
  1. DanBaque

    REVENGE: An interwar Germany superhuman quest
    Threadmarks: PROLOGUE: ONE (BIRTH)

    REVENGE an interwar Germany superhuman quest The wreckage of total war is not a nice place to be. It is even worse when it is that of the losing side. But mostly people choose to keep going, because it remains better than the alternative. They continue to live, to struggle, to love. Or, at...
  2. Magoose

    The Democratic Freikorps Quest: Das Korps der Demokratie
    Threadmarks: The Frikorps Beginning

    Original Alt. History 
    The Democratic Frikorps Quest: Das Corps of Democracy On the 11the Hour, of the 11th day, of 1918, The Guns Fell Silent, and the World Knew Peace. That was the promise of the Armistice of 1918. The Great War would be over. And the Great War was over. Fighting all across the Lines of the...
  3. Spartakrod

    Black, Red, Gold; A Red America and Russia and a Reformist Germany and Japan
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Introduction: This can be considered something of a splinter of Reds! and the Glowing Dream where I thought about my own take on a situation where America and Russia have a simultaneous revolution in the twilight of the Great War which sees no real winners and the centre manages to hold in...
  4. Orwelans III

    Der Führer und der Kaiser (OOC )

    The game is back, ladies and gentlemen. If you're interested in joining, hit me up! If you wanna rejoin, feel free to do so. If you wanna just do a but of sub-GMing, just let me know :) It was in late December of 1935 when research institutes on an Earth much like our own began to...
  5. Springtime of Nations: A German Republic Quest

    Springtime of Nations: A German Republic Quest
    Threadmarks: Opening Post

    Original Alt. History 
    Due to a combination of factors, the 1848 revolution succeeds in western and southern Germany, allowing for the formation of a German republic. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various parties within republican Germany and thus chart the course of Europe's newest democracy. The...
  6. Spartacus Rising 1919: An Alt-TL Revolution Quest

    Spartacus Rising 1919: An Alt-TL Revolution Quest
    Threadmarks: Arise

    Alt. History 
    Arise! "Proletarian, arise! To the struggle! There is a world to win and a world to defeat."--Rosa Luxemburg, December 1918 OTL When the time came to give it everyone else’s all, it cannot be said that Hindenburg toppled, trembled, or fell. Not yet. No, there would be fall offensives in 1918...
  7. Jax

    World in Conflict - North German Campaign
    Threadmarks: Character Creation & Mission 1: Defend Jagel - Part 1

    Alt. History 
    Mission 1: Defend Jagel 23 June 1989 North Germany When the War began, I was in Hamburg and didn’t expect anything, like anybody else. Then the Russians stormed West Berlin, and suddenly it was the third World War. I reported myself in and was given command of the 3rd Reserve Kompanie, a unit...
  8. M

    Eisen, Blut und Fernhandel - a German Unification ATL (new version)
    Threadmarks: Start

    Timeline 19th Century Post-1900 
    Foreword For those who followed the first "Eisen,Blut und Fernhandel" thread, I say thank you and I am deeply sorry for the long wait. But unlike years ago, when I started EBuF, today I have sharply risen obligations to family, work and health, which cut deeply into writing time. In this new...
  9. Susano

    A Different Post-war Germany

    Yeah, that wasn't so much on having a disunited Germany as a matter of policy, it was more a matter of only controlling part of it... And even then, Stalin might have preferred a united, neutral Germany. (fuck you, Adenauer)
  10. Tyr Anazasi

    Merkels Operation Walküre
    Threadmarks: Prolog

    Timeline Post-1900 Supernatural 
    Prologue Skippy, the ASB is bored. Every ISOT she does ends in a wank. Well, she could ISOT small states, but that would not be something she wants. A great power, which is at the border of being screwed. She wants excitement. It will be tough, but there should be a chance. But which one to...
  11. Lazer Raptor

    Dragons in the DDR (GATE/Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: DEFCON 3

    Post-1900 Supernatural 
    Chapter 1: DEFCON 3 Primus Pilus Marcus Metilius was ready. Before now he had distinguished himself in battle with the various barbarians on the fringes of the Saedran Empire, and earned his present command as a result. Yet he yearned for real battle, to face a civilized army on the field of...
  12. Skrevski

    The Eastern Whirlwind: A World War Two Campaign Game

    The Eastern Whirlwind Fall Blau: The Stalingrad & Caucasus Campaigns At 03:15 on 22 June 1941, 3,829,000 German soldiers and various allies of the Axis Powers launched what was known as Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia. The operation was launched from the Baltic to the Black Sea...
  13. Tibby the Cat

    The Illegal Prussian Occupation of Germany and Usurpation of the Legitimate Frankfurt Parliament

    There's recently been some controversy on this forum on the exact history revolving around the illegitimate Prussian Occupation of Germany (January 18, 1871 - November 9, 1918) and the nature of its dissolution. I feel that this discussion leaves out one major unaddressed issue, however, and...
  14. Kitsune

    German Houses of the Thirteenth Century?

    This is more a general history question - I tried some google searches but failed to find anything I am trying to find out what the average family would have lived in as far as houses during the Thirteenth Century in the middle to northern areas of what is now Germany? Large architecture...
  15. Orwelans III

    If Hitler were alive today, what would be some of his Youtube subscriptions?

    And I'm not talking about a 119-year old Hitler. I'm talking about an ISOT-ed one. Either from 1) While serving his sentence. 2) Early 1936. 3) December 1944. History still progressed the same with a duplicate Hitler. The ISOT-ed Hitler gets FRG (and/or Austrian) and EU citizenship, a small...
  16. KitFisto1997

    Risen from the Ruins: An East German ISOT TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue - A Brave New World

    19th Century Supernatural 
    OPS-7 (Salyut 7) Somewhere in Low Earth Orbit. March 1984 A.D. - “We’re currently three minutes from the observation point, Baikonur. The cameras and other sensory equipment are primed and ready to use, at your command, over.” “Roger that, Almaz Two. Your trajectory readings indicate that...
  17. Orwelans III

    AHC: East and West Germany unite to form a new country.

    Instead of eastern German states being absorbed into the German Federal Republic like in OTL, does anyone have any ideas for scenarios where the GDR and the FRG form a new country which is clearly a separate entity from them both and a successor to them both as well? This would take place in the...
  18. Spacehillbilly

    A Strasserist Germany.

    Instead of the Nazis under Hitler coming to power Germany, the Strasserist Black Front seizes power sometime in the early 30’s. How would German society be changed? What economic projects would be attempted? What happens to the Jews? How does the capitalist world and the Soviet Union see this...
  19. ArlequineLunaire

    Pokemon: Cinder & Snow
    Threadmarks: 1 | Select your Starter!

    Modern Fantasy 
    You knew a Fairy Godmother from the Marchen Kingdom would be here in only a couple of hours, there to give anyone eligible and willing to take on the Pokemon League their Starter, yet your oldest sister had sent you upstairs to clean the attic, even locking the attic trapdoor below you until she...
  20. Kitsune

    What did German and Japan do for each other?

    In World War II, what did Japan do in a concrete way for Germany and what did Germany do for Japan? I think a case might be able to be argued that German did help Japan to some extent by keeping the Western powers busy enough that they could not expend as great assets towards Japan as...
  21. The Berlin Dome

    The Berlin Dome
    Threadmarks: Title

    Timeline Post-1900 Supernatural 
    The Berlin Dome Die Berlinkuppel Warning: The story may contain small portions not suitable for children or sensitive adults (expletives, mentions of sexual acts, some violence, etc). Let's say about PG-13 equivalent. If that bothers you, please do not read this story. Thank you. Note: This...
  22. fluttersky

    AHC/WI: Czechoslovakia has its southern border on the Danube

    What if? Post-1900 
    Like in this map. Dotted line = OTL southern border of Czechoslovakia; red line/ Danube = proposed southern border of Czechoslovakia in this scenario. Darker yellow = OTL Czechoslovakia; lighter yellow = would also be part of Czechoslovakia in TTL. The lighter yellow area is primarily...
  23. Bassoe

    Break-Out To The Unknown

    Original Daserste Article (in german) A german made-for-TV movie scheduled to release on 2/14/18. I made this thread remembering all the fun we've previously had picking apart ridiculous alternate/future history premises and worldbuilding them into something more plausible or at least interesting.
  24. L

    No Longer the weak link! (A Crown Atomic SI)
    Threadmarks: Part 1 Backstory

    Timeline Alt. History“the-crown-atomic”-a-kaiserreich-cold-war-aar-canada-and-entente.840042/ ___________________________ I got this idea from reading this magnificent aar from parodox if you have not read this than please read it as it will make this timeline...
  25. The Lone Taco

    The Crisis of Modernity: New World Order

    IC Alt. History Modern 
    The Crisis of Modernity: New World Order POD: France annexes Wallonia in 1812, irreparably offsetting the European balance of power. The year is 1926 and the dust is only just settling following the end of the ‘War to End All Wars’. The Weltkreig or “World War” of 1915 to 1920 raged on...