
[X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)

Very Nice. A good chase scene is an excellent way to start things. I'm playing aladdin's "One Jump Ahead" in my mind.
[X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)
[X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)
[X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)
I'm confused about the character sheet when it talks about appearance.

Appearance (Described in words for now due to lack of a good picture of you as a child): An average-sized boy with lilac shaded eyes and tousled blonde hair. When not wearing the stark-white uniform of a Warrior Candidate, Freyr wears a pair of dusty black suspenders and a rumpled white shirt.

I think you accidentally got it mixed up the other quest character sheet.
[X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)

A couple of maybe Outfits. Don't feel obliged to pick one if you feel the text description suits the quest better.
[X] Try and play the two parties off of each others. People who end up getting stuck down here aren't usually the smart types. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Charisma Check and get the Military Police troopers and Fatty confused about the entire situation. DC 20.)
Adhoc vote count started by Bezzon on Apr 2, 2022 at 9:46 AM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)
    [X] Try and play the two parties off of each others. People who end up getting stuck down here aren't usually the smart types. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Charisma Check and get the Military Police troopers and Fatty confused about the entire situation. DC 20.)

Seeing as voter turnout continues to decline and that I want to keep the ball rolling with this, I'm going to call it here. That being said, I'm going to need the first person that sees this post to roll a d100 for a Speed Check with a DC of 20 (Your Speed Stat Mod is +7.)
Adhoc vote count started by Bezzon on Apr 2, 2022 at 9:46 AM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] You've always been running, your entire life. There's no way that these chumps are about to stop you now. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Speed Check and run past the Military Police troopers. DC 20.)
    [X] Try and play the two parties off of each others. People who end up getting stuck down here aren't usually the smart types. (Roll a d100 to see if you can make a Charisma Check and get the Military Police troopers and Fatty confused about the entire situation. DC 20.)

Seeing as voter turnout continues to decline and that I want to keep the ball rolling with this, I'm going to call it here. That being said, I'm going to need the first person that sees this post to roll a d100 for a Speed Check with a DC of 20 (Your Speed Stat Mod is +7.)
Here comes the Magoose Dice:

Cho cho!
Magoose threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: You have given me the dice Total: 55
55 55