A Cause (Maybe) Worth Fighting For! SV Commands A GLA Cell IC Thread


Really in the mood for ribs.
The GLA is dead.
In the 1990's, the warlord known as General Mohmar 'Deathstrike' unleashed a plan to set the United States, China, Russia and the European Union in conflict with each other, using proxies and covertly supporting corrupt officials. It culminated in a war between the forces of Russia and NATO against the People's Republic Of China over extensive oil, mineral and gold fields in Siberia.

The GLA was found out. Their strongholds were attacked and destroyed, their supporters crushed, and much of their covert infrastructure annihilated. The world breathed a sigh of relief and went about their seperate ways and own business.

It was during this time that a ring was found in the deserts of Egypt, sparking a hidden conflict that has opened a new frontier to the United States, still unbeknownst to the rest of the world. And you.

You, six people chosen by ROB, have the unenviable and undesirable task of rebuilding a terrorist organization, fulfilling the demands of ROB, and hopefully getting enough money to live out a comfortable and wealthy life once you return.

As it stands, you have problems. A Cartel of conglomerate chiefs, drug lords, and rogue military officers ensnared the GLA through deals with Deathstrike, drawing him into their inner circle before abandoning him. More than that, the rumours coming from reliable sources of the United States actually having access to alien technology are proving distressingly true.

The GLA needs you, and you need the GLA! Now is the time!

Master Data Sheet: Page 1
Page 1: General Information
Money: 58,317
Supplies (SP): 4384
Industrial Output Units (IOU): 1810
Research Points (RP): 900

-Defeat the Cartel
-Secure a Stargate.
-Acquire a minimum of ten-million in your numbered Zurich bank account.

Swiss Bank Account Balance:
$16,067 of $10,000,000 minimum

Base Location: Georgia, near the Chechen border.
Base Setup: A scattering of former Soviet Union military bases and abandoned villages in the mountains.

Active Infrastructure:
-Mobile Command Truck (Provides early warning, necessary to call in Support Powers.)
-Hideout (Tunnel Network Entrance, Unlocks Observation Vans, Hires Workers)
-Supply Stash (Income Collector)
-Barracks (Trains Infantry, Tunnel Network Entrance)
-Workshop (+300 IOU)
-Pitiful Laboratory (+200 RP)
-Fortified PMC Headquarters (4x Dushka Nests, Tunnel Network Entrance.)

Special Assets:
-Wild Hunt PMC: +$2000 per week in security contracts.

Active Forces:
-12x Workers (Provides $630 and 55SP per week, per worker through various labor works. They now complain about having to haul heavy carts full of supplies.)
-7x Rebel Squad (13 men, 500 Firepower. AK-model Assault Rifles, Molotov Cocktails, AK w/ ACOG Sight, Scoped J-14 Sniper Rifle, Combat Medic.)
-4x Tunnel Defender Team (6 Men, 730 Firepower. 'Hornet' Stinger Missile Launchers, Scoped J-14 Sniper Rifle, Combat Medic. Doubles Firepower against Aircraft and Vehicle opposition.)
-3x Crows (1 Person, 100 Firepower. Pistol, Knife, Radio, Laptop)

Active Production:

Active Research:
-Jihad Air: 300/3000
-Jihad Blogging: 300/1300
-Vehicle Assembly: 300/1000

Local Intelligence:
-Michael Jenkins is a former SEAL who has killed Osama Bin Laden, killed a lot of terrorists, saved a lot of people, and has a lot of money. And he's now in charge of the Keldara.

Foreign Intelligence:
-Terrorist groups across the planet have been raided by American Special Forces. Thankfully you are too small to be noticed.​
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Master Data Sheet: Page 2
Page 2: Income, Research And Production
-Money: +6,067
-Supplies: +336
-Industrial Output: +400
-Research Points: +250

Available Research:
-Legacy Of The GLA: Thrax (Will be locked if another Legacy is taken.) 2000RP
-Legacy Of The GLA: Juhziz (Will be locked if another Legacy is taken.) 2000RP
-Legacy Of The GLA: Kassad (Will be locked if another Legacy is taken.) 2000RP
-Legacy Of The GLA: Deathstrike (Will be locked if another Legacy is taken.) 2000RP

Unlocked Technology:
-'Hornet' Stinger Missile System
-'Djinn' Hellcannon
-'Jihadi-14' Sniper Rifle

Available Construction:
-Dushka Nest: $700
-Demo Trap Field: $4000
-Tunnel Network Entrance: $800

Production Lists:
-Rebel Squad: $680 [320 SP/330 IOU]
-Tunnel Defender Team: $500 [125 SP/125 IOU]
-Crow: $500 [350 SP/150 IOU]
-'Djinn' Hellcannon Battery: $2000 [600 IOU/800 SP]

-No Means Of Production.

-No means of production.​
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Master Data Sheet: Page 3
Page Three: International, Local Intelligence and Military Operations
Local Intelligence:

-Michael Jenkins is an ex-SEAL who was responsible for killing Osama Bin Laden and starting the US-Iran War after saving a number of college students from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. He is clearly settling in for a permanent stay, purchasing large amounts of farming and construction equipment.

-The Chechens are angry at the raids conducted by us against their operations. Expect a possibility of Chechen counter-raids.

-The death of Military Police has not gone unnoticed. There will be a greater risk of police retaliation if we are not careful, and military intervention if we prove too powerful.

-Word has come of a major shipment of girls and boys for sale as sex slaves. They will be moved through Georgia this week. We are looking at hundreds of children and young teenagers moving close to our territory.

International Intelligence:

-It has been confirmed that Al-Qaeda has fractured into various splinter groups. Each are dangerous, but localized to a particular region.

Available Targets:
-Chechen Supply Dumps [5]
-Grad Theft Auto
-Chechen Slave Convoy

Active Combat Zones/Combatants:
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Week 1, January 1999
The air in Georgia is cold, crisp and relatively free of the normal stink of modern cities. Here, safely hidden in the remote mountains, supported by a few local towns who recognize the justice in your cause, you are ready to bring the GLA back from the dead.

User Name: Generic_Generica
User Name: Lilithium
User Name: DaLintyGuy

You all come together to discuss your plans for this first week. There's a lot to be done, and you will always be at risk, but here and now is your chance to make something of yourself.

Even if you do have to walk on the dark side.
From my position on the porch of what had once been a church, I watched the sun set behind the mountains. What a pickle we had in hand... We would have to put in some work to be able to create throwable petroleum jars (which, to be fair, was somewhat harder than might be thought due to safety concerns). We had no domestic production... Of anything, really. And military forces were already in the neighborhood.
...Well, complaining was going to do nothing about things.

One thing about sitting in the open, though, was that I couldn't wear my 'uniform'. A pity, really. It looked appropriately flashy, and made me feel important.

-Production 1: Recruit three Rebel Squads. "Having a lot of help makes the work easier. Even when they just... Loom ominously, in the background."
-Production 2: Increase our IOU income. Possibly the simplest way to do so is to set up a subterranean workshop based around using drop forges and dies for higher throughput, with delicate work done in a separate room by artisanal workers. "Import economies are bad for business. Ergo, we need to make our own Stuff. Simple enough in concept, and at this stage, not too difficult to increase our abilities to do so."
-Production 3: A 'research facility'.
-Military: Set up a standardized training regimen. Basic calisthenics, group cohesion and discipline, things necessary in a successful fighting force. "Professional soldiers need a basic level of fitness, and have certain bad habits... Expunged. Otherwise they are mere warriors, and sometimes ineffective ones at that."
-Social: Form a properly licensed PMC group that we can have our Rebels moonlight as members of. Contracts will bring in money, and divert suspicion away from us (the GLA remnants) in lieu of direct evidence of our existence.
-Covert: Contact groups that have spare, probably Cold War era equipment and machines taking up space, and offer to... Provide a solution to that problem. Over time, of course, and with cash.
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"Well." I exhaled. "Shit."

I took a moment to consider how fucked this whole thing was. Took a moment to consider how ROB'd fucked us all. Man ROB was a bastard. Bastard's bastard. Mmph. Then I turned to gaze at my compatriots as a more pertinent question came to mind.

"Wait, are we the bad guys? No of course we've got to be the bad guys."

Anyways. No production, no line of bodies that I could tell, our research department was kinda not a research department and there were military forces in the area.

This is going to be an uphill slog.

Well, nothing left but to get to it.

- Covert 1: Set up a way to monitor major news channels and minor news channels at all times. Focus on local news channels first. Newspapers, blogs, the works. Look at what the talking heads are saying, then compare that to what another bunch of talking heads are saying, then compare that to another bunch of talking heads until a solid viewpoint's been established while trying to cut through all the propaganda. It's important to keep an eye on what's happening around us, locally and internationally.
- Covert 2: Contacts, contacts, contacts. Drunks, orphans and beggers. We need to make contact with all of the people lurking in the seedy dregs of society, try to establish connections with the seedy underbelly of society. Gangs and thieves. It's amazing what the neglected poor and homeless can pick up after all.
- Covert 3: Scout the surrounding villages for targets to raid. Convoys, or civilian contractors, or factories. Maybe there're junkyards we can raid, or defunct facilities we can loot for parts and supplies. Figure out which places we can hit and when to hit them and where not to hit. Walking dick-first into a fortified military base? Bad idea.
- Social: Make some public inquiries as to why Michael Jenkins has purchased a caravanserai near a local valley called 'The Valley Of The Kildar'. See what the public story is and if it matches up to what's actually happening.
- Military: Drawing another blank, will edit later.
- Production: Continuing to draw a blank, will edit later.
"Huzzah!" Was the scream that permeated the Church, wide and broken down double doors kicked open by one of our many, many gun toting goons. The man responsible for the sudden act of violence stepped to the side, weapons holstered as four more of his compatriots entered, light streaming from behind them and shoulders burdened with the feet of a rather fancy and polished looking chair.

With one final cry of "Huzzah!" the chair was gently set down upon the ruined aisle, and with a dismissive wave from the chair's occupant, the five goons snapped a sloppy salute and exited the church in single file.

Sitting cross-legged and with a box of pocky in her hand, Brenna's expression could only be described as extremely satisfied. No wonder the nobility of old had palanquin rides! Of course, a single chair wasn't exactly a palanquin, but she made do with she had, and now that she'd had her fun, it was time to get to work.

Military Actions:
[X] Assist Prins Eugine in coming up with a Standard Training Regimen.
[X] Drill the Troops.
[X] Drill them some more!

Design Actions:
[X] N/A

Production Actions:
[X] Shoes for the Workers!

Intrigue Actions:
[X] Pay some of the locals for information on Michael Jenkins.
In a squeaky, broken, and duct taped wheeled chair sat a figure cloaked in darkness, their hands illuminated only by the flickering candle on the desk. The joints of the chair constantly jammed and squeaked as they rolled across the dulled carpet, crumbs and pebbles making their way into the mechanisms. Filth encrusted the windows, allowing only the smallest amount of light to pour through the cracks of the tattered blinds. The walls were a nice shade of gray, the walls chipped and flaking.

The figure in the chair leaned back, dust sliding from the brim of their black hat as they rested heavy boots onto the splintered desk, most likely older than they were.

Gloved hands flicked through different documents and papers, eyes unseen beneath the mask darting from word to word. It would seem that things were fairly quiet as of now. Anticipation was building, the crowd was seated and muttering quietly to their neighbors. For some, the play would be as an old friend, greeted after many years of silence. For others, the play would bring new light into their life, a new hope amongst a dreary world of normalcy.

They couldn't let boredom slip into the audience! They would have to act quickly.

Minutes passed, and the mysterious individual tilted their head to the side, popping joints and shaking dust from their shoulders. As they set the packet of documents back onto the desk, they let a long sigh exit their lips, fogging the bottom of their mirrored mask. The mask seemed to be the only pristine item on them, it's blank visage glowing like freshly forged steel from the flickering flame. They slid their knee high boots from the desk, and pushed themselves up with a huff, a long trench coat lifting from the chair like curtains drawn from the stage.

The show would soon begin, and they would need more crew.

-Social: Offer services/manpower to nearby settlements and villages in exchange for supplies and funds. Good PR may come of this, and with it, a boost in recruitment.
-Social: Begin our web of informants and communication. We need the underbelly and overbelly of every town near us on our payroll. Eventually, we don't want as much as a fly to buzz by us without knowing.
-Social: Browse the news, the sites, the internet. Rumors, theories, we need it all. What's going on in the world? How does that relate to us?
-Research: Research better forms of communication, diplomacy, negotiations, and overall, how to better present ourselves to the public and even other organizations. We need that good PR.
-Design: Help one of the other's with their designs.
-Production: Start making some actual foot wear for out men so that they can work better. If we treat our minion- I mean- trusted allies with respect, we'lol probably have less of a chance to get back stabbed. Probably. Don't quote me on that.
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-Social: Form a properly licensed PMC group that we can have our Rebels moonlight as members of. Contracts will bring in money, and divert suspicion away from us (the GLA remnants) in lieu of direct evidence of our existence.

It's dry boring work but I know this may be the single most important thing that we do. We can not fight the entire world yet, we need time to grow strong and this is our cover hidden in plain sight. It is a risky plan but we can't stop information from getting out all we can do is make sure it is meaningless information.


-Military: Set up a standardized training regimen. Basic calisthenics, group cohesion and discipline, things necessary in a successful fighting force. "Professional soldiers need a basic level of fitness, and have certain bad habits... Expunged. Otherwise they are mere warriors, and sometimes ineffective ones at that."

One hell of a binder. It must be 20 pounds, but almost every military on earth has there training programs as digital documents that one way or another end up online and easy to access, normally for the soldiers to study. Gathering them up in mass and organizing them by basis of what they are covering is easy. Highlighting them in order of importance by what they seem to have done best that is much harder. However we will not fail for not having done our homework and gaining every advantage we can from it.

-Molotov Cocktails 50 RP

I sigh, I honestly am stunned in disbelief that I have to write a training manual on this. However I understand why I am doing it, civil unrest is at an all time high in some places, if we can exacerbate it we may be able to gain a foot hold. This allows us to have people acting plain clothes and doing more damage and hidden by protest and crowds. Fuck it, lets write a training manual more than "Throw it".

Spy Unit"
Further down that line of thought if we are going to capitalize on civil unrest we could use people focused on doing exactly that. There training should include more hand to hand and pistols than most soldiers because there job is to blend in with civilians and gain information or operate within civil unrest and help rouse the people into a greater fight. Training them in social skills to manipulate more people into joining and leading those people in more effective rebellion. We might as well make a dedicated unit and training program then just retraining our guys after paying to train them.


-Production 3: A 'research facility'.

I pick up the hammer not because I am particularly skilled or useful here but because it is good for morale to be seen working with the men and willing to get my hands dirty at times. More importantly though no one wants to be seen slacking off or doing sloppy work around me. My presence will get this done faster, if only because they would rather not have to be on there best behavior because I am watching. As well who knows maybe I am a decent carpenter.

- Covert 1: Set up a way to monitor major news channels and minor news channels at all times. Focus on local news channels first. Newspapers, blogs, the works. Look at what the talking heads are saying, then compare that to what another bunch of talking heads are saying, then compare that to another bunch of talking heads until a solid viewpoint's been established while trying to cut through all the propaganda. It's important to keep an eye on what's happening around us, locally and internationally.

I have my support behind these efforts and if we can finish a training program for spies we may have some assist with this, for now I simply make sure our spy master has the help I can spare, in coffee and man power.
-Molotov Cocktails 50 RP

I sigh, I honestly am stunned in disbelief that I have to write a training manual on this. However I understand why I am doing it, civil unrest is at an all time high in some places, if we can exacerbate it we may be able to gain a foot hold. This allows us to have people acting plain clothes and doing more damage and hidden by protest and crowds. Fuck it, lets write a training manual more than "Throw it".
"It's not just how to use them. It's also how to make the cursed things; so they break consistently, can be lit easily and safely, ignite reliably... All the things you want from a bottle of flame."
Newly minted Head of Research chews on her pencil in contemplation.

Well. She's in a situation, all right. One that elicits a perculiar reaction best summed up, in the literary tradition of overcomplicating causation-effects in the viscera and electricity that comprises Humanity, with a metaph- simil- an expression.

What was the Western expression again? Ah, yes - like a diabetic American in a high fructose candy manufacturing plant.

A very shitty sweatshop of a plant barely able to affords a dozen child laborers, maybe, but a plant nonetheless -her's.


Research: Jihad Air (3000 RP) begin preliminary research into Jihad Air with the goal of getting a discount toward final research cost. Consider alternatives: one use aircraft, glider, kite, trebuchet?

Notes down idea on (plausibly fictional) "Soviet mancannon"

Research: Focus entirety of Research effort on pervious topics. Secondary topics include: payload delivery, asset delivery, personnel delivery. Personnel raining in corpse gibbets okay for damaging enemy morale? Looks into further.

Design: Doodles and brainstorm names for planes. Deathhead Airlines probably taken by some midlife crisis garage rock band. ( no action )

Design: Maybe, maybe, combine Rebel Squad with Demo Trap Field? A portable minelayer could be good antiarmor - look into plausibly fictional Soviet flak trooper armed with mines.

Production: I'd really like more help around the base. Get coffee, back massage, target practice - that sorta thing. Is there a way to recruit more Workers? Propaganda Officer, get on this!

Covert: Pirate some RTS games for idea.
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-Production 1: Recruit three Rebel Squads. "Having a lot of help makes the work easier. Even when they just... Loom ominously, in the background."

Production Complete: -960SP, -990IOU

Recruitment is brisk and quick, and you quickly equip 36 new Rebel fighters eager and ready to fight and die for the cause.

(+3 Rebel Squads)

-Production 2: Increase our IOU income. Possibly the simplest way to do so is to set up a subterranean workshop based around using drop forges and dies for higher throughput, with delicate work done in a separate room by artisanal workers. "Import economies are bad for business. Ergo, we need to make our own Stuff. Simple enough in concept, and at this stage, not too difficult to increase our abilities to do so."

Construction Complete: -$2000

The new workshop facility is nothing like the factories that are used by the West and the East to build their armies, but here it is possible to manufacture guns, bullets, rockets and perhaps more advanced munitions with time, investment, and research.

(New Infrastructure established: Workshop)
(+300 IOU)

-Production 3: A 'research facility'.

Construction Complete: -$2500

Modern research facilities have supercomputers, internet links to other researchers, libraries of established information to call upon, and people trained to research a variety of topics, educated at some of the finest universities and institutes across the world.

You have laptops and home-made PC's built with mail-order parts, an internet connection created by piggybacking off some communication satellites, homemade shelves stocked with scientific journals that are ten years out of date, some clever local children who are also being schooled in your lab, and a giggling woman called Selene Pitioss who smiles just a touch too wide for most people.

(New Infrastructure Established: Pitiful Laboratory)
(+200 RP)

-Military: Set up a standardized training regimen. Basic calisthenics, group cohesion and discipline, things necessary in a successful fighting force. "Professional soldiers need a basic level of fitness, and have certain bad habits... Expunged. Otherwise they are mere warriors, and sometimes ineffective ones at that."

Result: Major Success!

It is time for those who fight for the GLA to lose the brutishness and lacking intelligence that made them so easily brought down by Western forces despite their faith and fury.

You immediately draft a standardized training regimen covering all aspects of basic fitness, teamwork and battlefield discipline; especially discipline as too often it was the fault of over-eager fighters or cowards that resulted in proper battleplans being ruined at critical moments.

You make it clear that this is how all GLA troops will be trained from now on.

(GLA Infantry now have better morale and battlefield skill.)

-Social: Form a properly licensed PMC group that we can have our Rebels moonlight as members of. Contracts will bring in money, and divert suspicion away from us (the GLA remnants) in lieu of direct evidence of our existence.

Result: Major Success!

You get lucky and manage to get an in with the necessary authorities, cutting the red tape quickly and quietly, allowing you to establish your PMC 'Wild Hunt' and officially headquarter it at one of the more intact Cold War-era bases left to rot out here.

You should start to get security contracts soon. Though you might want to clean up the men a little.

(PMC 'Wild Hunt' formed: +2000 every week.)

-Covert: Contact groups that have spare, probably Cold War era equipment and machines taking up space, and offer to... Provide a solution to that problem. Over time, of course, and with cash.

Result: Minor Success

While your credentials get you past the door, you aren't that important or powerful enough to take a risk making available some of the more valuable stock.

Even so, a dealer offers you a line on some Abrams Tanks. Turns out, ever since the US Army released their Schwarzkopf and Paladin tanks, everyone's adapted to kill those and that made the Abrams obsolete. In fact, the US has hundreds of these tanks just waiting to be scrapped that they'd rather make a profit off but everyone knows how to kill them so they don't even sell well on the black market.

Only a desperate group would even think about taking old junkers like the M1A4 Abrams off his hands, people who had no other choice when it came to armoured firepower.

So...you interested?
- Covert 1: Set up a way to monitor major news channels and minor news channels at all times. Focus on local news channels first. Newspapers, blogs, the works. Look at what the talking heads are saying, then compare that to what another bunch of talking heads are saying, then compare that to another bunch of talking heads until a solid viewpoint's been established while trying to cut through all the propaganda. It's important to keep an eye on what's happening around us, locally and internationally.

Result: Failure

Signal strength in the mountains sucks and you're lucky to have internet access. The remote location also makes it difficult to impossible to get the latest newspapers and forget about international papers unless you go all the way to Tblisi to buy them.

Hopefully you can fix this with expanded networks and getting your hands on some satellite dishes.

- Covert 2: Contacts, contacts, contacts. Drunks, orphans and beggers. We need to make contact with all of the people lurking in the seedy dregs of society, try to establish connections with the seedy underbelly of society. Gangs and thieves. It's amazing what the neglected poor and homeless can pick up after all.

Result: Critical Success!

You form a network of contacts and informants from the surrounding villages, farms and towns. Since the Chechens were hammered by the Russians and with the Georgian government in a friendly relationship with the United States who provide surplus equipment, the former Muslim seperatists have gone on to the slave and drug trade, raiding farms for form while also buying or kidnapping girls to sell at Eagle Market, the largest underground black market in Eastern Europe.

Now, with you making your own connections, you should be able to get a better idea of local events.

(Local Intelligence is improved.)
(You will now have random opportunities to raid Chechen and other criminal/terrorist trade convoys and mule trains for money, drugs, supplies and recruits, albeit mostly in the form of young girls stolen for the sex trade.)

- Covert 3: Scout the surrounding villages for targets to raid. Convoys, or civilian contractors, or factories. Maybe there're junkyards we can raid, or defunct facilities we can loot for parts and supplies. Figure out which places we can hit and when to hit them and where not to hit. Walking dick-first into a fortified military base? Bad idea.

Result: Major Success!

You hit the jackpot and locate what appears to be an old Soviet boneyard for armored vehicles. Discounting the ones that will have to be melted for scrap, there are several hundred vehicles here, close to one-thousand in all, consisting of T-55's, T-64's and a number of T-72's, all stripped for parts but otherwise completely serviceable.

This is the good news, along with finding the location of Chechen supply dumps that are used to hold drugs, guns and on occasion girls. These places will be a treasure trove of resalable narcotics, actual cash and gold, weapons and ammo, and if you can't recruit the girls, you could probably ransom them off, though it may also be that many of these girls were sold by their families in order to supplement the poor income potential around here.

(You have found an abandoned military boneyard. Research a way to repair and assemble vehicles to make use of this bounty.)
(You have a potential raid target: Chechen Supply Dumps [5]. When the number drops to zero, you will have raided them all.)
(Master Data Sheet Page 3 updated!)

- Social: Make some public inquiries as to why Michael Jenkins has purchased a caravanserai near a local valley called 'The Valley Of The Kildar'. See what the public story is and if it matches up to what's actually happening.

Result: Success!

Unsurprisingly, it's the local pimp who has the latest gossip. Jenkins apparently swept into town with that snowstorm last week in the final days of December, the big one that had everyone huddling around fires for several hours straight while taking turns sealing up windows to keep out the cold and snow.

Well, apparently he became interested in an old, abandoned caravanserai that has been around since the days of the Byzantine Empire and wanted to rent it. Apparently, it couldn't be rented it had to be purchased, along with the valley it was in, along with a community of regional legends, the Keldara.

From what the local pimp and a few judicious bribes to the local police chief can reveal, Michael Jenkins apparently is a person who has been looking for a very private, out of the way place where he can live out his life and off his very plush bank accounts. This man has a numbered account in Zurich, with the same bank that has everyone's private accounts for their personal slush funds, and that means he's likely to be someone very dangerous; people rich enough to have a numbered account with UBS AG like you do is likely to be very clever, and they could discover your operations.

Well, they could discover them if they also had access to a private army and while the Keldara are local legends for their martial prowess, you have little to fear from a tiny farming village that only has five bolt-action rifles and otherwise still uses swords and axes for god's sake.

And really, it just seems like this Michael Jenkins is cleaning out the caravanserai to become a livable home.
Military Actions:
[X] Assist Prins Eugine in coming up with a Standard Training Regimen.
[X] Drill the Troops.
[X] Drill them some more!

Result: Auto-Success

You kept them busy for the week, ensuring that the troops don't cause trouble for the locals.

(Infantry fitness improved. There's no other benefits really.)

Production Actions:
[X] Shoes for the Workers!

Upgrade Complete: -$250

Shoes! Home-made cloth shoes with hard wooden soles and some more cloth for padding. Productivity goes up since with shoes and no longer having to walk barefoot on cold, rocky paths, they can carry more stuff and make more money!

You can't help but think there should be more to do for them

(Workers will now have shoes from now on! They all proceed to cry and rejoice until whipped back to work.)
(+25% Money and Supplies from Workers)
(There might be a way to upgrade the workers further...)

Intrigue Actions:
[X] Pay some of the locals for information on Michael Jenkins.

Result: Auto-Failure.

The Spymaster already discovered all there is to know.
-Social: Offer services/manpower to nearby settlements and villages in exchange for supplies and funds. Good PR may come of this, and with it, a boost in recruitment.

Result: Critical Failure

Some young buck rats you out to the Georgians! Thankfully he doesn't know that you are a GLA remnant, but he knows enough that a Georgian Military Police unit is going to arrive next week!

(Mandatory Military Encounter: 1 Rebel Squad to eliminate Georgian Police. If you have no forces, you will be attacked directly!)

-Social: Begin our web of informants and communication. We need the underbelly and overbelly of every town near us on our payroll. Eventually, we don't want as much as a fly to buzz by us without knowing.

Result: Major Success!

You begin your networking, forming a web of local informants and securing links via the most common form of moneymaking in this country's backwater regions. Prostitutes and their pimps form the backbone of your new network, and you pay appropriate attention to securing line of information feeding from the town near the Valley Of The Kildar just in case Michael Jenkins decides to 'sample' the local flavor.

More importantly, you manage to get eyes and ears inside Tbilisi, which will allow you to keep an eye on the American and Russian embassies.

(Local Intelligence greatly improved.)

-Social: Browse the news, the sites, the internet. Rumors, theories, we need it all. What's going on in the world? How does that relate to us?

Result: Success!

There's not much but what you do manage to sift out is useful; the United States has finished up it's war with Iran over kidnapped college girls, rumors of some kind of new NATO taskforce forming, and Sydney is believed to be the pic for the 2000 Olympics.

(International Intelligence improved.)

-Research: Research better forms of communication, diplomacy, negotiations, and overall, how to better present ourselves to the public and even other organizations. We need that good PR.

New Research Unlocked: Jihad Blogging (1300 RP)

There's a new revolution occurring on the internet; live-updated internet diaries or 'blogs' which are used to share opinions, ideas and experiences. If the GLA can tap into this new means of communication, it may allow for a spread of the GLA's views on Western neo-imperialism and the marginalization of the common people.

-Design: Help one of the other's with their designs.

Result: Auto-Success

-Production: Start making some actual foot wear for out men so that they can work better. If we treat our minion- I mean- trusted allies with respect, we'lol probably have less of a chance to get back stabbed. Probably. Don't quote me on that.

The Workers already have shoes now.

Result: Auto-Success

Bonus applied.

-Molotov Cocktails 50 RP

I sigh, I honestly am stunned in disbelief that I have to write a training manual on this. However I understand why I am doing it, civil unrest is at an all time high in some places, if we can exacerbate it we may be able to gain a foot hold. This allows us to have people acting plain clothes and doing more damage and hidden by protest and crowds. Fuck it, lets write a training manual more than "Throw it".

Research Complete: -50 RP

As it turns out, there is a fine art and science to molotov cocktails. If the bottle is too thick, the glass won't break, there are considerations on the length of the rag and how much fuel should be soaked into it, alternate methods of ignition, it's actually quite involved and complicated.

Eventually, you develop a generic-looking but appropriately thin bottle that uses a home-made flare to ignite the fuel mixture more reliably than a burning rag and with the added advantage of some night-signalling and illumination capabilities.

(Rebel Squads upgraded with Molotov Cocktails.)

Spy Unit"
Further down that line of thought if we are going to capitalize on civil unrest we could use people focused on doing exactly that. There training should include more hand to hand and pistols than most soldiers because there job is to blend in with civilians and gain information or operate within civil unrest and help rouse the people into a greater fight. Training them in social skills to manipulate more people into joining and leading those people in more effective rebellion. We might as well make a dedicated unit and training program then just retraining our guys after paying to train them.

Result: Success!

You draw up a program for training civilian informants with basic combat skills and improved espionage and infiltration techniques before further educating them on the operation of radios and computers to allow for communication back to headquarters or local GLA commanders in the future. These 'Crows' as they are codenamed for security purposes, are the best possible spies and agitators you can train, and should serve you well in the future.

(New Unit Unlocked: Crows - $500, 350 SP, 150 IOU)
(Crows allow for a Covert Action to gain information on a specific target or topic. They can also be ordered to incite a riot as a Military Action.)

Research: Jihad Air (3000 RP) begin preliminary research into Jihad Air with the goal of getting a discount toward final research cost. Consider alternatives: one use aircraft, glider, kite, trebuchet?

Notes down idea on (plausibly fictional) "Soviet mancannon"

Research Commenced: +150/3000

Research: Focus entirety of Research effort on pervious topics. Secondary topics include: payload delivery, asset delivery, personnel delivery. Personnel raining in corpse gibbets okay for damaging enemy morale? Looks into further.

This research topic makes no sense. Furthermore, you need a means to build aircraft to conduct this research.

Design: Doodles and brainstorm names for planes. Deathhead Airlines probably taken by some midlife crisis garage rock band. ( no action )

...You waste an entire day on random doodles instead of doing something productive.

Design: Maybe, maybe, combine Rebel Squad with Demo Trap Field? A portable minelayer could be good antiarmor - look into plausibly fictional Soviet flak trooper armed with mines.

Result: Auto-Fail

Demo Traps are too heavy to be carried in great numbers and cumbersome besides. If you had some kind of vehicle to deliver them, that might work.

Production: I'd really like more help around the base. Get coffee, back massage, target practice - that sorta thing. Is there a way to recruit more Workers? Propaganda Officer, get on this!

Production Complete: +7 Workers

You get some help to recruit more able-bodied people who although unsuitable in temperament to be soldiers, should do fine in your Cell's workforce.

Covert: Pirate some RTS games for idea.

Result: Auto-Success

Somehow you manage to download some RTS games to play and study with the Cell's shitty internet connection.

(Choose up to six RTS games available in the 90's to pirate)
Week 2, January, 1999
Combat Alert!

A squad of your Rebels has intercepted and engaged Georgian Military Police in one of the nearby valleys. They need orders on how to prevent them from finding your Cell's scattered facilities.

(New Active Combat Zone: Georgian Forest Skirmish)


You've survived the first week. Good. Now keep going, you have a lot of work to do.

You have a squad of Rebels currently skirmishing with Georgian Military Police in the mountain forests, and they will need orders on how to deal with them.

Beyond that, Michael Jenkins continues to be an enigma, and he has apparently made clear his intention on staying in the Valley Of The Kildar, even if he must be liege-lord to a group of people who don't seem to have even left the time of the Czars.

You gather inside the command bunker, now cleaned and slightly organized for the business of running a terrorist cell, and prepare to organize your operations for the week.


Master Data Sheets Updated!
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The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry and all that jazz, but seriously? What the hell, kid? Here we are, trying to sell our services, just a poor GLA Cell trying to make ends meet. We weren't even killing anyone! We need supplies and cash, for fucks sake, our workers didn't have shoes until a few days ago! I mean, really. There was no violence, there was no conflict, and even when we offered our men and services to your backwater village, what do they do? They go on to report us to the local 'law'.

Ungrateful little..

The cloaked Propaganda Master idly ranted within his own mind as he wheeled back and forth on his 5 point chair. It was a much nicer one, now that they had cleaned up their base of operations. True, the gunmetal grey steel and cold concrete floors had a certain lack of.. anything other than militaristic value, but it was just a fixer upper. Spinning through his office, he wheeled himself over to the desk across from him and snatched a pile of papers hazardously scattered around the surface. Beneath his mask, the PR Man of the GLA Cell cringed, holding the papers away from his body. Coffee stains, food crumbs, and general filth covered much of the paper, making it difficult to read or even study.

Nonetheless.. he had a duty to perform. The stage was still half built, unfit for their performance. He would have to rectify that immediately.

-Social: Increase our PR. We need trust if we don't want more jackasses reporting our 'shady' schemes.
-Social: Try and offer our services to another local village in exchange for supplies, information, etc. Surely nothing could go wrong this time, right?
-Social: Extend our intelligence web further out.
-Research: What could increase the morale of our workers? Happy workers mean better production rates.
-Design: Help one of the others with their Design.
-Production: Help one of the others with their project.
Result: Minor Success

While your credentials get you past the door, you aren't that important or powerful enough to take a risk making available some of the more valuable stock.

Even so, a dealer offers you a line on some Abrams Tanks. Turns out, ever since the US Army released their Schwarzkopf and Paladin tanks, everyone's adapted to kill those and that made the Abrams obsolete. In fact, the US has hundreds of these tanks just waiting to be scrapped that they'd rather make a profit off but everyone knows how to kill them so they don't even sell well on the black market.

Only a desperate group would even think about taking old junkers like the M1A4 Abrams off his hands, people who had no other choice when it came to armoured firepower.

So...you interested?
"As one of my coworkers has said, any tanks are better than no tanks. What sort of prices are we looking at?"
I frowned. "Aw shit I forgot to submit part of my agenda."

Well. Fuck.

"Well, fuck." I sighed. "Lessee what we have here..."

Operations room? Haha fucking no. Forgot we had spotty internet anyways. Satellite dishes would probably be too conspicuous anyways. Ugh. What I'd do to play a good game of Starcraft right about now. Good to see other things worked out though. Mmph.

Right well, that rich American weirdo wasn't really concerning me. Live and let live, figure out how to set off a couple of IEDs in his house if it really comes down to it. Contacts were blooming, could probably develop them further though. Recruitment should be a thing. That junkyard was a really nice find. Obsolete but we could probably mount the guns around our base if nothing else.

So much potential dakka. Heh. Heh.

"Right. Let's get to it."

I should really see if anyone around the base has any decent games to play. Ugh.

Covert 1: Continue to build up contacts in the underworld. More information is always nice. More contacts are always nice. This turn, let's try to figure out the groups we might be able to work with and the groups that we're going to have to kill off because they're literally scum of the earth. Getting a grip on underground politics ho!

Covert 2: Continue to look around the area for targets of opportunity. We'll always need more targets to raid for guns and money. And potential recruits depending on whether or not they're engaging in human trafficking. Junkyards, old military bases, run-down factories, anything we can use.

Covert 3: Figure out a way to get into local police movements. Or just figure out what the police're doing/plan on doing in the near future.

Social 1: Leverage our contacts for supplies. Better guns, food, medicine, anything that might be useful. See if we can get anything for some... reduced... rates. Wheeling and dealing.

Production 1: 3 Crows. I need my operatives too dammit.

Military 1: Run a raid on the Chechen Black Market Mule Train. Smash and grab. Get in, kill everything that's hostile, load everything up on transportation, get the hell out. Drugs, money, guns, the works. x2 Rebel Squads
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