
  1. Miho Chan

    Tides of Sorrow, Tides of Change
    Threadmarks: Opening

    IC Alt. History 
    Your surroundings fade away, replaced slowly by something else entirely. Vaguely, you can see the other spirits disappearing, most likely sent somewhere else. @UbeOne you awaken at a traditional Shinto shrine, surrounded by foxes. Before you is androgynous person, who has two fox ears atop their...
  2. Miho Chan

    Tides of Sorrow, Tides of Change (Waitlist)

    OOC Alt. History 
    Foreword: Hey, it's Miho_Chan here! I'm back with another RP, this time a Semi-Realistic~Realistic RP inspired by the Kantai Collection Fanfic: Changing Destinies First off, let me start by saying this is NOT a grand strategy, though it will probably bear some similarities to it. A lot of OOC...
  3. Miho Chan

    Enduring the Tides of Darkness
    Threadmarks: Prompt

    December 31st, 2019 21:00 UTC "The Night the World Stood Still" Multiple Locations across the globe Abyssal Forces have launched surprise air-raids across the globe. Casualties Number well over one hundred thousand, and are still climbing. The United Nations scramble to complete the altered...
  4. Miho Chan

    Enduring the Tides of Darkness (Open!)

    Preface: Hello, and welcome to Enduring the Tides of Darkness; a RP set in early 2020, where the war against the abyssals is in its infancy. Scenario: The world stands united against the abyssal thread, with only a few Radical Nations (Mostly Landlocked) refusing to join the UN's efforts to...
  5. CCBubba

    The Darkest Hour (Reboot)
    Threadmarks: Original Post

    It was a normal day, just like any other. You were going about your lives when, for various reasons and through various means, you died. This death was not what you expected, and you found yourselves in a world of pure white. There were no details, just yourself and a young teenage woman. “I...
  6. theJMPer

    Threadmarks: FLGS: theJMPer vs Anon

    “Match day!” To the uninitiated eye, I carried a beautiful-detailed but otherwise unremarkable waterline model. An eight-hundred-eighty-seven foot warship rendered in ten or so inches of injection-molded plastic, turned aluminium, and photo-etched brass. “Match day!” I had another dozen or so...
  7. CCBubba

    The Darkest Hour (Reboot) (Open)
    Threadmarks: Original Post

    Hello everyone! Awhile ago I started this RP needed around modern shipgirls fighting modern Abyssals. Unfortunately it died. But I have decided to come back and reboot it! Rules are going to be pretty simple and relaxed, were all here to have fun. Most of the rules are going to be the same as...
  8. H

    Things involving Shipgirls that are no longer allowed: Azur Lane Edition
    Threadmarks: 1

    Hello. I've never really written much of anything before. I really enjoyed "Things no longer allowed involving Shipgirls" by CV12Hornet" even though I've never touched the Kancolle game. So I thought, why not do the same thing, but of Azur Lane? I plan to update very intermittently because of...
  9. Spectral Waltz

    Abyssal Princesses 2 (Not Actually the Second One): A Kancolle GSRP
    Threadmarks: Opening and Links

    Rulebook (Google Doc) Game Thread Discord Channel (Not a Dedicated Server.) The year is 2020... Humanity struggles by, as it always has, yet in the depths of the ocean, things are awakening that may have been best left asleep. The spirits of the lost, in war, in fire, from the...
  10. Trekki859

    Ex Machina (Worm Cyoa V5/Ars Nova crossover)
    Threadmarks: Not In Kansas anymore...

    Well hello there awesome peoples! thought I'd join the club over here and put my story up here, previously on SB, now on QQ and as of tonight SV. Do note though that initially, I'm only bringing about half the story over, as I wish to avoid any chance of drama and will be running a fair bit...
  11. Sketchy Lurker

    Songs of The Fog 2.0-The Rebootening IC

    Processing Fault. Error. Sensor Malfunction. Restarting… . .. ... …. ….. …... Rebooting is never pleasant for the Fog. It’s disorienting, strange, and you never quite get used to it. The more poetic of your number used to refer to it as “the closest to death we’ll ever get,” but with...
  12. Lunaryon

    SHIELD maiden (Worm/Marvel/Kancolle)
    Threadmarks: 0.0 - Beachfront Thoughts

    So to preface this... I am a total noob when it comes to Kancolle - like, I've heard of it before and stuff, but it's only with starting to read Transposition and other Kancolle stories here (particularly Belated Battleships which I'm still reading through), that I've started to fall in love...
  13. Battleship_Fusou

    A Lion in Winter (Kancolle SI)

    ~A Lion in Winter~ A Kancolle SI So after I started reading the story Leave Her Johnny by aceofaces_AA, I found myself with an idea and an eager muse. So I got to work on writing my own Kancolle SI. I brainstormed quite a lot of this with @Gideon020 and I’m pulling ideas from both our...
  14. TCGM

    The Harbinger of Love [Mass Effect/KanColle]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Diversion

    Sci-Fi Fantasy Crossover 
    You can blame Saphire and the Taylor Varga Discord server for this. Harbinger’s new appearance: EDIT: Shepard is now FemShep on request of the Itty Bitty Pretty Battleship Kitty. The Harbinger of Love...
  15. MarkAren

    Three Frigates and the Abyss (Kancolle)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Jessica

    ~~~Jessica~~~ I gazed down at the sandy beach before me. On it lay the product of four days of hard labor, a third of what wreckage we’d scavenged, and what little I could remember of the top-secret drunken ramblings my brother had treated me to last Christmas. Gently put, it was a complete...
  16. Sketchy Lurker

    Songs of The Fog 2.0-The Rebootening [CLOSED]

    Howdy there, folks! I was originally a participant in @CCBubba's original Songs of the Fog RP, and, with her permission, @Jhin Lemon and I have decided to reboot it! For those of you who were members of the original RP, please note that mechanically, not a lot has changed, but the world will...
  17. Lady Darkhound

    Shipgirls in the Darkness - IC Thread
    Threadmarks: Round 0-0

    You awaken to a panicked SOS cry echoing through your comms array. A moment later, your radar illuminates the previously pitch black seas. You have no idea where you are, nor do you recognize any of the other 7 ships near you. The largest ship of the bunch, and the only non-shipgirl, looks like...
  18. Lady Darkhound

    Shipgirls in the Darkness - [Currently Recruiting]

    You awaken to a panicked SOS cry echoing through your comms array. A moment later, your radar illuminates the previously pitch black seas. You have no idea where you are, nor do you recognize any of the other 7 ships near you. The largest ship of the bunch, and the only non-shipgirl, looks like...
  19. Pyeknu

    The End of the Circus: A Tale of the Yizibajohei
    Threadmarks: A Far Different Day In Tomobiki

    Hey, everyone! For those who might remember one particular series of stories I did on the late Anime Addventure, The Doctor Is In, I created a race known as the Yizibajohei (pronounced yi-zee-bah-whoa-hey) as a sort of more serious takeoff on the concept of the Levramites from Jim Valentino's...
  20. TCGM

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Sci-Fi Crossover Superhero 
    Shipping It Stargate Style We know what happened to the Odyssey. The bubble timeline never occurred and Teal'c saved the day by sacrificing decades of his life. Or do we? Tampering with time is rarely that simple. What happens when reality shatters and the Ascended have to pick up the pieces? A...
  21. Inter-VersaLoli

    Calling Upon Nations [Polandball / Kantai Collection / ???] CRACK!
    Threadmarks: Suddenly, Balls!

    It was the year 20XX. The year against the dread Abyss had just reached it's sixth year, and things were not going well. The Atlantic had since fallen, and the Indian Ocean seemed poised to soon follow suit. The Pacific lanes were still held, but the top brass agreed: If they did not have any...
  22. Uber_Fail_Dinesh

    Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The first thing you notice is darkness. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't do anything. However, you can remember what you were. Your last memories were... [] Fire and Brimstone: Everything was burning, Everyone was screaming, and nothing made sense, you just wanted it to all go away...
  23. Taliserian

    Northern Light (Worm/Misc Shipgirl)
    Threadmarks: Shakedown 1.1

    A/N: Decided to throw up something after enjoying a lot of other peoples' works on here. Only seems fair to give back to the community that's given me so many hours of enjoyment and frantically mashing the refresh button hoping for an update. And while I'm no wordsmith, sometimes I just get...
  24. Lady Darkhound

    Requiem of the Deep IC Thread
    Threadmarks: Story Post: The Beginning of the End

    Seven days ago, the combined navies of humanity began their assault on the island chain off east Africa. In what would collectively become known as “The Battle of Madagascar,” a total of over 500 warships clashed in a four day long battle that ended with the total destruction of the Abyssal...
  25. Nimue1

    Asuran Rising quasi-SI Rewrite
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Rewrite SpaceBattles Starting Universe: SGU – Stargate Universe Just to start a little bit of world building for depth. Just to say she won’t have full knowledge of the events just yet as those memories are locked away. I would like to thank @Battleship_Fusou, @Ramble, @Drich...