12th Community Council Voting - 2024 -2025 Term

Who would you like to see on the Community Council?

  • WestOrEast

    Votes: 78 13.8%
  • FantasticMsFox

    Votes: 217 38.4%
  • Omicron

    Votes: 289 51.2%
  • Susano

    Votes: 133 23.5%
  • Torpid

    Votes: 33 5.8%
  • Sucal

    Votes: 79 14.0%
  • Etranger

    Votes: 158 28.0%
  • Weygand

    Votes: 104 18.4%
  • Teen Spirit

    Votes: 180 31.9%
  • PoptartProdigy

    Votes: 173 30.6%
  • Lazer Raptor

    Votes: 163 28.8%
  • StarSingerBlue

    Votes: 81 14.3%
  • poaw

    Votes: 87 15.4%
  • Arcanestomper

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • Ralson

    Votes: 165 29.2%
  • all fictions

    Votes: 135 23.9%
  • pitl

    Votes: 68 12.0%
  • Sara

    Votes: 85 15.0%
  • minerva-n-memes

    Votes: 95 16.8%
  • mcclay

    Votes: 127 22.5%
  • Shadowhisker

    Votes: 135 23.9%
  • Maugan Ra

    Votes: 255 45.1%
  • Fencer

    Votes: 36 6.4%
  • Strypgia

    Votes: 184 32.6%
  • Telamon

    Votes: 192 34.0%
  • BiopunkOtrera

    Votes: 212 37.5%
  • Exponent

    Votes: 128 22.7%
  • SectionXIII

    Votes: 127 22.5%
  • Azel

    Votes: 96 17.0%
  • The Laurent

    Votes: 284 50.3%
  • Estro

    Votes: 232 41.1%
  • Abstract Ideas

    Votes: 58 10.3%
  • DocMatoi

    Votes: 91 16.1%
  • EarthScorpion

    Votes: 201 35.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lying liar who lies.
Hello, everyone!

After some (extended and rather unfortunate) delays, we have our list of candidates for election to the Community Council for this coming year. They have been listed in the poll above in a randomized order. Owing to the number of dropouts this year and to avoid delaying the election any further, only 34 candidates are on the ballot.

You may vote in the poll above for as many, or as few, candidates as you choose. The eighteen (18) with the most votes will form our Community Council for the next year, with one modification: should ten (10) or more members of the current Council place in the top 18, only the top nine (9) will join the new Council. The other positions will be filled from non-returning Councillor candidates, in voting order. For example, should ten Councillors place in the top 18, the tenth will be replaced by the candidate who finished 19th, unless that candidate was also a Councillor, in which case they would be replaced by the candidate who finished 20th, and so on.

For additional details on the election process, you can visit this thread. Voting will run for two weeks, until October 14th.

Below, in the same order as the poll, are brief statements from the candidates.

It's a pleasure and an honor to be nominated. If elected to serve on the Council, I will do my best to give everyone a fair hearing, cooperate with the actual staff and work to make SV an enjoyable place for all kinds of engagement, whether that's fiction, debates or staying current with the news. I hope that any term I have will be fruitful and productive and will help to generate the good feelings, lively debate and pleasure that make SV what it is today.

If re-elected to SV Community Council, I intend to continue doing my best to support SV users in interacting with the site and provide useful insight on tribunals. I believe at this point I have a coherent record as a councilers, I will work to maintain and improve that record.

I appreciate your consideration to vote for me, and should you think I remain a good fit for the council I would ask you to vote for my return.

Hi, I'm Omicron!

I am a writer here on SV, and I've been a member of the Council for several years running. I like SV, and I like working to try and make it a better place. I have an extensive voting record in Tribunals, and in more 'behind the scenes' work, I've been involved in many discussions surrounding things like the History forum reorganization, getting N&P back on the front page, rewriting Rule 6, and so on, and I believe my input has helped nudge the forums towards the right decision for its community, even if I don't always get my way. I like this position, and I believe I can use it for everyone's benefit. I hope you'll consider me for the Council this year, as you have in years prior. Thank you!

Since I served as Councillor before, I think many people will know what I stand for. My first priority as part of the Council has always been that everyone get a fair treatment, be it in a Tribunal itself, or as a matter of the forum rules protecting them. And if that means writing half a book in Tribunal opinion, then so be it.

So in terms of what to expect from me, it is nuanced and serious takes on tribunals, and as the record shows, often offering an alternate view point to consensus. The Council and the tribunals were part of SV's founding notion that we can do better than personal arbitrariness (from mods, admins, etc), and I am fully supporting that ideal. Thus, you can also always expect at least an attempt at objectivity from me - I fully think matters should always be decided based on established rules rather than personal likes and dislikes.

Beyond just tribunals, you can also expect an insistence that forum rules should be applied evenly, and that they should uphold a hospitable and charitable atmosphere across the forum. Nobody has a good time if threads become battlefields. Of course, it may not be always possible to do something about that, but that is the general vibe you can expect from me.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this helped you to form a picture of me.

So I spend most of my time in the creative writing section but I have semi recently spent an amount of time reading through all of the old council arbitration posts and given that currently I have an unlimited amount of free time I thought I would throw my name into the pot.
Im mostly looking to strike a fair balance between what's best for the end user and the staff so that everyone can be equally unhappy.

Greetings and Salutations SV

I am Sucal

I have been around since day 5 of the forum, mostly because I was too lazy to make an account on day 1. So rather then having a sexy double digit user number, I am part of the common four digit rabble. You might know me from being part of the time traveling cabal that helped rig the user vote in favor of Pound the Table, running in a previous years election as part of the Cynical Apathy Party, and that time I wrote the Great Australian Novel about a guy who made up at two fake events.

My previous experience in positions of power involve running a roleplay forum (that died), moderating an SB/SV discord for gacha (that died) and a few unimportant other moderation and admin gigs that didn't end in a body count.

If elected, I promise to serve my important constitutes( for my own amusement) , look into everyones secrets( actually do the job) and go mad with no power( Go Mad With No Power)

If elected, I will show up to every tribunal vote and almost never to the staff meetings. I will not attempt to effect change regarding procedures; anyone who says they can or will has yet to experience running into that particular brick wall. I consider a councilor's only avenue for actually helping people to be the exertion of maximum possible skepticism toward staff action and maximum possible leniency during appeals, unless there's a case of bigotry, harassment, or other genuinely harmful behavior. Finally, I did not seek nomination and it won't break my heart if you vote for someone else who wants it more. Thanks.

The people that nominated me did so unethically, in the pursuit of Discord kudos and a cheap laugh at my expense. I denounce them, and their accomplices, as deeply unserious people incapable of treating this forum with the solemnity its governance proceedings demand of them.

If elected, I would serve.

@Teen Spirit
I did not ask anyone to nominate me and in fact was quite surprised when I was. Those who nominated me told me I have decent views and a level head, I will strive to live up to that and do right by those who nominated me. If elected I will strive for what I have always considered most important in these kinds of positions, honesty and fairness. If elected I will attend all Tribunals and as many staff meetings as I can, and I will do everything I can to make this site better for everyone. Thank you for your consideration.

Hello, everybody! I'm PoptartProdigy, and I've served two terms on the Council already. Thank you to all who nominated me. I have chosen to accept nomination and am running for Council for my third term.

The Council is a fairly unique institution as far as the Internet is concerned; I've not heard of its like anywhere else. After two terms on it, I've come to see its largest duty as shaping and maintaining the welcoming community I've had the privilege of enjoying here. We do that by serving as a point of contact between users and staff, and in being a final check on moderation decisions made by elected users rather than staff. This ensures than people whose interests align with the user base have access to decision-makers and get actual, tangible say in how moderation is done.

What a Councilor, in my mind, is bound to do is to exercise these privileges to the greatest benefit of the user base. It is to bring up concerns and brainstorm solutions with staff whenever they're brought to our attention; it is to reign in moderation overreach where it occurs; it is to confirm moderator action where a user's behavior impacts the positive experience of others. While the tools we have are limited, they still have great potential in maintaining the quality of the community that SV enjoys. A Councilor, then, must use their access to bring up issues before they become pressing, and use their authority to resolve them to the community's benefit once they arise. Our duty is not to staff, nor to any individual user, but to the user base as a whole. This has been my philosophy in the past; it will be my philosophy in any future terms I serve.

The power of the Council is not absolute, but we have an important role in ensuring that this forum remains the welcoming, inclusive, and safe space we know today. Thus has been my goal during my terms thus far. If returned to the Council for a third term, I will continue to conduct myself with that goal in mind.

Thank you for your consideration.

@Lazer Raptor
Salutations, It is I, Lazeria Sapphina, boyar of GSRP. I am here today to ask you to support me as your representative on the zemskoye sobranye of Sufficient Velocity. I swear to continue to whisper poison into the ear of the Tsar (Squishy) and thereby oppress the peasants (straight people) and enrich the nobles (lesbians). Those that support me in this cause can be expected to be rewarded most handsomely!


Alright, to be serious for a second, I did not ask to be nominated for the Council. I was genuinely surprised to be in the running at all. However, after talking things over with friends, I am willing to take on the role of a Tribune of the People if the userbase sees fit to elect me.

In office, I will do my best to provide the linkage between staff and userbase councilers are expected to provide. I will endeavor to give everyone a fair shake in tribunals, operating on the underlying principle that the intent of SV's rules is more or less "don't be an asshole" while taking into consideration the potential knock-on effects of council decisions. In general I just want SV to be a nice place to hang out on, and my decisions will revolve around that.

If that sounds appealing, I ask you to vote for me.

I partially nominated myself on a whim, but I truly do love SV and the friends and stories it has brought into my life.

If elected, I will attend every Tribunal and as many staff meetings as I can, and I will advocate for an increased amount of seasonal contests and corresponding emojis: those are some of the best parts of being here and deserve more love.

My statement is the exact same as all the statements above mine and edited for length and coherency.
So why vote for me?

Because I'm better than that other Councillor, doesn't matter which one you pick or in what way. If they're fast, I'm faster. If they're smart, I'm smarter. If they spell perfectly, I spell more perfectly. How can I be more perfect? Simple; I use a smaller font. My words go into the space their word goes into without touching the sides.

So vote for me.

I did not expect to be nominated, but I find that this is a good way to give back to the community that I have enjoyed for the past few years. I have no agenda to pursue on the council, but if I am elected I would serve diligently. And give every matter that came to me due consideration.

Hi, I'm Ralson.
I've been on SV since the site launched. It's been real interesting to watch the site evolve and develop over the years.
The excitement and idealism of early councils has given way to the less glamorous job of maintenance. Events are fun, as are new features, but the main task ahead of us is to keep things ticking along, sustainably. As such, my main pledge is that I'll keep showing up to councils, put real thought into them, and keep participating in staff discussions the council's tagged into.

I've been on the council before, so your best bet for judging my participation in tribunals is to see for yourself: ( Administrative Tribunal )

I try to be fair and unbiased. Nobody's truly fair or unbiased, but I do try.

I guess my best summary is: I try to look at things from the user perspective. If some users are posting niche stuff I'm not a fan of, I try to nevertheless put myself in their shoes to facilitate the niche stuff and help them to manage their experience without being disrupted. Unless, of course, the niche is itself against the rules. Then that's a problem.

This approach has sometimes led to finding myself in the minority opinion. Sometimes it's meant voting against every single other councilor. But I promise to never do that for the sake of being contrary, and to always remain amenable to good sense and propriety. I'm not going out there looking for excuses to overturn, nor am I ignoring the arguments which fellow councilors make. I just try and make each call the way I see it, with the goal of smoothing out problems but never ignoring them.

@all fictions
Hello, All Fictions here, hope you are doing well. You may have seen me around as a user posting unhinged rambling that are too long to read or the occasional low grade oneshots, but you may have also seen me in Tribunals in my capacity as Councilor for the past year-ish. If you've been satisfied with my decisions on the Council, I would be honored if you decide to nominate me again. If you don't know who I am or how I've voted, look at past Tribunals to look at my record (I'm usually the last one in).

If you've not been satisfied with me, then I would also not begrudge you for passing me over and voting for someone else. I may hope for another outcome, but if I've not done a good job, there is no reason to bring me back, is there?

Thank you for your consideration.

Hi. I'm @pitl. I'm in the running for council, apparently. (I would be willing to bet few are as shocked at discovering this as myself). Chances are, you've never or very rarely have heard of me, because I mostly lurk and read fiction rather than contribute - and thus am probably one of the least qualified candidates on this list. Nevertheless, I am here; and so I'll take a moment to go over the upsides and downsides of selecting me for a council seat.

- I really enjoy this website and will take the actual duty of being a councillor quite seriously. In real life, I'm a software developer, but my schedule is gentle enough for me to be able to dependably contribute.
- I have a reputation for being quite detail-oriented (some would say "pedantic"). While I'm not going to go out of my way to lengthen out or overthink tribunals, I'm more than happy to spend significant time delving into context and reading up on prior rulings when it's useful. And of course I'm up to offering my advisory two cents when asked regarding any matters of policy or future projects.
- I have no particular agenda going into this, as I'm fairly certain I was picked on a lark and have had no time to think up anything. So, if "plan? What plan?" appeals to you, I fit that description.

- I'm really not kidding about being a lurker. Like, seriously. Check my profile. The most you'll find is a few tastefully arranged tumbleweeds. In fact, I have a grand total of one piece of original content, and it's, uh, a bit abandoned because it turned out running quests wasn't really my thing, game wise. Oops. (If any of the people who participated in the quest are reading this... sorry!)
- If you're looking for injecting a bit of extra levity into the roster for the year, I'm probably not your guy. Off the cuff humor and good integration of comedy with effective conduct isn't my forte.
- I have no particular agenda going into this. See the positives column, but from a slightly different point of view.


Hello, comrades. I'm Minerva. I have been part of the SB/SV community for a long time. For anyone who knows me, you will know I have very strong feelings on politics and what action is required for liberation. It is my goal to form a Left Bloc/Alliance on the Council, in order to work on the day to day liberation of everyday members of the site. I want to make sure everyone gets their fair shake, by judging the tribunals fairly and impartially with an eye towards justice. I promise you that I will serve on the community council in favor of justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity. Today Rabbah, Comrades!

Hi I'm mcclay. I mostly post in Quests and GSRPG, though sometimes I poke my head into other parts of the site. If I'm elected councilor I'll push for rulings and resolutions that help make SV a more fair and just place on the internet. I will take a strong stand against bigotry and hatred and work to push in staff meetings for things to be more fair and representatively run

Hello everyone, and thank you to the people who've helped me get this far. I'm Shadowhisker, and I've been on this forum for… god, has it been seven years already? That was an entire gender ago for me! Anyway, although I'm something of a lurker, I'd like to think I've been a good member of the community for SV, whether it's writing omakes in Quests and User Fiction, or coming to terms with my gender and sexuality in the Chat Lounge, or radicalizing into an out-and-out communist on News & Politics- and maybe helping a few other people on those journeys, too. And now, I'd like to step up and be a voice for this community that's been a part of my life for so long.

As a councilor, if I am elected, I promise to work towards:

  • Taking the job seriously. I'll be an active member of and representative for the SV community; my DMs will always be open, and I'll keep a finger on the pulse of the site culture and administration both, and most importantly, keep the site administration honest. Tribunals will see me there, as will Community Council Discussions, and other site institutions and events.
  • Relatedly, pushing back against bigotry, racism, transphobia, and other forms of hatred. This place is not a place for fascists, crypto- or otherwise. I feel that I have a good feel for when some racist or sexist or classist bullshit is being snuck in under the cover of civility. I'll call out the dogwhistle bullshit if and when it comes up. It might be the bare minimum, but I can and will do that.
  • Encouraging healthy political discussion. The leftist discussion thread in the Corncob forums is a good start, for example, but I'd like for threads like that to be more active, and for there to be the space to, say, debate the validity of US presidential elections as an institution.
  • Keeping SV's creative culture alive, healthy, and diverse. Content promotion, things like poetry contests, things like these keep people involved in Quests and User Fiction. Additionally, pushing back against the remnants of anti-smut culture; NSFW may be allowed on SV now, but it's still kinda taboo, and I'd like to change that.
  • Finally, adding a Puerto Rico theme. SV is the most popular site in PR, we need to acknowledge that! :V
Thank y'all for letting me run, and vote Shadowhisker!

@Maugan Ra
Hello everyone! I'm Maugan Ra, and if you've heard of me there's good odds you either read one of my quests or have gotten into a conversation with me about some obscure nerd shit on discord. I've been posting on SV for years now, and before being elected to the council last year I was an arbitrator, so I like to think my public record ought to speak for me.

Hello SV I'm Fencer and you can always find me in User Fiction. I love this site, and I do like helping people, and my nomination caught me entirely off guard. I'm not sure exactly what I'd be in for if elected, but I'm game to try if you want me for the job. People familiar with my threads should know by now that I'm generally open to input even to the point of rare rewrites, but I can be stubborn on some issues, and I've learned to put my foot down and say enough when pressed. If that sounds like the person you want for the job I'll give it my honest effort.

Hello, SV
I've been around SV since Day 1, and spent 8 years on Staff as a Moderator before becoming a Councilor last year. I've seen the process from both sides, and know both the rules of SV and the Staff very well. I work hard to judge Tribunals from all sides, and grant leniency where possible and right. SV is an online home for many people, and we try our best to make it a welcoming one and keep out the uglier parts of the internet that have made many other places into wild jungles. If you return me to the Council, you will get someone who has spent over 10 years on SV, and wants to keep it the home we enjoy.

If you nominated me, you know what I'm about. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

If you didn't and you don't know me, my name is Telamon. Not a big fan of rules on the internet but I think when and where they exist they should have something like the council to keep them in line. If I'm elected that will mean that a portion of the userbase has chosen me to do that for them, and that means I will approach every situation with the userbase in mind. I'll read everything, attend everything, and give my thoughts when and where I think they'd be valuable. That's all I can realistically say, I think.

Thanks for reading.

I've been doing this council gig longer than anyone else. I hope to be reelected so that I can see another wave of council through how it works, and continue working for you on projects like content promotion and others that I have spearheaded.

Thanks for almost 10 years of council.

Hey, I'm Exponent. You might have seen me in the Mafia section, the Sufficiently Deliberative Reading Group, SpaceBattles, and some writing Discord servers I'm in.

Keeping this short and sweet, I'm running to make SV a better place for all users and to that end, I promise to listen to all of your concerns and address at best I can, regardless who are you. Equally important, I guarantee I will be fair in all tribunals and my dealings as a Councilor no matter what, in addition to taking work and the people I do it for seriously and respectfully, doing whatever is required of me and more, which includes making sure SV remains an inclusive and mindful creative space, especially for the queer community. Whatever concerns you have, I'd like to heard them or even just talk if you need to.

That is the tone I want to set and the atmosphere want to promote with you all.

As for ideas that I would like to see implemented on SV, I would like to see more new faces in the Sufficient Deliberative Reading Group since that has introduced to people I might not have had a chance to meet before and open me to some new ideas I previously might not have considered. Further advertising and expansion of that group is some I would like to help with, which is partly why I'm mentioning it here.

Another priority that some friends recommended was to have sub-tags for "mature" to allow for easier searching and filtering, along with a more nuanced subtag system, which will help you find the works you want and yield better search result for your own work.

Additionally, I'd like to see more creative writing contests and workshops on the forum to encourage both old and new writers share their work with the community. I think having workshops in particular would greatly expand the body of work the community has while further establishing Sufficient Velocity as a creative space.

I'd also push for an expansion of the number of Advocates on staff as well as to help users with their appeals, as opposed to just encouraging users to seek Advocates.

Anyway, that is what I'm about and want to accomplish. Talk to me if you would like to see or know anything else.

Hello, өдрийн мэнд! It's your local Mongolian enclave representative here. Looking to run for Council this year properly, as opposed to last, to get a good look at what goes on behind the scenes and see if I can't make this site a more enjoyable place to be. I'll admit upfront that I'm a lurker and reader more than anything, and due to my timezone I'm unlikely to be able to make it to the staff meetings, but I'll always be there for a tribunal vote and will always argue for the sake of the community more than anyone else.
And, well, being an Asian and especially a Mongol, I'm not too fond of any kind of discrimination and bigotry so you can expect me to be harsh at a minimum for any tribunals involving bigotry.

Cheers for reading through the whole spiel, and remember: no truce with the furies.

There's a lot of statements for this election, so I will get straight to the point. I don't have a special project I want to push for, or some comedic bit I want to run for a year. If elected, I will simply to the job I was elected for to the best of my ability.

That means promptly attending tribunals and staff meetings, while trying to be unbiased and fair to everyone bringing a case before me. It is the councils job to help make SV a pleasant and welcoming place to everyone, and I will always act with that goal in mind.

@The Laurent
I am The Laurent, a frequent contributor in Quests and stories (both as a writer and reader) and in most other parts of the site. I have been a Councilor for a while, and while I haven't shown up as much to the Meetings, I've not missed votes in the Tribunal, and I do some work behind the scenes with Content Promotion. I'd like your vote for this coming term, and think I would be a good choice that would continue to do my best to make fair and reasonable judgments in Tribunals and to keep an eye out for ways that I can make SV a better place.

Thank you for reading this, and have a lovely day.

Hi, it's your girl, Estro. Thanks to your kind nominations and votes, I've been on this council for the past two years. I've voted in every (bar one) tribunal placed before me, and attended most of the staff meetings I could. I have also helped contribute to Sufficiently Summer with the deciphering competition and various content promotion activities.

I promise, and hope my record shows, that I will be a voice of both compassion and reason in the tribunals. I have been infracted myself, and know that it can feel daunting to go through the process, and try to keep that in mind when evaluating the users we see before us.

I also would like to take up The Letter K's banner on finally getting a Rule Six reform past the finish line, to make the rule clearer to the users as to what is acceptable on the site as I feel it is very ambiguous relative to the actual moderated line.

I hope my dedication to this role is clear and shows the effort I put towards this position, and will do my best to contribute the same effort and dedication again if re-elected.

Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who nominated me, and else I can really say is that I hope you like me well enough to elect me.

Vote Estro!

@Abstract Ideas
Huh, actually made it onto the ballot. Neat.

Anyways, as someone who- compared to everyone else here- is fairly new to SV and comparatively younger in comparison- I can't really compare to everyone else here who has a written record/actually known amongst SV or even is secretly a superhero in disguise, so.

Yeah, the only thing I can really promise is that I will absolutely work my hardest on the Council and do the best job I can. And I guess if other Councilors are looking for someone to dump tedious work that they don't want to do and/or need help doing- I'm your guy.

Tedious soul-crushing work that will ultimately only be a bullet point in the grand scheme of things is a thing that I do. A lot. Both online and IRL. Most of the time it's self-inflicted as well. So. Yeah. That's my speech. Very good, I know.

"If elected I promise I will participate in the council."

some variation of this has been the sum total of my election speech every time I've been nominated, and I'm not changing it yet. I hope my honesty comes through.

EarthScorpion here, recurring (but intermittant) councillor. I bring experience, practice and - importantly - the fact that I take years off between Council duties before being re-elected so I've done this before while also not being burned out. I know how this is done, I'm a known quantity, and you know what I'm about now. Vote for me, or don't - it's really all up to you.
Last edited:
Assuming I've counted correctly:

We have 21 candidates with more than 100 votes. Of those, 10 are Councillors, so the one with the fewest (@all fictions at 135) is out, leaving 20. Of the rest, @Weygand has the fewest, at 104, so they're out, leaving 19. However, next is a tie, between @mcclay and @SectionXIII, at 127 (and it's almost a three-way tie, with @Exponent at 128). Do we have a tie-breaker for the 18th council seat? What happens now?

Also, I think @Etranger is the candidate with the lowest nomination-tie-order (#31) and the fewest nominations (3) to win, and not even that closely, with 158 votes. Congratulations!

EDIT #2:
Again, assuming my count is accurate, and based on the information by Susano below, this would be the 19-seat council (re-elected Councillors in cursive)
  • FantasticMsFox
  • Omicron
  • Susano
  • Etranger
  • Teen Spirit
  • PoptartProdigy
  • Lazer Raptor
  • Ralson
  • mcclay
  • Shadowhisker
  • Maugan Ra
  • Strygpia
  • Telamon
  • BiopunkOtrera
  • Exponent
  • SectionXIII
  • The Laurent
  • Estro
  • EarthScorpion
Congratulations to them all! :)
I say your count is accurate, since i have counted them myself.

1. Omicron- 287 - 1
2. The Laurent - 284 - 2
3. Maugra ra - 255 - 3
4. Estro - 233 - 4
5. Fox - 217 - 5
6. Biopunk - 212 - 6
7. Scorpion - 201
8. Telamon - 192
9. Strypgia- 184 - 7
10. Teen sprit - 180
11. Poptartprodigy - 173 - 8
12. Ralson - 165 - 9
13.Lazer raptor - 163
14. Etranger - 158
15. Shadow whisker- 135
16. Susano - 133
17.exponent - 128
18. Sectionxlll or mcclay - 127
Door to door campaigning did not work out! It seems the only sure fire election strat on SV is through quests/fanfic yet again!
ahah you all fell for my plan! This was a bizaro election so the person with the least votes is now God king for life of SV.
As my first act as God king all of you everyone of you shall get an ice-cream and a double scoop for the 32 more people then I expected to vote for me.
ahah you all fell for my plan! This was a bizaro election so the person with the least votes is now God king for life of SV.
As my first act as God king all of you everyone of you shall get an ice-cream and a double scoop for the 32 more people then I expected to vote for me.
Foul fiend! I'm lactose intolerant! I hereby swear to tear down your theocracy!