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Take up the Black Man's burden---
Ye cannot stoop to less.
Will not your fraud of "freedom"...

Take up the Black Man's burden---
Ye cannot stoop to less.
Will not your fraud of "freedom"
Still cloak your greediness?
But, by the gods ye worship,
And by the deeds ye do,
These silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the Black Man's burden---
Until the tail is told,
Until the balances of hate
Bear down the beam of gold.
And while ye wait remember
The justice, though delayed
Will hold you as her debtor
Till the Black Man's debt is paid.

As Witnesses to Allah is a real robot-toned quest set in an original sci-fi setting based heavily off of the currently-free Lancer RPG. The Players will be controlling Abdul Rahman Shahid, a mech pilot under contract with the Terran Sphere Colonial Government on the far reaches of space. You will be dealing with piracy, high octane combat, the geopolitics of the frontier, and a horrific system you are simultaneously product, victim, and tool of that sees people as a mere means of profit.

To this end, you will be following Shahid during his tour aboard the assault cruiser Kipling, starting with a low stakes mission to Rubicon Sector and escalating as you become ever-more tangled in the realities of the frontier.

"O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah even as against yourselves or your parents or your kin and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts lest ye swerve and if ye distort or decline to do justice verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do." Q 4:135​

You're praying fajr when the alarm starts going off. A high-pitched, aggressive beeping telling you that you, good sir, have the distinguished honor of Mandatory Surveying today! You do your best to shut it out, concentrating on the words of your prayer while mentally willing it to just go away, but it refuses. It instead distracts you with an endless litany of useless prattle you already know or don't care about. The time of your survey, the room your survey is in, the products they want to know about, your current consumption metrics, the companies they're asking about. A litany of worthless absurdity that haunts you through the end of your prayer and as you head for the door to start your shift.

You open your door, coming face to face with the ever-slouching form of your wingwoman, Yvette. She's a gangly five-eight, two inches taller due to her bubble helm, and then half a foot shorter from a truly aggressive slouch against her door. A non-regulation ring adorns one finger, a luxury that's cost her thousands in fines over your tour together. Her expression is neutral, her body language as inscrutable as ever, but it tells you she's having a far better morning than you are. "Abdu," she says. She spots the drone rising to follow you out of the room and nods in sympathy. "Survey day?"

"Reminder, Company policies remain enforced during off-duty hours. Violating the NDA on your survey will be punished with-" chimes the drone.

"Survey day," you say miserably, "You have something planned?"

"Enlai got into his timesheet. We've got an hour and a half," she says.

"Remember, all purchases are subject to review by CGVD for compliance with non-competition policies," chirps the drone.

"Mmm," you say, "Congrats. I won't keep you."

She flips you a thumbs up, and as you turn to walk away there's the distinctive buzz of a service pistol and the drone shuts up.

You smile, and make a note to get her something nice for her birthday next week. Then it's on to a long shift, a stupid survey, and a painfully short break.

Fill out your survey!

How satisfied are you with your work*:

[ ] Extremely Satisfied
[ ] Very Satisfied
[ ] Incredibly Satisfied
[ ] Satisfied

Who would you recommend CGVD as a contract broker to**?

[ ] My friends, family, and past coworkers
[ ] Only my friends
[ ] Only my family
[ ] Only past coworkers

Who do you prefer as your supplier of Quality Infotainment***?

[ ] Soundvision Multispectrum
[ ] Tri-Prong Interstellar
[ ] Polaris Northstar
[ ] Hunan Entertainment
[ ] Disney

What is your opinion on the current lack of an AI Ban by the Terran Sphere**?

[ ] Very Unfavorable
[ ] Unfavorable
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Favorable (Selects 'Neutral')
[ ] Very Favorable (Selects 'Neutral')

Which of the following is your favorite Multinutrient Designer***?

[ ] Pashim Fudz (Formerly Pashim Foodstuffs)
[ ] Disney
[ ] Thulaar Inc.
[ ] CGVD
[ ] Mehmet and Mary's Eateries (Selects 'CGVD')

Which of the following Arms Manufacturers are you most interested in***?

[ ] E+E/Heavy Manufacturing Corpro
[ ] Saifullah Technical Solutions
[ ] Disney
[ ] Polaris Northstar
[ ] Harrison Armory
[ ] Tri-Prong Interstellar

*CGVD reserves the right to use these answers for advertising purposes

**CGVD reserves the right to contact anyone you would recommend CGVD to for recruitment or proactive contracting purposes

***CGVD reserves the right to sell your responses to these questions, use these questions in advertisement, and tailor your shopping and browsing experiences based on your responses to these questions.

With that hell done with, you have forty minutes of free time today! What to do with it:

[ ] Head to the Launch Deck. You get on well with some of the engineers and you might get a turn to mess with the printer
[ ] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
[ ] Head to the VIP Lounge. Technically you're not allowed in there but one of the diplomats likes you and he makes great tea.
[ ] Head to the Masjid. There aren't many people there but it's peaceful, the drones aren't legally allowed to pester you until you leave, and you like some of the regulars.
[ ] Head to the Shooting Range. Nominally you're here to practice, in truth you're here to blow off steam and some of the targets look a lot like your recruiting officer.​
oh hey, another mech quest! Been looking forward to you doing something with Lancer for a while now.

How satisfied are you with your work*:

[X] Satisfied

's alright.

Who would you recommend CGVD as a contract broker to**?

[X] Only past coworkers

rip in pip.

Who do you prefer as your supplier of Quality Infotainment***?

[X] Disney

They refuse to die.

What is your opinion on the current lack of an AI Ban by the Terran Sphere**?

[X] Very Unfavorable

Fuck you, Mr. Drone.

Which of the following is your favorite Multinutrient Designer***?


Rip mehmet.

Which of the following Arms Manufacturers are you most interested in***?

[X] Disney

I want my mickey mouse grenade launcher.

[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

For real, I'd like to socialize. Get some feel for the characters, set some more of a tone. Maybe catch some fun worlbilting.
[X] Head to the Masjid. There aren't many people there but it's peaceful, the drones aren't legally allowed to pester you until you leave, and you like some of the regulars.

Cool, a place where the drones can't go. Let's go there.
[X] Head to the VIP Lounge. Technically you're not allowed in there but one of the diplomats likes you and he makes great tea.

Tea? Tea is life. Life is tea. Go get tea.
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only my family
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney
[X] Head to the Launch Deck. You get on well with some of the engineers and you might get a turn to mess with the printer

*Debates briefly with self*
Bah, maximum Disney
You paint a horrific picture of the far-off future and I will see you shot by a firing squad equipped with Disney™ Star Wars™ Episode CLVII™ The Force Strikes Back™ carbines with approved Darth Vader© and Kylo Ren© decals for this.

[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney

[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

That last part sounds like just the ticket after having to fill out that Google Overmind survey.

Actually since the acronym hasn't yet been explained I choose to believe it stands for Comcast-Google-Verizon-Disney. The real Axis of Evil.
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Very Unfavorable
[X] Disney
[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

The Drones are stealing our jobs!
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney

Always vote straight ticket Disney. The Mouse is Watching.
Disney copyright was extended to 'Indefinite' by the 55th Amendement, Brought to You By Disney Entertainment and Nike.

[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

Let's see who's suffering along with us! :) Morale is high!
[X] Satisfied

"CGVD boasts an unmatched 140% employee satisfaction level."

[X] Only past coworkers

Because fuck your past coworkers.

[X] Disney

[X] Very Unfavourable

Your mech AI is a bloody pain in the ass.


[X] Disney

Do combat gynoid princesses count as weapons?

[X] Go to the Masjid
Last edited:
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney

[X] Head to the Canteen

Our AI better be voiced by Goofy, hyuck!
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney

[X] Head to the Canteen
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Very Unfavorable
[X] Disney
[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

It's nice to see a mecha work where the muslim main character wasn't a child soldier who ends up losing his faith and then later ends up using a Japanese name for the rest of the story.
[X] Satisfied
[X] Only past coworkers
[X] Disney
[X] Neutral
[X] Disney
[X] Disney

[X] Head to the Canteen
[x] Incredibly Satisfied
[x] Only my friends
[x] Polaris Northstar
[x] Very Favorable (Selects 'Neutral')
[x] Mehmet and Mary's Eateries (Selects 'CGVD')
[x] Saifullah Technical Solutions

[x] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
[x] Incredibly Satisfied
[x] Only my friends
[x] Polaris Northstar
[x] Very Favorable (Selects 'Neutral')
[x] Mehmet and Mary's Eateries (Selects 'CGVD')
[x] Saifullah Technical Solutions

[x] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.

> Not voting Disney

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Ah, the feeling of the freedom to choose only the CGVD-approved right answer feels fantastic!

[X] Extremely Satisfied

Of course I am extremely satisfied, what, did you think I was going to lie to you?

[X] My friends, family, and past coworkers

Let's face it; my friends, family and past coworkers are all getting spammed anyway, so I know that they'll be treated better by CGVD, who will send them aggressively tailored messages specifically based around me!

[X] Disney

ah yes, I do like my FOX News morning television, with Donald and Hannity as cohosts, absolutely, swear on my honor!

[X] Very Unfavorable

Because why would I want AIs to take my job and/or the lives of all my bosses? I cannot possibly imagine any reason why!


See, I have the greatest company loyalty! The most company loyalty!

[X] Disney

But more importantly, companies, I have brand loyalty. Eh? Eh?

[X] Head to the Canteen. Pilots stick together, and everyone there knows how to bitch about your own personal brand of corporate misery without getting fined for it.
havocfett you already have a fucking muslim mecha quest

please don't start another one

i really liked that one ;_;