warhammer 40k

  1. The Laurent

    Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs (Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader)
    Threadmarks: Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs

    Short Story 
    Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth, Let's choose executors and talk of wills: On This Date, the 35th Day of the Seventh...
  2. FirthofDrengist

    Empire Engine Idea Index and Lore
    Informational: Empire Engine Idea Index

    Idea Essay Future 
    Idea Index Standards: Standard Light Year Standard Second Standard Metrics Standard DNA Standard Biota/Enviomes Standard Humaniform Standard Parish/Polity/Peerage Standard Planet/Populations Standard Empire (A common scifi trope is to say standard days or years - this is a parallel concept...
  3. FirthofDrengist

    Empire Engine Introduction, Setting Constraints, and Errata
    Threadmarks: Empire Engine Setting

    What if? Original Sci-Fi 
    What if in the near future an unimaginably powerful AI agent escaped from the solar system? Where would it go? If it was pre-programmed to create and maintain a perpetual empire and control the entire galaxy there is only one place to go - the Galactic Core - where the Vast majority of the...
  4. undead frog

    The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)
    Threadmarks: Begining

    It is 032.M116, less than a century after the Horus Heresy was brought to an end and the Second Founding declared. Just after the bare minimum needed to reign in the chaos of the Horus Heresy was done. The hunt for the traitors goes on. But the Imperium's expansion continues regardless, for...
  5. Jax

    Road of Redemption
    Threadmarks: Prolog 1

    “I wait for you, and I forgive you,” the voice said. It was filled with dread and sadness. The moment you hear it, you realize it is your father's voice. These were the last words he spoke to you before he ended your life with a dagger straight to the heart. You remembered the pain, the feeling...
  6. The Radiant Shepherd - A Warhammer 40K God-Emperor Quest

    The Radiant Shepherd - A Warhammer 40K God-Emperor Quest
    Threadmarks: The Guardian of Mankind

    It is the 41st Millenium. For more than a hundred centuries you have sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Terra. You are the master of mankind, in defiance of the cruel desires of twisted gods, and millions of worlds are under the protection of your inexhaustible armies. Through the greatest...
  7. blueayes

    Warhammer shatterd age
    Threadmarks: 1

    The galaxy is dying, the Orks have changed, and they have become something darker, smarter, and deadlier. Their presence alone was enough to break the minds of lesser beings, who would either kneel to them and swear loyalty to their new masters or would be driven mad by whatever new powers...
  8. H

    A Galaxy of Rust (Celestial Forge / 40K Pseudo SI)
    Informational: Information and Disclaimer

    First of all: Disclaimer: I do not own any of the properties mentioned in this fic, nor do I claim to. All rights remain with their respective owners. None of this is canon or should be seen as such. I am not profiting from this fic in any way; this is entirely for fun. Okay, so this is a...
  9. Age of Darkness (A Traitor Legion Captain Quest)

    Age of Darkness (A Traitor Legion Captain Quest)
    Threadmarks: Prologue - Character Creation 1

    "The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal." - Attributed to Ancient Terran Scholar and Remembrancer 000. M31; Civilized System, 23-56, 'Heruvian System' The planet of 23-56 was a testament to the perseverance and ingenuity of humanity. The world had...
  10. fearsome hill

    Fate Unschackled(40K Rogue Psyker Quest)
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    In the grim darkness of the forty second millennium, a recent cataclysm has shaken the imperium of man to it's core. The psychic awakening has cursed billions among the teeming masses of humanity with the greatest blessing of the warp: Psykery. You are one among these newly awakened psykers yet...
  11. Fullyautomagic

    The Unconquered Stars - A Grimdark Strategy Game (Warhammer 40k)

    OOC Sci-Fi 
    The Unconquered Stars A Grimdark Strategy Game Far beyond the reach of the Imperium lies a forgotten corner of the galaxy. Here, untouched by Terra's genocidal wrath, Xenos empires have thrived in an age of prosperity. Yet a sense of unease is present among the stars, for the shadow that...
  12. A Different Breed (Warhammer 29K)

    A Different Breed (Warhammer 29K)
    Threadmarks: Creation, Part 1 of 2

    In the time of the Breaking, when old glories fell, mighty Uldenesh and his disciples carved Paths in the world that would dominate the destiny of the Craftworlds thereafter. Many are the mighty deeds of this time, and many more the sagas written, yet some would make their own way. In the...
  13. A Soldier in a Wartorn Galaxy - A Warhammer 40k X Supreme Commander Quest

    A Soldier in a Wartorn Galaxy - A Warhammer 40k X Supreme Commander Quest
    Threadmarks: 3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - The Beginning of the End

    3851.04.15 (Incident-Day) Via unknown means Lieutenant General Rebecca Shepard is intercepted during a quantum gate jump and arrives in another, unfamiliar universe. Within hours an unknown force, later identified as a tendril of the Tyranid hive fleet Moloch, assaulting the planet mounts a...
  14. Addemup

    Freedom and War [Modded Minecraft/Warhammer 40K]
    Threadmarks: 1 (I)

    Art Quest 
    FREEDOM -AND- WAR A Modded Minecraft/Warhammer 40K Art Quest - - - For a moment, darkness surrounds you. Then, an overwhelming presence appears in your vicinity. Greetings, little one. Do not be afraid. My strange appearance may seem monstrous to your eyes, but I assure you that my...
  15. Terra1125

    I got sent to Hell & all I got was a C'tan Shard
    Threadmarks: Void Awakening

    This was kicking around in my head for a while even when I am meant to be working on my Tiamat story. So I decided to inflict you internet users with it instead. Enjoy! ~Story_Start~ The sun glared through the grimy window, casting harsh shadows across the dingy motel room. Shinku Tekina...
  16. SirBearington

    A Frog's Blessing in this Wonderful Galaxy [WH40K Kermit Old One OC-Insert]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Making a Splash! It was a wonderful summer day. The sun was shining, the sky was almost clear with just a few large lazy clouds floating by, and the wind was blowing ever so gently; caressing his pasty white skin. Breathing in the scent of the ocean before him and feeling the coarse white sands...
  17. B

    The indomitable human spirit vs a galaxy of angst! A warhammer 40k human god quest.
    Threadmarks: Birth of a Godling

    The galaxy is ruled by the powerful and overwhelming Aeldari, who reach ever greater heights. So grand, their dominion over all things, that some begin a path of debauchery in order to find meaning in a galaxy without wants. The orks continue to devolve without a mighty threat to face them...
  18. DragonCobolt

    WARHAMMER 40,000: A Thousand Tiny Suns (40k/Exalted Crossover!)
    Threadmarks: The Regiment (0.1)

    Crossover Mature Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    The sky above Cathexias II was smeared with an orange-brown smudge. Tiny from a distance, it's true and horrific scale only became apparent with planetary context: the curve of a continent, the bulk of a moon, the glittering of city lights. The smudge was the sixty eight thousand meter wide...
  19. Maugan Ra

    Memento Mori (Exalted/40k)
    Threadmarks: Introduction and Welcome

    It is the 42nd Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth, a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium, for whom a thousand souls die every day, for whom...
  20. A

    Tech-Atheist (WH30K/Celestial Forge v3 SI)
    Informational: Introduction and Perks

    Welcome. I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring of CF fanfiction. This fic runs on the Pen Mechanic (don't remember what it's called) - basically, every 1000 words gives me 100 extra points. I roll for perks after every chapter and take whatever I get if I can afford it. I also started with...
  21. O

    In His Service
    Threadmarks: Chapter Creation Part 1

    It is the 41th Millenium and the Imperium is besieged by all sides by the Heretic, the Mutant, The Alien; on innumerable battlefield the members of the Astra Militarum fight and die in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind, countless are their allies; from the legions of Skitarii to the orders...
  22. B

    Light of the 40th century
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Light of the 40th century Deep in the primordial void where neither light nor darkness painted creation. Where concepts originated and from whence they ceased. In the void both above and below the infinitum of the Absolutionism where unclaimed souls go to die, a golden soul pulsed with...
  23. Redleo

    Naruto:Kage Quest:A New Shadow
    Threadmarks: Main

    This is an UNOFFICIAL fanfiction. I do not own the Naruto franchise or the Storyteller System in any way. All items owned by there respective owners and being used exclusively for fanwork and not being used to generate funds. AN: second quest ive ever done, so there may be a lot mistakes...
  24. ganonso

    Forsaken (40k Chaos Warband Quest)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Forsaken (40k Chaos Warband Quest) You feel the death of your father even before the vox come alive. You feel defeat singing through your bones, traveling by whatever sorcery the False Emperor wedded to your gene-seed. Terra is burning right below your ship, its cities set ablaze by the glow of...
  25. UNSC Kawakaze

    Sirin's Magical Bizarre Adventure
    Threadmarks: Sirin's Magical Bizarre Adventure 01

    Crossover Sci-Fi 
    Humanity. Homo Sapiens, a relatively young species with decidedly average abilities on the galactic scale. Powerful Valkyrie are the exception to the rule. Likewise, their short life spans but birth rates place them well above others in natural evolutionary changes, if not by much. Average...