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[X] Press forward with Perun

I feel like the important part of this is who is going to be there to protect Sophia and Ray tbh, so I trust inana to do a good job there.

also we definitely need someone to do a close read of the language details! there's something there, I'm sure of it, but I don't have the focus rn. sap kinda stands out to me too and it's definitely aria backstory hints overall, right? whatever is going on with her was known to the ancients etc
[X] Press forward with Inana.

I trust Perun to protect our friends more than Inana, honestly.

So much to talk about here, I didn't expect the murderer to be Wilhelm honestly but the explanation is sound. I'm leaning towards the possibility that he's secretly an exiled priest like Ray because he knows details about the demon under Olympia he frankly shouldn't. Though that still begs the question of what "Wilhelm" is and why there's multiple of him. Looking back, he is wearing a mask so it could just be a title or an alias for members of his group perhaps?

Charizard trying to say Aria's "Dragonborn" or "Dragon-Blood" sounds about right given the broken translation we got. With the chrysalis comparison it could also be something like "Newborn Dragonkin" or "Awakening Dragon", since she hasn't come into that power yet?

Also poor Sophia is so down bad that she's killing chairs. Aria is going to give her a heart attack one of these days.
There's something up with the talk of heroes in this update and Pilgrimage being used as a term. our fantasy version of a heroic journey? something to do with the blessed people?

I think if I read all the details we've gotten there's probably at least one lore secret available now so I might do a summary in a bit
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 15 hours