science fantasy

  1. A

    Plants vs Zombies Reboot Idea
    Threadmarks: Main Characters & Rough Timeline

    Discussion Worldbuilding 
    This is just for fun & possibly the first Plants vs Zombies related post/thread/whatever in Sufficient Velocity history. Or not, I don't really care. Just remembered a PVZ quest on Sufficient Velocity, it did not get far. Anyways onto the post! So I'll just be describing the basics in this...
  2. Shadestyle

    The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Dumb Stupid Rats (Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: TRUE HERO

    "The time has come. Once more, we must summon a TRUE HERO" "I still think we can just dump a ton of Crusaders on the problem-" "TRUE… HERO." "Eh, he's got a point. I'm still getting my own Crusaders to stop huffing gasoline. They keep hallucinating and thinking it's me talking to them."...
  3. E350

    Mabel vs The Toymaker: Gravity Falls/Doctor Who
    Threadmarks: Mabel vs The Toymaker

    Short Story 
    AN: I wrote this about a year ago, but I'm still fairly happy with it, so I thought, hey, why not share it here? Mabel VS The Toymaker Mabel stood in front of the small toy store in the Gravity Falls Mall, her face set in an uncharacteristic determined frown. It wasn’t really that much to...
  4. Magoose

    The Stars and Speed NO SV, You are part of A Star Racing Team Across the Five Galaxies
    Threadmarks: The Stars and Speed

    Original Sci-Fi 
    The Stars and Speed: Mankind has reached the stars. And, as it turns out, the stars are busy. For centuries, humanity looked up and wondered if they were alone. When the answer finally came, it wasn't through whispers of diplomacy or messages drifting through the void—it came in fire and...
  5. A

    Ben 10 Aliens in Warhammer 40k
    Threadmarks: Basic Info & First Alien Set

    Discussion Crossover Worldbuilding 
    Okay, just to get it out of the way; the Imperium will not instantly curbstomp the aliens. This isn't about humanity valiantly defeating terrible & horrific xenos that are psychologically incapable of kindness & honor, this is about various people defending themselves from terrible & horrific...
  6. R

    This game definitely does exist (Different angle of LitRPG)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue So, I died. I know, I'm shocked as well… heh. Okay, by the tenth time I repeated the joke, it had lost much of its luster. By the hundredth, such a thing stopped giving me a sardonic grin and a nervous chuckle, and I was even able to figure out exactly what was happening… I was...
  7. F

    Minus (DBZ GINE SI)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Thanks for clicking this story. This idea of mine had popped years ago back in the corporate days. Now you're here - I hope you enjoy it and see it lightens. Planet Plant, Age 714 The sky stretched wide, unbroken. Not by steel or glass towers, not by the hum of neon lights, but by open...
  8. A

    Hellaverse/ULTRAKILL Fusion Universe
    Threadmarks: Starting Info

    Crossover Worldbuilding 
    Exactly what it says on the tin, a fused universe between Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss) & ULTRAKILL. Things will be very different but first let’s go over some basic stuff. The Final War & Long Night happened & the extinction of humanity happened as well. Sinners are actually...
  9. The Yaski

    To ignite a fading star
    Threadmarks: 1.1 - Prelude to the fall

    Original Fantasy 
    Special thanks goes out to Tinker of Fiction. Honestly, this wannabee writer has been sitting on this idea for years, and it turns out that all he needed to actually follow through with it was finding a system whose homework he was willing to copy...
  10. M

    The Angels Illuminant Omnibus - Original Warhammer 40k Fiction
    Threadmarks: Light in Darkness Prologue

    Novel Sci-Fi 
    Light In Darkness Sometime in M.42 Prologue Dawn was nearly an hour away yet when Aric Calidyn awoke, the deep darkness of the wastes of Valatros only broken by what scant starlight shone through the layers of atmospheric smog that hung perpetually over the planet, even this far out...
  11. Chandra

    The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR): Short stories, flash fiction, and research papers
    Threadmarks: Some basic information

    Original Worldbuilding Short Story 
    From the intro of Toxic Sludge Fountain (a WIP serialized novel, to be released sometime this year): A collection of stories set in The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR), a fantastical science fiction which came into being in the 2040s... approximately. Actually, its very existence...
  12. Ain't A Hero

    Ain't A Hero
    Threadmarks: Episode 1

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    "We're Nexus News! At the great battle between the Chosen One, Sebastian Warwick, and the Dark Lord Noxian! The Chosen One's party have made their way to the magical rift that Dark Lord Noxian is attempting to consume. Wait! The moment is here! The Chosen One is charging in to give the final...
  13. A

    Mascot Horror Setting Idea

    Discussion Worldbuilding 
    This is an idea that I was inspired by Pendog Creative Library. Basically, this is a shared universe of various mascot monsters where you can post your ideas for mascot horror. First are the ground rules. Rule Number 1: You can post anything you want, except if it contradicts previous stuff...
  14. Chwang

    Magi of Sinlung
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Twilight bathed the city of Tlangthar in hues of orange and purple as the earth groaned and shook violently. For over a minute, the tremor seized the land in its relentless grip, rattling the bamboo-and-concrete skyscrapers that adorned the hills. When the shaking finally subsided, a long...
  15. Celeshiro

    The Novice Merchant's Experience in Business (with some Fraud)
    Threadmarks: Origins, Part 1

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    "The United Empire is a dream no longer- it is now a reality, with all that entails. For better or worst." - The Second Stellarch The Age of Expansion When humanity discovered and deployed FTL beacons from their cradle upon Terra, they took to the stars with much gusto of a people bound no...
  16. Warlord01

    Wolf at the GATE (Battletech/GATE: Thus JSDF Fought there)
    Threadmarks: Opening

    Crossover Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    INTRO Inner Sphere Lyran Commonwealth December 2998 The night was clear of clouds and stars glittered on the icy slopes of the New Carpathians. A thick snow cover reflected the distant stars' light as Sylvie sipped the wine in her hand. Her eyes roamed across the old forests and the frozen...

    Threadmarks: Prologue

    A MIDDLE-AGED MAN IS CHOSEN BY THE COSMIC FORGE AND FOUND HIMSELF ON RIFTS EARTH Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story. Warning! Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural The fictional worlds of Rifts are violent, deadly, and filled with aliens, war, and supernatural monsters...
  18. Miho Chan

    Starbound Fox (A Honkai: Star Rail SI)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Starbound

    A Special thanks to my wonderful Patreons: SpiritFoxAlf, Nisiris, Nicholas Munger, Talentlessfool, Logically Random, KenneGlitch, Lightstorm, Sean, Spheal lover., Robin Bunuki, CateCat, Silva T, charlie howe, saganatsu, IridumSky(Emma), Tale Swapper, Ttw1, J Frost, and Omida. Your support is...
  19. Fujisan

    How would you redo Nihon Koku Shо̄kan?

    (Warning: Nihon Koku Shо̄kan spoilers. Might not be that bad though especially considering how it's all a forgone conclusion anyways) FYI: Nihon Koku Shо̄kan (ja: 日本国償還, en[lit]: Summoning Japan) is an LN/manga series written by Minorо̄, originally published to Shо̄setsuka Ni Narо̄ before being...
  20. Solaris Requiem

    The Weaver's Apocrypha (Worm Post-GM/The Nebula's Civilization)
    Threadmarks: Prologue - The Games of Divinity

    Crossover Fantasy Modern 
    The Weaver's Apocrypha Prologue - The Games of Divinity [YOU HAVE FALLEN. WINNER: NEBULA] A hiss, half born out of frustration and exhaustion left my lips as I finally slumped back into my chair. If you had told me a few years ago that I would've been hooked on a computer game that I would...
  21. Everything but the kitchen sink (A wiki Warrior quest)

    Everything but the kitchen sink (A wiki Warrior quest)
    Threadmarks: Setting up our story

    Crossover IC Sci-Fi Action 
    Welcome to my second quest, this first post will be all about who are main character is and what kind of setting they found themselves in. This will include their name, gender, age, appearance, personality, and background. You can place the character into anykind of setting you want to, be it...
  22. A

    Star Wars Inspired Setting
    Threadmarks: Basic Idea of Setting

    Okay, first things first. This is a setting idea that is heavily inspired by Star Wars but is not Star Wars. I will set a few key differences between Star Wars and this setting. There are two different types of robots; Androids & Autos. Androids are at least on animal levels of sentience &...
  23. Fire in the Desert - An Orc's Quest

    Fire in the Desert - An Orc's Quest
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Vision

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    Chapter 1 The Vision A black shape looms between sand and sky, occluding the stars. A great pyramid of purest darkness, drinking in the light from the heavens and the earth. Its obsidian faces seem to know no end, its height immeasurable by any rule. The observer had some vague memory of...
  24. A

    Clone Wars Collapse Idea
    Threadmarks: Basic Idea

    Okay, hear me out. What if certain Star Wars technologies suddenly stop working for no reason whatsoever during the Clone Wars? Things like blasters, deflector shields, repulsorlifts, heck, even hyperdrives. Although I would just make them more unreliable, & can’t be used on starfighters or...
  25. Verisaimilitude

    Project Knight [Mecha Design Bureau]
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    Project Knight - Mecha Design Bureau Foreword Welcome to this Mecha Design Bureau Quest! This is a spinoff/companion quest to Solace and the Knights of Insurrection. This quest takes place in an original Space Fantasy setting, where an AU Earth and Humanity have successfully spread colonies...