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In ancient times, Drae Plana was a friendly world.

The humans, elves, and orcs lived in peace...
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Chapter 1: Character Creation #1: Basics


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
In ancient times, Drae Plana was a friendly world.

The humans, elves, and orcs lived in peace with one another. This was disliked by the demons of the Nether, who sought to spread discord to spite the creations of the Gods. They challenged the peace by upsetting the balance. Brother fought brother, while friends waged war between each other. Before long, the demons manipulated the events further, controlling politicians and kings. Eventually, the world became split.

As time passed, the situation only worsened. Right now, Drae Plana is split between three, great kingdoms: Grae Vallintra, ruled by King Arael Vaesmor; the elven sovereign, Faylen, ruled by Richard the Great; the human monarch, and finally the United Tribes, ruled by Grand Chief Caas Ironhand. Drae Plana has many more kingdoms, however, none are such superpowers as the Great Trinity.

Little do they know, a new player is about to step in...

♦ ♦ ♦ ♛ ♦ ♦ ♦
Chapter 1
Character Creation #1: Basics

What is thy name?
[] Write-in. (Name.)

[] Male
[] Female

[] Human.
[] Elf.
[] Orc.
[] Write-in. (Anything that belongs in a Fantasy world.)

[] Write-in or Picture.

Select Archetype:
[] Monarch. The prince/ess of a kingdom, growing up among royalty. (+++Influence, +++Money.)
[] Peasant. The abandoned child of a peasant pair, growing up in a village. (++Strength, ++Willpower, ++Fellowship.)
[] Knight. A knight striving day and night to improve life for all, until now. (++Strength, ++Martial, +Stamina, +Fellowship.)
[] Slave. An enslaved child, taken to work in the fields and provide services to its masters. (+++Strength, +++Willpower.)
[] Sorcerer. The apprentice of a master wizard, now seeking knowledge and power. (+++Willpower, +++Magic.)
[] Samurai. A fallen novice warrior, who betrayed his master in search of strength. (++Strength, ++Martial, +Agility, +Spirituality.)
[] Priest. A member of the clergyhood, living in piety and love for all... until now. (+++Willpower, ++Spirituality, +Magic (Miracles.))
[] Paladin. A sister or brother of one of the orders of glorious knight-crusaders... until now. (+Strength, ++Martial, +Willpower, +Magic (Miracles,) +Stamina.)
[] Messiah. A being blessed by deities, come to earth to save mankind... now turned toward evil. (+++Willpower, +++Magic (Miracles.))
[] Dark Messiah. A being sent by the underworld to wipe the planet clean of any who would oppose your reign. (++++Willpower, ++++Magic (Dark,) --Fellowship.)
[] Fool. A simple fool, looking to find a way. (+Strength, +Agility, +Stamina, +Intelligence, +Perception, +Fellowship.)
[] Write-in. (Create your own Archetype. Spend up to 6 points on various attributes or abilities. You can take away already existing attributes for additional points, (ie: -Strength.) Must include a short backstory.)

What is your motivation?
[] Pride. Everything and everyone else is below you. It is only natural that they would submit. (++++++++Willpower, impossible to retreat from danger.)
[] Revenge. You resent this world and everything in it. It disgusts you. You don't sell your soul to evil for profit - no. You sell it to destroy the world. Let the universe burn. (++++++++Willpower, impossible to show mercy to any enemy for whatever reason.)
[] Love. You wish to bring forth equality to those who are unloved; goblins, orcs, ogres. All of them are hated by the 'mainstream' races. It is time to fix that. (++Willpower, ++++Popularity among Races marked as 'Unpopular,' or 'Hated.')
[] Lust and Greed. You love power above all else. You want as much of it as possible. You want to conquer the world. (++Strength, ++Stamina, ++Agility, ++Influence, -Fellowship, -Willpower.)
[] Unification. You wish to conquer Drae Plana, but not for the purpose of tyrannical rule. You wish to enforce equality in your rule and bring back the old days, of peace, stability, and security. (+++Fellowship, +++Popularity.)
[] Write-in. (Create your own motive. Spend up to 6 points on various attributes and abilities. You can take away already existing attributes for additional points, (ie: -Strength.) Must include a short backstory.)
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Character Sheet
Name: That Which Slumbers
Gender: n/a
Race: Gestalt of Spirits - Ring Body

Strength: 0 (20)
Stamina: 0 (20)
Agility: 0 (20)
Intelligence: 20
Perception: 20
Willpower: 75
Fellowship: 0

Mana Capacity: 1100
Mana Regeneration: 180 + Leyline & Node Bonus/Day

Traits & Skills:
Possession: Once put on, you can attempt to possess a victim's body through a contested Willpower roll. Each time you give the victim a command, you repeat the contested Willpower roll if the victim tries to resist. If the victim loses three Willpower rolls in a row, they lose 1 Willpower until you are taken off and unless they have protection. This stacks up. Each month, the victim automatically loses 1 Willpower until you are taken off and unless they have protection. This stacks up. Once the victim hits 10 Willpower, their body is essentially yours.
Spiritual Sensory Input: Despite not having things like eyes or ears, you hear and see normally around yourself.
Empowerment: You do not have inherent physical statistics. Instead, you transfer them to anyone wearing you.
Thaumaturgy - Talented (300/900): You are capable of stunning feats of magic. You have a basic aptitude for at least every single school of magic that exists, but your power often extends beyond that.
Merciless: Showing mercy is impossible. All rolls to spare an enemy fail automatically.

Host: Plague Doctor, "Dantis Farwynd."

Strength: 28 (48)
Stamina: 27 (47)
Agility: 17 (37)
Intelligence: 48
Perception: 45
Willpower: 35 (32)
Fellowship: 21

Mana Capacity: 115
Mana Regeneration: 1 + Leyline & Node Bonus/Day

Host's Items & Belongings:
Medical Tools: A Plague Doctor suit, scalpels, devices, potions, herbs, and healing tonics and pastes. Ingredients for potion-making. A supply of knives.
Office: A building in the middle of the bustling city. Has a table and everything a healer would need.

Host's Traits & Skills:
Healing - Fine: Dantis is a skilled doctor. He has experience
Magic - Undiscovered: Dantis has no idea he could make a decent mage.
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Before I write my vote up, how do you feel about a Spirit sealed inside object who whispers into the wielder's ear? Is that an acceptable idea for Character Creation or not?
Basic Attributes:
Strength - General muscle strength and ability to apply it in various situations. Lifting weights, carrying equipment, punching harder, breaking down doors, or restraining a captive.
Stamina - The resistance of the body to various other bodies. Tolerating extreme temperatures, resisting poison, resisting hunger, staving off damage, or disregarding pain.
Agility - Dexterity and speed, as well as the coordination of movement. Maintaining balance on a narrow surface, navigating treacherous terrain, running fast, managing to sneak an attack past the enemy's defense, or climbing.
Intelligence - The sum of knowledge and the ability to wisely use it. Recalling important events, remembering faces, solving puzzles, deducing the cause and effect of certain actions, or knowing how likely a mushroom is to kill you.
Perception - The ability to perceive things, especially concealed ones. Noticing a hidden enemy, gauging a person's attitude, sizing up a situation, locating a secret door, or noticing an odd detail.
Willpower - The fortitude of the mind. Resisting possession, mind control, torture, pain, or finding motivation to do things.
Fellowship - Social experience, charisma, intimidation and subterfuge. Seducing someone into buying you a drink, manipulating a guard, intimidating a thug, inspiring confidence in others, or making a good first impression.

The typical average is 20-30.

There's also Skills, like Martial Arts, Combat, Strategy & Tactics, certain schools of magic, etc, but there's too many of them to list.
[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers
-[X] That Which Slumbers
-[X] No Discernable Gender
-[X] Gestalt of Spirits
-[X] Sealed within a simple, unassuming ring, our true form is long lost, if we ever had one.
-[X] Primordial Will. An Ancient force robbed, wronged and forgotten by the World. (++++++++Magic (???), +Intelligence, ---Fellowship.)
-[X] Revenge. You resent this world and everything in it. It disgusts you. You don't sell your soul to evil for profit - no. You sell it to destroy the world. Let the universe burn. (++++++++Willpower, impossible to show mercy to any enemy for whatever reason.)
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[X] Eriessia Starbrow
[X] Female
[X] Elf.
[X] Monarch. The prince/ess of a kingdom, growing up among royalty. (+++Influence, +++Money.)
[X] Love. You wish to bring forth equality to those who are unloved; goblins, orcs, ogres. All of them are hated by the 'mainstream' races. It is time to fix that. (++Willpower, ++++Popularity among Races marked as 'Unpopular,' or 'Hated.')

Possibly she just has an orc kink.
[X] Plan Noble Overlord
-[X] [Name] Aleksandr
-[X] [Gender] Male
-[X] [Race] Human
-[X] [Appearance]
-[X] [Archetype] Fallen Hero. You are one of the heroes in this world who strive to create a better world... before you fall. (+++Willpower, +++Magic)
-[X] [Motive] A Better World. Even when you fall, your ideal to create a better world... is still there. (+++Fellowship, +++Popularity)

The idea is that our character is a hero, but fall because seeing his action can't change everything. But instead of giving up, he will try another way, even if he becomes a 'villain.'

In other word... a necessary evil villain.

Yeah... I'm one of those old boring cliche.

Speaking of which...

By Overlord in the title... do we contracted darkness?
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[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers

My only issue is that we aren't a gestalt being composed of many souls constantly whispering in our wielder's ear. :V
[X] Justine the Unwanted
[X] Female
[X] Half-Elf
[X] The Unwanted Bastard. The daughter of Elven Nobility, and a Human Warrior, unwanted by both, they had to rely on what training they could obtain to make their place. Fortunately their blood on both sides was strong, especially with the magical inheritance from their mother, untrained as it is. (+Strength, +Agility, +Stamina, +Intelligence, +Perception, +Willpower, +Martial, +Magic, -Fellowship, -Influence.)
[X] Unification. You wish to conquer Drae Plana, but not for the purpose of tyrannical rule. You wish to enforce equality in your rule and bring back the old days, of peace, stability, and security. (+++Fellowship, +++Popularity.)

I figure that we can create a story here... Her father was a human warrior who... let's just say was never in the picture, and her mother was very happy about that fact. Unfortunately she had you... The reminder... So growing up you were always the outsider, despite the beauty you inherited from your mother. Your status also left you reaching for every training opportunity that you find which left you with little actual skill at anything, but a well trained body and mind. Reaching the age of majority, you left for the human lands, to see if you could find a place there. Instead there was only mockery and insults about your elven heritage. Finally, one day, you screamed your despair into a clearing in a forest and shouted that you would serve whoever could help you remove the prejudice from the world... and the Shadows replied.

Yeah, the boosts are a bit scattered, I started with the 'Fool' and 'Unification', decided to swap the Fellowship boost for a Magic+Willpower boost to go with a Fellowship negative, then started thinking about what sort of story that type of character would have. The rest came from there.

This a valid write-in @Birdsie ?
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[X] Plan The World Shall Burn
-[X] Xarius Tein
-[X] Male
-[X] Drow
-[X] Drow appearance
-[x] Dark Messiah. A being sent by the underworld to wipe the planet clean of any who would oppose your reign. (++++Willpower, ++++Magic (Dark,) --Fellowship.)
-[X] Revenge. You resent this world and everything in it. It disgusts you. You don't sell your soul to evil for profit - no. You sell it to destroy the world. Let the universe burn. (++++++++Willpower, impossible to show mercy to any enemy for whatever reason.)

A pretty straightforward archetype, though rarely played as such.
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[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers
I like it. Straight up evil not that half-assed well-intentioned shit.
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[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers

My only issue is that we aren't a gestalt being composed of many souls constantly whispering in our wielder's ear. :V
That can change.

[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers
-[X] That Which Slumbers
-[X] No Discernable Gender
-[X] Gestalt of Spirits
-[X] Sealed within a simple, unassuming ring, our true form is long lost, if we ever had one.
-[X] Primordial Will. An Ancient force robbed, wronged and forgotten by the World. (++++++++Magic (???), +Intelligence, ---Fellowship.)
-[X] Revenge. You resent this world and everything in it. It disgusts you. You don't sell your soul to evil for profit - no. You sell it to destroy the world. Let the universe burn. (++++++++Willpower, impossible to show mercy to any enemy for whatever reason.)
Changes is red.

Being a gestalt, gender isn't really a thing a primordial force made up of multiples would have. Also changed every reference of "you" to "we" or "our" to better reflect our Gestalt-ness. Maybe we can even absorb embrace our wielder into the fold when they die!

Speaking of which, I deducted two points from Intelligence and transfered them to Magic to represent how senile ages of slumber affected our gestalt. There's a spark of intelligence under the writhing mass of anger, but only just. With time, maybe a treasure trove of knowledge could be uncovered.
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[X] Plan Seal of That Which Slumbers

Let's go for real evil this time, I was severly dissapointed by the last villain quests one where the PC want to achieve a good goal by evil means and the other a half-hearted villain who end up helping his enemies anonimously.
[X] Plan It's For Your Own Good
-[X] Lady Ishaza
-[X] Female
-[X] Half-Demon
-[X] Archetype: Charlatan Priestess. ++Fellowship, ++Perception, ++Intelligence, +Agility, +Magic (Illusions), --Spirituality
-[X] Motive: Love. ++Willpower, ++++Popularity among Races marked as 'Unpopular,' or 'Hated.'
This Ring of Solomon idea that @Hannz created is going to be beautiful.

I wonder if our hella potent Willpower stat means we're more capable of possession...
Honestly, I'm kind of tempted by Hannz's idea myself. It's cool.

BUT I also really like the idea of a seeming Priestess working on behalf of the unloved to raise them up above those that have hurt them cruelly, to make them the masters and those that crushed them slaves, to turn the world upside-down and inside-out and remake it in her own image.

... Is there any reason that the ring's bearer must necessarily be a mere pawn?
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