mass effect

  1. Noxeng

    Take Back Earth! (X-Com/Mass Effect)

    01 September 2000: Life on Earth was changed forever as humankind had its first encounter with alien life. A ship entered orbit at 1600hrs GMT, carrying with it a race of aliens so totally foreign that it defied description. They seemed peaceful, arriving at the United Nations with a...
  2. J

    Mass Effect: Synthesis
    Threadmarks: 1

    Summary: Shepard wasn't the first to reach the Catalyst, eons ago someone else did. While the cycle hasn't changed, the choices offered by the Catalyst have altered slightly. One evolved and developed as time passed. Destruction was always destruction, Control was control but synthesis...
  3. patzdarkseid

    Geth Fleet vs Protoss Fleet

    No holds barred. Protoss Tribes and Factions unite. Khala or not (Taldarim etc.) They meet on a solar system. Protoss has all air units (SC1 to SC2 LotV) The Geth has everything in their arsenal all possibly 10,000 of the ships. Mothership is not allowed to create a void nor is the arbiter...
  4. patzdarkseid

    Formics vs Reapers

    The Formic is the last race alive in the galaxy and the Reapers are dead set to wipe the slate clean. Formic military before the Little Doctor was fired versus The Reapers Who wins who?
  5. DesertChocolate

    Through a Temple(Mass Effect/Deep Space Nine)
    Threadmarks: 1

    Chapter One (Scroll Down) Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Non-Canon: Based on more ridiculous classic storylines Kids Are So Cute 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 If the past four years had taught Captain Benjamin Sisko anything, it was to be...
  6. Xomniac

    Collective Works (ME)
    Threadmarks: Table of Contents

    Collective Works, an Original Mass Effect Fanfiction Story by Xomniac, Codex/Galpedia by Sorain Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Codex/Galpedia Entry List 62686-Zeta (Individual), Galpedia, Codex Cyber Sapience, Cyber Sapient Update: Cyber...
  7. hellequin

    Inertia (Worm/Mass Effect, altpower!Taylor, dead)
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    This is Worm crossed with Bioware's space opera franchise, Mass Effect. Both are the property of their owners. It's also another altpower!Taylor - the summary will be updated as the story progresses. As a word of warning: I got some flak while posting the first drafts of the first few snips...
  8. StarJaunter

    What Will You Sow (ME Council Game)

    Before the Reaper come... What will you sow? This is a council game set in the universe of Mass Effect in the vein of Circle No Longer or Inq’s Tau. Council Your council is the reincarnation of yourselves in the body of whatever member race you are leading. By act of random omnipotent...
  9. Alfa290

    Veniant Mori (Mass Effect/XCOM)
    Threadmarks: It Begins

    Veniant Mori (Mass Effect/Lots of others) XCOM/Ender's Game/Resistance: FoM/All You Need Is Kill/I, Robot/Destiny/Starcraft/Civilization. "Hello Admiral, in light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion this Council of Admirals has convened to approve the activation of the Fifth Expeditionary...
  10. Lost Star

    Beep Beep! A Robot is you [ME]
    Threadmarks: Start!

    ---Call this world... Ruin---- Such is the way of this world. It's always cloudy. Thick rolling things that on another world would be a blaring signal for rain. It rarely does instead. When it is, it's a lethal, hissing rain that eats anything organic. The clouds never clear, but it's never...
  11. Spartakrod

    Red Alert: Mental Effect (Red Alert 2: YR and Mass Effect)
    Threadmarks: Table of contents, Prologue, Chapter 1a

    Note to old readers: I've decided to pick this up as I've not only been on a C&C bug again due to Mental Omega 3.3's release as well as taking further interest in Mass Effect in preparation for Andromeda, but also because I had a chat with my psychologist who recommended that I should take up...
  12. LordsFire

    The Warp is Calm. (40k/ME)
    Threadmarks: 1

    EMPEROR WANTS YOU TO FIGHT THE REAPER MENACE! Yeah, that's right, third edition of this story. I try to be someone who actually finishes things, and as such, I've been working on this on and off since I last stopped posting on it, and now, I'm ready to make the push to complete it. I've got...
  13. Senteth

    Prothean cache replaced with the Tharsis cache

    A bored ROB decides to swap two different caches of alien technology that were both located on Mars. Instead of the Prothean cache, humanity discovers the Tharsis cache from the Starsiege: Tribes universe. As a bonus, a fully-functional Basilisk HERC happens to be tucked away in a corner of the...
  14. Tekomandor

    A Ship in the Sea of Time [Star Trek: ENT/Mass Effect]
    Threadmarks: 1

    A Ship in the Sea of Time Chapter I: Five hundred light years, three decades and jump away from home Through the darkness of space, the starship flew. It’s passage went unmarked, and nothing but the cold and lifeless hunks of rock that comprised the system’s asteroid belt were around to...
  15. Hoyr

    Shepard Quest Mk VI, Technological Revolution
    Threadmarks: Index

    Index -Prologue- 1 Testing, testing, one, two, three. 2 Home again, home again, jiggety-jog 3 Upgrades, Repairs and other things 4 Death from above 5 The Calm before the Storm 6 Who Dares.... 7 ....Wins? 8 The Fourth Estate -First production run- 9 The Entrepreneurial Spirit 10 Laying the...
  16. Nord Ronnoc

    Mass Foundations: Redemption in the Stars (Rewrite, Fallout/Mass Effect)

    Crossover Sci-Fi 
    Redemption in the Stars (current thread): You are here! A New Day (thread 1) (thread 2) Third entry: Coming soon! Fourth entry: Coming soon! Fifth entry: Coming soon! I've been doing a rewrite of the first entry in the series. Keep in mind that I will post parts of the chapters here, so...
  17. Ina_meishou

    Prothean (Mass Effect AU)
    Threadmarks: 01

    As I've actually started working on this again, reposting here with new material in hopes of criticism. A renegade tone Fic exploring a possibility some of Javik's dialogue made me consider about the Beacon and it's effects. Set in an alternate universe that is superficially similar to Canon...
  18. TheBleachDoctor

    Weakest single ship to annihilate the Citadel Council?

    What is the single weakest ship capable of soloing the entire Citadel Council from Mass Effect? And I mean the civilization, not the Council themselves. Although I wouldn't mind shoving the Councillors into the Serenity's engine intakes.
  19. backgroundnoise

    Through The Looking Glass (Mass Effect AU)
    Threadmarks: 1

    AN: A sort-of one-shot/intro to an AU I've been working on for a while now, I posted this over on SB and the response was generally positive, so I figured I'd put it up here as well...
  20. TheBleachDoctor

    Voyager vs. The Reapers

    Due to a failed attempt to use a wormhole to return to the Alpha Quadrant, no wait, it wasn't a failure, the USS Voyager and all her crew appeared right above Earth! Only it's not their Earth, and it's host to the biggest space battle civilization has ever seen. Voyager is inserted into the...
  21. TheBleachDoctor

    The rabbit from Monty Python vs. Commander Shepard's Team

    The Rabbit from Monty Python's The Holy Grail vs. Shepard's composite crew Conditions: Commander Shepard and crew thinks that it's a rabbit. They are so, so wrong. They also managed to get themselves into a crowded warehouse with said rabbit. They only entered with sidearms in their...
  22. Unitveras

    Post Control Mass Effect races find the Current Toriko world

    And they intend to colonise it. Can they do it? They are allowed to use everything. Including the Ascension, Kwunu, and Harbinger to assist the colonisation teams.
  23. TheBleachDoctor

    A single Federation Fleet vs. All of the Reapers

    The Federation's Seventh Fleet has been displaced into another universe ("Again?" sighed the Admiral, "Fifth time this week. In other shocking news, the Enterprise has been messing around with time travel. Again.")! The reason? Q wants to have a little fun. (Picard foams at the mouth, "Q! Damn...
  24. Unitveras

    The Galactic Alliance of Mankind encounters the Citadel Council

    The alliance wondering where this natural one came from send a fleet. On the other side they find: Specifically 314. A turian fleet appears: While the vanguard fleet opens fire: After what happens. The Citadel Council Post-Control is alerted to the fleet's massive power. And immediately...
  25. TheDivineDemon

    Strongest Thing From Final Fantasy This Team Could Beat

    Commander Shepard - Post ME-2 Soldier allowed learnable biotic and tech Talents/Powers Emiya Shirou - Post UBW Louise Valliere - Anime end Taylor Hebert - Weaver Years These four vastly different heroes take a stroll though a World Door due to shenanigans fight the monsters of the Final...