havocfett you already have a fucking muslim mecha quest

please don't start another one

i really liked that one ;_;

The protagonist of hathihul wasn't even muslim though.

also vote locked.
Adhoc vote count started by Havocfett on Dec 6, 2017 at 2:26 AM, finished with 26 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Satisfied
    [X] Only past coworkers
    [X] Disney
    [X] Neutral
    [X] Head to the Canteen
    [X] Satisfied
    [X] Only past coworkers
    [X] Disney
    [X] Very Unfavorable
    [X] CGVD
    [X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
    [X] Satisfied
    [X] Only past coworkers
    [X] Disney
    [X] Neutral
    [X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
    [X] Head to the Masjid. There aren't many people there but it's peaceful, the drones aren't legally allowed to pester you until you leave, and you like some of the regulars.
    [X] Head to the VIP Lounge. Technically you're not allowed in there but one of the diplomats likes you and he makes great tea.
    [X] Satisfied
    [X] Only my family
    [X] Disney
    [X] Neutral
    [X] Head to the Launch Deck. You get on well with some of the engineers and you might get a turn to mess with the printer
    [X] Satisfied
    [X] Only past coworkers
    [X] Disney
    [X] Very Unfavourable
    [X] CGVD
    [X] Go to the Masjid
    [x] Incredibly Satisfied
    [x] Only my friends
    [x] Polaris Northstar
    [x] Very Favorable (Selects 'Neutral')
    [x] Mehmet and Mary's Eateries (Selects 'CGVD')
    [x] Saifullah Technical Solutions
    [X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
    [X] Disney
    [X] Extremely Satisfied
    [X] My friends, family, and past coworkers
    [X] Disney
    [X] Very Unfavorable
    [X] CGVD
    [X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
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Usman wasn't the protagonist, it was Jonathan.
Um, no you're clearly wrong. I definitely remember Usman being the most combat capable and attractive member of the cast, who inherited his mech from a wise and accomplished legendary mecha pilot, and had a cute tsundere little sister. He was definitely the protagonist.
Fatih ||
Fatih II

The Kipling's Pilot's Canteen might not've been the nicest you've ever patronized, but it was sure as hell the most expensive. Nowhere to be seen were harsh plastics, alloys, and synthmaterials, here everything was made of wood and worked stone and hand-forged metal, most emblazoned with a crafter's mark. From the swinging doors to the food replicators to the benches, aesthetics, comfort, and common decency all gave way to an ostentatious display of the sheer money afforded to the Mech Corps. Printed goods were below the Pilots, anyone in this room who survived their tour of service would leave a rich man and no-one could be allowed to forget that.

The warm browns of the wooden walls were divided into thirty six alcoves, each hosting a food replicator. Thirty of the alcoves also bore an impromptu shrine, the name of a theatre the Kipling had served in, emblazoned well above head height, and a single piece of hand-made artwork from that theater. Here one of the demonic statues of Sirius VII, there a clean portrait of a dead pioneer from the Ganges Supercluster, and there beautiful calligraphy from Assad's Hope. Each was a memory of a campaign, battles won and lost, planets subjugated, regimes toppled, legends forged on the great frontier.

And, in the case of one, a legend yet to be formed. "Rubicon" is engraved above it in the same grand lettering as all the others, but no art yet graces the niche. You slide in, admiring the penmanship as you thumb through the replicator menu. All the Disney prices are up post-survey but you thumb to their specialty menu anyways. It's probably your last trip to the canteen before Rubicon, you might as well treat yourself.

You head to the tables, a picture-perfect platter of beef satay and mango juice in hand. There're a dozen pilots in the canteen, most juniors gathered around the centermost table. A steady chant of "Mouse, mouse, mouse!" rises from their ranks as you sit down. A moment later, a pair of old friends join you.

Hisham, well, Barber while you're in public, joined up with you after the clusterfuck that was the War for Q-5. Your first and fastest friend since you joined up, and your wingman for a time before you both started getting promotions. He has a cup of coffee in his hand, still steaming, and grins as you shake hands and exchange salaams.

Valiant's a stocky woman from the Tzu Shoals. Twitchy as anything, bit of a coward, and you're pretty sure she has a stim habit she's hiding, but she hit Ace-in-a-Day on her second mission and she's never bitched about her callsign so she's golden in your books. She's got an entire synthesized chicken in one hand and is tearing into it while Barber talks. You don't shake hands or greet each other and she prefers it that way.

"Kaifak brother?" asks Barber, "Got a full or a half?"

"Ah, appreciating the fruits of my opinions," you say, "Have a forty, might pull for a full if something looks worth it. And you?"

Barber nods in sympathy over short breaks and Survey Days. "I've been honored with doubles for a week, some extra money to send home." You wince in sympathy, double shifts suck and landing them because you called home too much is worse. "Lighter news, Echo Squadron's hazing Mouse. I was gonna take over but I think you've got ten minute's seniority."

"What're they hazing him over?" you ask, "He turn out married?"

Valiant chuckles at the possibility. Barber's a bit more amused. "You didn't hear?" says Barber, "Our little Disney Contractor's a clean slate. Didn't see any action in the Core."

Your eyes perk up. "We're bloodying Mouse at Rubicon?" you ask.

"Na'am, brother," replies Barber, "Turns out the only thing keeping you out was your ugly mug."

"Thazza big one though," says Valiant between mouthfuls. There's a pause as she waits for a reaction, the stutters her way through a follow up, "Cause, well, you're reaaaaal ugly, yeah?"

You wave her off and look over the crowd around the Kipling's only Disney contractor. Echo squadron's new, no-one there's been here more than two years, and you're technically in in front of Barber. Which means you get to be responsible for poor, Drunken Mouse for the next few hours.

You're definitely asking for a shift extension. Who cares if you're first into Rubicon, you're not passing up fucking with the new guy.

What are you gonna do to Mouse?

[ ] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[ ] He's a coreworlder. He's probably got media access you can't even dream of. You could watch stuff that came out last month! No, even better, you can watch stuff that came out today! Watch some movies on his budget.
[ ] Get him in the driver's seat of a shuttle and push it a few klicks from the ship. The actual pilot will be around to puppet the thing, but his reaction when he wakes up should be hilarious.
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

Let's be honest, what's the point of getting someone hilariously drunk if you have access to Printers and then don't use it? If you can't create a lifelong object of shame and/or fond rememberance for the newbie (however long his life will actually be), what good is being alive at all??
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

Drunk creation best creation.
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Who cares if you're first into Rubicon, you're not passing up fucking with the new guy.
Good to see he's got his priorities straight, and the military still hasn't changed.

[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

I'm very tempted by abusing his media access, but this is the equivalent of drawing dicks all over his face with Sharpies while he's passed out, and therefore tradition demands we do this.
I have high hopes he will manage to come up with a 3D printed Dickbutt.
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

It is vitally important to uphold the Regimental Traditions.
Truly this is the cyberpunk hellscape worthy of the Disney corporation.

[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

Bad Dragon is now also a subsidiary of Disney, so they should already have plenty of dick sculpts on file. First they turn you into a furry then they sell you the dicks, it's a two-pronged assault.
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[x] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

As pleasant as it would be to abuse Mouse's media access, Eternal Humiliation(tm) sounds like it would pay off more in the long run!
[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.
[X] He's a coreworlder. He's probably got media access you can't even dream of. You could watch stuff that came out last month! No, even better, you can watch stuff that came out today! Watch some movies on his budget.

...they made a sequel to what? What? It's a reboot with fully digitally synthesized versions of the original actors? What?
I too, am excited we're getting a new Frozen movie for the first time in forever.

Alas, humiliating the newbie by getting them to 3D print something ridiculous and embarassing is too tempting, so we'll have to let it go.
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[X] Put this poor bastard at the wheel of one of the Military Printers, see what sort of horrorshow his drunken mind plops out. Maybe let engineering in on the fun. Decent odds he makes a penis, better odds you can file it as his own, personal copyrighted content for all eternity.

It turns out surgery fucking sucks.

While this means an inevitable delay to the update while I get my Everything in working order (Which you have, uh, already experienced) it also means I've got some time where I'm not doing jackshit else so I can answer questions and the like if you have any.

Also I'll preview the vote for discussion as an apology.

Your mech's a custom suit, tweaked over a decade of service. Tell me about it.

[ ] Disney Mechworks H-90 Handsome Prince, 'Ali'.

Disney Mechworks is a subsidiary of the ever-growing colonial octopus that is the Disney Corporation, and is famous as the company's first foray into military equipment. They haven't branched out much beyond mech production, a few small warship schematics, but they're a heavyweight in the market with a long line of aesthetically pleasing and aggressively marketed mechs.

The 'Ali' is a modified Handsome Prince, one of Disney's premier assault mechs. He's heavily armored, has insane straight line acceleration, and is equipped for a brawl. Head mounted vulcans, a dual-use alloy axe and assault shotgun, and a heavy mech-scale shield with integrated grapple line launchers and munition storage. Ali is a simple, high end mech for a simple, high end pilot. You get into melee fast and you rip the enemy to pieces while you're there.

[ ] Polaris Northstar 615-Garuda, 'Butterfly'.
Polaris Northstar is one of the oldest players in the colonial exploitation game, and has designed their mechs to match. They field a wide variety of machines specializing in pirate-hunting and dealing with large groups of inferior opponents, like rebel fighter squadrons or grunt mechs. Their reputation is unpleasant, and their PR team works overtime keeping stories from reaching the Core, but their output is good and rewards skillful piloting.

The 'Butterfly' is a modified Garuda, one of Northstar's premier high-agility hunter-killer schematics. You've taken an already zippy design and pushed it to new heights, arming it with enormous thrusters and maneuvering jets, fabber-equipped missile racks, a pair of chest mounted plasma rifles, and a beautiful, deadly high frequency shamshir for melee combat. She can outmaneuver anything else on the field, ripping apart hordes of lesser enemies with missile fire or dueling worthy pilots with her blade and blasters.

[ ] E+E NE-70 Fire Drake, 'Ifrit'.

E+E/Heavy Manufacturing Corpro is one of the older manufacturers in the galaxy, but the majority of their output isn't worth much. Cheap and generally reliable, but nothing special, fielded mostly by countries that can't afford industrial-scale licenses on anything else. They haven't had a standout design for over a century, and are a regular source of weird, blocky schematics they're sure will be the next big thing in duelist circles as a result. The Fire Drake is one of the few that actually worked. It's an odd design, boasting a thermonuclear engine and advanced active cooling systems, designed to work alongside an enormous variety of heavy energy weapons that would tax a weaker reactor.

A sane pilot puts in one gun and a few high-powered supplemental systems, giving them hard-to-match performance so long as the cooling holds up. The Ifrit mounts a small arsenal of integrated flamethrowers, particle beams, and blasters, carries a superheavy plasma thrower, has weaponized its heat vents for melee combat and spends the entirety of any pitched engagement riding the fine line between blowing itself up and blowing everything else up. The biggest threats to you on the battlefield are your reactor core melting down and enemy fire, in that order.

[ ] The Abdul Haqq Revenant, 'Ghul King'.

Abdul Haqq is...technically not a mech manufacturer. Legally they're some sort of freeware collective, a presence on the noosphere with unknown, if any, physical assets. They're a secretive distributor with an agenda of their own, providing information and licenses to those they deem worthy. They've been implicated in hacking, piracy, and illegal creation of Industrial and Military Printers, and thrown up as a cover by all sorts of terrorists and criminals who don't want to take the blame for their work. All sorts of rumors swirl about who they are, and what you need to do to earn a license, and why they do that they do. As one of the select few they've chosen, even you aren't sure why they quietly passed you the license you eventually turned into the Ghul King. The results, however, speak for themselves.

The Ghul King is a top of the line E-Warfare and command machine. Armed with a single plasma blade and an integrated set of disney-licensed magnetic cannons, it doesn't appear to be particularly impressive at first glance. However its electronic warfare and computer suites are second to none and the ordnance pods hanging from its back are filled with assault drones. You can pick a mech to death from a dozen angles, force a catastrophic meltdown in its support, shut down some of the galaxy's most advanced smart weapons systems, and coordinate a battlefield full of allied mechs. And on a good day, you can do those simultaneously.
No need to apologize, real life always takes priority my dude my man my dude.

[X] E+E NE-70 Fire Drake, 'Ifrit'.

Let's go for as much fire as humanly possible.
Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on Dec 15, 2017 at 12:38 PM, finished with 50 posts and 28 votes.