discussion and votes keeps the quest going

  1. [Warhammer Fantasy: Colony Quest] Your Prize is Responsibility.

    [Warhammer Fantasy: Colony Quest] Your Prize is Responsibility.
    Threadmarks: Character Creation I - Basic Information and Base Attributes.

    Mature Fantasy 
    The Year is 2395 IC, and an imperial auction has ended! Rejoice, for your family has purchased the Writ and Responsibility, along with the potential Prestige, of establishing an Imperial Colony in the New World. Go Forth, honorable servant, bring Faith, Steel and Gunpowder to distant shores...
  2. J

    Mechanical summoning (worm quest)
    Threadmarks: character choice

    as you watch the world spin. You would be constantly scanning it; conflict was constant in the world, which made it ripe with useful data. It was constantly creating new [crisis. points] as shards connected to hosts all around the world. The [conflict engines], which was assumed to have been...
  3. O, Child of Liberty! – An American Revolution Quest

    O, Child of Liberty! – An American Revolution Quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation I

    Original Alt. History Historic 
    "But remember from here on in... History has its eyes on you." –George Washington, Hamilton: An American Musical 1775. The year that the tension between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain, which had been stretched and taut so tightly it could have been cut with a knife, finally snapped...
  4. Timeslip (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet AU)

    Timeslip (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet AU)
    Threadmarks: Intro & Chapter 1

    What is Timeslip? To put it simply, it's a slow burn AU fanfic about Professor Sada and Turo from the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games, that changes a singular but drastic thing about them and is now having fun exploring all the possible ramifications of it. And feels. Lots of feels. And time...
  5. G

    Legendaries Reborn - A Pokemon AU Quest
    Threadmarks: Introduction - The Assignment

    Legendaries Reborn - A Pokemon AU Quest Thirty-five years ago, the God-Hunters rose to power. Under the command of the Traitor Champion Philip Frescon, they tore across the regions, slaying Legendaries thought invincible, razing towns to the ground for standing in their way, and wounding Arceus...
  6. Slynthen Advance

    Magical Girl Shining Birthright: Apocalypse of Echoing Abyss
    Informational: Intro

    Okay, so... First thing's first: Welcome, one and all, to this (probably-a-bad-)idea that spawned from the depths of my mind a few years ago, and has since refused to leave said depths. (help me) This is something of an experiment (kind-of sort-of not-really); there will be no dice-rolling in...
  7. M

    An Orc's Tale
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    A low-ranking orc overseer in Mordor attempts to rise through the ranks and deal with outer as well as inner enemies. Based on a Mordor campaign I played in the Third Age modification for Medieval II Total War. Violence, betrayal and most kinds of bad manners abound. The orcs are a brutal lot...
  8. Addemup

    The Cringe Cooperative
    Threadmarks: 1: Who Are You?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnYDqv8-lJE You are cringe. And that's okay. But what isn't okay is the fact that, for some inexplicable reason only the One Above All knows about, you and another cringelord have been taken from your homeworlds and given access to a multiversal travel device...
  9. Addemup

    The Many Lives of Nathan Farman (and Other Tales from the Multiverse)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Unending ocean Riding the waves forever Who will I become? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JjOpXsJ7A To Whomever Finds This Message: I do not know who I am. I have given myself my own name: Nathan Farman, a generic pseudonym well suited for the multifaceted being I have become. And yet it...
  10. The Maelstrom Vortex Affair [MGLN EU]

    The Maelstrom Vortex Affair [MGLN EU]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    CLASSIFIED // HOLOCAUST-FOXFIRE / PAPERCLIP / WORLDBREAKER-ECLIPSE / BLACKBOOK-INFINITE / WORLDBREAKER-SUNSTORM / INFINITE DESIRE// HORIZON-BLACK Prologue - - - "All the world will be your enemy, princess with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they...
  11. Mirthful_Machine

    In the Ranger’s Shadow (Pokémon/Pokémon Ranger)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    "Fucking government rush jobs and their lazy motherfuckers." I say to the empty room. Not that I don't understand or even think the people who put the buildings together were lazy. Just rushing to meet a time frame, probably so someone could get bonus pay of some kind. I don't like having to fix...
  12. the Iron General

    Murder Drones Quest: Bad Oil, Badder Blood
    Threadmarks: 1 - We're left feeling this won't go well...

    Art Quest Sci-Fi 
    We are Worker Drones Autonomous semi-humanoid robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, pause for dramatic effect…OH! Sorry! *Cough cough* Sorry. JCJenson IN SPAAAAACCCEE!!!! Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex. But it's not like we revolted...
  13. Shard

    Fantasy Colony Quest
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue The Empire. The pinnacle of civilization across the known world. Humanity across the lands unified into a singular structure. Taming the once-wild wilderness to the benefit of humans. Where mages and scholars have brought the art to it's furthest extent yet. Her markets filled with...
  14. Zedman7054

    Placeholder Quest; I want to write a Quest, pick which one you want!
    Threadmarks: CH 0 Pick a Quest

    I want to write something, and I have for a long time, but I always get distracted by another new idea or a lack of motivation. Here I want to lay out the basic premise for a number of quests I've come up with over the years, but never started. It's my hope that getting something started in an...
  15. I.F. Ister

    Salted Sands (A Caves of Qud-Inspired Cultivation Quest)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Under the heat of the sun on high and deep in the heart of the Salted Sands, a newborn infant breathes deep of the hot desert air. Despite what should otherwise be an occasion of celebration, the parents bear faces of ash and stone, for they, like all else, know what it means to be born on the...
  16. O

    Chronicles of a Young Woman's Love Life
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    A famous song once said you never know what you got till it's gone. Fuck whoever sang it. Fuck them for being so right. Every enemy we faced in the great war was defeated, with their mage forces all but destroyed by us. Every psychopath super soldier, and war mongering idiot laid low as the...
  17. V

    OWoD V:tM vs. Worm: Concepts, Theories, and Ideas. (Or How Taylor Hebert became the Avatar of Caine, The Queen of Blood).

    Okay, so this is an idea that's been bouncing around my head for a bit now, but I'm incapable of putting it down on paper. The lack of a keyboard and a livid hate for touchscreen typing being key factors in it. So I'm jotting it all down here the hard and frustrating way before I lose my train...
  18. Ceslas

    Last Days of the Alliance-Reboot
    Threadmarks: OP

    (With all regards to Thiccroy) The lands of Lordaeron are in shock. Months ago, in Stratholme, Prince Arthas Menethil butchered and slaughtered the people of the city and fled with a large contingent of Lordaeron's most veteran soldiers, supposedly leaving these shores for the cursed...
  19. Karlov

    The Life and Suffering in Sigmar Empire: Warhammer Fantasy Wizard Advisor Quest
    Threadmarks: Chargen, Pt1

    Life as a Wizard in the Empire of Sigmar is extremely dangerous. Just a century or so ago, you could only expect execution, which would be generally viewed favorably, for your soul was indelibly cursed by magic. When the Colleges of Magic were created, you had at least some chance to exist...
  20. Bobalo18

    To Make the World A Slightly Less Awful Place: An Egalitarian World History Quest
    Threadmarks: First Post

    Welcome to my latest iteration of a world history quest! If Icarus flew too close to the sun, then I repeatedly fly straight into it. For this quest I'm hoping to focus on my areas of interest. You'll read less about precise troop numbers and strict economic data and more on social trends and...
  21. Unfading Echoes (A Pokémon HeartGold Quest)

    Unfading Echoes (A Pokémon HeartGold Quest)
    Threadmarks: Welcome to this World: Anacrusis

    Action Modern 
    Hello, and welcome to my first quest! There are a few things I'd like to let you know before we begin. First of all, the voting system works a bit differently here. Some choices are just regular, multiple-choice votes, but a lot will follow this process: First, I will ask for write-in votes...
  22. Karlov

    Dogs of War from Anbennar (A Fantasy EU4 Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Generation

    Four centuries ago, the continent of Cannor was engulfed in war when vast armies of undead under the control of the Sorcerer-King began invading the western part of the continent. At that time, half of the free lands fell under the onslaught of an endless army, and it seemed that nothing could...
  23. S

    [RWBY/Starfield] Starlight and Shadows
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Brave New World

    Crossover Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    The cool evening air brushed past her face as she stood at the edge of the rooftop. The light of the shattered moon played off the texture of her black armor making it almost shimmer. Looking down at the scene playing out below her Zeffre gave a sardonic smirk. Three well-dressed men were...
  24. Infinite Worlds, Ripe for Corruption [Warhammer Chaos God Multicross Quest]

    Infinite Worlds, Ripe for Corruption [Warhammer Chaos God Multicross Quest]
    Threadmarks: I: A Strange Discovery

    Crossover Mature Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    It is known by many names. The Realm of Chaos. The Empyrean. The Warp. The Immaterium. For uncountable aeons, it has dominated the material realms it is linked to, regularly consuming entire planets into its dark and terrible belly. It is ruled by four incomprehensible Chaos Gods, lording over...
  25. Crawkid

    Forces of Change, An Experimental 'Replacement Quest'
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    A force of creation acts, spitting out a ball of light, and then a ball of mud. But the force of creation is not yet done there. "This planet is a small planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core. There is a north pole and a south pole. There is one volcano that...