short story

  1. The Washerwoman of Brookhollow

    The Washerwoman of Brookhollow
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Welcome to another character backstory, this time for an upcoming DnD campaign using kibble's occultist class as the character base. It'll be short (since I have to have it done by next week), and it's a break from the long and in-progress works. Technically it's just for my game master and the...
  2. Chandra

    The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR): Short stories, flash fiction, and research papers
    Threadmarks: Some basic information

    Original Worldbuilding Short Story 
    From the intro of Toxic Sludge Fountain (a WIP serialized novel, to be released sometime this year): A collection of stories set in The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR), a fantastical science fiction which came into being in the 2040s... approximately. Actually, its very existence...
  3. Qaletaqa

    Epic of Hiccstrid
    Threadmarks: The Epic of Hiccstrid

    Worldbuilding Short Story Romance 
    Hiccup groaned, sliding into a chair as his exhaustion finally set in. "How in Thor's name did dad handle this job? I swear, Loki must have invaded the minds of everyone on this island!" He grunted, barely lifting his hand before something cold, damp and rectangular was placed in it. "Thanks...
  4. redspah

    Seedlings on Barren Soil [Pokémon]
    Threadmarks: Seedlings on Barren Soil

    Short Story Modern 
    Seedlings on Barren Soil Author's Note: This work takes place in the same setting as From the Vast and Lunar Magic. Bless us, Saints, bless us, Winds May the Winter pass us by May the Demons turn their eyes May we live to see Spring rise “Moooom, do...
  5. Rakashua

    The Benediction of the Fallen Fury (An Original WH40K Fiction)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    For your enjoyment and potentially the wrenching of your hearts, here follows the story of the last days of Sister Frenzara, Sister of Battle, Order of the Bloody Rose, Adepta Sororitas, Red Fury. The story will be told in 7 parts, with ODD numbered parts being STORY and EVEN numbered parts...
  6. EarthScorpion

    Fire's Great Comedy (Elden Ring)
    Threadmarks: That Fire's Not Supposed To Go There!

    Short Story 
    If there was one thing that Melina had learned, it was that she couldn’t trust her chosen tarnished champion as far as she could throw her. It was not simply that she was a fool, though she was. It was also because in her foolishness, she had depths of ingenuity and bloody-minded imagination...
  7. petergriffin

    The galaxy is vast , A Warhammer 40K anthology.
    Threadmarks: The Venton campaign. (Part one.)

    Short Story Sci-Fi 
    Prologue The Jorgall had vanished from history long ago, thought wiped from existence or driven off ,by the death guard when they were still loyal, in the dying years of the Great Crusade. Their enormous, cylindrical ships— large enough to have their own internal gravity and had chlorinated...
  8. kilroy322

    Blue 2
    Media: Blue 2

    Original Short Story Sci-Fi 
    Blue 2 No longer was I a sickly creature of mere flesh and bone, but a void angel of titanium with wings of incandescent aluminum. Vanguard of the defense, we triple baronesses of Alpha Centauri would stand against all. The nova rockets warped in first, shielded automata of suicidal intellect...
  9. kilroy322

    Phtheironauts Part 1, Chapter 1 (Rough Draft)
    Media: Phtheironauts

    Original Worldbuilding Short Story 
    Phtheironauts Part 1: The Kid, Fated Warrior Chapter 1: Cecmu Othrys hanged in the sky like a corpse from a gibbet, its lifeblood burning a dim glow that by its nearness beat down on Chthon with a miserable sanguine radiance. High in the rust sands between the Umi and the Lacustrine basins...
  10. Thorison1080

    Super Gamer Bro's (A Uber and Leet Short Story)
    Threadmarks: Super Gamer Bro's.

    Short Story Superhero 
    Super Gamer Bro's (A Uber and Leet Short Story) Backing Music: Like a Prayer (Choir Mix) Uber and Leet Overlooked the Roiling almost septic waves and torrential Downpour that blanketed their home, their city, even if people often forgot they were also there. Just like the teleporter who had...
  11. Aozhouhuaren

    Djindak Koorliny: Walking Among The Stars. An Aozhouhuaren space opera setting

    Djindak Koorliny is a space opera setting that I've been working on sporadically over the past decade. Frankly, I still think it's kind of mostly a Star Trek rip-off, but hopefully with enough unique ideas and takes that folk will find interesting. The title phrase "Djindak Koorliny" is from...
  12. Harryeagle

    A Child In Need.
    Threadmarks: A Child In Need.

    Original Mature Short Story 
    It's cold. That's because it's raining. I hate when it rains. That's when people stay inside. Then I don't get money begging. It's cold. I don't have a blanket. Someone bigger took mine. I hope he drowns in the Rivière Elise. It's raining harder now. Even under the eaves I am getting wet. I...
  13. Tales From The Liu Association

    Tales From The Liu Association

    Worldbuilding Action Modern 
    Tales From the Liu Association SHE SETS THE CITY ON FIRE: Prologue: "A Soup For Every Season" The first rays of dawn filtered through the drawn shutters, falling onto the back of Ishmael's head as she slept. Her long tresses of voluminous knee-length orange hair were spread out across her...
  14. The Laurent

    Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs (Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader)
    Threadmarks: Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs

    Short Story 
    Of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth, Let's choose executors and talk of wills: On This Date, the 35th Day of the Seventh...
  15. redspah

    Transcendence [Pokémon]
    Threadmarks: Transcendence

    Short Story Fantasy 
    Transcendence Beneath a brilliant moon, a shore. Calm waves wash against the sterile sand, trying futilely to spread the ocean's influence onto the land. With each attempt, they steal just a handful of grains; cradle them with currents unseen and bring them to the depths, where something...
  16. J

    Of the Stars' Bounds
    Threadmarks: Prelude - Fading

    She fled through the streets, searching desperately for somewhere to hide, something to protect her from the Fade as it approached. The city was deserted already, the people all having remembered and sheltered themselves from the light that would soon appear and scourge them all. She scrambled...
  17. EcoSyndieDragon

    Paradise in Mosaic [Mass ISOT/Virgin Earth scenario]
    Threadmarks: Introduction to Pardis

    Original Timeline Supernatural 
    Paradise in Mosaic In the infinite sea of possible worlds there are a number of Edens, also called 'Virgin Earths'. Worlds where mankind never emerged or in some cases perished in some long ago extinction event. Occasionally some unknown hand or hands sees fit to bring inhabitants of...
  18. Mister Anemone

    A Day In The Job - An Three Part Short Story
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    When I finally graduated from high school after grueling years of studying every subject that I could think of, my future prospects of becoming a college student after I graduated was completely stalled. Stalled, because my family didn't have the money to pay for the entirety of me being a...
  19. AClassyBunny

    Transcript of a Mimic
    Threadmarks: Transcript of a Mimic

    Original Short Story Horror 
    Transcript of a Mimic The Control Department received a call from the emergency intercom located within the containment unit of Subject NT-1982 at 15:01. The following is a transcript of the conversation. "This is the Control Department. Please state your name and current location."...
  20. The Shieldmaidens Tale

    The Shieldmaidens Tale
    Threadmarks: Part 1: The Breaker In Chains

    Original Short Story Fantasy 
    "Rezan the Chainer. Dead or Alive. Last spotted in the countryside between Oswill and The Dale." She had read it a hundred times over and still her nerves were never calmed. The white haired Dwarf rolled up the bounty poster and stuffed it into her pack, the rustling of her chainmail making...
  21. azatol

    Azatol’s random ideas, drabbles
    Threadmarks: Soar

    This thread is for sharing some shorter ideas / writing. Either new ideas or something carried from my blog or file folder. For the intro I'll share a weird sci-fi world with aliens, zeppelins, and a sort of soul / personality as an actual quantifiable force. — Traveler Knight, Chapter 1...
  22. The Girl Who Sold Magic

    The Girl Who Sold Magic
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Wrong Turn

    Original Short Story Fantasy 
    With a thunderous crash, the wine glass shattered into a thousand pieces, joining the jagged snowfall on the floor, gathered like dust on a shelf. "Shitfaced bastard!" Expelled in one breath came the frustrated voice of a small woman. "Running out of creative ones?" A bemused man responded...
  23. I'm So Sorry

    I'm So Sorry
    Threadmarks: I'm So Sorry

    Original Short Story Fantasy 
    Silence. That was the worst part of it. Alone in a sea of stained sand she sat, clutching a symbol of Yara, the newly acknowledged God of Life. With her eyes closed tight as she murmured a prayer for those she was too late to save. "Bringer of Life, Daughter of the Blackened Heart, take care...
  24. A Momentary Calm

    A Momentary Calm
    Threadmarks: A Momentary Calm

    Original Short Story 
    "Meat is meat, right?" She grumbled across the campfire, gleaming blue eyes fixated on the slowly rotating hunk of meat. "No. There's a big difference between a slab Stomper steak and, like… Scarab meat." The giant man responded, cranking the spit to ensure even cooking. "It's a miracle you...
  25. Fannao's Home Video

    Fannao's Home Video
    Threadmarks: Fannao's Home Video

    Original Short Story Fantasy 
    The video feed flickered to life, the static cutting out to reveal a young Orcish girl sitting in, what can only be described as squalor. A Street Mage in the truest of senses, she had telltale runic tattoos along her arms that lightly glowed with arcane purpose. She was surrounded by piles of...