what could possibly go wrong?

  1. butchock

    The Republic! (A Warhammer City State Quest)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Flame of Hope

    "Brothers! Sisters! Rejoice! For You are True to the Cause! Freedom is at hand!" - seditious pamphlet found in Altdorf, Empire of Sigmar. “The greatest and most powerful revolutions often start very quietly, hidden in the shadows. Remember that.” - last words of famed agitator Marie Richter...
  2. AllRoadsLeadTo

    Meta Two-By-For (Worm/RvB: Meta!Taylor)
    Threadmarks: Booting Up

    Meta Two-By-For (Worm/RvB: Meta!Taylor) A while back @WhoAmEye suggested a Red versus Blue crossover with Worm and I came up with an idea for a Meta!Taylor given there are already Sylar!Taylor and Slenderman!Taylor stories where she's a Trump that steals powers. I wrote this as a one-shot for...
  3. Lancer Fire

    Ignika [A Worm x Bionicle Crossover]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Worm: Ignika Prologue: Initiate A round circle with a single pebble stood against many dark, tall, imposing stones. The pebble is withered, chipped, and even has a piece chipped off. The pebble is pushed down by the other stones, but before it falls, a tall, bright rock drops and stands behind...
  4. Alfa290

    In Which Carnivals Have Me Trippin' (Carnival Phantasm)

    What did I get myself into? Carnival Phantasm Ep1 - Slow camera pan to show the sign for a shop with a phone ringing. I like where this is going already - What the fuck… It’s a cat-person, but not even the standard Japanese cat-person. - What is wrong with Mapo… umm… what’s curry? - Is that...
  5. Nightingale

    Thief of Hearts: A Dragon's Dogma Quest (Now with zero calories)
    Threadmarks: Front Page

    This is a whole new world! A foreword: This quest is a bit of new grounds for me. I've never done anything longer than short stories, and this will hardly be short, so bare with me because I'll probably do a whole lot of things wrong. [/SPOILER] State of the world: Fine weather...
  6. TPK

    Contractor Quest (Hellsing)
    Threadmarks: 001- Get in

    In which there are Nazi vampires. You aren't a native here in England. Truthfully you're a bit of a mutt wherever you go, but it's not so bad in London, like all big cities. Not to insinuate that London's got a scratch on Rio or Dhaka in size or sprawl, but it feels more spread out than...
  7. Jackercracks

    Roll the Dice on Fate (Once More) [Naruto SI]
    Threadmarks: Springtime 1.1

    A/N: A Naruto SI story. We will be derailing canon as soon as reasonably possible. Don't worry, there will be no play-by-play re-enactment of scenes you've already seen here. Now also on (SB) and (FF.net)! ooo Knowledge is power. I have knowledge; I want power, now if I could just figure out...
  8. Guessmyname

    No Matter What Happens, I Still Won't Become An Anime Character, For Real This Time
    Threadmarks: Start of Week 2. 1-1: Dawn of the First Day

    I was born Sakura Kokoro on the 25th of December, 1998, with pink hair. The universe has been after me ever since. Just last week even; yet another 'childhood friend' I can't remember showed up, chased me around trying to warn me of some prophecy or other, turned into a nun and then nearly...
  9. Wade Garrett

    Oath Sign: What Dreams May Come

    A coin, thrown into the air. Thrown again and again, ten times ten times ten times ten thousand times, then ten thousand more, landing heads, tails, on its edge, sometimes never falling back down at all. Yet how many times must the coin be thrown before it reaches Heaven? What: Individuals...
  10. Dead-Not

    Legends Birth (RWBY Quest)

    So, seeing as my Tokyo Ghoul quest is a horrible failure I've decided to try my hand at a RWBY Quest once more with the blessing of the great and generous @CrossyCross as I'll be using a lot of the worldbuilding stuff from his quest the Price of Power over on SB. So, without further adieu...
  11. WhoAmEye

    Worldbuilding for Para-Trans-Humans (Worm with Drider!Taylor and Batgirl!Sophia)

    Worldbuilding thread for a new project of mine! Since this idea has been bugging me for the last week or so, I'll put what I've got in mind so far here. General stuff: This fic will mostly be focussing on things like slice of life and the psychological impacts of triggering and becoming...
  12. BlackAeronaut

    [MultiXover][Fusion][AU][OC]Dear Sweet Kami-sama... Why do You Hate Me So?
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - This is Why I Never Make Good First Impressions

    I present to the denizens of SV the story of one sorry sunuvabitch, and his dealings with a Chaotic-Good God of Death and Rebirth called Raven - who usually likes to wear the guise of Gurney Halleck from the Dino de Laurentis flop, Dune. There will be mood whiplash. There will be insanity...
  13. TripleMRed

    It's a Wonderful Life.(Original/Mixed-Crossover.)

    A Beginning like any other. The Isle of Malta was a pretty Okay place to live. Sure, it had it's problems, but what place didn't have bandits, monsters, and malcontents? There are many worse places to be born in anyway. You don't know of any, since you're only five years old, but you do know...
  14. zero_traveler

    May We Die On The Trail (Magus Oregon Trail)
    Threadmarks: INTRO - CharGen

    It is the mid 1800s. The current state of the world is one of expansion. The world is getting bigger, spreading out further, and more and more, Gaia's mysteries are being pushed back, moved aside, to make room for Humanity to flourish. 1860, The United States. This land was considered...
  15. zero_traveler

    Betrayal At House On The Hill RP

    (Before you continue: Character Creation is a work in Progress, if you have doubts, questions, or solutions, please feel free to voice them and tag me. for those who don't know, Tagging someone on SV is the "@" symbol, followed by the person's Screen name you are attempting to Tag. So mine would...
  16. Azecreth

    Lighting the Candles (RWBY Criminal Empire Quest)

    Presented courtesy of @Azecreth and @ImperialRocketeer. -- - - - Vale, one of the four kingdoms to survive on Remnant, amidst monsters and warfare. From humble beginnings, it has grown into a thriving Kingdom, one that has beaten back the tide of darkness and held it at arms length, protecting...
  17. Xero Key

    We now live in a giant robot anime...AWESOME!!!
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    Gentle beings of the internet... In one years time we shall actually have the first of no doubt many giant robot fights. Yes they use paintballs instead of bullets, and they aren't quite ready for melee, but IT HAS BEGUN. I have created this thread for the inevitable worldbuilding and fictional...
  18. Ars Poetica

    Everyone Steps on 'Stepping on Worm' (Let's Read)
    Threadmarks: Ars Poetica Reads Chapter 1; Part 1

    When I was in seventh grade, I messed up my knee on a skiing accident in Vermont. It was the very first day of Winter Break and, while the rest of my family was able to enjoy the vacation, I was stuck in a room with absolutely nothing to do but watch TV. Problem: TV sucked. So, in a fit of...
  19. Muhkat Lomorki

    The Doctor regenerates into...

    What if? 
    VRIIIIIIIISKAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Assume she has all the doctor's memories, as well as his plot shields. Her charisma is also enhanced to the level of the doctors. How much is the rest of the universe fucked?
  20. WhoAmEye

    In Which Skitter Summons SV'ers! (Total Crack RP)
    Threadmarks: OP: It Begins Once More

    Right, starting this before after derailing the previously thought to be un-de-rail-able Crack Thread, Skitter had a third trigger (probably in the middle of her coma or something silly like that), and now has the ability to summon YOU as some viable combination of you and your avatar. For...
  21. Trace Coburn

    Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]
    Threadmarks: Transcriber's forenote and thread index

    Transcriber’s forenote: I own nothing within this thread, except for whatever effect my posts in the original threads had on the decisions made during each Quest thread. I am archiving this Quest to Spacebattles.com with the gracious permission of demetrious. but none of the side-material —...
  22. toxinvictory

    Avatar: The Last Airbender vs The Rapine Storm (CthulhuTech)

    Hail to the dread authors of @Lavanya Six ,@EarthScorpion @Aleph may their works strike awe into the hearts of all. Listen unbelievers to a tale of cruelty and chaos: In another world Aang doesn't survive being released from the Ice by Katara and Sokka and since he was in the Avatar state...
  23. Private Lee O'Malley

    XCOM EW: Where There's a Rocket, There's a Way!
    Threadmarks: XCOM: Prepare to Die

    Let's Play 
    Ever since XCOM 2 has been announced, I've been on a bit of a XCOM kick, dusting off the game after a couple of months. I've replayed the game, got my ass kicked trying out Classic Ironman once, and then proceeded to get the hang out of it after trying again but then I got bored. I usually get...
  24. Alastor Mobius Toth

    Do You Know of Love? - A Science Fantasy Date Quest

    The beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that it is the year 1475 of Third Following, the Year of Fire-Swallow. It has been almost 10 years since the Sidhe-ruled empire of Ithiliene had clashed against Runé Empire and their allies, the Kingdoms of the South; and nearly 3 since the...
  25. Novus Ordo Mundi

    The QM Must Die!

    Ah, hello there, Questers. My name is Novus Ordo Mundi, and I have a quest you might have some interest in. You see, in many quests, there is always the sense that the QM wants you to succeed. They write these of grand articles of epic adventure to immerse yourselves in while you try and build...