2016 Winter Holiday Event!

Holiday Contest Main


Merciful Director
Yes, it's that time again!

This year, we're doing a Holiday Advent Treasure Hunt!

The rules are simple. You and up to three other SVers team up and hunt down an answer to each clue. The questions, trust me, are pretty straightforward and shouldn't take you too long: we want this to be fun, not hugely strenuous!

This is the 12 days of Christmas, so we'll unveil one each day leading up to Christmas Eve (we'll give you Christmas day off, ya slackers). You'll have until January 1, 2017 to post your answers.

Every individual who completes the treasure hunt (whether in a team or otherwise) will receive a ribbon, and on top of that, we'll donate $2.50 to Doctor's Without Borders (up to an aggregate total of $1,000).

Have some fun, win some prizes, get to know your fellow SVers better...what could be better during the holiday season?

If you would like to 'register' a team, please go to this thread and make a post in the format of the example. Your team can be just you, or it can be up to four SVers. There is no advantage to playing individually, though, and you'll be at a disadvantage of not being able to spread out the effort.

And for those of you just joining us, the full list of all twelve items you have to find:

1. A Friend.
Introduce someone (or many someones) to SV! New SVers don't count against your team cap.

2. A Video Game Plushie. Have someone on your team take a picture of a video game plushie that they either own, or have encountered in the real world.

3. An exciting pen. Everyone knows LordSquishy loves pens, right? Show me a picture of the most exciting pen owned by a member of your team. Bonus points if it can do something really cool, like LordSquishy's pen that has a bubble level and a screwdriver hidden in it.

4. Another fun place to be. So we know you come here, and you probably visit SB or QQ, but I bet you probably visit another forum too, you forum-polyamorous people. Link me to it!

5. A thread that died too soon. We've all run across that one great OP which got no good replies. Find me a thread from SV's past (>30 days) that got too little love (>5 replies) and deserved more.

6. A Landmark. What's exciting about your city? Have someone on your team take a photo of something cool in the city or town where they live.

7. Your battlestation. Do you browse SV on a phone? A computer? Via a Terminator's belly button? Show us the battlestation of someone on your team!

8. A pet. Does someone on your team have a pet? Who? What? Where? Why? Show 'em off for us!

9. A memorial. We've all had someone in our lives who inspired us, someone who died too soon. Tell me a little bit (<500 words) about one of those people and why they were important to you.

10. Interesting as fuck.
I don't know what it is yet, but anything. Manage to beat @Exposure in Titanfall? Screenshot! Fall off your skateboard and have your cat finish your trick? I'd love to see it. Show me and tell me something interesting that happened to one of the people on your team recently.

11. A Good Work. Let's face it, most of the news on SV is bad. Show me something good. Find me a current news article from your town, city, country, state, whatever, that put a smile on your face and share it with everyone!

12. A new idea. Have your new, baby SVer friend (from 1) tell us what they'd like to see on SV in the new year!
So many untidy people, it's hard to imagine they can live like that.

I know. I feel like a neat freak with how relatively clean mine is in comparison. Maybe it's just me, but I feel it's really hard to work unless I've got adequate elbow space.
Tidiness and organisation is a learned skill that many people are not taught anywhere and do not actively learn until they reach a breaking point where they cannot continue as they have before.

That's just how it is, unfortunately.
Sorta-related: I got curious on what kind of brands has its marketing branch do their jobs do SV'ers prefer for their hardware, and tallied the ones posted here.

The result was that Asus was the clear winner with 11 posters using their laptop, monitor or phone. LG is at second place with 5 monitors.

Asus - 11
LG - 5
Dell - 4
Samsung - 3
Acer - 1
ViewSonic - 1
Toshiba - 2
Lenovo - 1
MSI - 1
HP - 1
Fujitsu - 1

(Not listed: Interested Party's laptop and Takoe's monitor)

Also interesting to note is that people with two screens tend to use different brands (with Asus+LG being the common setup). I'm guessing one is the more expensive monitor for gaming/work, and the cheaper/smaller one for browsing/references.
Also interesting to note is that people with two screens tend to use different brands (with Asus+LG being the common setup). I'm guessing one is the more expensive monitor for gaming/work, and the cheaper/smaller one for browsing/references.
Yep. An ood Asus is sweetness and light for gaming, but you have to shell out for it. The LGs are a lot cheaper and still pretty good. Like, my LG cost a third of what my Asus did.

... Or would've, if it hadn't been a gift.
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Sorta-related: I got curious on what kind of brands has its marketing branch do their jobs do SV'ers prefer for their hardware, and tallied the ones posted here.

The result was that Asus was the clear winner with 11 posters using their laptop, monitor or phone. LG is at second place with 5 monitors.

Asus - 11
LG - 5
Dell - 4
Samsung - 3
Acer - 1
ViewSonic - 1
Toshiba - 2
Lenovo - 1
MSI - 1
HP - 1
Fujitsu - 1

(Not listed: Interested Party's laptop and Takoe's monitor)

Also interesting to note is that people with two screens tend to use different brands (with Asus+LG being the common setup). I'm guessing one is the more expensive monitor for gaming/work, and the cheaper/smaller one for browsing/references.
You forgot mine(Sager)
bedside swords

[insert "compensating for something" joke here]

also my bedside knife has a blade all of 85mm long, I suddenly feel inadequate
All those people with bedside swords and i just have a spade in the room next door, serves the dual purpose of producing evidence and removing it.

Anyhow heres my landmark pictures, i got two!

Imaginary internet points for whoever can guess which city.