meeting time (???) begins
letter k shows up punctually, showing how serious they are
... did anyone actually tell the new councillors when meetings are???
pawn and walker show up together
usili and redshirt get into an argument over who should do the ping
redshirt wins, meaning usili does the ping and will take the blame
the staff is debating whether to have a meeting
regardless of anyone's wishes, a meeting about whether or not to have a meeting appears to be happening
chehr shows up, she has no agenda for this meeting
except for the trans agenda, she always has that ayyyyyyyy
"normally these meetings are more organized... that's a lie"
chehr abandons us, truly we are doomed
new council is welcomed
letter k: "that's very nice, but u don't have to welcome me back if u don't want @Ford Prefect I would understand tbh"
the usual council orientation runthrough happens - how the administrative discord is set up, the in camera subforums, etc
council responsibilities regarding tribunals (redshirt side note: i'm freeeeeee ahahahaaaa)
the council's role is to represent the users, and their interests
reminder: councillors are not permitted to break confidentiality! important!!!
JRPG level up music plays in the middle of ford's super serious speech, someone accidentally pressed a soundboard button
staff and council Code of Conduct is linked
meeting schedule is explained (townhall 1st week, general meeting 2nd and 4th week, admin meeting 3rd week, in months with 5 weeks no meeting week 5)
meetings are not really well-suited to EU timezones, that may be changed for the coming term
datcord's role as supreme skeleton law lord in tribunals is described
skippy introduces content promotion - historically content promotion has worked very closely with the council even before it was an independent staff branch
letter k is given credit for their role in the valentines day events
it is not the end of the world if a councillor misses a meeting, there's meeting notes and other ways to raise concerns
council questions are answered
some clarification about user reviews
daylight savings time is literally satan, the devil, keep an eye out on it with meeting schedules
SV #1 in Puerto Rico!!!!
some of the more unfortunate things that councillors may be exposed to in their roles are run down
councillors are not obligated to act as therapists
some confidential stuff is run down
letter K weirdposts, is asked to please leave
some talk about the corncob forum