
  1. abraham-dewitt

    The Heir Apparent [Reincarnation LitRPG]
    Threadmarks: Chapters 1-5

    Chapter 1 - [System Initialized] Summer, 617 CA I slowly opened my eyes. The light was bright, and it took my eyes several seconds to adjust. My body felt good, all things considered. I didn't feel any fatigue or lingering injury, but I couldn't seem to move my neck. My fingers and toes...

    Acheron: A Sci-Fi Thriller
    Threadmarks: Iteration 0

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo Prologue Somewhere in the American Midwest Kyle woke from his sleep with a start to the thump-thump of footsteps just outside his bedroom window. The eleven-year old boy laid there, immobile, as a shadow crossed the moonlit spot on his bedroom's...
  3. BlueDraken

    Aerial Dreams
    Threadmarks: /Scrapnik Island Part 1

    Sci-Fi Action 
    Klein's back was being poked by something cold and hard, and a heavy fog seemed to clamp down on his skin. In the distance there was the sound of scraping metal and flicker of what was… Electric discharge? The Human still had his eyes closed as he tried to deny the importance of all this bizarre...
  4. akisok

    Naruto: Kinetic Ascension (SI/OC)
    Threadmarks: CH 1: A FLICKER OF FATE

    CHAPTER 1: A FLICKER OF FATE One instant, he was certain he was alive—breathing air, eyes open, heart beating. Then, in the gap of a single blink, everything dissolved. It was as though the world had vanished in a rush of wind, leaving him in a place that felt emptier than the void between...
  5. akisok

    The Wolf Beneath the Falling Star (Stark/Dayne SI)
    Threadmarks: CH-1 Prelude Ashara I

    CH-1 Prelude Ashara I The evening sun cast long shadows through the windows of the Palestone Sword, and Ashara could not tear her eyes from the approaching rider. His grey cloak billowed in the wind that swept up from the Summer Sea, and even from this distance, she knew him. Eddard Stark. The...
  6. Martin Noctis

    Danganronpa: Another Killing Game Ultra Despair Girl
    Threadmarks: Memoriam

    The Killing School Life was over. Monaca could barely believe it. Well, that was a lie for the other's benefit more than anyone else's. In truth, she had foreseen this ending by the fifth investigation even as Kotoko and Masaru cheered at Monokuma's return. Big Sis underestimated her classmates...
  7. Bloodgrounds (Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen Warherd Quest)

    Bloodgrounds (Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen Warherd Quest)
    Informational: Introduction & Information

    Mature Fantasy 
    Introduction The Beastmen are the true Children of Chaos. Grotesque hybrids of fierce animal and primitive human, of vitriolic temperament and unshackled lusts. These horned and foul warrior-beasts infest the blighted forests that cover the Old World. They know that the cities of Mankind are...
  8. MonotonePuppet

    Freak-Out (Worm AU/Alt-Power)
    Threadmarks: Freak-Out: An Introduction

    Novel Superhero 
    An Introduction: It's a Big World After All Unfortunately for QA the time traveler and Taylor the unwitting (and perhaps, unfortunate) benefactor of QA's prior experiences, navigating Earth Bet the second time around won't be any simpler. For there are a few, oh-so-minor wrinkles. For one, the...
  9. thenew

    Dreams of Crystal and Oil [Arknights/Magic the Gathering]
    Threadmarks: Through the Planar Bridge

    It burns. Oh, how it burns. Agony, agony, agony, agony. It is unlike anything you have ever felt before. Your mind grapples for something, anything to which to begin to compare, anything that can even begin to let you understand the sensation. Every inch of your body sizzles and sparks as it...
  10. Crave the Light [Project Moon Quest]

    Crave the Light [Project Moon Quest]
    Threadmarks: 0.1 Character Creation

    The City is a gruesome place. It is an abhorrent thing. This is where people are born by the hundreds of thousands, die by the millions, their insignificant lives gasping for a single breath and are snuffed out in the same. You don't choose how you will die. All you do know is that you're...
  11. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha)

    Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Crossover Mature 
    Prologue Yang followed her dad and uncle Qrow as they raced through the storm drains of Vale. She urged her tired legs to go faster and her burning lungs to breathe deeper, but aura couldn't replace physical fitness, only enhance it, and they were more fit than she was. That went double when...
  12. The World Is Full Of Light (Project Moon Distortion Quest)

    The World Is Full Of Light (Project Moon Distortion Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.1-Towards the World Which is Full of Light

    Once upon a time, there was a City. It had no name, for it was the place where dreams come to die. You were one of those who lived in that City. You were lonely, miserable, and your dreams were crushed relentlessly under the uncaring machine of that City. But now? It is different. I have...
  13. B

    The Seventh Surya
    Threadmarks: Natural Born Tyrant

    ✦ THE SEVENTH SURYA ✦ Chapter One: Natural Born Tyrant _____________ Completely original story aside from Tanya just to let y'all know. ______________________ You know, when it comes to religions that preach the dogma of reincarnation, they rarely tell you just how waiting feels. In that space...
  14. Multiverse: Empyre Of Blood

    Multiverse: Empyre Of Blood
    Threadmarks: Prologue: A Dream

    It was a dark, beautiful night. The stars twinkled brightly overhead, unobscured by the grey clouds, and the full moon hung majestically in the night sky, streaming down soft moonlight onto the Earth. The air was cold and almost pure, refreshing my lungs as the leaves on the trees and the corn...
  15. Van_Polan

    Berk Van Polan VS The Cursed Levels Of The Fallen Kingdoms
    Threadmarks: Berk Van Polan VS The Cursed Levels Of The Fallen Kingdoms

    Original Fantasy Action 
    Valiant, a world between Hell and Earth, has their princess disappearing with the last known location in The Fallen Kingdoms. While she was on an assignment to help the citizens of Valiant save a cursed child, never did she give it a second thought that the old kingdoms today had abandoned for...
  16. Fear of Water (Project Moon Bloodfiend Quest Reboot)

    Fear of Water (Project Moon Bloodfiend Quest Reboot)
    Threadmarks: The Thirst

    Your name is Dustin Bright. Ever since your father started having chronic back pain, you’ve had to work fourteen hour shifts at the factory to support your family. One night, you return home to find them all chopped to pieces. — Your arms are on the brink of falling off after dragging the bloody...
  17. DragonCobolt

    BEYOND THE SEA (Bioshock 3 quest)
    Threadmarks: Go Farther - With Marathon (0.1)

    Mature Sci-Fi Alt. History Horror 
    “So, I heard on 60 Minutes that they’re pretty dangerous. Is that true?” The lady at the front desk of the store, held a purse in both of her hands, her brow furrowed. The smiling Marathon rep chuckled, like he’d heard the question a hundred times a day. You were lounging in the seat by the...
  18. Aviatrix

    Heartslicer (Superhero Reconstruction Lesbian Webnovel)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Over the Top

    Original Mature Novel 
    Chapter 1: Over the Top Reflectrix The world was a bloody place, and Reflectrix, hovering on her gauntlets and boots with jets of pure force, thought to herself that she'd rather fight a dragon-themed villain who was actually a dragon. She and this villainous knock-off twirled around this...
  19. Lord Reyes

    Stargate: The Sov'ren
    Threadmarks: Hyperspace

    Groggily, I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, waking up with my breath hitched, my head pounding like it'd been run over by a train, and my body aching as if it were only a couple of seconds ago that I was rock climbing. The faint sounds of electricity crackling intermixed with loud and...
  20. TheCrippledK1ng

    Cries Of Eternity
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Author's Note Dear Reader, Welcome to the world of my Western novel, a place where the familiar grit and grandeur of the frontier meld with the eerie and the fantastical. As you turn these pages, you'll encounter heroes and villains, gods and monsters, and a landscape forever changed by an...
  21. breadedhamster

    Wolfenstein, the final emperor. A fanfic I'm working on.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    What if? Alt. History 
    WOLFENSTEIN THE FINAL EMPEROR By breaded hamster "We did it, finish line is far behind us, I'm still drunk with gratitude. Those final days you gave me were sweeter than any time in my life. When you left us, the pain was greater than anything I've endured. It's just me and our boys now...
  22. SkyRig

    A Song of Moon and Gold (Elden Ring/A Song of Ice and Fire)
    Threadmarks: Chapter I

    Hey everyone. I'm back, and with a new story from patreon. A while back, around the start of the new year if I remember right, I hosted a poll asking people on my patreon what story they wanted to see. They had three options: A RWBY/Baldur's Gate 3 crossover, a Persona 3/Persona 5 crossover, and...
  23. Fleetgirls at Floodtide (Azur Lane/1900s Alternate History)

    Fleetgirls at Floodtide (Azur Lane/1900s Alternate History)
    Threadmarks: 1.0 - The Past

    Mature Alt. History Action 
    Hello, and thanks for checking this out. This is an alternate-history story using elements from Azur Lane. It follows the career of Anderson L. Stevens, an American who is thrust into the second World War with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The questers will be in control of his actions, and his...