A Ballad for Icarus - A Historical Pokemon Quest
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You are Aria. Long ago, that name had more than four letters.

A story about a knight who never set out to be a hero, alongside a party of friends, across a continent that still sings the songs of those ancient men and women that carved their names into the mountains and temples.

As inspired by an endless amount of Otome isekai, villainess stories, anachronisms and Yuri manga.
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Character Sheet
Aria, the Titanslayer
Adrianne, the Righteous Blade of Olympus
Aria, the Aspirant Hero
Aria, the Runaway Knight

Art by Me

Your Pokemon and your Skills share the same slot. As one grows in power, the other will too. Aspects are combinations of Skills, representing the content of your character and choices, not necessarily the things you can bring to the table.

They're graded loosely adapted from We Stand In Awe's and But Not Forgotten's skill levels. Everything runs purely on a narrative basis, with your capability in a skill deciding the paths that become available to you rather than rolls which decide their outcomes.

Aspects and Skills
Aspect: Imp‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎r‏‏‎i‎‏‏‎al (Wisdom + Authority)
This is an Aspect of your Character. Something that you ARE, not something that you CAN DO. Wisdom and Authority make for a better noble that most. If you hone this aspect, perhaps you can forge it into a blade that can carve borders. It is missing a few letters, though. You should go find those.
Skill: Wisdom
There are many ways of persuasion. Knowing when to apply the right kind of force, knowing when to ease up, such is the way of a Knight. During lessons, the stories of those generals who set enemies up to fail with strategy and wit were always much more interesting to you. You are Aware. You notice things that you might not usually, you make connections that make no sense sometimes because of details you picked up but might not quite have the context for yet.
Skill: Authority [Competent]
Your voice commands respect. Your deeds will make people think twice before starting a fight with you. It is easier to convince others to follow you. These are all aspects of Authority, something you have inside of you whether you want it or not.
Skill: Righteousness
You are Righteous. Your path is true and the help you offer to people comes from a place of kindness and goodness. This does not make you a pushover, but rather someone who cannot stand people being helpless. You also know how to share that load, rather than take it all on your own.

Aria's Pokemon
Inana the Weavile

A proud Sneasel of Northern Gildera. She knows she's adorable and will let everyone know. Her biggest goal seems to be proving herself as strong and dependable.
Perun the Helioptile

A fighty Helioptile with a strong personality. He mocks Inana by copying her poses while behind her.

The Flamberg Growlithe
?: ??? the Growlithe: You are someone capable of great empathy and affection.
Skiddle, the Runaway Knight's Regret
Skiddle is your first partner as a Glastrier Knight. She's kind and happy, always ready to cheer you up and keep you company when you're down. She will keep you upright if you can barely walk, and she will warm you up at night if you're cold. That's the kind of Pokemon she is.

Or was.

Aria's Party

Sophia, Aria's Knight
A former knight of the Spectrier Order. You saved her life. She has sworn loyalty to you, and your cause, whichever cause that is or will be.

Ray, Follower of the Righteous Blade
A scam artist and priestess of Raikou. She is tiny, but her eyes look so old.

Precious Friends and Important Characters

Capella, your precious friend.
Capella is a year younger than you. She has spent a lot of time with Drake before he returned to the Caer after picking you up. She is your best friend. The only one who truly understands you.

Drake, your adoptive father.

The man who took you in. A bald Commander whose name makes many tremble in fear. To you, he's your savior and mentor. His trusty Partner is a Dragonite named Typhon as scarred as him.
Lissy, the Future Legend

A girl who wants to become a hero. She knows all the tales and stories of those who now dwell in the Elysian fields. Her ability to fight in close combat is enough to make even some older knights cower. Her Scraggy is named Perseus.
Ruby, the Mountain Child

A member of the last natives in Western Gildera. They hail from Regis' Pass, a village where the last survivors do not know what their future looks like. Ruby wishes to become a noble to protect their people. Their Bunneary is called Opal.
Leif, Spectrier Knight
A man who knows more than he lets on. Leif is a Spectrier Knight who used to be a villager in the Reichert Marquisate. He is easy to get along with and quite perceptive. He gifted you a Pokeball.


The Cult of the Nameless God

Wilhelm the Fool: A man using two daggers. His partner is a Tauros. You beat him twice already.

Adelheid the Priestess: A woman using a long and thin sword. Her partner is an Ampharos that contains draconic energy.

Minor Characters and Acquaintances

Silvia, the Lightning Blade

Silvia is a Captain of the Glastrier Order. Despite using a long sword, she is said to be the fastest swordswoman on the continent. Her partner, Bolt, is a Raichu with a darker fur than usual.

Redwood, the Scholar

A man who towers over everyone in the Caer. Redwood is a teacher at heart, though his own skill with the blade is not to be taken lightly. His partner is an Ursaluna named Princess. She wears a crown.

The Murkrow Squad of the Northern Woods

Led by Thalia the Murkrow, these four Murkow were your first battle, and rivals for berries. They're not that bad, though. They did save your life. Maybe one day you can come back for them.

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