
  1. JMHthe3rd

    Fallout: Project Osiris [Fallout]
    Threadmarks: Table of Contents

    This was originally a CYOA-entry, but I've repurposed it as an independent fan fiction. Comments and criticism are welcome and appreciated. (Villard Hall, University of Oregon. Location of Vault 9, Capitol Building of the Scientific Republic of Oregon) The Scientific Republic of Oregon has...
  2. The Bird


    You would awake slowly, your head pounding. Rising, your mouth dry, you would notice that the room you were in was utterly bare, except for a cot, and a sink and mirror, and a small window. No door. Searching your mind, you would find it blank, empty except for a few algorithms and a few...
  3. Academia Nut

    Age of Strife
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    Once your people were strong, part of a community that spanned the stars, stretching out from a home world so distant your ancestors could no longer track their path of settlement back to it. Such tales of other worlds seem strange to you, for your own is... [] Terrestrial (An Earth-like...
  4. Ravenlord

    Shreya Quest: Adventures of a Med Student in the Zompocalypse

    QM Note: Yeah... Zombies. Enjoy! Character Creation Section: Who are you? [ ] An ex-soldier living in Manhattan. [ ] A scientist in a small town. [ ] A psychology student. [ ] Write-In Gender: [ ] M [ ] F Name: [ ] Write-In (must be a real name.)
  5. Uxion

    We Persevere (Post-Apocalyptic)

    Table of Contents 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -|- 6 - 7
  6. Shadows

    Ashes to Ashes Nation Quest

    Hosting this on both SB and SV! Ashes to Ashes It is the year 2014. The Ukraine is going up in flames, people are pissed off at the American President for a thousand different reasons, the world as a whole is generally doing its best to tear itself apart... And then the Event happened...
  7. Pineapple

    Threadmarks: 1

    It never should have been like this. Families lived in these houses. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. I remembered seeing children playing on the street. I remembered when I played on that street, so many years ago. So man-- "Kid, you alright there? You're kinda zoning out on me." I...
  8. all fictions

    The Black Death was a zombie epidemic

    What if? 
    The plague of 1347-1350, otherwise known as the Black Death, the Great Mortality, and the Year of Annihilation, is as close as human history has ever gotten to going post-apocalyptic (barring the possible Toba catastrophe and the societal collapse of Mediterranean Bronze Age civilization). The...
  9. Matt_420

    Fallout Thread: We can't stop here! This is Cazadore country!

    Well I might as well make another Fallout thread here since the other one on SB is practically dead by this point. So yeah, feel free to talk bout anything related to Fallout (except the BoS games) here.
  10. XkaliburRage

    Legacy [Quest]

    The time we now live in is called the Traction Era. It began with the the 60 Minute War... The world had been in a long Cold War between the American Empire and Greater China. Tensions grew and both superpowers developed more and more horrifying technology to be used for one single purpose - to...
  11. Lost Star

    Beep Beep

    Scraped from here. Beep Beep ---Call this world... Ruin---- Such is the way of this world. It's always cloudy. Thick rolling things that on another world would be a blaring signal for rain. It rarely does instead. When it is, it's a lethal, hissing rain that eats anything organic. The...