jasmine, who was sitting down on one of the couches watching tv, called out to him.
"Jaune-y boy! Come here and sit with your sister," she said. Jasmine laughed when she saw the exasperation on Jaune's face, but smiled when he sat down anyway, "thanks! We haven't watched anything together in a long while, have we?"
It was true. It was rare that Jasmine had the time to visit home, and he hadn't seen her since the last holiday. Now, that actually wasn't that long ago since the people of Remnant often tried to keep morale up with frequent celebrations (it only made sense when the monsters beyond the borders were attracted to negative emotions), but still. And, as it was, it'd been much too long since they could enjoy a good bad movie.
"It would be nice to do that again . . . ah, I suppose I could tolerate you for a little while, Jasmine," Jaune grinned at his sister, "what are we watching, then?"
"Well, in light of your new powers, how about this sci-fi called Life From Dust? The ratings
really tanked, but I've heard it's great to laugh at," she said. "They've got ugly alien costumes and everything, it should be fun!"
"That sounds good to me," said Jaune as he sat down next to his sister. A bowl of popcorn stood on the cushion between them, and Jasmine switched the tv over to the video player from her soap opera. Jaune never was sure why she liked those, unironically, unlike the bad movies. Well, people just liked different things, no matter how strange it might seem to him.
The movie started up with a sequence of scenes showing a sort of slime monster appearing from an odd mix of different types of dust and industrial waste. As expected, the special effects and costumes on display so far looked rather silly, but at least it wasn't made with poorly rendered CGI. The monster went on to terrorize a city, clearly modeled after Vale but left unnamed.
"So, I guess that was more of a monster movie and not a sci-fi, but it was still good, right?" asked Jasmine. She'd certainly enjoyed it, and wondered if maybe Jaune would be able to create creatures like that someday.
"Oh yeah, it was a lot of fun," said Jaune. One difference he'd noticed in watching movies like that was that he could recognize how they'd created the scene through the set they'd built. Obviously this would be less noticeable in different media with a higher budget, but how would the celestial forge change his experience with entertainment in general?
"What'd you think of the monster, Jaune?" asked Jasmine. Earlier when Jaune had explained everything, he'd mentioned that one of the constellations had to do with helpers, and although like with everything else he didn't know how it would work, it seemed that the forge would pull these helpers from . . . somewhere, or maybe create them on its own. That was extraordinary, and frightening. New life, or old lives taken away, potentially alien life at that, that wasn't something the forge should have control over. It wasn't right, right?
"I thought it was cool," said Jaune, "it wasn't scary, though, and the plot line with the other . . . girly slime monster? Wasn't done very well, but it was still neat. Oh wait, do you mean like, could I make a monster like that or something? Not right now, of course. Uh, wait for a moment, please."
Stars spun, and they settled on the knowledge of abilities and skills. A selection was made, and Jaune's mind . . . shifted. His train of thought simply stopped, as he suddenly had to process an entirely new way of thinking. It was as if he could see the threads between every thing he'd ever learned. Everything he knew was in a single context called life, and every part of it was based on basic foundations. All knowledge fit together, and proved its own truth, when tested against itself.
A large part of his knowledge was solidified in a way it'd never been before; like his understanding of mechanics. His science classes had gone over things like that before, and sure he'd learned a bit about it all, but none of it had quite clicked until this new perk was unlocked (well, it was probably also supplemented by his very first star, actually). It didn't change his memories in any way, instead his understanding was derived from experiences all throughout his life and it was easily understood now, if not quantified by specific formulae. This was applied to
everything he had even the barest understanding of, and the more he knew the better.
He looked over at Jasmine, and he recognized apprehension. It was subtle, something he'd not even noticed before, but of course it was there. Jasmine liked to put up a strong front, but she was the type to worry. Like earlier, when she refused to let Jaune leave the hole in the ground. What could it be from? She probably thought of the assistants he might obtain in the future, or how he might be able to create life himself, possibly. He didn't know for certain what he would be able to do either.
"You know you get a really dumb look on your face when that happens, Jaune?" she asked. Jaune sputtered in exaggerated offense; and here he was, being considerate of her concerns! "Here Jaune, it looks like this," and with that, her face went slack, her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth, her eyes glazed over and she groaned like a zombie.
"Hey! I don't look like that," whined Jaune. "I obviously look much more elegant than that. Don't you know I'm an Adonis, now?" He stuck his nose up in the air. Jasmine laughed and shook her head.
"Yeah, sure Jaune," said Jasmine. Jaune let go of his pose and laughed as well. He'd been worried for a moment there, because he'd had these odd impressions of what she might do next, but he certainly didn't expect her gag. Jaune didn't want for the people in his life to become too predictable.
"So, like I said earlier, I can't make a monster like from the movie," said Jaune. Jasmine nodded, clearly serious once again as well, "but, I probably could in the future. I couldn't tell you how. I think that if or when I can, I need to be . . . very careful about it. And, careful about the whole assistant category in general. I don't know what to tell you, though: will they be sentient, like us? Will they be unthinking like a program, or simple like an animal? I don't know. Though, it'd probably be for the best if I treated most of those things as if they were as intelligent as us."
"I guess we'll have to deal with it when it comes up," said Jasmine. It wasn't really something she should be worrying about at this point anyway. The idea had only come up because of some of the themes that the movie had tried to convey, but it was still interesting to consider. She decided to change the topic, "so, Jaune, you still want to be a huntsman, right?"
He thought about it for a moment. It wasn't so clear, for Jaune, to understand what he really wanted. For a long time it was the thing he had to do, it felt like the purpose his life was leading up to. Yet, it was with reluctance and half-hearted measures that he'd tried to learn. He put off training, he gave up when it became too difficult, and he eagerly jumped into other activities when he finished up for the day. It wasn't his passion, but the problem was that he didn't seem to have
any passion. Not really, anyway.
But now he had the celestial forge! It was like a gift from the Brothers. A gift. He didn't put in the effort to earn this . . . wouldn't it have been for the better if an accomplished and motivated huntsman or huntress had the forge instead? He thought that he owed it to his family, to society, even, that he kept up his efforts to become a huntsman. The Kingdom of Vale still needed defenders from the hordes of grimm. The hard work would be good for him. It would be a challenge to advance his creations with the forge, and to also train himself as a hunter, but it would be worth it.
"Yes, I still want to be a huntsman. To be honest, though . . . I'm not really sure what to do. I'm not combat capable, yet, so I probably can't pass the entrance exam. Um, originally, I planned to pay somebody to forge the documents for me, and get in that way," Jaune said. He figured he might as well tell her; it was obvious to her anyway that he wasn't ready, as her comment that morning indicated.
"Of course you did, Jaune," she sighed. Jasmine was glad he had the forge now, and that he'd told her; there was a big possibility that he would have died in the exam itself. It'd happened in the past. "Alright, so, I won't be letting you go to Beacon without knowing you can handle it! Because of that, I'm going to train you, and there's no time better than the present, right? Get up!"
Jaune was surprised by this sudden command, and also by the stars spinning once again. The charge had snuck up on him while he was distracted. The last time he'd expended his full power, and now he only had one part of energy to spend on the knowledge of intelligence. He did so, and suddenly his memories appeared sharper, not perfect, but much more distinct. Memories and moments of time flashed by his mind's eye as he considered this new change, and even as he thought of simple things his mind brought up related knowledge mostly unconnected to his actual experiences. He remembered the times he'd watched Jasmine train with their parents, and practically simultaneously thought of the fighting forms his parents had taught him in turn. These two stars synced really well, it turned out.
"Okay, Jasmine, I'll train with you, then," said Jaune. He smiled, and he stood up. He'd probably regret this later.
6th -Educated guess (Factorio) (200CP)
Your subconscious mind works overtime to sort and fact-check everything you know, granting you a sort of poor man's precognition. In the field, your hunches are uncanny in their accuracy (but knowing false information can return wrong answers.) In the laboratory, this vastly speeds up your work as you quickly identify problems, test for the right thing the first time, and are directed to asking the right questions to find the best solutions. The more you know about a subject, the more this perk helps you. (Knowledge: Abilities and Skills {16})
7th Librarian (Smash Up-Obligatory Cthulhu Supplement) (100CP)
You have a phenomenal memory and organizational skill, and a real gift for research. It's a rare day indeed where you can't find the information you need, or at least narrow it down to a single rare book. (Knowledge: Intelligence {17})
AN: Sorry for the wait in updating, let me know what you think!