Uhtua the Lekgolo home world. A moon of Te the arbiter of bonds. The Lekgolo are young but the galaxy is old so very very old, but it moves in cycles, now you find your self in one of them and they are...
[]Time: New
The cycle has just begun the races of this cycle have barely met and the time is ripe for the Lekgolo
[]Time: Beginning
War rips apart the galaxy, nations tearing one another apart in the hope of survival. The Lekgolo could turn the tide of war.
[]Time: Sundering
Those who had defended the galaxy now turns on them worlds burn as savior bevomes executioner. It may be time for the Lekgolo to become a force in this world.
[]Time: Breach
Peace had been achieved and the galaxy was at rest, then servants turned on masters and they where expelld from their worlds none of their once allies to help, this may be the time for the Lekgolo to arrive a new breath to a stale galaxy.
[]Time: Twilight
The galaxy is about to be reset a new the final players are entering the game and the man behind the curtains is soon to be revealed. The Lekgolo may be just what the galaxy needs.
[]Time: New Dawn
The galaxy burned and the ashes where cleaned up, now new races come forth. The Lekgolo enter as the forerunners of this new cycle. Lekgolo history is not for the faint of heart mostly as it was never written down, our unique biology made it so we never had to but for an outsider the vagueness and hazy recollection of events thousands of years ago is quite annoying. All scholors of Lekgolo history know of one event thougb the one that change us made us who we are today.
[]History: The War
It was when they came, as we reached for the stars they came from them and we were at war. How many trillions, how many years have passed, even the long memories of the greatest gestalts of the Lekgolo have a hard time remembering a time before they were our enemy.
[]History: The Schism
As we reached into the void our natural bonds grew weaker and we were not prepared for the Schism, colonies left us claiming we were wringing them, and striking at us. They must be taken back into the fold.
[]History: Descovery
The rings of Te, were not natural we always new that but for most of Lekgolo history they had been believed to be empty, they were not records of the past existed and they could aid the Lekgolo in their growth.
[]History: Nova
The star of Te was dieing, and we couldn't stop it we could only run, the ships were not enough and even then many died as they fell apart or failed. But we survived and while Te floats dead around a dead sun its children now roam the stars.
[]History: The Elders
We were but children when they came, we were nothing before them, but rather then crush or ignore us they came to our aid, they took us from Te and we stand behind them as their children. Hello MEAH style game... I am going to be using a modified set of the mechanics forms here I will be changing some things, to better reflect the Lekgolo and to patch something' questionable about the original mechanics, these patches may not work, but they will be spoilers below if you care to know them.
LE, changes Kaelors rules in three places. First it nerfs Xenorelations. While I liked the idea, and it makes sense what it can do it seemed like it could be too powerful so what has happened is the new Xenorelations stat, which is its own special growth stat and a Xenorelations microstat for each race, you use the Xenorelations to grow the microstat but the microstat is what you uses when doing Xenorelations stuff to that race, when using it against multiple races it will use the average.
Second Traits don't effect stats anymore. Rather then a flat buff or debuff all traits effect how things work at least on a minor scale. Say paranoia? You use the higher of your military or dominion defending against culture attacks. Flashy? Bonus to all techs development, but minus to growth. And so on.
And finally 3... techs don't provided growth, they also don't give flat bonuses. They instead will give a percent bonus, but will be harder to research and should be slightly more effective.
That said assume not trait Xenorelations, and tech things remain the same. And ask any questions!
On that note hunters in the mass effect world is something we have always needed.
[X] History: The Elders
We were but children when they came, we were nothing before them, but rather then crush or ignore us they came to our aid, they took us from Te and we stand behind them as their children.
[X]History: Descovery
The rings of Te, were not natural we always new that but for most of Lekgolo history they had been believed to be empty, they were not records of the past existed and they could aid the Lekgolo in their growth.
The Elders came to us during their war, a time of strife when they were fighting for their ideals. They were losing their confederation slowly being swept aside by the mad brothers from their homeworld. But they found us as we only just reached the stars, they found our simplest satellites and saw that we could aid them.
Our fighter colonies will fight alongside them, our ships will be their bulwark. We fight for Te, we fight for the Colonies! We are Lekgolo, we fight for the Colonial Alliace!
[The Lekgolo have Unlocked the Client Species technology]
[The Lekgolo have Encountered the Colonial Alliance]
[The Lekgolo have Encountered the Turian Hierarchy]
[The Lekgolo are now a Client Race of the Colonial Alliance]
[The Lekgolo are now at war with the Turian Hierarchy] You start with the Aspects, Living Weapon & Biotic Barren.
You can have 5 more Atributes. That add up to 3 or less points.
Xenophilic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic
The Turians are the friends of the Lekgolo, through them we reached new heights and went from lowly colonies reaching beyond a few moons, to a stellar nation that stands strong. The Alien cam be our friend.
Curious (1)
The Lekgolo have always wondered what was beyond our lowly home, now as we see the stars and travel we only have more questions.
Flashy (1) Mutually exclusive with Frugal
Only the cutting edge is the best from the strongest guns to the best armor, only the best is good enough.
Frugal (1) Mutually exclusive with Flashy
Why should the Lekgolo waste time playing keep up and catch up, why waste money on the newest thing when an older model still works?
Traders (1)
Resources flow, goods flow, each gestalt can gain so much more by trade then they could from work alone.
Paranoid (1)
The Turians came from beyond the stars to use us, they came and bent us to their will, we were not prepared, but we will never not be prepared again.
Blunt (1) Mutually exclusive with Cultured
Why waste time with extra words when wee can say what is needed to be said.
Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
Each of ou is a flower in bloom our ships are art works, our cities living sculptures.
Weird (1) Unlocks unique technologies and gameplay options
The galaxy can't quite follow what's going on in a gestalts head, perhapse they think us odd.
Ugly (-1)
Our bioluminescence at just the wrong color, our deep vibrating voices, perhapse just being many long worms. Something about our nature puts other races off of us.
Attractive (1)
We glow in just the right was, our voices boom. Something about us attracts other races.
Manifest Destiny (1)
The Lekgolo will Spread, every area of the galaxy will hold our beings, the stars themselves are ours for the taking.
Ruthless (1)
We do what must be done, no mater the cost.
Slippery (1)
Our thoughts are fast, our actions quick while one may expect the lumbering form of most are gestalts to be cumbersome we are anything but.
Spiritual (1)
Their is more to life then what can be seen or measured. More to life then the physical.
Proud (1)
We are the Lekgolo our history is ritch our peoples strong understand we are strong. It is our strength that will guard the Alliance our will that will stand before the Hierarchy.
Warrior (1)
We are strong we are ment to find ourselves on the battlefield the Alliance may have uplifted us but our strength of arms has been known for ages.
Pacifist (-1) Exclusive with warrior
While the Allianice is fighting for survival the Lekgolo find that they should not enjoy were and should avoid it whenever possible.
Slow (-1) Exclusive with flashy
The Lekgolo even very large gesalts have a hard time focusing, while it would be wrong to call them dumb they are slower at finding out new things.
Submissive (-1) Exclusive with proud
The Lekgolo have been change by the Alliance, perhapse it's for the best the Lekgolo will follow others leads.
-warrior : This galaxy is full of danger and conflicts. We must be ready to fight for our liberty and our expansion.
-Attractive : I like this trait. And It's better to make us friends or build good relations with other species.
-Blunt and cultured : Good combination who help us to developp our civilisation and relations with other species. I like the idea to play cultured warriors ^^
-Weird : I'm interesting with the uniques technologies and gameplay options.
Uses google. Phew!
Good thing it's a cool race. Is it weird that, for me, the most interesting thing for these guys is the hunters size difference with the grunts?
Basically, look at the hunters size, and then the grunt. They prove that humanoid forms can be that big and be relatively nimble. That means if not for the turkey necked fuckboys the grunts could have made hunter sized mechs and ride them like knightmare frames in the torso! The grunts could have potentially had mech fights during an infantry battle for everyone else! Like macross.
Weird (1) Unlocks unique technologies and gameplay options
The galaxy can't quite follow what's going on in a gestalts head, perhapse they think us odd.
It's a bunch of worms that make a colony organism for combat. This is literally the weirdest thing in canon mass effect. Also being biotic barren means we would better have some non conventional stuff to trip up our enemies.
Ugly (-1)
Our bioluminescence at just the wrong color, our deep vibrating voices, perhapse just being many long worms. Something about our nature puts other races off of us.
Looks nice, would have loved flashy but i prioritise weird to leverage asymetry. I mean technically we don't have to be humanoid right? We could just have a hive mind tank crew. Kind of like biological brain uploads in a way.
Looks nice, would have loved flashy but i prioritise weird to leverage asymetry. I mean technically we don't have to be humanoid right? We could just have a hive mind tank crew. Kind of like biological brain uploads in a way.