alright! time to get into Russian Caravan again! can't wait to see what you cook up next!
"What's your build?"
The access point for the Chapel is in Liurnia, and the Scion disguised as a crayfish is actually a Mimic Tear (based on the Larval Tear item description) imitating the most dangerous things it's met as a method of protection: the most likely explanation is that Swuste wandered around Liurnia and was spotted by the Mimic Tear, then made her way west to the Four Belfries and from there to the Chapel. Meaning that there is no sixth 'real' Scion.I have a question here.
In this story we have five named Grafted Scions, all who are Godrick theGraftedGolden's daughters. They are as follows: Crawa, Bote, Swuste, Hild, and Dunne.
Crawa we know is found within Stormveil Castle at the start (as is canon within Elden Ring) at first. Now she and the rest of Taylor's gang are at Fortress Haight.
By the sound of things the twins Hild and Dunne are still together. At a guess I believe that those two are the ones which MIGHT be found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave, what with them being inseparable and all that from what I recall in the story.
Bote got all the way up to Mt. Gelmire from what we saw before going along on an adventure down to the forest area outside of Fortress Haight.
Swuste stayed in Liurnia, but we learned that she couldn't find her way home from there. Meaning that she still probably IS there at lake Liurnia even now.
Of course, Grafting Buddha already knew that when he created this story
At least according to lore videos (on Youtube) and the wiki page has all of them located throughout the map:
Elden Ring Grafted Scion Location
So. . .who is the sixth Grafted Scion here? IF of course there IS a Grafted Scion up over at the Chapel of Anticipation, of course.
- Chapel of Anticipation [More Info ↓] [Map Link]
- 2 in Fringefolk Hero's Grave [More Info ↓]
- Stormveil Castle [More Info ↓] [Map Link]
- Liurnia of the Lakes (disguised as a Giant Crayfish) [More Info ↓]
- Mt. Gelmir [More Info ↓] [Map Link]
Some nameless servant that Godrick grafted into a Grafted Scion?
A nameless sister?
check, keepShe wanted the kind of blood which contained tiny stars, little singularities of flame barely kept in chest by blood that she shaped. Automatically, she worked to deep the whole thing stable, ensuring the singularities remained trapped and isolated, never combining, never exploding. Onager grumbled and shuffled past her, the late night disagreeing with him.
onceOnce you'd lost a dozen sons and seven daughters to the Kargish, the emotional impact started to wear off. In her case, one you'd almost died to the Scarlet Rot, everything else tended to fade away.
Earlier it was explicitly said that Roderika's spirits didn't have the right memories for this sort of thing. That's why Crawa had to do an overfly to drop the napalm.Roderika had helped move the bodies with her spirits, and was currently steering clear of the gory display.
downSomething fluttered town from the top of the tower, gliding smoothly, utterly used to the act of gliding at this point. Crawa perched atop a particularly large statue of a glowering warrior, and her cloak was finer than usual, her bearing more regal.
add 'in'She really didn't want to die here, she had other things to take care of, dying in an endless abyss would be so mortifying she might actually remain in the catacomb until everyone who'd seen the act had forgotten. Maybe a few millennia.
remove 'to'Tisisphone had lost the game of rock-paper-scissors (unfair of Rogier to pull out the crossbow manoeuvre, downright unsportsmanlike, and she thought the technique to confined solely to Sister Komnene), and had to go after the maiden.
add 'she'She was light enough that she could float up the channel if there was a strong enough breeze.
add 'that'??
remove pA perfect chain leading her to an event of such importance that it changed her life and catapulted her to a new world. A pchain that was now strangling her, choking every word more effectively than the gag could.
Remove 'but', or rewrite the sentence in some other way.Apparently the indent left by the shard was… difficult to heal, and if done too rapidly, she'd end up with a permanent alcove in her skin. Maybe healing slower would help it, but she was willing to give it a go.
intoShould she be a little distressed at how eagerly she was thinking of grabbing his head like it was Gostoc's throat, squeezing until it popped, tearing inot the Formless Mother and melting him so thoroughly that he couldn't hope to control anyone ever again…
managedHe only amanged to speak a little before he went, a few words before everything ended and his vessel crumpled, a puppet with its strings cut.
remove aBy bringing them into competition, she'd gained more agency than she'd had a in a while.
herselfOoh, she was good. Good at bullshitting herslef as much as she was bullshitting them. She'd be tugged in one direction, then yanked in another… they were arguing, in a subtle way. Competing. And that kept the full brunt of their attention away from her.
Getting a Crucible Knight's helmet made into a dick piercing. Yeah, she was fine, she was oh no Bone was still talking.#
andWhen her final soldier vanished, adn the girl seemed to be on the edge of fainting… she knew it was time.
hisHe roared as he face was scratched at, burning bloody welts appearing as Taylor crowed in victory.
itNot even a single opportunity to - alright, ti was burning her just a little, but she could hold on.
hadHis blood had burned, his flesh had changed, and he was welcomed it all. Understood in a way that few did the mysteries of the great ocean, plunged deeper than any had or perhaps ever would (until the time of the Flood-To-Be).
Just seemed weird, don't know how/if to fix this.She finally saw where they were. The exact location might be beyond her, but she knew this place. Had been taught about it enough - the old temple had even been built over a life down to somewhere like this, and she'd seen the false sky a good few times.
heAnd any father would mourn that fact, mourn that his daughter would die far away from him, that her resurrection might take place far, far away, where h couldn't immediately find her and comfort her… Roderika gritted her teeth.
??Of course it was terrible, it was imaginary, and her was currently fracturing around her.
word? Could also be fine already, a play on 'preaching the good word'.Once fully transformed, she could go and act as a messenger to the Omen beneath the capital - Esgar was a loyal priest, but he was getting a little stiff, and spent most of his time around his damn dogs instead of preaching the good work.
byMargit couldn't meet her eyes. He looked tired - an old man exhausted but everything he'd seen.
thereThe latter created silence where that was now noise, a shadow of the first moment of existence where all existed in perfect stillness.
remove mostRoderika shivered a little, but remained nonetheless, supporting Angharad - who barely seemed to realise who was supporting her, already sagging into the most shorter girl with a sigh of relief at not having to stand any longer.
add 'as'; the word sight here seems a bit strange?She was stronger, faster - not quite at the level as when she'd had no mind at all, but still a good sight stronger. And in appearance… the calmness let her see exactly what had changed. What had been twisted out of shape by those things, before she could wrangle them under control.
And Destined Death… hm, something to do with shrieking and owls. She still needed to figure that thing out, it was still #jarring every time she realised that Death was just hanging out inside her skull.
add tBut she wanted to get home, if at all possible. Sure, Earth Bet had its issues - it had a lot of issues, if she was being honest - but it was home. Her dad was there. Her mom's grave was there.
theyThey weren't lost - they knew where they were, and they knew where they were going. But there were in a state of ambiguity.
Why would they burn the bodies of the prior inhabitants, greatly delaying or even preventing resurrection? Just seems like a shitty thing to do.The castle would need cleaning. Bodies had been hung up, drained of blood over the course of days. Needed burning.
add -al
LikeLIke something out of a nightmare, the kind of thing she might've sighted on a distant horizon in Caelid.
She realised what she actually cared about. Power had destroyed the people who possessed it. It was intoxicating, she had to admit that, but… it killed something along the way. Godrick had started out an ambitious lord, loved by his children and wife, and ended it all alone - only one ally still by his side. Mohg was a hateful, sadistic bastard who wanted to expose the world to an endless ocean of blood… just for power. Just to gain a leg up on everyone else. Ranni removed agency, inflicted a fate genuinely worse than death. And Rykard probably hadn't always been the… thing she glimpsed in the smoke. Power hadn't made Taylor happy, just twisted her body and mind, made her unrecognisable. Drinking with her friends, seeing them work together, working to save them, seeing them work to save her, just enjoying their company… Taylor found, in these last few moments before the closure, that she cared about that a far sight more than power.
She knew she should say yes to the Great Rune.
But she couldn't. Wouldn't.
The presented idea of power=corruption doesn't really make sense. As seems to be implicit in the second quote, it's not power that's the problem, but the desire for power at the cost of all else, up to using methods such as grafting or mutative divine powers. Margit and Vyke are also powerful, on similar levels to Godrick at least, and as far as Taylor knows they don't have anything terrible going on."Won't make me safe. And honestly… I've seen what power does. To Godrick. To Mohg. To Ranni."
She paused, and thought of all the misery inflicted on the castle because of one man's longing for power.
It's true, Tis didn't wage war against the dragon or her superiors. But that's a bad comparison when it comes to the misbegotten. A better comparison would be Tis risking her own life, and getting mixed up in fighting, in an attempt to get her things back from Taylor, because that is what would be necessary to reach the life she wishes for.And for all her grievances with various parties and figures… she wasn't determined to go and wage war against Fortissax, against some of the more stringent matrons at the temple, against a whole host of petty nobles, guards, knights, and commoners who'd in some way wronged her. For all that Calvert had caused havoc at Stormveil and made her own life much more complicated, she wasn't going to hunt him down and finish the job that Taylor had started. Tisiphone was many things - but she wasn't the kind of person to hold a grudge and act on it so violently. Well, she held grudges. She held a lot of grudges. But acting on them was a leap too far in most cases.
Coil's power? Interesting.Mary threw a rock in the direction of the sound, and a helpless yelp came from the bush. Something sprang out, furious and enormous. One of them was cut down with golden swords before they could react - the creature was killed a moment later, but the loss was irritating, regenerations would take time, the castle would have to be recaptured at a later…
Are you sure he's perma-dead?D, Hunter of the..........Limgrave, on roadway............Chapter 37..............................Catacombs beneath
Dead............................To Stormveil Castle...............................................................Stormviel Castle by
…................................…................................…................................….....................Face of Godwyn
...........................…................................…................................…..............................-dead from Death
…................................…................................…....................…................................ Blight/puppeted
For being puppeted, I suppose the question is whether death purges that affliction like it does almost everything else, including scarlet rot. Could be that puppet-ification beyond death requires additional procedures be performed, could be it happens automatic because the potion acts on the level of 'fate' rather than body. Though in the latter case, frankly, it would simply be too powerful. Instantly take out almost anyone without opportunity to resist or chance of recovery, even with tarnished resurrection? The scarlet rot wished it was that scary.@ Jastolus
About D...
I like your ideas there but then again if what I fear is true about getting puppeted? By Ranni's pet mage/psycho?
I recall something being said by that piece of work about Taylor's fate being notedly different from the norm for those within the Lands Between. That said to me that getting puppeted means more than being involves more dire things. Longer times than merely getting puppeted until they die. Death being what it is here in the story? Fate being usually for the rest of one's existence (and perhaps into the afterlife in some instances in some tales)?
We might be seeing D coming back still as a puppet. Or not. Could be a GOOD thing to have D getting perma-dead here.
And considering that Godrick's unnamed wife got death blighted and all that?
Well, I don't think D is coming back in any form being able to have intelligent conversation. At best as me if those walking skeletons Taylor ran from early on in the story.
Who knows?