Why not postpone the debt?[X] Plan GTABIS
(Get The Army Back In Shape)
Financial Actions:
[] None interest me ATM
Its expected value is
0.75*(101300*.01 - 100)+0.25*(-100)
You are leaving alot of money on the table.
Why not postpone the debt?[X] Plan GTABIS
(Get The Army Back In Shape)
Financial Actions:
[] None interest me ATM
And yet, you apparently didn't vote on this turn, nor put up your own plan. But you still attempt to dictate to the thread, and, though I'm sure it was not your intention, seemingly to the thread QM. There is a difference between "Please don't leave sections, such as financial, blank, it is annoying." and your phrasing of "The blank financial section annoys me. Please don't do that again." That reads like you're telling the thread, and having posted immediately after the thread OP, the OP themselves, that your opinion matters more than theirs and that they will listen to you if they want to keep their jobs.The blank financial section annoys me. Please don't do that again.
We need to be doing everything we can to enhance our regrowth, while avoiding the things too upsetting.
Yes, we want to be lowering our debt, but we've discussed this and while it would be ideal to not go further into debt, it is acceptable for the purposes of increasing our wealth generation and position, with the caveat of it being an ensured thing.
Yeah dont do that, thats the essence of bad debatingThe blank financial section annoys me. Please don't do that again.
We need to be doing everything we can to enhance our regrowth, while avoiding the things too upsetting.
Yes, we want to be lowering our debt, but we've discussed this and while it would be ideal to not go further into debt, it is acceptable for the purposes of increasing our wealth generation and position, with the caveat of it being an ensured thing.
And yet, you apparently didn't vote on this turn, nor put up your own plan.
I still find it personally annoying that someone left a section we could have done SOMETHING to benefit ourselves blank because they didn't like the options.
I don't think that the options presented are good ones to take right now, so I left the section blank.
What didn't you like about a 75% chance to reduce our debt by about 900 credits? How was that not immediately useful?If I either don't like or really understand the options presented, why should I put something in there? Just to 'fill up all our actions?' What use does it serve to do that? I don't think that the options presented are good ones to take right now, so I left the section blank. What's wrong with that? Would you object with leaving the Military or Industrial section blank if none of the options presented were immediately useful to us?
Postponing literally means that a year's worth of interest is waived (saving 900 credits total). It doesn't mean adding the interest to our debt.not a big fan of postponing it might as well keep paying it down. just my opinion on it.
Use double downs. Also I'd say it's better to build some interceptors, and swap second industrial action for more profitable factories.
Huh, I could have sworn I did double down on XCOM action. Only for this one though, as other actions have good enough chances and doubling on them would be an overkill.Use double downs. Also I'd say it's better to build some interceptors, and swap second industrial action for more profitable factories.