1,000 Ways to Kill A Kryptonian

Well if you just deage him then his cells should still have their sunlight so he should be more powerful then he was when he was a baby.
What I mean is returnhis body to what it was at a younger age, when he hadn't absorbed as much sunlight and thus wasn't as strong.
What you're saying is to... turn his body into a baby version but change nothing else, therefore leaving the extra sunlight in his cells
Sudden and Instantaneous transport into the heart of a Red Sun should do it.
Make sure he cant leave should finish it.

Depower him, kill him and completely annihilate the body so that not even atoms are left. Leave a body lying around will only let him come back to punch you in the face.
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If they are redundant then they aren't profitable anymore.

Just because the editor/creators think someone else would be *more* profitable in the spot sans competition (and they're often not right in that), doesn't mean the prior one is *un* profitable.

Like, Chris Kent is probably gone for good since Jon Kent has a nigh identical role as Superman's son. And Cir-El Supergirl was a fun short-lived character who's well liked but has to compete with Kara for the Supergirl role. Ditto Linda Danvers Supergirl.
What I mean is returnhis body to what it was at a younger age, when he hadn't absorbed as much sunlight and thus wasn't as strong.
What you're saying is to... turn his body into a baby version but change nothing else, therefore leaving the extra sunlight in his cells

I thought something like a biological thing that made him deage and not time hax.
For the "overpowered" angle, maybe subjecting him to a maximum amount of solar radiation all at once? I'm thinking a sci go version of a flashbang, but instead it gives out UV rays. Or maybe a Thousand solar lamps.

Speaking of those, red sun lamps should be useful in a pinch.
For the "overpowered" angle, maybe subjecting him to a maximum amount of solar radiation all at once? I'm thinking a sci go version of a flashbang, but instead it gives out UV rays. Or maybe a Thousand solar lamps.

Speaking of those, red sun lamps should be useful in a pinch.

Doing so with Red Sun (thus flooding his cells with depowering red rays) seems a safer bet than trying to max him out with empowering rays- it *might* work but he's got moments of uberpower in that case.
It is possible to harm him with his own power, and with superman generally using kryptonian things against him works.
On swamp things wikipedia page(I don't know when this story line actually happened) it says:

Swamp Thing can control any form of plant life. He can make it bend to his will or accelerate its growth. This control even extends to alien life, as he once cured Superman of an infection caused by exposure to a Kryptonian plant that was driving Superman mad and causing his body to burn out its own power.[23]