Not Necessarily a Spider (Spider-Man/Marvel)

[X] Plan Unconventional Arachnid
-[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
-[X] Electronic Lockbox
-[X] Dr. Hank McCoy
-[X] Flash Thompson
-[X] Kitty Pryde
Personally, I'd rather see a magic Peter than a techno peter. Techno peter has been done to death in fanfiction and even comics.

Magic is a new and different storyline.
Personally, I'd rather see a magic Peter than a techno peter. Techno peter has been done to death in fanfiction and even comics.

Magic is a new and different storyline.
I might be willing to consolidate to the Dr. Peter plan if mine hasn't gained much traction by tomorrow. I definitely want to try and do something a bit different.
Personally, I'd rather see a magic Peter than a techno peter. Techno peter has been done to death in fanfiction and even comics.

Magic is a new and different storyline.
Ehhhh, the quest I was inspired by, the fantastic Ultimate Spider Quest over on SB, had a more mystical Spider-Man. It focused a lot more on the totemic/divine side of his powers. And in the comics, Peter does have his mystical story lines that turn the spot light on his status as the Spider Totem. Plus Spider-Man Noir's origin is entirely Mystical in origin. But you do have a point, despite my nitpicking.
Ehhhh, the quest I was inspired by, the fantastic Ultimate Spider Quest over on SB, had a more mystical Spider-Man. It focused a lot more on the totemic/divine side of his powers. And in the comics, Peter does have his mystical story lines that turn the spot light on his status as the Spider Totem. Plus Spider-Man Noir's origin is entirely Mystical in origin. But you do have a point, despite my nitpicking.

Mind posting a link? Would love to check that quest out.
Also shame on you for using that title for your first chapter, Brand New Day pissed me off since it tied the whole bullshit of OMD back into the story just as I was forgetting about it.
[X] Peter Benjamin Parker

[X] High-Tech Briefcase

[X] Dr. Bruce Banner

[X] Mary Jane Watson
[X] Gwen Stacy
Also shame on you for using that title for your first chapter, Brand New Day pissed me off since it tied the whole bullshit of OMD back into the story just as I was forgetting about it.
Actually, I had completely forgotten about it until I hit enter, and then I remembered it was a storyline. But it did inspire me. I will attempt, from how on, to make all my thread marks puns or just related to comic storylines.
More than one waifu is a trap, as it dooms the protagonist to forever being single without the quest imploding into a pile of salt and tears.
Ah, but there's a solution for that and it starts with an H. Not that I'm trying to influence the vote or anything, that's just my standard operating procedure.
More than one waifu is a trap, as it dooms the protagonist to forever being single without the quest imploding into a pile of salt and tears.
Uhh, theres this little thing called Friendship. Males and Females can Form Friendships. :p
Tho I'd waifu either of my friend choices, and only go Harem if it was ya know... allowed or possible - Oh QM said its available, but we'll see how i'll vote.
[x] Plan Ube

Personally, I think going a magic route could be pretty good, especially if the magic is more focused towards making items.

Like in the Dr. Strange movie, magic users can use a few basic spells, but to cast more powerful magic then they need to use magic items. Like those rings that can make portals or Strange's cape.

Basically, if we cast magic by using specific magic items then it would pretty much be like inventing our own gadgets except we would be less limited by things like budget or resources. The difference between making a personal jet pack or say... a pair of boots we've enchanted to let us walk up walls would be that we'd need alot more machinery to build a jet pack and it would be harder to make or transport without attracting attention.
and it starts with an H

Are you saying our harem protag would be the rare kind who hasn't taken an oath of chastity?

Uhh, theres this little thing called Friendship. Males and Females can Form Friendships.

Uhh, I don't think you know what a waifu is.

[X] Peter Benjamin Parker

[X] High-Tech Briefcase

[X] Dr. Bruce Banner

[X] Mary Jane Watson
[X] Gwen Stacy
I might be willing to consolidate to the Dr. Peter plan if mine hasn't gained much traction by tomorrow. I definitely want to try and do something a bit different.
[X] Plan Electric Technospider
-[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
-[X] High-Tech Briefcase
-[X] Tony Stark
-[X] Harry Osborn
-[X] Mary Jane Watson
[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
[X] Old Camera
[X] Dr. Stephen Strange
[X] Gwen Stacy
[X] Kitty Pryde

You need to consolidate into one vote. There's only one female plan and there's multiple male ones.
I don't think we have to consolidate; options are good and likely more Penny Parker options will be brought up.

However I'm mostly interested in Dr. Strange and having Jessica Jones as one of our friends... teenage Jessica needs some friends. As I'd said earlier I'm just a fan of Kitty Pryde.
Part of the reason I am going for a female vote is so that we can use the pun "Penny for your thoughts" here and there.
I don't get why so many people don't want Parker to have a single male friend. Is it because you want to play a harem protagonist? Harem protagonists are sexless, oblivious fucks but even they have at least one male friend.
Personally, I tend to find female characters more interesting than male ones on average, though I don't feel strongly about the current vote.
[x] Plan Green
-[x] Penny May Parker
-[x] Electronic Lockbox
-[x] Dr. Bruce Banner
-[x] Mary Jane Watson
-[x] Kitty Pryde
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by FatedBread on Jan 6, 2018 at 5:09 AM, finished with 47 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan High School Girls Are Trouble
    -[x] Penny May Parker
    -[X] Cat Statuette
    -[X] Dr. Hank Pym
    -[x] Kitty Pryde
    -[X] Jessica Jones
    [X] Plan Unconventional Arachnid
    -[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    -[x] Electronic Lockbox
    -[X] Dr. Hank McCoy
    -[X] Flash Thompson
    -[x] Kitty Pryde
    [x] Plan Ube
    -[x] Penny May Parker
    -[x] Electronic Lockbox
    -[x] Dr. Stephen Strange
    -[x] Gwen Stacy
    -[x] Kitty Pryde
    [X] Plan Dr. Parker
    -[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    -[x] Electronic Lockbox
    -[x] Dr. Stephen Strange
    -[x] Kitty Pryde
    -[X] Jessica Jones
    [X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    [X] Old Camera
    [X] Dr. Stephen Strange
    [X] Gwen Stacy
    [X] Kitty Pryde
    [X] I can't think of a plan name
    [X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    [X] Old Camera
    [X] Dr. Hank McCoy
    [X] Kitty Pryde
    [X] Harry Osborn
    [X] Penny May Parker
    [X] Cat Statuette
    [X] Dr. Stephen Strange
    [X] Gwen Stacy
    [X] Mary Jane Watson
    [X] Penny May Parker
    [X] Old Camera
    [X] Dr. Stephen Strange
    [X] Gwen Stacy
    [X] Kitty Pryde
    [X] Plan Electric Technospider
    -[X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    -[X] High-Tech Briefcase
    -[X] Tony Stark
    -[X] Harry Osborn
    -[X] Mary Jane Watson
    [X] Peter Benjamin Parker
    [X] High-Tech Briefcase
    [X] Dr. Bruce Banner
    [X] Mary Jane Watson
    [X] Gwen Stacy
    [x] Plan Green
    -[x] Penny May Parker
    -[x] Electronic Lockbox
    -[x] Dr. Bruce Banner
    -[X] Mary Jane Watson
    -[x] Kitty Pryde
Oy ve....

@Hex123 is there any chance I could convince you to vote for Plan Unconventional Arachnid? The plans are very similar, and I'd be willing to negotiate a compromise on one or two items if @Gunman and @gman391 are open to that.

@Ghostdevil , I'd love support on my plan, but failing that would you consider supporting @ComiTurtle 's Plan Dr. Parker? Both involve Magic by way of Stephen Strange, and look to have other common elements (including a Peter Parker).

@Birdsie , I don't dislike your plan, but I'd agree with some of the other voices about wanting something fresher than "TECH SPIDER". If yours doesn't gain momentum, which of the other Peter plans do you prefer?

@Harpy81 , you might want to make a Plan Name for your vote set. I won't try to "sell" you on a vote yet but we're definitely looking at fragmented votes right now, so I'd say it might be worth considering scoping out the field.

@giodan , @Dark Lord Potato , currently your votes aren't Plans, so I'm not sure how they'd be counted. Not sure if you want to make your own Plans or consoldiate on Plan High School, Plan Ube, or Plan Green (the 3 Girl Spider plans present thus far).

I personally am not interested in Harems no matter what gender/orientation we have, but I won't make a hill out of it...Anyway.

I don't mind Penny winning, hence why I tried to tag everyone. I don't think we need to consolidate just yet, but those whose votes aren't for existing Plans or their own Plans might want to revote, and those with only their own vote for their Plan might want to consider which Plan they like next-best.

(Kind of too bad we can't set the Vote Count up for, like, Ranked Choice voting or something.)