お前はもう死んでいる- An Arthurverse Tale (Open to Newcomers)

After two years of seemingly going nowhere I have once again been accepted into a prime university, despite having to force myself to apply barely days before the deadline. Feeling quite relieved today.
What I am saying:
@JBO added some images for the Takeda on Family Echo. Hope you don't mind me googling Deku as a Samurai.

Ironically, my main D&D character is True Neutral.

It is just really easy for me to be neutral or some reason. I don't know why.
Lawful Good is just the best way to go. Anything else is the easy route. :p
Deadline for plans is Sunday 8 pm German time will reply to stuff once I am back from work
I'll have you know its an image of a being far greater than batman posing as a rich playboy who fights crime on his own dollar, a libertarians dream.
Ah, I see. A good man that one.
Deadline for plans is Sunday 8 pm German time will reply to stuff once I am back from work
Well then, thank god my plans are in. Time to see if I can survive the wave of people out to kill me.

This is going to be fun.
1-6 Bear 7-10 Dog
JBO threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 9
9 9
@RedDragon2000 Please send me a plan on how you plan to survive a night in an eldritch temple via PM before deadline. :)
When is the deadline? And I'm unsure about how to survive in an eldritch temple without having a vague idea of what form of suicide I just agreed to.
Deadline for plans is Sunday 8 pm German time will reply to stuff once I am back from work
When is the deadline? And I'm unsure about how to survive in an eldritch temple without having a vague idea of what form of suicide I just agreed to.
Its mostly weird fish people being weird fish people. The entire faction is an Innsmouth joke.
And you are unlikely to die on a bad result, more to return strange.
As a small aside @Dovahsith and @ByzantineCaesar in the test thread I finally got down to adding the Ilkhan "vassals" to the map and I am currently working on the rough outlines of a middle east map (though the realm of Theodore is already on the main map anyways)