[X] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
[X] Meticulously note down their behaviours. Their habits, their comings and goings, their routines. Surely that information will prove invaluable!
[x] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.
[X] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.
[x] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.

I wanna see the trainwreck. I'm also curious as to how much of our Grimm nature leaks through when we're stalking a target?
Well, I'm pretty sure TenfoldShields is right about this quest's canon - as semblances are weaponized stories, and part of the power of stories ties into how often they're retold, particular semblances (more or less) show up again and again. Basically "TV Tropes" for powers.

Which... kind of says interesting things about Pyrrha. She almost certainly does know she's doomed, doesn't she.

How much choice did she get in that, I wonder?

Sounds like Semblances are like Names/Roles in A Practical Guide to Evil. Stories so oft repeated they've been ground into the framework of the world itself.

Now in something completely different, do you think we could eat the Journals? Keep one up throughout the year, and eat pages whenever we need the food.
[X] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
[x] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pathetic King on Dec 27, 2017 at 4:55 PM, finished with 40 posts and 30 votes.
[X] Meticulously note down their behaviours. Their habits, their comings and goings, their routines. Surely that information will prove invaluable!
[X] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
Chapter Thirteen: Class Is In Session
If there's one thing you're rapidly learning, it's that humans aren't logical creatures. They work on instinct, mood and impulse. Ruled by thoughts and feelings you don't fully understand, not yet. If you're to survive in this place you have to learn, even if it's by imitation and rote. So that's exactly the note you make at the top of both your journals (albeit in less obvious wording), and depart for your first class hot on Ruby and Cardin's heels.

First thing's first. You corner Pyrrha just outside Professor Gotthard's classroom in a hall on the second floor, and wait patiently until Ren and Nora stream past with the rest of the students. Pyrrha's giving you a dubious look, arms folded but she's still waiting for you to speak, so that's something.

"Captain stuff," you explain. "Look, here's the thing. You already know what the problem is, you pointed it out to Ozpin yesterday. We're just two pairs rooming together and as far as he's concerned that's not a team."

"Wouldn't really call us a pair, but yeah," she replies laconically.

"I need your help," you say simply. "I can't crack that on my own and- look. Here's the deal. I try to be friends with Nora, you try to be friends with Ren."

She leans back at the waist, considering. "What're we calling 'friends' here?"

You shrug. "We ask them to hang out without the other and they say 'yes'?"

Pyrrha unfolds her arms. "You're on."

"I didn't mea-" she's already headed into class "-alright."

It's a lecture hall, arranged in three ascending U-shaped tiers. All twelve students would only fill the first row - or at least they would, if the other two teams actually sat together. Ren and Nora are in the middle of the right wing - you take a seat beside her and Pyrrha sits next to him, but Cardin's sitting in the second row on the left with Taube while Sky and Russell keep a noticeable yet cordial distance in the first, and Ruby's team is just all over the place. Her up front with Yang, Weiss behind them, and Blake so far up the back that at first you thought she was running late.

The clock in the corner strikes the hour and Gotthard sweeps in as if waiting, spring-loaded, for that exact moment. Her eyes dart around the room, gaze lingering longer on some than others, a slight tightness in her lips, but she makes no further comment. Perhaps she's merely pleased everyone turned up on time. She strides behind her desk and briskly waves her key-wand at the blackboard behind her. Three waiting sticks of chalk come to life with a subtle violet glow, scratch-scratch-scratching away at the board as she turns her full attention to the class.

"Semblance," she says. "Dust. Widely-known, poorly-understood. It will be my job to adequately educate you on both. You are Hunters-to-be - 'common knowledge' will not suffice. Now, to get an indication of where we're starting, why doesn't someone tell me what they think a Semblance is?"

Weiss and Pyrrha raise their hands. Gotthard pauses a moment to glance at them both in turn. Finally she indicates Weiss with her wand.

"A Semblance is a unique trait that, with sufficient training, allows you to project your will onto the world and people around you based on the key concept you were born aligned with," she recites crisply, as if she's been practising her response in the mirror. Pyrrha drops her hand irritably, only to freeze mid-motion as Gotthard points at her anyway.

"Your Semblance is your destiny," she says without skipping a beat. "Your life in a word or two. If you accept it, work towards it, it's your blessing. Try to run from it and it becomes your curse. Developing it always starts with you."

Weiss shoots her a look. Pyrrha ignores her. Gotthard rests the tip of her wand in her free hand, idly rolling it back and forth across her palm.

"Yes and no," she says at last. "Admirable answers, but inadequate in the same way as defining water with 'something you find in a river' or 'something that falls out of clouds'." She turns and taps the board with her wand as Weiss and Pyrrha slump in annoyance. The bewitched chalk sticks have sketched 'DUST' and 'SEMBLANCE' in big bold letters on either side of the board. The former accompanied by pictures of what you think are piles of raw ore, flasks of fine powder and industrial mechanisms. The latter, a picture of the beast you and Pyrrha fought in the forest. You know its name is 'Grendel' without having to read the label at the bottom. You've been digesting it all night.

"For the purposes of your education at Beacon, 'Semblance' is defined as the power of archetype." Gotthard turns on her heel, a stick of chalk picking up the slack on its own to make notes in an impossibly delicate 'hand'. "Professor Kay will explore this in greater detail, but for now the key lesson is that, for example, it is not even unique to humans and faunus."

She taps the Grendel illustration, to a few murmurs of confusion. "This beast has a Semblance. Indeed you could say that it is a Semblance. Its archetype and it's entire being are one and the same. It is a Grendel, and thus pursues particularly raucous partygoers and festival feasters with all the cold-minded determination of an Atlesian battle-drone. It can conceive of no other course of actions. As specimens of a Grimm species age they may become more complex, may pursue their archetypal goal with greater levels of animal cunning, but they will pursue it all the same. To do otherwise would be literally unthinkable."

It's strange to hear it laid out so academically. Strange to hear it and understand it at all to be honest. Her words bounce around in your skull, colliding and combining with the Groom's. To be a Grimm is to be the sum of your pursuits, the apex of the stories you devour. Humans have their own stories, of course, but you never even conceived that they each possessed a fragment of the same power. You always assumed that Hunters were a special class of being, superior to the common prey. Curiosity piqued, you probe at the souls within you.

Jaune has a Semblance, of course. It's customary among the Arcs to go to a reading if it hasn't already made itself apparent, by fourteen at the latest. You find the pearl of memory and clutch it tight, mesmerised by its light, drawn to its warmth. A bright thread connects the memory to the strain you felt while bearing his banner - he must have knowingly channelled his Semblance to help him lose weight ahead of Beacon. Burned away the soft and shameful parts of him. His word is 'Pyre', written proudly on his entrance submission, and what a brilliant blaze must have been destined to consume him had you not cut his life short.

And the detective... hm. He has one, Gotthard said everyone does, but he doesn't know it. He never bothered to learn. Sharp, cigarette-scented images flash before your mind's eye. Department psychics and special investigators on loan. Fuckin' weirdos that smoke for breakfast and order coffee to stare into instead of drink for dinner. The guys with the crazy eyes that sniff the body and look like they're tweaking out just being near a dead guy. Then the actual tweakers. The Dust-heads that swear up and down they can control their habit, that they just need it to keep ahead of the curve. They never lasted as long as the weirdos. Too easy to buy. Yeah, he took one look at that and decided no news was good news as far as whatever his soul had to say for itself.

You jolt in your seat, blinking rapidly as if lurching out of a microsleep. Close enough, you suppose. You missed some of Gotthard's lecture, but the detective's soul filled you in pretty well anyway. Instead you check how watch your fellow students are reacting, searching for notes to put in your journal. Weiss, Cardin and Blake are paying the least amount of attention, clearly already familiar with much of the subject matter. Russell seems distracted somehow, eyes unfocused - lingering on an unpleasant memory? Yang seems to be only half paying attention, slouched back in her seat with her hands behind her head. Ruby, conversely, is sitting on the edge of hers and fixing Gotthard with the kind of unblinking, unwavering stare you didn't think humans were capable of.

The weirdos with the crazy eyes, the detective seems to repeat in your ear. Your eyes slowly track left, casting a subtle glance at the three Hunters-to-be in profile beside you.

"-brewing of refined Dust supplements both elementally-typed and not, which will be the subject of your classes with the Sisters-"

Ren, looking to all the world like a statue - barely moving, barely breathing, barely blinking. Nora looks, not disinterested precisely, but something else. Orphaned colonists, no one but each other to depend on, and Jaeger's comments... is it because they already know? They know how immersing yourself in your Semblance can distort you because they've already done it?

"-use in weaponry will be part of Regin's class, but I'll touch on it now for completion's sake-"

And then Pyrrha. That answer of hers, dying to be let out. Her belligerent need to get to Beacon as soon as possible no matter how many miles of Grimm-infested forest lay between her and it. Something about her demeanour; if anyone's disinterested in the lecture it's her. It's an imposition. Yes, the story tastes a little familiar now. She's racing towards her destiny and Beacon isn't a crucial stepping-stone so much as an obligation. She-

"For example... Arc!"

Gotthard brings her wand down on the table in front of you with a crash. You snap your head back around like lightning, wilting before Gotthard's pitiless gaze. She practically towers over you.

"Y-yes ma'am?"

"Pay attention. You might learn something."

You seem appropriately cowed (albeit for all the wrong reasons), so Gotthard mercifully lets you off with that warning. She straightens up - her wand none the worse for wear despite its seeming fragility - and addresses the class as a whole once more.

"Mister Arc's weapon is not of his own making, but fortunately it seems he picked well when he chose to join us here at Beacon," she says. "The untyped Dust woven into its design acts as a repeater, allowing him to project his Semblance further and at greater potency. However, if his internal perception of 'Pyre' were the more immediately-obvious pyromancy, then perhaps he could use it as a focus to rain fire down on a specific area from the back lines, where he would otherwise be restricted to fireballs. Or perhaps he could give it to Miss Schnee in a moment of need?"

She glances at you and Weiss in turn. "No two people can be wholly alike in their Semblance, even should they share the exact same keywords. Only Grimm can be so inflexible. However there can be said to be two very broad and generalised categories of application - internal and external. Your banner may function perfectly in Miss Schnee's hands, only to be no more than a big stick in Miss Yang's."

"Big stick's all I need," Yang remarks. You notice she tipped her chair back on the hind legs at some point. She shrugs flippantly. "No amplifying perfection anyway."

Gotthard doesn't smack the desk in front of Yang. Oh no. Instead she smiles sweetly, wand held daintily before her between the tips of her forefingers and thumbs. "I would so love to hear more, Miss Yang. So much in fact, that I cannot wait to see your ten-page essay on the exact specifications of your Semblance tomorrow!"

There's a pregnant pause. Yang freezes, staring up at Gotthard as she silently tries to puzzle out how serious she is. Gotthard's wide smile doesn't waver in the slightest. She merely pumps her eyebrows once.

Yang mumbles.

"Beg pardon?"

"(yes ma'am)"

"There we are."

Gotthard turns on her heel and strides away, stopping level with her desk. She lets the moment sink in for a few beats, glancing up at the board - perhaps to double-check if she missed anything. She smacks her palm with the tip of her wand to emphasise her next words. "Know your tools. Know your role. Know your limits. Know yourself. These are a Hunter's watch-words."

You almost want to scream at her. Leap out of your chair, hurl yourself over the desk, scramble up to Gotthard and clutch at her dress. 'Tell me!' you want to cry out. 'Tell me all of these things because my entire existence is riding on this and I have no idea what I'm doing!'

Where are you even supposed to start with a stolen Semblance? In the forest it was just instinct, leaning on whatever training Jaune managed to make stick - you honestly just assumed the power was inherent to the banner. What does this even mean to you? Do you have two Semblances? Do you only have half a one? You just need to... get this straight in your head. She said it was about internal perception, so you need to pick a perception. Unless you can tap into Jaune's power consistently, this mission won't last long.

[ ] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[ ] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[ ] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on Jan 8, 2018 at 4:51 PM, finished with 98 posts and 58 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on Jan 10, 2018 at 8:07 PM, finished with 106 posts and 58 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on Jan 15, 2018 at 7:23 AM, finished with 119 posts and 58 votes.
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
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Oooh, I like this. No mention of Aura, so it either doesn't exist or it's actually the super special secret thing that the first talk with Jaune and Pyrrha in canon would suggest, both of which are neat. I like that Semblances are tied to a keyword and different expressions of it too, it reminds me of Origins in the best way, so that's a lot of fun to be had down the line. Gonna hold off on voting for the moment, but I liked this a lot.
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
Righto. Hmmm this is actually a really hard choice.

These choices have a clear pattern.

The First Choice has Shadow distancing himself almost entirely from Jaune. The body is just a pile of meat and the Semblance just another thing to be used. This will likely result in having a harder time using Pyre or getting a less powerful effect. Even if this works I suspect that Shadow would eventually be forced back to a similar question again as it becomes more involved.

The Third Choice does not talk of Shadow's relationship with Jaune directly, but it is the one with the clearest parallels. Just as Jaune's original use of the Pyre burned himself away for power, Shadow is talking about also essentially burning himself away. There's this resonance to this choice that feels like it should have the most thematic weight. With this Shadow both makes himself closer to Jaune, closer to a Human, but also stripping away at such things as he burns away the myriads of stories within him. Would that mean he would become more like Jaune? Or would it cause him to lose sight of Shadow?

The Second Choice feels like the compromise role. Jaune's soul, is still there. So there is more to this situation than just a horrible parasite riding around in the body of a murdered teen. Perhaps it would make Shadow consciously thinking and consider the issue of their situation and what it means for him in the long run? Or perhaps it will be the one that functions just well enough that he wont care.


[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

No Balls no Glory. Feed it all upon the Fires.

This is dangerous, but it's also the most narratively interesting one to me.
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You shrug. "We ask them to hang out without the other and they say 'yes'?"

nine tenths of success is setting the bar low so kudos shadow

As specimens of a Grimm species age they may become more complex, may pursue their archetypal goal with greater levels of animal cunning, but they will pursue it all the same. To do otherwise would be literally unthinkable."


Either knowledge of Elder Grimm like the Groom or the Sea Witch is more tightly controlled (possible, this is essentially an introductory class to ensure that people of varied backgrounds and educational levels have a shared base of understanding) or humans straight up don't know. Grimm like the Groom are described as being functionally identical to lesser Grimm albeit more clever and maybe more complex, which isn't wrong granted, but Shadow knows that isn't the whole story. 'Cause "animal cunning" doesn't really cover those Elder Grimm, who can casually reach across vast distances to fuck with people and who have expanded their portfolio, as it were, to encompass broader interpretations of their archetype. Like the Groom describes himself as essentially this living virus who's fed and nourished by the worst parts of mankind, the hollowed out killers and seductors who wear smiles. All the Bluebeard type fuckos who have that room full of bodies, literal or metaphorical, that you should never open.

It's understandable though, I mean if that is the case? I can't imagine Grimm of that scale or scope are commonly encountered and ninety nine percent of Grimm are some flavor of "creepy monster that does x or y or z in pursuit of fucking eating you". They have walls, they have Hunters, which works in almost every situation. How would Vale even know about a Grimm that doesn't care about any of those things? That doesn't even have to interact with them if it doesn't want to?

And the detective... hm. He has one, Gotthard said everyone does, but he doesn't know it. He never bothered to learn. Sharp, cigarette-scented images flash before your mind's eye. Department psychics and special investigators on loan. Fuckin' weirdos that smoke for breakfast and order coffee to stare into instead of drink for dinner. The guys with the crazy eyes that sniff the body and look like they're tweaking out just being near a dead guy. Then the actual tweakers. The Dust-heads that swear up and down they can control their habit, that they just need it to keep ahead of the curve. They never lasted as long as the weirdos. Too easy to buy. Yeah, he took one look at that and decided no news was good news as far as whatever his soul had to say for itself.

sounds about right zack

But nah, seriously, I kinda like this. It answers one of the major issues in the series pretty elegantly: everyone has as Semblance but developing it costs time and money, what I'm guessing are regular Dust treatments given Gotthard's offhand comment? (and the detective's passing mention of Dust-heads), and can influence your personality is really creepy ways. Some people don't have the time or resources. Some people just don't want to make the trade. And we have a nice sorta scattershot sampling of how it emerges in this classroom. Cardin, Weiss, and Jaune all had proper formal structured exposure and shit. Cardin mentioned that Sky is basically the expensive investment of a fairly middle class family. Ren and Nora developed theirs in desperate circumstances with associated complications. Aaaaand given how Russel was a street-kid with a Semblance strong enough to be considered for Beacon I'm betting that he's pretty intimately familiar with dude's fucking themselves up on Dust for an extra edge.

(Also I kinda like the touch/implication that both cops and low level criminals can and will dose themselves up on Dust for the extra, clumsy edge, and burning out in the process is a legitimate problem in the setting and not one that's easy to solve 'cause Dust is so widely used and Fuckin' Everywhere.)

[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.

Remember that we don't have a mask, which represents a calcified Grimm's identity/archetype/semblance. And how Jaune has been mentioned before to basically be our prosthetic mask? I think this isn't just choosing how we understand Jaune's Pyre-shit but how we develop and understand our own in parallel with his. So I'm partial to this one just 'cause it seems to lean the most into Prototype/Dark Sector-esque body horror and I'm super down for Shadow to have that shit. Also 'cause it does seem like the most natural way for a possessing agent to understand something in a possessee. It's all in the organs and meat, if you pull the right strings it all should work like it does.
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[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
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Burning the stories within us seems like it would cause our hunger to ramp up rather unpleasantly. Since if we are burning them for fuel, we're going to need to acquire more.
So, I'd at least like to try to figure out some of the implications of each of these picks.

[ ] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
I don't think Semblances are just another function, no.

I'd expect this to get us possibly stuck on Jaune's martyr path ourselves, if it even works.
[ ] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
Use Jaune as a intermediary between us and his Semblance. Less risk from direct contact with it, more risk of Jaune doing something independent and selfdestructive to take us with him. In a way, this one is probably the most restrictive on what we can do with the Semblance.

[ ] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
Well, we might be able to limit the effects to burning away bits, physical and metaphorical, of the corpses we've eaten - but Jaune is one of those, and to what extent Nameless even exists without them is an open question. This option I expect to involve quite a bit of risk of burning away Nameless' identity.

... And now I see that @Deadly Snark has pretty much said the same thing, first and better. Ah well.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

I like this interpretation. It's powerful and seems to be in our best interest. If we use those smaller clashing stories as fuel, we will become more of ourself overtime. Also a powerful and dangerous semblance seems more interesting than a weak but controllable one.
I like this interpretation. It's powerful and seems to be in our best interest. If we use those smaller clashing stories as fuel, we will become more of ourself overtime. Also a powerful and dangerous semblance seems more interesting than a weak but controllable one.
Or we lose oursleves entirely. Make no mistake the word Pyre is appropriate. Fire forges, but it also consumes. It's the High Risk and Potentially High Reward Option.

This will either make Shadow anew in the long run, or led him to the Glorious Burning Jaune was destined for.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
No Balls no Glory. Feed it all upon the Fires.
When you put it that way, change my vote to:

[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
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[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.