Tam Lin
The Evolution QM
[You cannot destroy nothing]
[You cannot destroy nothing]
What flower? I can see the nest just fine.[X] Plan rabbits
-[x][DESTROY] Flower blocking the owl nest
-[x][UPGRADE] expand the meadow to the side
-[x][BUILD] Rabbit burrow in the meadow
Owl's gotta eat.
The purple-pink one is growing into the nest, I'll change it for clarity's sake.
[X][BUILD] A field of stars.
I've noticed that too. Also the pipes beneath the vase are dripping brown and green liquid. I don't know if that's the blood of the vase getting processed somehow.Is it just me or are those broken pieces growing pipes and gold?
[Destroy] Command will destroy a random pink object on the map and not all pink objects[X][DESTROY] The color pink
[X][UPGRADE] The yellow flier in the top right
[X][BUILD] A tidal pool full of coral and shells