alternate timeline

  1. Ace009

    What if the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 escalated into WWIII?

    What if? 
    So, I had this idea as a premise for an timeline that basically never really got past WWIII itself, but....I wanted to ask about it here because....why not? Anyway, the point of divergence is on 26 October, 1973 in the early hours of the morning near Crete after a warning shot from the...
  2. Not ImporTant

    Ages of the Old Ones Quest (Civilization Building/Call of Cthulhu)
    Threadmarks: Stone Age 0

    Original Alt. History Horror 
    Pristine plains sweep as wide as eyesight can reach. There is no pollution, no slightest buzz of machines. If you moved behind the horizon, in any direction, this situation would not change. If you moved far enough, you would notice mountains peeking here and there, a lake or maybe and ocean...
  3. Pinklestia

    Scavenger, a Transformers SI/OC Fanfic
    Threadmarks: 001 Energy crisis I&II

    Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to Scavenger, a Transformers SI/OC Fanfic with an author with no clue what in the Matrix he is doing. Crossposted from another forum. And yes, Starscream will be shot in the face. 001 Energy crisis I&II ****Scavenger**** Log 001 Slowly, thoughts filled my...
  4. Fletcher

    Servant's Rebellion [SU Quest]
    Threadmarks: Log 01

    Alt. History 
    Your name is Pearl. No name, no cut, no designation, just... Pearl. That's not quite what you think, of course, but Homeworld... Homeworld doesn't think you should have a name. You're nothing but a useless trinket, after all, nothing but a status symbol for your master. And you love her, of...
  5. Mechanis

    ...You Get The Horns (Battletech Alt-verse, Taurian Stronk)
    Threadmarks: Genesis of a nation: 2239-2354

    Worldbuilding Timeline 
    Things I should not be doing: This. Things I am doing anyway: Also this. I will warn you now, this is pretty blatant Concordat-wank and I make no apologies for that. {=T*T=} Summery: Samantha Calderon has an all-too-possible nightmare about the future the night after her husband and children...
  6. Oshha

    Entity Quest [Dead]
    Threadmarks: A New World

    Original Superhero 
    The Guardian. That is what you are. Forged by the Knights of Delta, you serve loyally and willingly. Even if protecting life is the cause of your creators, it is a cause that you uphold willingly for you made the choice to do so long ago. As for what you are, that is an interesting question...
  7. skaianDestiny

    Shock and Awe (SBY 2202 RP)
    Threadmarks: OP and Intro

    The year is 2201. It has been two years since the Yamato returned to Earth with the Cosmo Reverse Device, restoring Earth's biosphere and saving the Human race. But the scars of the war have not healed, and peace seems a distant dream. Earth is constructing new fleets of Wave Motion Gun-equipped...
  8. Cybandeath

    A Wounded Eagle: A Worse 9/11
    Threadmarks: Prelude

    What if? Original Timeline 
    Authors Note: This timeline was inspired on a what if video on if united 93 hit its target that was made today, which got me thinking, what if 9/11, was ALOT worse which in turn gave me a WHOLE lot of ideas which grew as I did research and I just couldent not do something with them so here this...
  9. Spacehillbilly

    A masquerade undone (Alt-History Multi- Crossover)

    Timeline Supernatural 
    A reality in which all works of Urban Fantasy co-exist.....and the masquerade is broken. In 1998, one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history happened in London. A zeppelin had bombed and city and unleashed an army of undead Nazis on the city. It was thankfully thwarted by an...
  10. TheBleachDoctor

    Shock and Awe (SBY 2202 RP)
    Threadmarks: OP/Premise

    The year is 2201. It has been two years since the Yamato returned to Earth with the Cosmo Reverse Device, restoring Earth's biosphere and saving the Human race. But the scars of the war have not healed, and peace seems a distant dream. Earth is constructing new fleets of Wave Motion Gun-equipped...
  11. CaekDaemon

    A Northern Dragoness - An ASOIAF Story of Starks and Targaryens
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Been promising to bring more stories of mine over from AH, so why not bring one of the ones that I like the most? Bare in mind that whilst this isn't my first story (or even my first thread on SV!) I'm still getting used to the exact formatting buttons and all that jazz, since they're a fair bit...
  12. Jeckparadox

    Stone Bay (Worm/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
    Threadmarks: 1.1 - Jitterbug into my Brain

    A fusion of Earth Bet and the Earth of Parts 1-6 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Most of the events of both series more-or-less happened, with the biggest differences beginning in Stardust Crusaders, with some characters living where others died as a result of Parahumans existing, and having a very...
  13. The Fourth Monado

    Dragon Ball Z Alter

    Across a galaxy dominated by evil... Three groups of Saiyans get messages. @Dovahsith @Estro @Lazy Coyote You all are relaxing on Frieza Planet 918, recently conquered and cleaned out by you three. A simple, easy mission, and profitable, too! There was one species that was looking for a...
  14. The Fourth Monado

    Dragon Ball Z Alter
    Threadmarks: OP

    Planet Vegeta is gone. For the last galactic decade, going by Emperor Frieza's calendar, the Saiyan race has been reduced to a mere handful of individuals. There is no way they could return from this brink; once they died, the Saiyan Race would be completely extinguished. However, all is not...
  15. Y

    The Unabridged Memoirs of Darth Plagueis the Wise [Star Wars AU]
    Threadmarks: Prologue: From the Jaws of Victory

    Prologue: From the Jaws of Victory “A being trained in the killing arts doesn’t wait for you to acquire him as a target, or establish him or herself as an opponent, as if in some martial arts contest. Your reactions must be instantaneous and nothing less than lethal, for you are a Sith...
  16. Arkalest

    Polaris Unbound
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Seeker.

    Original Sci-Fi 
    Prologue: The Seeker. Drip. Drip. Drip goes the rain, falling down on a tarp stretched across four metallic poles. The downpour slides off the dull turquoise fabric, droplets slipping off hexagonal patterns. They hit slick gunmetal grey tiles reflecting half a hundred different colors, a...
  17. DefRevenge24601

    Team Saiyan Saves The World! (IC Thread)
    Threadmarks: The Convergence! Freeza's Plan

    IC What if? Sci-Fi 
    "Earth." The Ice demon pronounced it E-Are-Th, but the Saiyans he was talking to (In separate meetings, mind you) knew better. "All of the groups I have sent there so far have failed to produce results; Not to mention, there was the presence of another Saiyan on the planet." "I want you to...
  18. DefRevenge24601

    DBZ RPG: Team Saiyan Saves The World (Maybe)
    Threadmarks: First Post

    OOC What if? Sci-Fi 
    What if an elite team of Saiyans manages to escape Frieza's destruction of their planet and escapes somewhere? Well, this is what would happen. You take control of one of the Saiyans, which will be listed for easy convenience, that escape Planet Vegeta and make it to another planet, 1 year...
  19. Oshha

    Gadgeteer Quest (Mutants and Mastermind Quest)
    Threadmarks: Origins I

    Original Superhero 
    So, this is going to be the second superhero quest that I am going to run. It will be using the Mutant & Mastermind 3rd Edition rules and is going to be set in my other superhero quest. Your character will be an existing character with their own predetermined personality and background and so...
  20. Lone Courier

    Warhammer 40k: The Primarch Heresy

    Hey guys! This is a discussion about if the Loyalists and Traitors switched places, like for example what Primarch would follow which Chaos God and what the New!Loyalists have to do. Like what would happen during the Heresy that inevitably takes place because of this, and how would our...
  21. Remitonov

    Black Eagles: The Swan of Corfu (Mecha Central Powers Victory TL)
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Sci-Fi Alt. History Action 
    Just something I'm writing for the fun of it. It's based on a scenario I crafted for my WWI CP victory map, and hearing the trailer soundtrack for the new Legend of the Galactic Heroes anime had gotten me hyped. Here goes. :3 Original story thread is posted on Alternate However...
  22. pyroflare77

    The Ophidian Prodigy (A Naruto Quest)
    Threadmarks: Act I: 1 (Prologue)

    Tedious... it was all so tedious. You did not understand the point of the Academy as it currently operated. The Great War began a mere year ago, but the curriculum of the classes was designed to slowly mold children into shinobi over time. It made no sense to you... surely the Leaf needed...
  23. Disparate Dawn

    Neon Triumviratus Evangelion
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: This piece is an AU-fic of Evangelion, most heavily inspired by Neon Metathesis Evangelion by Susano, Broken Wings by Teen Spirit, and also my reading of William Gibson which hit an overdrive this summer. The gist is that Dr. Katsuragi survived Second Impact, serving as a jumping off...
  24. Erithemaeus

    God's Folly Prologue: Eden's Fall
    Threadmarks: Prologue, 1

    Original Fantasy Alt. History 
    The whole realm was made out of something which was not known, existing in different planes of existence that was difficult for an ordinary mortal to comprehend. The main feature of the realm aside from the endlessly rolling mist was a huge monolithic structure rising out of nowhere...