
  1. Guessmyname

    Guessy Makes Videogames

    Hello there; I'm Guessmyname, and I make videogames. Eventually, I'll even release one of them... Generally, I make a heck-ton of prototypes. I've a fair few that've got good progress on them to the point I'll probably be looking to pitch them to a team, for which I have a number of contacts...
  2. Bassoe

    Designing the flag of a unified specieswide human government

    Humanity united under a single government. Regardless of if it is desirable or even possible, it's a relatively common trope. It's also not relevant to this thread aside from as a starting point for the sort of nitpicky question this site is famed for: What's the flag going to be? We're...
  3. matterbeam

    MetaSeed- a worldbuilding/game design project

    Hi. In this post, I'll be introducing the world of MetaSeed. Originally a low fantasy worldbuilding project, it is tied to providing the backdrop for a turn-based card strategy game. I'll be touching upon both briefly for now, with more detail in later posts. So, what is the inspiration for...
  4. We Just Write

    Design an interesting FTL system

    In this thread, we'll be designing interesting FTL drives. Some guidelines for drives 1: Each drive should have at least one interesting quirk besides 'go here at X speed' 2: Coming up with a mechanism by which the drive works is optional but encouraged 3: If you make multiple drives, make it...
  5. Bassoe

    Invent new monsters and/or revamp preexisting ones

    It's time for movies and novels to get some new monsters or revamped old monsters. Zombies are overdone and nobody can take vampires or werewolves seriously anymore since the horde of paranormal romance rubbish ruined them. Basically SV, what are your ideas for either original monsters or...
  6. Speckled Burd

    Interpret Designs as Effective

    The exact opposite of the pick holes in guns thread, instead of saying what's wrong with their designs you try and figure out exactly how such a weapon design could possibly be practical and/or effective. Start with this.