
  1. ItzNarcotic

    Historical Events That Definitely Occurred (Fate Quest)
    Informational: Introduction

    Fantasy Alt. History 
    Introduction Hello all questers and welcome, to This is my second quest (Why am I doing this to myself? I can barely keep up with posting updates on Breaking Destiny!) that I will be writing, and the premise is simple (or not so simple, depending on your view). You were alive. Now, you...
  2. DerArchivar

    Scientists bake bread out of Ancient Egyptian yeast

    Scientists managed to extract yeast from 4500 years old Egyptian pottery and baked it into a loaf of sourdough. Here is the link to an interview they gave. And here is where they documented the entire process on twitter.
  3. Une Chanson, pour vous.

    La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)
    Threadmarks: OP – Introduction; La Chanson de la Victoire

    Mature Alt. History 
    "A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories." -Napoléon Bonaparte ||||||La Chanson de la Victoire|||||| Once upon a time, there was a man who rose from nothing to cast a shadow...
  4. Y

    The Sparta Myth and the Far Right

    ... Ancient Sparta’s influence is all around us, providing a litany of patron saints for spectacular last stands. There’s a word for this mania in Western cultures: laconophilia, taken from Laconia, the region the Spartans hailed from. Most of us have never heard of laconophilia, even as we live...
  5. Numen

    Strange Dharma Or; a Brief History of Kamar-Taj by Dr. Christine Palmer [MCU "Rational Fic"]
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Strange Dharma Or; a Brief History of Kamar-Taj By Dr. Christine Palmer Amazon Book Description: This timely book written by New York's premier surgeon and part-time Nun, Dr. Christine Palmer, examines what little is known of the newly revealed "secret school" of Tantric Buddhism, Kamar-Taj...
  6. Kitsune

    Pre Modern History - When / Where would you want to live (Peasant Edition)

    Assuming that you lived prior to what is classified as Modern History, where or when would you rather live? In this case, assume that you are a peasant type without any major wealth? After all, most people were not nobles but just people.
  7. Epitaph - First Phase

    Epitaph - A Civilization Quest
    Threadmarks: First Update: Beginnings

    Original Alt. History 
    It is the nature of all things to pass away with time. Rivers carve their way through countries, mountains become pebbles and yes, even the names of gods are forgotten. Likewise, it is the nature of new things to arise from the passing of the old. Where rivers dry canyons remain, where mountains...
  8. Kahing

    WI: Israel in the 16th century

    This actually could realistically have happened. In 1563, Joseph Nasi, a Portuguese born Jewish diplomat and official who migrated to the Ottoman Empire, secured permission from the Sultan to turn an area in northern Palestine consisting of Tiberias and seven surrounding villages into a Jewish...
  9. logiccosmic

    How to Write Fanfiction for Fun and Patreon Profit
    Threadmarks: Approach 1

    Hello, I've been garnering interest in how to write a successful piece of fan-fiction. Please see the template below; Fill in at your own need. [Story hook] [Rough writing] [Never edited and artifact of early writing style] [Mispelling and error grammar] [Premise] [Initial character...
  10. Jax

    Crazy Bill - A Unbiased look at Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Threadmarks: Leo von Caprivi 1

    What if? 19th Century 
    Leo von Caprivi 1 1888 Leo von Caprivi hated his job. Not because he was a General in command of the Navy. Not because his job was harder because of that. No, the reason was that he had to endure the Kaiser and his "ideas" about how the Navy should develop in the future. His Majesty seemed to...
  11. Susano

    A Different Post-war Germany

    Yeah, that wasn't so much on having a disunited Germany as a matter of policy, it was more a matter of only controlling part of it... And even then, Stalin might have preferred a united, neutral Germany. (fuck you, Adenauer)
  12. Oshha

    Chronicles of History - Civ Quest
    Threadmarks: New Beginnings

    The world was changing and the People were unsure of what to do. The monsters were gone for now, but who knew when they would return? The old lands may be safe for not, but the villages were in ruin and nobody knew how long the safety would last. The old stories claimed that there were times...
  13. 4WheelSword

    Adventure in Academia - Art Quest
    Threadmarks: Pt1

    A dissertation, for the undergraduate history major at least, has never been about the expression of the students own ideas or research. Its purpose instead is to demonstrate that the student understands how to write a well researched document, to prepare them for a future in academia. Of...
  14. Teen Spirit

    Overly Sarcastic Productions
    Threadmarks: Channel Trailer and Aphrodite

    A Conversation on the Extra History Thread reminded me we don't actually have a thread for this channel yet. Which is a shame because they're a wonderful combination of informative and hilarious. Do you want to learn why Aphrodite is the most dangerous Shipper of all? Or just how inbred the...
  15. ZubZub

    Was the SPD or KPD more to blame for the collapse of the Weimar republic ? was it's end inevitable ?

    The German communist party at that time the KPD was an anti-democratic party that believed that democracy was illegitimate and was heavily tied with the USSR. Many conservative hidostiran blame there refusal to ally with the SPD and moderate left as a major cause of the collapse of the Weimar...
  16. Kitsune

    Nazis - True believers, exploiters, passives, and saviors?

    I was listening to a podcast that recently talked about human monsters and they talked about the Nazi and the Holocaust. Largely it appeared as if they looked at them as true believers. That was that the Jews were some kind of bad guy and that they saw it as part of business. I think they were...
  17. yaitz331

    On Lost Opportunities and Forgone Conclusions: How the Confederates and Nazis could have Won

    The two most oversaturated areas of alternate history are the Civil War and World War Two. In response to this, backlash has erupted along the lines of "A victory for the Confederacy/Hitler is impossible." But nothing in history is ever that simple. Welcome to a not-so-in-depth discussion on how...
  18. Bobalo18

    World History Quest

    Alt. History Historic 
    I'm at it again? Yes, I've come back and realized that what I really want to do is make a broad world history quest that is fun and not detailed to the point of insanity. The passage of time per turn will be shamelessly ripped from similar to the Sid Meier's Civilization series. That is, years...
  19. A

    Misogyny against women in the past; before 1500s. What are the factors?

    Ok. So what... caused them? No, not just arm strength? Was it the need to birth children? Was it the mortality for childbirth? Was it their inability to keep up in war, there by creating a warrior caste that then later on kept them down? Was it a women's lack of propensity to form alliances...
  20. Telamon

    The Second Rome: A Quest of Ancient Byzantium
    Threadmarks: The City of The World's Desire

    Original Historic 
    And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium. Once upon a time, there was a city built on seven hills. It was an old city, a city of wonder and fire and silver, a shining star of the ancient world. Men gazed upon it's glory and wondered, that such a thing...
  21. A

    Improvements and innovations from 700 BC to 1700s?

    So, I know that most people kinda view the entire thing between those two periods, as a long, slow, slog, without any change, at least, until the Industrial revolution. Then everything changed! But I know that that's not true. So question: What was invented, changed, or improved upon, in...
  22. Valkur

    Examples of Dictadorships that slowly turned to democracy? (without violent uprisings)

    Hi, I wanted to ask about countries around the world that went from Autocratic/Totatalarian/Absolute Monarchies to full fledged democracies. Off the op of my head there is Poland that was somehow able to use the Solidarity Organization to win elections in a Soviet Republic and slowly change...
  23. Triggerhappy

    WWB - Finally some good f#$king food! - Staple foods and Cuisine

    In 1961, Simone Beck, Louise Bertholle, and Julia Child together published Mastering the Art of French of Cooking. Written specifically for an American audience, it was to have far reaching impact on the future of fine cuisine. And the inspiration taken from not only translating and...
  24. Miho Chan

    Tides of Sorrow, Tides of Change
    Threadmarks: Opening

    IC Alt. History 
    Your surroundings fade away, replaced slowly by something else entirely. Vaguely, you can see the other spirits disappearing, most likely sent somewhere else. @UbeOne you awaken at a traditional Shinto shrine, surrounded by foxes. Before you is androgynous person, who has two fox ears atop their...
  25. Miho Chan

    Tides of Sorrow, Tides of Change (Waitlist)

    OOC Alt. History 
    Foreword: Hey, it's Miho_Chan here! I'm back with another RP, this time a Semi-Realistic~Realistic RP inspired by the Kantai Collection Fanfic: Changing Destinies First off, let me start by saying this is NOT a grand strategy, though it will probably bear some similarities to it. A lot of OOC...