[2023-2024] Council Updates Thread

The Surface Of A Hostile Planet
Welcome to all of our new councillors for this upcoming term. This thread can serve as a general place for the council to communicate with the users, though of course if any councilor wants to make their own thread then they're free to create one as well.

I'll also be posting my own summaries of various meetings here, though bear in mind that I am not a Councillor.
Redshirt's Notes: Week 1 (!)
Here are my notes for this week's meeting:

meeting time (???) begins
letter k shows up punctually, showing how serious they are
... did anyone actually tell the new councillors when meetings are???
pawn and walker show up together
usili and redshirt get into an argument over who should do the ping
redshirt wins, meaning usili does the ping and will take the blame
the staff is debating whether to have a meeting
regardless of anyone's wishes, a meeting about whether or not to have a meeting appears to be happening
chehr shows up, she has no agenda for this meeting
except for the trans agenda, she always has that ayyyyyyyy
"normally these meetings are more organized... that's a lie"
chehr abandons us, truly we are doomed
new council is welcomed
letter k: "that's very nice, but u don't have to welcome me back if u don't want @Ford Prefect I would understand tbh"
the usual council orientation runthrough happens - how the administrative discord is set up, the in camera subforums, etc
council responsibilities regarding tribunals (redshirt side note: i'm freeeeeee ahahahaaaa)
the council's role is to represent the users, and their interests
reminder: councillors are not permitted to break confidentiality! important!!!
JRPG level up music plays in the middle of ford's super serious speech, someone accidentally pressed a soundboard button
staff and council Code of Conduct is linked
meeting schedule is explained (townhall 1st week, general meeting 2nd and 4th week, admin meeting 3rd week, in months with 5 weeks no meeting week 5)
meetings are not really well-suited to EU timezones, that may be changed for the coming term
datcord's role as supreme skeleton law lord in tribunals is described
skippy introduces content promotion - historically content promotion has worked very closely with the council even before it was an independent staff branch
letter k is given credit for their role in the valentines day events
it is not the end of the world if a councillor misses a meeting, there's meeting notes and other ways to raise concerns
council questions are answered
some clarification about user reviews
daylight savings time is literally satan, the devil, keep an eye out on it with meeting schedules
SV #1 in Puerto Rico!!!!
some of the more unfortunate things that councillors may be exposed to in their roles are run down
councillors are not obligated to act as therapists
some confidential stuff is run down
letter K weirdposts, is asked to please leave
some talk about the corncob forum

As a side note: I'd really recommend at least one of the councillors takes their own meeting notes for the public, at the very least at points where the staff and council happen to have different positions regarding any ongoing issues.
Since the council is too lazy to post their own notes, I've been officially elected to yell at Redshirt if he lies, and you know I will do it, so
What happened to the good old days of just dumping a tribunal about some horrible story or N&P post on the council's first day?
Redshirt's Notes: Week 3
Here are my notes from this week's meeting.

meeting... begins???????
only the content promotion clique is present
what are we gonna do tonight? the same thing we do every night
it's very sad that there isn't some kind of ritualized chant to begin each meeting
maybe that's what tonight's meeting should be about
we'd know if any of the staff got replaced with infiltrators because they'd show up to meetings on time
datcord is a middle-aged white guy, he's immune to cops
"... should this go in the meeting notes?"
"do not doxx datcord in the notes
thank you redshirt :3"
twenty minutes in and there are still no secretaries present
except for me i guess but i'm not really a "secretary" in any sense beyond taking these meme notes
chehr finally shows up
"we are operating in a, for lack of a better term, "bootleg" agenda for this meeting"
"does that mean we can sell camrips of this meeting for 20 bucks?"
"yes, yes it does"
some new council proposals
still being discussed internally among the councillors
lisa continues to clear out reports as we talk
quick tribunal roundup
we will continue to work on the ritualized chant proposals and circle back around next meeting
quick rundown of halloween event plans from the conprom meeting
nemo tries to insert one more thing at the last minute
chehr forcible ends the meeting, is vry angy
lisa unends the meeting
what if the council had some kind of "general secretary" or something??? that's never gone poorly, probably
we determine that the council runs on uk-style parliamentary supremacy, i guess??
chehr refuses to acknowledge lisa's unclosing of the meeting, since that's purely secretarial authority
chehr recloses the meeting
Walker's Notes: Week 5
As @Redshirt Army was regrettably unavailable for this meeting, someone reliable and responsible was required to step up and handle notetaking.

They got me instead.
squishy explains why stealth is bad in Starfield
Walker cuts him off to ask if there is town hall-related business
there is not
The idea of appeals for the corncob forum is raised
Complete with a rotating jury of peers who can address each case separately
As the corncob subforum is intended to permit a greater degree of control by thread OPs, it is not felt to be necessary at this time
Old Captain America looks exactly like Biden?
Corncob was intended to allow people to moderate their own threads, as a precursor to make some of those functions available on the rest of the site
(Actually it was intended as an experiment in internet feudalism)
Expanding this capacity to N&P is a possibility which will be given its due consideration
Suggestion: In the Quests subforum, alerts when an edit is made to a threadmarked post so the author doesn't need  to notify people
Hesitant on this because some people make a lot of edits, and we don't want alert overload
Microtransaction edits for posts in N&P
Add "number of people watching" to other areas is suggested, but the threadmark header system isn't universal on the site
The operator coup of the site may unfortunately have to be postponed due to scheduling issues
It is officially decided that the next town hall will be held entirely in uwu. I don't know what this means, and I'm perfectly happy for nobody to tell me.
It is officially decided that the next town hall will be held entirely in uwu. I don't know what this means, and I'm perfectly happy for nobody to tell me.

It >w< is officially decided that ;;w;; the x3 nyext town hall wiww be held entirely in uwu. I :3 don't OwO knyow what *twerks* this means, and ^-^ I :3'm perfectly happy fow nobody to ÚwÚ t-teww me.
Walker's Notes: Week 7
People keep letting me write these things; you'd think they'd've learned better.
Meeting begins
I am spared the horrors of the uwu meeting. I am instead inflicted with other horrors.
The new jackolantern reaction is universally praised
Discussion of [redacted] - coming soon to a forum near you
Discord's new clipping feature causes some discord
Nobody talks
All communication is happening by text, for some reason
We are conducting the meeting in the style of Charlie Chaplin
Some discussion of scheduling for tribunals which are ongoing or soon to begin
We Need to Talk About Active Conflict
Currently, the rules are intended to create a relatively bloodless discussion and prevent cheerleading/taking sides, which may unfortunately end up obscuring the human cost of the conflict
SV is not a geopolitical debates forum
We do not expect people to scrub all intent and bias from their posts, but cheering for people's deaths is bad
Showing sympathy is not against the rules, but we are not in the business of measuring human suffering, nor should our users be
Concerns about disinformation also
The difficulty of determining misinformation is a factor which is important to take into account
The goal is to not be a twitter reaction forum, which means that it's important to be mindful of the sources people are drawing from
Which is not to say that we are in the business of curating sources
More thought is going to go into this
Moderation stuff - One staff member has an overdue moderation report from a month ago
This is because they are not a moderator
Promotions to full staff for veteranMortal, Artifical Girl and Swordomatic! Congratulations!
Meeting ends
Here are my notes for this week's... " " "meeting" " ".

letter k declares that council will have their own meeting tomorrow
with blackjack and hookers
actually it's more like cookies and garticphone
meeting is pushed back an hour for no raisin

we come back another hour later, only to discover that the meeting is dead all along
lisa is blamed
"but does the contract have to be signed in *my* blood?"
scientists are working on breathable liquids
"I think this ends with giant robots and us all being turned into tang"
honestly at this point that would probably be an improvement
lisa begins spamming coffin of andy and leyley emotes
lisa has been leyleypilled
the hot new thing amongst SV's staff: serial killer incest cannibalism
but seriously there is no meeting this week, meetings will return to the normal schedule next month

a consensus is reached to blame chehr for this mess instead
Redshirt's Notes: Week 9 (Town Hall)
Here are my notes from this week's town hall:

redshirt streams super mario wonder
town hall begins
minor technical difficulties ensue
people show up
ford is salty because of mechwarrior
squishy asks if there is any SV business
a request is made to make mobile typing easier
this is not something that is within SV's power
what if we made avatar frames with spiders?
lisa shows up
naturally, coffintalk ensues
should redshirt livestream a blind playthrough of coffin? vote below!
half an hour has passed, there has been no real discussion
town hall ends
@Redshirt Army should do a blind stream of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Vote Like on this post for "Yes" and Informational for "No"! (Unofficial tally, staff are unfortunately unbound by social contracts and unaccountable for their actions by the general public) (definitely not farming for likes)
Redshirt's Notes: Week 10
Here are my notes from this week's meeting:

meeting begins
chehr immediately requests that the meeting is cancelled
redshirt denies this request
redshirt: i just want to see chehr suffer
nemo: we have two topics
chehr: i'm going to shoot myself
skippy discusses winterfest
squishy and ford are not present
however, foamy is
letter k: 
>we have squishy at home
>squishy at home: is foamy
some discussions about backend tool UI changes
redshirt volunteers cmptrwiz to create the thread for discussing this
cmptrwiz does this, showing redshirt's great wisdom in doing so
reports and appeals are run through
some moderators are gently nudged into poking at an unpleasant thread
rip to the moderators who have to read through 700k words of various badfics
squishy has shown up
chehr gives squishy an opportunity for any last minute hot takes he wants to share
squishy declines, but lisa says she wants to raise something
lisa: I just wanted to make chez fear for her life for a moment
chehr is mad, mission accomplished
meeting ends
what if, just hypothetically, SV reached out to the creators of coffin of andy and leyley and became the official discussion forum haha
lisa, for some reason, already knows that this wouldn't work
sus amogus
what if, just hypothetically, SV reached out to the creators of coffin of andy and leyley and became the official discussion forum haha unless... lisa, for some reason, already knows that this wouldn't work sus amogus
I would like to support this initiative for the record. Indie creators need more support, and I believe that SV can be the new nexus for indie development.